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Relentless Desire

Page 16

by Jacqwin Hess

  The worst shopping trip turned into the best shopping trip she’d ever had when she came out of the Chanel store, a new purse on her shoulder and her old and ugly one in the Chanel shopping bag—those snobby women from that children’s store walked by, stopped, and gawked. TJ was on the ready, trunk open, and setting the last of her packages in the back with all the others. He opened her door, letting her in first, and then put the bag in the back. Good Lord, it was positively overflowing, but most of them were gifts for the family and the Chanel bag?...her ex-husband just paid for it.

  “Okay, this is the plan, Miss Vale,” TJ called out to her, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. “I’m going to back into the alley and pop the trunk. You go straight to the door and unlock it while I grab all the packages and get you in as quickly as possible. You can’t be seen with all of those bags or you’ll get robbed and…god knows what else if you happen to be home when they try to break in. Got it?”

  “Yes. I have my keys ready.”

  “Good. Then, you’re going to go and do what you need to do, change or whatever, for the girls’ party you were called about. I’ll take you and then bring you back home.”

  “That’s too much—Fine,” she pouted when she saw that certain look he gave her, knowing he would just follow her. She sighed and looked away, staring at the window, not knowing what to think. She was getting really mad at Sebastian Darvaine’s high-handed—

  “He doesn’t know, Miss Vale. Boss. I’m doing this on my own. He just asked me to stay with you and see you back safely, and so I’m making the decision myself to stay on with you for today. He has another driver now and I…make some extra dough, so it all works out good. Besides, isn’t it cool to be chauffeured?” he asked and she smiled at him, rolling her eyes.

  “Yeah, by the coolest chauffeur ever!”

  “Damn straight!”

  “Are you kidding?!” Laney replied, dropping back down after refilling everyone’s wine glass and staring wide-eyed at Adri. All of them were in shock; first when she arrived in a chauffeured limousine and then she told them about her ‘date’ with none other than the gorgeous and incredibly sexy Sebastian Darvaine.

  “You slept with him, didn’t you?!”

  “NO! On a first date?!” Adri cried out and then pressed her lips together, her smile breaking across her face and all the girls shouted out laughing at her, her face bright red.

  “Oh god, you did!”

  “No I did not! UGH! Yes, we slept together, but nothing happened! It wasn’t like that and he was a perfect gentleman. I swear! Honestly, he didn’t–wouldn’t touch me.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “We had an…incredible kissing moment—god can the man kiss! But, that was it and when we slept?...we slept and then morning came. He rushed into the shower, I used the other one and then we packed up and left because he had business to get back to. And the whole time we were there he was always on the phone or checking his text or emails, so…it was a different type of date for sure. I almost felt sorry for him.”

  “You don’t, right?” the girl named Amy replied. “It’s Darvaine’s business and his choice to have the life he does and his choice to answer or not. He doesn’t really have to. I wouldn’t like it one bit and I wouldn’t stand for it. You’re either with me or work, pick one or the other, whichever one is the most important. That’s what I would have told him!”

  Yeah…Right! They all thought, knowing what Amy was doing and Adri just shrugged.

  “I didn’t care—I mean, I did, sort of, but…I was just glad to be out of the city and wherever he’d taken me to. It was incredible and so beautiful, never having been to the Catskills before. You can’t ask me where we went, because I don’t have a clue. He turned off on some windy road, over the hills and then onto some house.”

  “You weren’t afraid to go off with him alone like that? Even if it was Darvaine. Those high faulting men are known to be ah—”

  “Don’t go there, because he’s not one of those types of men. He doesn’t have to force a woman to get her or even pay for it–come on now. Victoria, Stan, and two couples they were with all saw us leave. I waved good-bye to them, so they knew I was with him—having the same expression you all just had when they saw us. So we had a nice time and he’s looking forward to date number two, though last Saturday’s party turned into—”

  “The party, but I thought that was canceled or….”

