Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 34

by Jacqwin Hess


  “Yes. He really is a sweet guy when you get to know him.” Adri sighed with her thoughts taking over for a second. And unbelievably overbearing, domineering, control freak and an awesome fuck, but also a man who is a tortured soul. He is in serious need of companionship on a level I’m not sure even I could handle. He has such a short fuse that has his temper exploding and losing control in anger so easy, though he did pretty goo for me most part. She shook her head and looked back up to the girls, who were all still staring and waiting for her to continue. “Yes, we spent most of the time on the yacht talking and getting to know each other—which don’t ask, I’m not sharing any of that. Anyway, so after we left Greenwich, he took us to his beach house up near Connecticut, out on some island that had a beautiful little fishing village on it. I loved it. It was so neat. I just laid out on the beach and took it easy. Then we baked oysters and fish he had caught out on the beach by a fire, it was so good. While we’re there, we hear beating drums and he took me to that little town on the other side of the island in his Quadski, this awesome piece of machinery. We had a blast on that thing. So, they were having a crab boil festival, live music, and the works. It was nice and we had so much fun.”

  Juliet huffed and crossed her arms in irritation at Adri. “You’ve said that already. We got it. It was nice. What about Darvaine and—”

  Suddenly there were a bunch of other pictures she didn’t recognize. “I didn’t know he was getting these shots in. Sneaky bastard. Um…then ah…here I’m in the kitchen cooking our dinner on Sunday, which thank god came out so perfect and he loved it. I made him my chocolate raspberry lava cake—utterly decadent and scrumptious!”

  “No sex on the beach eating the oysters off of your naked body?” One of them teased and Adri didn’t seem to catch her mocking tone.

  Ha-Ha-Ha, you’re so not funny bitch! Adri thought, but she just pretended to giggle in her hand. She wanted to brag, the man was like superman in the sac! He finally stopped after two days of continual hardcore banging, the man never able to get enough of her and never wanting to stop, but he did after she called ‘Red’ on him. She still remembered the sweet way he took care of her—unconventional, but effective—and helped ease the throbbing ache in her pussy. “No, we didn’t eat oysters off our naked bodies. I told you we went to the festival on the other side of the island. It was…really really nice!”


  “Again, anyway, we just spent the rest of the time lazing around the house, talking and…ah…relaxing. He really is…so sweet! He kept at his business there, so it was nice and I laid with him on the couch watching TV, so affectionate and…” She shrugged her shoulder and shook her head. “…tender, always touching, caressing, or rubbing. In all the years of my marriage…my ex never once did that with me. It was…wondrous! So, Monday night, I figured we would be packing up and heading back, but, oh no, Sebastian had other plans-again!” She pulled up the pictures of them after they just got dressed and was out on the yacht. “He bought me the dress and—” She suddenly broke off and slapped a hand over her neck, jerking down the sweatshirt and they all four jerked back and gasped out. “Oh no!”

  All four women gravitated to her at once. “Are those the Delilah’s Diamond…”

  “Oh god, we forgot them. The box is on the yacht.”

  “Wait!” Victoria grabbed her hand and stilled her. “Now, you could make a huge mistake right now. Just calm down and think.”

  “We got dressed up, he took me to dinner to Boston, flew the chopper there and then ah…went to the Ballet. Afterward he took me to Royal Boston for drinks and dancing—well, I danced, he met business partners there. So after watching me dance, busting out all the moves after a few too many, he joined me on the floor.”

  “Sebastian Darvaine danced with you?...on a techno floor?” Victoria stated in a single breath, just not able to visualize that.

  “Well, he had us slow dancing through the techno music and he danced with me at the festival, too. He was awesome. So, we didn’t last long on the floor at Boston Royal and we left relatively quickly. And then we came back to the yacht and…” She again rolled her eyes and shook her head with an erotic moan, getting chills just thinking about it again. “He said he didn’t buy them yet when he put them on me.”

