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Relentless Desire

Page 25

by Jacqwin Hess

  “Of course.”

  “So what do you want me to do? Want me to check more into this? I’m still here.”

  “Yeah, find out what that ‘something off’ is. He abused Adri and did some really bad shit to her and so…his tendency to be violent may go deeper than anyone knows, like you said. Just keep me informed once you know something. I don’t want any trouble from this and have to deal with him myself.”

  Deal with it himself?! Sebastian Darvaine really was serious about this girl and if he was?…god help her.

  “Gotta go.” He clicked his phone off and set it on the table, then looked back as he heard a knock on the door. He lifted up the remote, clicked it at the mirror over the fireplace and watched the mirror turn into a TV. He clicked on the button marked surveillance and the front door security camera turned on. Three men stood there waiting for the door to be answered. “Slick hair, Ray Bans, and bad suits…” NYPD detective or Feds. He stopped, thought for a second, then reached down to her phone, flipping it open and scrolling through her text messages. Multimedia text: Kerrie and Mom, Wednesday July 16th, 3:36 p.m.

  He pulled it up and read over it and yep, she had told her sister she was meeting with him and was going on a date with Mr. Gorgeous, would call her later and tell her how it went, wish her luck—teasing then about ‘getting lucky’. Her mother responded back for her not to ‘dare sleep with him! She’d burn in hell.’ Oh God—seriously?! Who the hell says shit like this and to their own adult child? It was as if she was afraid her daughter would be too happy and had control over her or something—or it was a joke. Hopefully it was, but if not, the woman was probably jealous of her New York life, even if it wasn’t much. He stopped as he read her mother’s last text to her, twenty minutes ago, ordering her to answer Cal’s phone calls and stop ignoring him, he had something serious to discuss with her! “Tough fucking shit.” He scrolled and backed the phone up to the original setting she had it on and tossed it back down, hearing the knocking continue. He grabbed up the computer, tapped into the computer/TV upstairs and then sighed, clicking the video he made, then turned up the volume to the speaker.

  He set his laptop down, going to the window and carefully lifted it just a bit, then backed away and looked up at the screen over the fireplace. He watched the three men go very still and silent, looking down as they listened. They then looked up and over toward the window and then at each other, mouths dropping, seeing that they were not happy. Actually, one seemed genuinely pissed, picking up the phone and walking away. The others looked at each other and turned to follow. “Fuckers.” He zoomed in on each of their faces and took a still photo of each man, then sent it to Grantham.

  Once alone, he drew back the video he had up from last night and zoomed in to his favorite spot. He watched his cock jab and stab beautifully into her pussy from behind, watching the little bell she had on her clit ring dangle and dance wildly as he plowed her sweet little cunt. His fingers keeping her clit hood pulled back and her beautiful clit on display and popped hotly out for him—then it disappeared under the mass of come he had blown into her that gushed and ran out of her. Watching and hearing her come right along with him, begging him not to stop…and to tear it apart and fuck it harder. He had—which was what the men outside had heard, and then a lot of screaming, panting cries after that.

  That had been so nice he jumped to the next video he had made. They were on his couch, her sitting with her back to his chest, her thighs spread over his thighs, getting a good lay off of her like that. He was rather shocked at the speed he had been able to get in, watching his dick literally piston in and out of her, the clit ring dancing, her tits bouncing as his fingers held her clit hood back.

  He panned close up and stared, watching her face, seeing the pleasure she was in, the ecstasy he was in and watched her come, seeing her pussy actually close, tighten and spasm, remembering it. He watched her come actually shoot out of her, spurt in sweet little geysers from her. Then he used her massive release on her ass, flipped her onto her knees and held her tightly to him as he pressed at her darling sweet little bud. Having been so pleased when she reared back and lifted herself to him, letting him tap her for those few seconds he was coming. He loved—he suddenly froze the screen, staring down at her face through the parting between her arm and breast, seeing her seething, flinched expression, that she didn’t like it, not having used the safe word.