  “It was for everyone else, but Sebastian showed after all and we had a wonderful time. We stayed in and he stayed with me all night, just like the Catskills. It was so nice,” she replied and sighed, thinking about how it felt as if it’s been forever since they last spoke.

  Again, they hooted out and laughed, happy for her, except for two of them who just kept quiet and gave obvious fake smiles. The two sourpuss girls asked if they could all get back to the reason they were there—to discuss the books they’ve recently read and loved. So Adri started and kept the subject on books, not wanting to tell them any more about Sebastian or anything between them. When it was over, she went down and TJ held the door open for her and then got in. “Aw! He’s not here! Well, fuck-a-duck.” She wanted to be surprised and have him there!

  “Considering the condition you’re in, I ah…wouldn’t figure you’d want to be with him and let him see you snockered like this.”

  “I’m not snockered!” she whined pitifully up at him. “I’m no drunk. Just…a light weight, but I’m not snockered!” she shouted up at him and then huffed, twisting her lips up at him. “Well, maybe just a little.”

  “I’d say a lot!”

  “Fine!” She dropped back against the seat as he shut the door. He went around and got in, seeing her back home safe and sound. She passed out on her bed from all the wine the second she hit it.

  “Is she okay—” Sebastian backed up as TJ jumped and hissed out at him, having scared him when he came up behind him. “Sorry,” he replied, coming on up the steps and stopping when he looked into the room, her on top of the bed, dressed, and asleep. He stepped in to that…thing she slept in, the closet-like apartment and glancing down, seeing the hole in the grate and knew instantly what it was from. He couldn’t help but smile, laughing a little.

  He looked back to her, remembering the last time he’d been in there. She had been so upset over the failed party that he hadn’t really paid any attention to things around him, actually just trying to block it all out and ignore it when he came in that night. He just had his concentration on her and making her night better, making the best of a shitty day. Work had been crappy, then he learned about the missed text, her being shafted by her guests–her friends, which he now knew were more Victoria’s friends and she invited them. Adri was so sweet and didn’t have a clue when she was facing a group of vipers.

  He reached under her ankle and lifted her foot, pulling off her heel. He managed to take the other off just as she turned onto her side and taking the blanket with her. He huffed with a grin and finished covering her up. Once she was cared for, he looked about her place, going into the bathroom and finding aspirin for her in the medicine cabinet. He sighed and gave a slight shake of his head, feeling like the walls were literally closing in on him. This place made him sick, angry almost that she was living like this. He really wanted to grab her up and make her stay with him. If only, but we’re nowhere near being that kind of...well, shit, we aren’t anything yet. They had run into each other here and there and even had two platonic dates. Even though he had fooled around with her some, it had been the more tender, affectionate moments that stuck with him most. There was an instant connection that he just couldn't explain, having never felt anything like it before.

  He got her water from the kitchen and started to set it on the old trunk she was using as a coffee table. He stopped when he saw a bit of paper sticking out from the trunk. He turned and set the aspirin and water on the kitchen counter, then went back and lifted the lid to the trunk. He retrieved the old photo and
looked, seeing Adri and some familiar faces at an old dirt track. It was two of the guys and one of the girl’s from the Denver airport the day he first met her. She was in the driver’s seat, a crash helmet on and the car looked all banged up. There were several cars around them. Did Adri race cars?! No. He couldn’t believe it. She must have just been playing around and posed for the picture. He carefully sat down on the end of her bed and pushed the trunk the rest of the way up, finding a photo album and picked it up, looking through it. The pictures was of her with the black man, her best friend, Dausyn Holt, a bunch of pictures of them all up at Lake Powell and Adri just looking sexy as hell in her green bikini that matched her eyes. Stunning.