  “Trust me, honey, if you’re standing here in them, then the man owns them. Security would be all over him or you, if he didn’t,” one of the women explained to her. Adri, looked down at the iPad, over the pictures and started flipping through them, looking at all of the pictures they took, stopping at the one of him sitting on the couch in front of the laptop, pointing up at her.

  She again remembered the nasty shots he took when they had got back. Now…it suddenly just felt so dirty and seedy and she was glad she deleted the worst of them. “Victoria, give me Sebastian’s number.”

  “Think about this, kid. You’ll insult him and—”

  “No more than he’s just insulted me if this means what I think it does!”

  “You don’t have his number?”

  “We got into it–I’m not going into why, but he up and threw my battery over the side of the Yacht,” she replied. All four women were stunned and rolled their eyes at her. They wanted all of the juicy details and she wasn’t giving it to them. They were not friends of hers and just mildly acquaintances of Victoria. She just loved rubbing it in their faces about Sebastian choosing her, especially after they had turned into such assholes last Wednesday night at The Gallery dinner. Their stunned and bitter expressions said it all.

  Sebastian saw the number and answered it as he stood in front of the door to the conference room, everyone waiting for him to step in. “Is this important, Vic? I’m right in the middle of something here.”

  “It’s not Vic. It’s Adri.”

  “Oh–something wrong?”

  “I still have the necklace and jewels, we never got them off me this morning, the box is still on the yacht and they need to go back.”

  “Actually…they don’t.”


  “Is that what this call is about? If so, this conversation can wait, as I said, I’m right in the middle of something, I’m about to go into a meeting and an important one that has been held off since we left Wednesday.”

  “I’m not your whore!”

  He let go of the door and turned back into his office, shouting in anger back at her now. “What the fuck did you just say to me? I have never treated you like some fucking whore or saw you like one. You know I see you as more than that and treated you better! Who was using who, sweetheart–kept thinking to leave?! You took it as good as you gave it. I don’t have time for this. We’ll discuss this later. The necklace is mine and for my pleasure, because I may want you in them when I fuck you—if I decide to again. As your Dom, you’ll do what the fuck I tell you to do, take my gifts and appreciate them. I’ll see you later in the week, you ungrateful bitch,” he replied. He slid the phone off and went into the meeting, now angry and ready to chew the board members of Aragonly up. He was going to take them over and spit them out in beautiful pieces to liquidate off, since the company wasn’t salvageable and he didn’t feel like putting the time in now to restructure it from the ground up.

  Adri had just stood there, staring at the phone and Vic came up, taking it out of her hand. “Told you so. Don’t worry, he’ll not give you up. He’s been waiting to get his hands on you for a long time, according to Stan. This won’t be the last you hear from him. We’re off to lunch. I’ll be back in a couple hours…”

  No matter how angry he was though, about five seconds after turning the phone off, he felt terribly guilty for the ‘bitch’ comment and couldn’t believe he’d said it, but he refused to back down and run to her, call her up and apologize. He had loved getting those jewels for her and she had made it out to be some seedy, nasty gift for ‘services rendered.’ He stewed about it all through the first of the meeting and then when the f
irst break came, he worried about putting any kind of rift between them. He hated to leave it unopened, and began to call TJ to set up plans to ensure he kept her secured to him—shouting erupted from the conference room across the office and he watched all hell break loose, dropping his phone back in his pocket as he ran out to go deal with it

  Adri hadn’t heard a word from him, except for the local news where a report was being given about Darvaine Enterprises having taken over Aragonly Inc., having apparently ‘acquired’ whatever it was he’d been fighting about on the phone back at the beach house. Now she understood what all the fuss was about when they returned to the city, having rushed around to pack them up and hurried them to the waiting chopper. The phone seemed permanently attached to his ear the whole time, talking about some big acquisition. Now she understood as she watched it all unfold in the news.

