Relentless Desire

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Relentless Desire Page 35

by Jacqwin Hess

  “What’s it to you, Marcus?” he shouted at him, going over and grabbing up the box.

  “Good god, Sebastian, you can’t be serious?”

  “Enough!” Now he didn’t care who heard him, turning around and looking him right in the eye. “Who I fuck is no one’s business. She’s nothing for you to concern yourself with and none of your business. Whom I’m dating is no one’s fucking business, especially yours or Brad’s, taking shit from him the day the Boston Times came out. How you all ever concluded that I have to clear my lovers through you first is beyond me. That woman put me through The Rapture without even trying! So, fuck you all. Not another word.” He gave an exasperating sigh as Marcus stared in shock at him, overhearing how she put him through The Rapture; their term used for when a girl gave them the most intense orgasm they’d ever experience. Marcus finally sobered and huffed, looking down and opened the box, taking a chunk of the cake and eating it, immediately gave a frown as he swallowed it.

  “Ah. What the hell is that?!”

  “Gâteau Fondant Aux Poires – Pear Cake and Adri is an exceptional cook and baker—like out of this fucking world. So I already know this shits the bomb.”

  Marcus froze and stared at him. “When did you start fucking Betty Crocker and did you seriously just say… ‘the bomb’?”

  “Yes, it’s an accurate description. I mean, holy shit, she can cook! So it’s not awful. She made it just for me and you’re to keep your grubby dick beaters off of it.”

  “Pears. That certainly explains it. God help you and your pear fetish.” He licked the icing from his finger–which was mouth exploding scrumptious–and hit the door, waking the receptionist up who’d been pretending not to be listening. She pushed the security button and buzzed them in.

  “One would think you’d be happy for me, being a best friend and all. I think it’s about time I finally met someone and I fucking deserve her after all these years since Christy,” he replied taking a bite himself and his mouth just exploded in flavor—memories from that night he ate pears from her pussy besieged his brain!. Fuck that had been so hot! He’ll be doing it again or something similar very soon. The second their takeover of Aragonly was complete, he was getting back with her. “So forgive me if I don’t feel the need to ask for your permission and certainly not your approval. Just don’t worry about it. She’s nobody.”

  “Well, as long as you keep it that way,” Marcus stated, reaching his fingers to his other hand and fingering over his ring that was on his finger, which matched the ring on Sebastian’s finger. Sebastian instantly grew cold and shut down, glaring at him, then shoving past him going to his office where he actually placed the cake in a locked drawer with a pleased grin down at it and a little nod.

  Marcus huffed with a sneer as he walked off to return back to the meeting Sebastian had just abruptly walked out on. Yeah, ‘nobody’ my ass….

  Sebastian looked up as he heard his bathroom toilet flush, heard the water running and then waited as the door open. He relaxed when he saw his best friend and business partner step out of the lavatory. He stopped, continuing to dry off his hands and cocked a brow down to where he was pulling his key out of the desk drawer, locking something inside. Brad Aaron Hollington the III was the only person on the planet he fully trusted in the world.

  “So, Monica Belluci came to see you and bearing gifts?”

  “Monica—” Sebastian cut off realizing he was referring to Adri. Yes, she did greatly resemble the actress and model, Monica Belluci—every bit as gorgeous. “Um…” Shit, he couldn’t lie to him, not with big mouthed Marcus and he sighed. “No. It was some other girl,” he stopped again, about to say some demeaning things, but…just couldn’t. “I don’t know yet. I just met her. She a good girl. We’re just friends.”

  “A good girl?” Just friends?! Brad’s mind was rather stunned. Sebastian never has ‘just friend’ when it comes to females.

  “Hay,” Marcus shouted into the office after pushing the door open and leaned against the door jam. “Now that Betty Crocker doesn’t have your dick anymore, can we please get on with this meeting? I’m tired of this shit and I’m ready to get back home. The faster we finish this up the faster your whore will be back sucking your dick.” Marcus stepped back as they both stepped forward and started to leave the office. “Can you believe he’s dating some gallery girl, though she is rather hot looking and I can see fucking her. I hope she likes to—” Marcus found his breath cut off as Sebastian suddenly turned, gripped his throat and shoved him into the wall. He was shocked by the act and even more shock by the look of fury on his face.

  “No. Marcus. No. Don’t even think about it. She’s off the menu. She’s not…for share. Don’t go near her, look at her or think about her. She’s an exclusive and none of you all better go anywhere near her. I’ll have every bone in your body broke if you don’t heed my warning and stay away from her and I mean it. Don’t ever make me repeat this again. Who I fuck…is none of your goddamn business and I don’t answer to any of you. Push me, just try it and see what I don’t do to you. All business ties will come to a end real quick and don’t think I won’t do it. You fucker,” he shoved Marcus away from him, backing up and shoving Brad’s hand off of him. He jerked on the lapels of his Alexander Amosu suit , straightening it back up and then huffed, realizing he set him up.