  He had never recorded himself having sex with anyone before, but he had to this time, wanting to immortalize the time he had with her. Fucking her had been insanely good. It had been the best he’d ever had; having thought her depth and tightness would turn him off and hurt too much because he was larger, but…it turned out just the opposite was true. It had been the most incredible, unbelievably best sex of his entire life, but her self-esteem was beat down so bad he knew not to dare say that to her, that she’d never believe it and would even go so far as to think it was actually awful and he was just ‘being nice.’ Since she didn’t know him yet, she wouldn’t know that he was never ‘just nice’ to anyone.

  Damn, I’m seriously fucked. I set out to give Adri The Rapture, but instead…she Enraptured me and gave me more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced before.

  Sebastian sighed as he lay next to her and watched over her as she slept. She was still stunning, unable to keep his fingers from touching her, reaching over and circling his finger around her nipple. She hadn’t moved, still laying out on her back, mouth partially open and light snoring, thinking she was the cutest thing ever. When she grew a bit louder and seemed to be restless, he grasped her arm and drew her onto her side. Pulling her against him, he wrapped his arms around her, feeling so good and so right, loving it, every bit as much as he had at the lake house. She would freak out if she knew just how well he knew her, though; how long he’d been checking her out and had known her, researched, and kept her on the back burner for when he was ready—wanting her. So, where to go to have her all to himself—all alone? And then he suddenly remembered; her eyes lighting up at the world ‘yacht.’ He picked up his phone. “TJ, I need you to do something for me.”

  Victoria stared at Sebastian’s chauffeur, her three friends with her, who also glanced between each other, in shock. Seriously? He was keeping her for the entire weekend now and maybe longer?! Victoria sighed, but got up and did as she was asked, since she didn’t want to push him now that he knew about the sabotage on her stupid party. The man showed up with Adriaunn’s keys that Sebastian had given him, and she went into her dinky room and packed her a small bag. She packed up Adri’s best clothes and other personal things she would need. She told him what Adriaunn’s favorite Chinese dishes were when they went to the most expensive restaurant in town–being honest with the order so she didn’t piss Sebastian off anymore.

  What the fuck did he see in her?! Come-On!

  She didn’t even bother asking where they were going, sighing in envy as the car drove off and turned to go back inside where her phone immediately rang. Naturally it was the girl’s, wanting details, asking the very same question she had asked herself. Was he serious? Moreover, what on earth did he see in that little mousy thing?! All of them just in shock over it, sick with jealousy and envy!

  Chapter Thirteen

  Damn it! The bastard! Adriaunn’s heart was lodged in her throat, beating so fast and hard, standing at the end of the pier, a deep frown on her face, and staring up at the gorgeous yacht in front of her. A yacht?! My weakness! How did he know?! It wasn’t just any yacht, but a massive, gorgeous, white mega yacht. A five-deck beauty. He was so gorgeous now, casually dressed in a pair of jeans, button-down white shirt, and a white jacket, wearing tan loafers. She had fully planned on leaving and not just running back to her room over The Gallery, but to pack and fly out back home to Minnesota on the commission money she earned on the sale of that painting. She just couldn’t help herself, getting real close to the yacht, lifting a hand and touching it, running her hand down the side of it. Wow, not even
one speck of dust. She reached up and ran her hand over the name. Marabella. She didn’t bother wondering who that was—

  “It was my father’s mistress.”

  She looked back to the yacht and noticed everything was kept immaculate, just like the house. She looked up as Sebastian came to stand next to her, putting his hand out in asking her to join him.

  “We won’t go far. It’s a short trip, I promise, unless you want to go further.”

  She hesitated, but sighed and reached up, taking his hand and going with him. Once there and inside, she pretended not to be blown away in excitement; the ship so gorgeous, the absolute epitome of opulent and she felt so out of place there. However, once she stepped down into the hull, she was instantly drawn to the beautiful black piano in the living area. She tried for all of two seconds to pretend she didn’t notice it, but her hands screamed out in pain, the itch was so bad and she could not resist going over to it, gently caressing the keys.