  He froze after he looked back at her and then quietly put everything back before she woke up and caught him snooping. The trunk is something he’d have to search through with her on another day. He stood and looked down at her one last time. She was asleep, which had his lips curving up in a grin, loving that he was in her dream and his name on her lips as she slept. Sa-weet! He instantly felt his body react to the sound of his name on her lips and backed away. Realizing he had done all he could for her, he turned and left. If he stayed, he seriously feared taking advantage of her and…he did not want their first time to be with her in a drunken stupor and in there…in that horrid place she dwelled in. If he wasn’t mistaken…all of the new lingerie she just bought was in a paper bag in her tiny cubbyhole that served as a closet! “Oh…fuck me, something has to change.”

  He had to get her the hell away from there–in some way or another!

  That next morning, Sunday, when he got into work he was immediately thinking of Adri and searching for a better place for her to live. He got no further than a quick glance over his schedule and he received news about a hot new up and coming Tech Company in Japan that could rival his own in Hong Kong. In a matter of hours he was in the air flying there to check it out and typed in a text to Adri.

  Sebastian: Out of the country on business. Will get back with you when I return.

  Adri: OK B careful.

  Chapter Eight

  Adri came to her feet when Victoria stepped up behind her from the other room. Her brow lifted when she saw her with the iPad. It was weird, Vic had yet to ask her about her first date with Sebastian or about backing out on her party. She never asked if anyone ever came or even how it went, nothing. Adri didn’t give her anything, either; she was still too embarrassed about it. Even though she shouldn’t have been since it turned out awesome with Sebastian coming over. The thing she found most embarrassing was her belief that he only came because she had sent him a text. Freaking pitiful. She looked back down to the iPad and then back up to Vic, taking her seat. “Sebastian sent it over, but…I haven’t used it yet.”

  “Well, don’t you think you should get on it?! How long have you had it?”

  “Um…last week; since Tuesday. I’m debating whether or not to keep it,” Adri answered. She moved out of the way as Victoria stepped up and pushed the button, snickering as she read over her icons.

  “Let’s see how badly he wants you and if he’s been thinking about you,” Victoria snidely commented and touched the Skype icon. Adri immediately jumped forward with a gasp and froze, slapping her hands over her mouth. The screen fired up and seconds later, his face appeared on the screen. Adri’s mind was just spinning. He’s back! Oh god. When did he get back? Ooh, he’s so yummy, sexy, and beautiful.

  He was instantly angry and shouted at Victoria. “Why do you have the iPad?” he shouted at the screen and watched as Victoria grabbed Adriaunn, pulling her in sight and shoving her down into the chair before him. “Oh. Sorry.” Not really, bitch, since I actually hate you now!

  “That was an awfully quick response time, Mr. Darvaine. Sitting on pins and needles?” Vic replied and gave him a wink, to which he didn’t verbally respond to. Instead, he twisted his lips and bit on the inside of his cheek, silently admitting that he had been—or maybe not. “Say hello, Adri.”

  “Hello, we were just…playing with the thing and…” Adri was barely able to speak as she stared at his gorgeous face. She could see he was in his black tailored suit with a blue silk tie that matched his beautiful light blue eyes. God, he’s stunning. She was unable to take her eyes off of him as he sat back, running a hand down his tie and grinning at her.

  “Hello, Adri; I must say, that color is extremely beautiful on you. What is that…?”

  “Plum,” she nervously answered back, smoothing a hand down her dark purple skirt.

  “Hmm, I may have to buy some sheets in that color,” he replied, seeing Victoria tense behind Adri. He knew what she was doing, dreaming of him in her own bed. God I really hate that woman. Vic is such a two-faced cunt! He ignored Vic and watched Adri’s sweet little mouth part in shock, knowing what he wanted those sheets for. He was pleased to watch her smile over it. The man was so smug and confident; Adri just shook her head and rolled her eyes at him.

  “And thank him for the extravagant gift.”

  “Oh yes, thank you, it’s quite wonderful. I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to use it yet.”

  “And the other?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and smiling at her. He watched her jaw drop, eyes flash wide, and cheeks turn bright pink. “You’re quite lovely when you blush.”