  “Yes, that’s what I thought. Just wanted you to admit it and let the truth be known about this girl. She’s more than a passing amusement to you and I have a feeling she has been for some time. So, she’s hands off. Got it. Now, let’s go make some billions, shall we?”

  Sebastian just turned and walked away, not even looking back at Brad, so pissed! Marcus was still going to be a problem. He just knew it, being a man that never backed down and all Sebastian’s reaction and warning did was spur his interest on more. It wasn’t finished between the two of them. And Brad?...he wasn’t sure about yet. Sometimes Brad could be more ruthless than Marcus, more covert in his spying and involvement when his interest was peaked.

  Sebastian worked constantly to finish things up at work, hurrying around like a mad person and pushing the employees more than he usually did; working them on Saturday. However, it was going to be totally worth it and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on Adriaunn. It was Sunday and he was finally free. It’d been two days since she came to the office with the pear cake, looking so delectable herself. Damn he had hated to let her go, but he would make up for it when he saw her in a bit.

  He tugged down on his sleeves one last time as he looked himself over in the mirror. He rearranged his cock one last time in his jeans and then turned, swiping up the keys to his new Bentley, deciding to drive himself. He started down the stairs and stopped hearing an all too familiar wailing cry and instantly knew what his night was going to consist of. The door flew open with his youngest child flying at him and throwing her arms around him.

  “Daddy!” The rest of her words were incoherent as she babbled on in her sobbing tears. He caught ‘broke up with me…it….me…hate men….all scum and that was about it. So, her fiftieth boyfriend or so since she left for college had broken up with her. He just slipped his keys in his pocket and hesitantly rested his hand on her shoulder, taking her into the front room. Forty minutes later she finally stopped and was asleep with her head on his leg. He sighed, dropping his head back and picked up the remote, pointing it up at the monitor over the fireplace and turned the TV on. After a few minutes he pulled out his phone, thinking about texting Adri, but he just couldn’t. He wasn’t ready to bring up his kids and let her in on that part of his life yet and he didn’t know if his kids were ready for it.

  They thought he was gay. Ha! Not exactly.

  Speaking of not being gay, he wanted to see Adri, but his little girl’s breakups took at least a week to get over. He sighed and dialed TJ instead.

  “Yes Sir?”

  “Haagen-Dazs. A.S.A.P.”

  “Which one of the girls is it?”


  “I could have probably guessed that one. On my way.”

  “Thanks.” He turned off his phone and settled in for the whine fest that would continue and pulled up his work schedule next to make sure nothing too imperative was on the agenda that he shouldn’t have her at work with him. He smiled looking down at her pretty little face and was glad for her break ups. She was still a baby to him, even if she was twenty-two. It was the only time he ever got to see her now and worth sacrificing a night with Adri to spend time with her. The one thing he would always have in his life was time for his kids. They always have and always would come first. He didn’t have to worry about Adri now, having finally made contact with her, became friends and made her his lover. She would be there when this crisis was over.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tuesday was so slow at work Adri decided to go out for dinner to liven up her day. She sat there by herself with her own thoughts to entertain her. First, she thought about how it’s been three days since she took him the pear cake and she hasn’t heard a word from him. So, that makes it a full seven days since he’s made any effort to see her or talk to her at all. She finally grew pissed at herself for checking her phone and finding nothing on it. I mean, the man fucking slept. He couldn’t type a few words in just after he got in bed, lying there?! This is fucking bullshit. He’s not my boyfriend. Just some rich guy I fucked once and nothing more. He owes me nothing, but…I don’t owe him anything either. He never promised companionship and I actually didn’t want it when he first started trying to get together with me.

  She let her thoughts on that end there and then thought about the ridiculous ten K tip he gave her and what to do with it, having figured out exactly what she was putting it towards. She sighed in the cab, pulling out the check he wrote her and flicked her finger at it. She had to admit, it had turned out to be better than what the Switzer’s had in mind as her ‘commission’ for selling the painting. Adri knew, to Sebastian, it was just a way to help her out financially, or to make her want him maybe? Or it just made him feel good to give it to her, since giving money was all he knew and what he was comfortable doing. Or it was his way for paying her for ‘services rendered.’ Ooh, she’d kill him. So it was better that it was going towards what it was.

  And, with Victoria sort of turning all asshole about the Sebastian thing, along with her high-class, snooty friends, she kept both. She took Victoria’s money as well. Plus, it still irked her about Stan, for some reason, giving Sebastian the impression that she would be a quick easy lay. Before Victoria had actually been inviting her once in a while with them, but now, it never even came up and she was treated as just a pee on employee. So, fuck it, she thought and took their money, but Sebastian’s check he’d given her would go for something entirely different.

  “Darvaine here.” He listened to the manager from the bank he owned on the other end telling him Adri was there with a check from him, in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and he was checking to see if he actually wrote it and if they could cash it. “Cash it?! She’s not depositing it?”

  “Ah…no, she’s looking to cash and walk. She’s given us a gym bag to put it in.”