  He has thus far kept his promise and stayed away from The Gallery, but she was starting to miss him now and worried about how they ended things on the phone. Damn, she shouldn’t have called. Vic tried to tell her. She hoped his absence wasn’t due to that phone call. She continued to keep up on him through the news and that next morning after they returned from their trip, she woke up to find she’d been given the Boston Times by someone. It showed the two of them arriving by helicopter, standing next to it with his arms around her, kissing her and then the largest picture had them at the ballet on the red carpet. The smallest picture had them seated in the round booth with his clients for work at the Royal Boston nightclub. The article was all about Sebastian and his acquisition of Aragonly; partying it up as the company was falling under his control. She knew he was busy, but he never called and the iPad, never had any more emails appear on it. She refused to get upset about it, having had a wonderful time with him, but figured that was all it could be and all that it was; a one-timer and maybe later she would give the jewels back to Tiffany’s, letting them credit his card back.

  What burned was how those snooty bitches found it funny and had been pleased to hear Sebastian wasn’t paying her any attention anymore—just nothing but a weekend fuck for him and nothing more.

  “Don’t feel bad, darling, all those high powered men are like that. Trust us; you weren’t the first to fall for his good looks, sex appeal, and charms, and you’ll not be the last. And the jewels?...what’s a million bucks to a man like him? Nothing at all.” And neither are you, the words not having been verbalized out loud, but the look-over the woman gave her had said it all.

  The idea came to her when she saw the caramelized pear dessert someone ordered. Maybe it had been a bad idea, but she was here now, having not only made the damn dessert, but had come to his house, found out that he was at his office and then went there. It felt weird standing in the massive open lobby of the gorgeous building and looking up and feeling extremely intimidated as she read the huge gold letters on the wall. Darvaine Enterprise Holdings Inc and to know he actually owned that building–everything around her. God, he really was a big deal, it made her almost dizzy—

  “Ma`am?” A security guard waved at her and she picked up the box and went with the man, going to the elevators. He put a key in the button panel and a minute later they were in the empty elevator, taking her up. With each ding, she was feeling her body heat rise and she was nervous, not so sure—oh god, this was insane, but she wanted to see him and it’s been three and a half days since she last saw or heard from him. It was Friday now and he had yet to answer the calls on Skype or her texts. Four days, but it felt like forever! She wasn’t there for sex, just staying for a second, say hello, give this little gift to him, apologize, and then leave. The doors opened and she stepped off, the security guard nodding to her and then went back down. She sighed and then went to the reception desk there. “I’m ah…here to see Sebastian Darvaine,” she replied and two extremely beautiful women stared up at her. They were so intimidating; tall, sexy and sophisticated looking. They looked at each other before looking back at her, one going back to work while the other was left to deal with her.

  “Have…a seat,” the woman replied, pointing to the bench over by the wall under a huge Monet painting hanging on the wall. Adri lifted her finger to touch it.

  “Don’t touch that.” One of the women ordered, causing Adri to spin back around and the woman sighed, having a snide look on her face. “Name?”

  “Ad-Adriaunn. Vale. I’m pretty sure he already knows I’m here.” She answered and thought to add, ‘Sebastian’s girlfriend.’

  The woman got on the phone, calling someone, but then stopped when Adri shot up to her feet and stared into the main part of the offices behind the security doors and watched Mr. Darvaine walk with purpose toward them. So he did know she was there. He didn’t look happy. “Ah shit-oh shit-oh shit…” she mumbled under her breath, waiting for him to crack a little smile, but he just jerked on his tie, staying so formal looking, pushing on the glass door and coming to her.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” she shook her head, irritated a tad bit over his greeting, just like the last time they spoke. She didn’t hide her irritation and reached over for the elevator button—

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  She stopped at the cold warning in his voice and looked back over at him, straightening back up. His featured had softened a bit and she made herself let it go, looking down as she grabbed the box and held it in both of her hands. “Well, nothing is wrong, but…it’s not perfect like it was either. A ah…peace offering.” She lifted up the small box to him and he lifted a brow, able to smell it was some dessert. “It’s ah…Gato Fondant. Ah-Shit,” she pulled out the paper from her pocket and held it up to him.