  “You can play on it later. I have lunch ready in there for us.”

  There turned out to be a full dining room and she followed him to the gorgeous dark mahogany dining table. She moaned in pleasure at the smell of Chinese—again, noticing it was all her favorites.

  “Mrs. Switzer helped and told TJ what you liked. I hope that’s all right?”

  She wondered what else Victoria had been helping Sebastian with—her aching pussy could attest to one thing she’d helped him with! After about two bites, she didn’t care and could bow before Victoria in gratitude. “This is…really good and I am starved!” It was incredible, of course, and being from Lyn Chow’s, she knew it cost a fortune. She ate slowly and enjoyed every bite. And the wine?…she knew it no doubt cost a fortune, too, but…it tasted awful and she tried not to laugh about it. She just sipped on it and acted like it was good, but then refused more when he tried to refill her glass. Expensive wine always tasted like crap to her.

  They didn’t speak much while they ate. He seemed preoccupied, a bit distant, and he kept eyeing the phones and laptop. She finally let him go. “Go on, go check on whatever you’re waiting on. You’ve barely been able to eat for staring at the phone or computer. I’m going to go to the piano.” She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. “Thank you for lunch. It was fabulous.” She left from the table, going into the other room.

  Once she was out of the room, he grabbed the computer and phone, getting both on and checking his texts and emails. Grantham told him in an email that two of the men were just New York detectives, but the other one, the guy he remembered getting real pissed about her being at his house and hearing them screwing, he was an FBI agent from Saint Paul, Minnesota. He was there in New York for some seminar. The FBI agent decided to go by The Gallery to check on Adri and overheard whom she had left with the night before. He was going to tell her someone had investigated her and to be careful, but something told Sebastian it was more than that. Well, I’ll find out—it’s as if the guy wants in her panties himself!

  He went still and looked over to the door where she had disappeared through and listened to the music that was coming from the other room, stunned by the beauty of the music. He knew she was musical, but he had no idea how well. He gave her a sly grin and shook his head in surprise, thoroughly impressed. She was actually good. He got up, grabbed his wine glass, and went to the door, dropping against the jam to watch her play, listening to it. It was stunning.

  “You’ll have to forgive me for all the mistakes I’ve made, but it’s been ages since I’ve played. Sorry.”

  “You’re so wrong,. That’s quite a talent you have there. It’s good.”

  “Yeah, thanks. Mother always said that it’s my one brilliance, and the cello.”

  “Well, it’s amazing.” He smiled and winked at her as she smiled back. “And here I thought when I sent you in here to the piano it was going to be Chopsticks or something juvenile and hard to listen to,” he replied, teasing her. Again, he was amazed as she began playing Chopsticks, only she put her own flare to it and it was stunning. She turned it into an entirely different song, morphing the melody into an epic masterpiece. The phone rang. “Shit.” He stepped back; sliding the dining room door closed and went back to business.

  “Grantham here. Found out that it wasn’t the husband checking up on her at all, but one of his friends in the PD here, from the FBI, who saw Mrs. Vale’s name come up on the computer—which means it’s as you said, and he has a thing for her. They’re all just looking out for her, but the ex-husband learned of it by office talk and began calling her or trying to, since she won’t answer him. Now, as far as papers needing signatures, there actually do seem to be documents on his pension that needs signing. That turned out to be true.”

  “Well, that explains it. The guy in the back in the brown leather jacket, he knows her and he was pissed that I didn’t answer the door and heard me screwing her. Victoria said that the ex had been calling, asking if someone had been hanging around the place, watching her and she wouldn’t dare pull any shit on me by talking to me on the phone after speaking with those guys and sending them to my house. I’d annihilate her and she knows it—that bitch is already on my shit list. So I’m going to go with ‘this guy had been watching her last night,’ saw her leave with me and followed us to my home, or someone from the party told him where she was. They may have tried to get Vic to talk, but I know she didn’t. So I can only assume it was learning she was with me last night, from some of the party guests that they put two and two together about who investigated her.” He had his back to the door and turned to see that it was drawn open a bit, and looking at the sideboard, he saw that her phone was missing. “Gotta go.” He set everything down and went to the door, pushing it back open and looked to Adriaunn, who was sitting on the couch with her phone in hand, the back of it open—finding the battery gone out of it. She had come to grab her phone real quick and overheard him speaking.