  “Yes, the iPad case is nice too—I love the white leather.”

  “Ha, iPad case my ass,” Victoria cut in. Sebastian stopped smiling and looked coldly up at her as she put up her hands. “All right-all right, I’ll leave you two to talk alone. I’ll take care of your four o’clock when he gets here. Do be sure to invite Sebastian to the dinner party here tonight, Adri.”

  She turned in her chair, looking up at Victoria. “Ah…Mr. Darvaine?”

  “Yes, Sebastian. Invite him. And ah…considering what he wants to do to you on plum colored sheets, I think it’s safe to say you may call him by his given name now. And the gifts.” She emphasized the ‘s’ and then smiled down as she started up the stairs to her office. “Invite him tonight.”

  “He might be busy,” Adri stated. Then, with Victoria glaring at her, she looked down to Sebastian. He was staring at her with a brow cocked, waiting for her to speak. “Oh, um…they’re having a small dinner party here tonight at The Gallery and she said you were invited if you’d like to come join us.”

  What-the fuck! Was she serious?! Did I just hear her correctly?! Victoria is now throwing a dinner party at The Gallery?! No fucking way. The cunt sabotages Adri’s party there at The Gallery and is now throwing one of her own. He suddenly had evil envisions of him holding Victoria’s head and slamming it over and over into the pavement. That troll bitch! It took everything he had to stay calm, clenching his hands under the table, and pressing a tight smile on his lips for Adri. He began thinking about the two of them finally being together instead of the violence he’d like to commit to Victoria.

  “And what do you want, Adri? Do you want me to?”

  She knew what he was asking and what he wanted to hear—putting her directly on the spot. She stared at him for a long time before she nodded. “Yes. Yes, I do. I mean…if you want to and…you don’t have other plans–aren’t too busy. I know how consuming your work is.” she replied and then licked her upper lip. “I’d like you to come.”

  He couldn’t possibly miss the double meaning; the way she licked her lips and just…stared at him. He stared right back at her with the same intensity, his pants suddenly getting tighter as he instantly hardened. He was going to finally fuck her tonight, or at least get a little action of some kind. She finally broke the spell, blinking her eyes and shaking her head, then clearing her throat.

  “So um…I take it you’re at work?”

  “Always, even when I’m not at work…I’m working.”

  “Speaking of, don’t you have some important meeting, conference, or appointment to attend?” She replied, wanting to ask him when he got back in town, but didn’t wan
t to sound like a harpy, not when they’re just starting to know each other and date.

  “Well, part of the perks of owning the company, as a brilliant gorgeous woman once told me, is getting to decide when the meetings begin and what appointments I want to take or not take. Apparently, I need to exercise the privilege more often. Things happen here on my time, when I’m good and ready–well, they’re starting to now anyway. I just got back from Japan three this morning, but I slept most of the way in, so that was good. I’m trying to work on trying to back off and let others do their job; taking the advice a very smart girl I once took up to the Catskills. A very sexy, beautiful woman I’m beginning to adore.”

  “Ooh,” she moaned and again, found herself staring at him. Her body was on fire, hard, needy, and aching to feel this man’s body over hers, taking hers, and touching hers. “So ah…do you like the painting you bought? You’re not sorry yet?”

  “Not in the least. I’ll have fondest memories every time I look upon it.”

  “Where did you hang such a painting?”

  “In a special room in the house. One that I hope you will grace with your beautiful presence one day.”

  “A special room, huh? Sounds scary.”

  “Mm, it can be, but you’re nowhere near ready to go into The Room yet. So what’s your four o’clock like? What is he interested in?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I’m glad Victoria is showing it. I don’t want you doing to another what you did to me. Your…style of selling is rather…intense to say the least.”

  “It worked.”

  “More than,” he replied, arching his dark brow and lifting the corner of his lips into a pleased grin at her. He then nodded at her, changing the subject. “When do you want me there? What time is the party?”


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