  “Gâteau Fondant Aux Poires,” he pronounced in perfectly fluent French and she gave a little erotic moan at the sound of his voice speaking the words. Swoon! It sounds so freaking beautiful coming from those lips—those sexy, yummy, skilled lips.

  “Yeah. French Pear Cake,” she said the simple name and he took it from her, setting it down on the tall counter top of the reception station. “I just wanted to apologize and tell you I’m sorry for…you know, seeming unappreciative and for what I said. I didn’t mean to upset you that much and so I thought to try and make peace; plus, I’ve seen all the crap on the news and I made it as a little gift. Hope things get better and you get it all sorted out.”

  “That’s what I’m right in the middle of doing now, left a meeting waiting,” he informed her, not wanting to be rude, but they were right in the middle of tough talks.

  “Yeah, I got it. You have to get back. So do I; I came on my lunch break,” she said, after feeling the push again, stepping back to the elevator and hitting the button.

  “Well, thank you for the cake. It was incredibly sweet of you.”

  “Of course. I ah…know how much you love pears and thought ‘what the hell’ and made it for you,” she replied, blushing to her toes at the memory of him licking them from her pussy after filling her with them and eating the juices from her body. He smoothed two fingers over his mustache he had begun to grow and then slid them on down to the cleft in his chin, running his hand on up over his squared strong jaw—shy and maybe embarrassed, but definitely happy to see her—remembering the pear sex himself. He smiled for the first time since she’d got there. “So I hope you like it.” She looked back pushing the button to the elevator and then glanced back into the main office area where a man was now standing there watching them. It was so creepy, standing there with his hands in his pockets and glaring at them or at her rather. Sebastian hadn’t said he forgave her or made any attempt to encourage her. “So ah…sorry again about the necklace thing.” She stepped on the elevator and he pushed the door to make it stay open, then pushed the button to make it stay open and held on as he grasped her arm and pulled her closer.

  Oh yum! He smelled so amazing! Oh and his black suit is gorgeous, he’s gorgeous and everything so…obviously expensive. How many thousands of dollars was on that beautiful b
ody of his?! She couldn’t help but to touch him, running her hand up the soft silk suit, the lapel and up over his red tie. She looked up into his blue eyes as he spoke.

  “I was never mad and didn’t not call you on purpose. I swear. It was all because of work. I wanted to, a million times, I promise, but it’s honestly been fucking chaos here and I’ve hardly left, staying up in my private home here, up on the top floors,” he gave a single nod up and her eyes flashed wide, glancing up. “I’ve not blown you off and ended us, Ads. I’ve missed you, but I was in a shit mood and in no condition to be around you. It wouldn’t have been safe. I get too riled up and blow a fuse real easy. I still want to see you and all.” He glanced, seeing his business partner, Marcus Sheldon, start to walk from the glass door to the lobby. “Shit. You better go,” he hit the button for the lobby. “I’ll be in contact. Promise. Once everything is done here, I’ll call you. So don’t accept any offers from other guys to go out,” he told her and stepped back to let the door close, but she kept that button pushed a moment longer and he dropped back against reception counter, glancing to the box and then back to her. “You know, Adriaunn, this is almost cruel of you, especially when I have to go back into that damn meeting; left thinking about our fun with the pears the other night, not being able to indulge in you again or with this, having to wait. Very cruel.”

  Adri released the button then. “Later Sabs. See you soon,” she replied, giving a little-fingered wave, smiling, and then the doors closed, taking her back down.

  “Sooner than you think, Ads,” he swiped up the box and bounced his brows smiling. God, it had been nice seeing her. Fucking meetings! He wished to hell he had time to show her around and keep her there a bit longer. He looked up, seeing Marcus glaring at the elevator door and then looked over at him. He just saw the shit hitting the fan, dropping his arm down on the counter top, instantly infuriated and ready for him.

  “What the hell? Was that The Gallery Bitch you had at your house that one time? She’s the same woman you had in Boston, too. You are fucking her, aren’t you?”


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