  He went over to the couch across from her and sat down, her eyes lifted up on him, she was not happy.

  “So, did you get everything resolved that had been weighing so heavily on your mind?”

  “Not exactly,” he answered and sat forward, placing his elbows on his knees and clasping his fingers out in front of him.

  “What the fuck’s up?”

  He leaned more forward. “You better watch it or we can end this at any second.”

  “Go ahead, I got what I wanted out of it,” she stated as he sat there pissed off, glaring at her. “Where’s my battery?” she asked as he withdrew it from his pants’ pocket and held it out. She went to grab it from him, but he jerked his hand back and got up. She watched in shock as he chucked it out, sending it flying and splashing in the Long Island sound. “Are you crazy?! Did you seriously just throw my battery in the river?!”

  “You may have gotten what you wanted out of this deal, but I haven’t—not for the trouble and irritation I’ve gone through for me to have that hot little pussy of yours.”

  “Did you just say—oh my god. Real nice. What trouble? Please enlighten me.”

  “Wiping out my schedule, putting meetings and appointments on hold, being here when I should be there, but I don’t regret it–yet,” he explained and sat back down across from her. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a really long time and then, two months ago, I saw you again, when the Switzer’s had their Gala. I had arrived for their rent, and yes, I’m their landlord. I own the building The Gallery sets in. So, I decided it was time to finally meet you—”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yes, exactly…and I wanted to do it to you in the way you told that friend of yours you wanted it; for some guy to rip your clothes off, throw you down, tie you up, and just fuck the living hell out of you. Yes, you had too much to drink.”

  “Actually I didn’t, since you only caught the last part of that conversation, because I had only repeated what my friend Laney had said she wanted. Our friend Berry had come up on us for dinner one night when we were all talking and we wo
uldn’t tell him what we were laughing about, but like you, he heard that last part. I think he did it to her, Berry fucking Laney like that, they’re together now and…weirdly happy all the time. Course…now I understand why.”

  “Well, I thought to give it to you like that myself and make an attempt to see if you were serious. So first…I had to take precautions with you and I had you investigated—and don’t freak out; I just wanted the basic stuff; checking to see if you had a rap sheet, did drugs or alcohol or whatever. I just contacted the guy I have on retainer for our company and left it to him. Well, he is good at his job; very good and…earned every single penny I paid him…and then some. There’s nothing I don’t know about you, and no leaf he left unturned. I know things about your life that you don’t even know, things on your acquaintances and old friends, the two men you had sex with and were once engaged to down in New Mexico. Everything.”

  “What the hell…”

  “I didn’t ask for everything, only the basics, to see if you were safe.”


  Damn it to hell! I’m going to have to tell her everything. Guess that’s only fair, though. She clearly hasn’t Googled me. “Yes, safe! I had to make sure you weren’t some nut job! Christy, my ex, the fucking royal cu…ah–I’m sorry, but that’s what she is. She decimated me on a level you can’t even begin to imagine and that’s not exaggerating. I nearly lost everything because of her; the company suffered, we lost millions in lost accounts. It hurt. My family suffered-all of it ending up killing my father in the end. She gutted me in two. Where your divorce was private, mine was very much public; in the papers and the media…was not kind. Just as your ex changed you, she changed me. I do not…and will never have the luxury of just seeing a girl and going up to her and introducing myself and get to know her the old-fashioned way, you. So yeah, I’m now a ruthless, sorry, no-good son-of-a-bitch. I have to be. I have to watch my back at every turn and on everything I do. After reading the report on you and speaking to Switzer—”


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