  What the hell?! “Um…yes, I wrote the check. Fuck, I don’t want her walking out with that, though. Do me a favor, Kelly, offer her a car and tell me where she goes with it, what she does with it, if she takes it to another bank or…what. Find out what she’s doing with it. Just don’t let her walk around the city with it. Thanks, keep me informed.”

  Adri was going to walk out with it, but the bank manager shook his head at her. “Oh no-no-no,” Kelly replied, walking her out the door and pointing toward the waiting car with the huge security guard in the driver’s seat. “This is Dan; he’ll be driving you to your destination. A pretty thing like you, with all of that…doesn’t need to be on the streets with it. He’ll take you where you need to go.”

  “Ooh, awesome. Thanks.” Adri got in the car, smiling at Dan. He was a big boy and she gave him the name of the hospital she needed to go to, leaning over as Kelly closed the door, then waving bye to him.

  Half an hour later, Adri marched happily into Dr. Kale’s office, a premium surgeon who was Miss Ella’s doctor for the cancer she had, which was now pressing against her spinal column, attached to it. He had this new surgical machine that was state of the art and one of a kind that could be used to save her, the only catch was that the man’s asking price was premium as well—out of touch premium that Ella just couldn’t afford. Insurance and what she had financially herself would pay a good portion of it, but they were short too much and Ella immediately didn’t even entertain the thought of getting it done. She just resigned herself to live the best she could until her end. It had killed Adri to hear her say that. Now, there wouldn’t be an end and she could have that surgery! She’d been the one to take Ella to her appointments and had been talking with Kale. She turned around and plopped the huge bag of money on his desk, his dark brow shot up at her, opening it and looking inside. “Ta-dah! That’s ten thousand dollars and now you can do Mrs. Ella’s surgery for her!”

  “Well,” Dr. Kale chuckled down at the bag of cash, his cock tightened hard at the sight of the little beauty back before him. He went to his door–looking over her beautiful ass in her yellow slacks–and he pushed the door closed to give them privacy. He was too caught up staring at her ass and daydreaming to pay attention to the door being edging back open. “But, Adri, that ten thousand…was just the first half to be paid down…”

  “What? But you said–” He was lying and she instantly got this sick feeling as his eyes roamed over her body.

  “But…I think we could work something out for the rest of it…” he then reached up to her lip, lightly touched them, where she backup up and then looked down, noticing the outline of his erection. “You’re short…let’s say…five??...thousand. The price went up. Inflation. You understand.” He talked to her like she was stupid and then insulted her on top of everything else. “I’ll give you a deal, since god only knows what you did for all that cash and I’ll do it for half, when you fuck me...with your mouth.”

  Adri stumbled outside of the room in a daze, at a loss for thought, too stunned. She couldn’t believe it. How could he do that?! After a second, she asked herself what was the difference of being with Sebastian Darvaine and doing what she did with him after just weeks of meeting him and this guy? Fuck—a huge difference! Sebastian makes no bones about the fact of what and who he is, a naughty, nasty man, selfish to the core and who liked rough sex. Dr. Kale?...he was just that, a doctor, supposed to heal and help and he presented himself as a man of integrity, a good guy out to save lives! He was an egotistical, evil motherfucker and she couldn’t believe he was doing this. Fuck him or…he’d let Miss Ella die and who’s to say after she blew him off that he wouldn’t demand more, still not giving in. Miss Ella was just up in her fifties and had so many years left to live, but Dr. Kale acted as if she were a hundred years old and soon to die anyway, not worth saving. Every person on earth was worth saving. She couldn’t save them all, but she could Ella. She squeezed her eyes closed, her tears falling and then she shook her head, rising up from the wall. She turned around and Dr. Kale was standing in his doorway, watching her, smug and ready to use her. He looked around as she started back to him, stepping under his arm as he kept his door pushed open for her, going back into his office.

  The door closed and Dan stepped out from the storeroom. “She went in.”

  “Stop her! Goddamnit! Stop her! Get her out of there!”

  The door was banged on and Kale shouted out, unlocking the door and opening it, then pain exploded all through his head as some big guy slammed the door at his face, busting in. Adri was jerking her shirt back over her breast, shooting up from the couch. The man shoved Kale down on his desk by his throat, fist raised. Fear jetted through him hearing the guy growl that he was going to crush his hands—

  “No! Don’t! Stop!” Adri ran to him and pushed
with both hands at the man’s raised fist. “You can’t hurt him! Please don’t! He’s the only one who can save Ella and do the surgery. He pioneered the machine and knows how to work it-save her. Please, don’t,” she pleaded to the big guy. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and placing it to his ear.

  “You heard? All right,” Dan looked down at the worm in his hands and kept him held down across his desk with his grip on his throat as he lowered his phone to his ear. “Mr. Darvaine has something to say.”

  He could hear Adri’s hard gasp and cursing, but ignored that and got to it with Dr. Kale. “Doctor, this is Sebastian Darvaine here, maybe you know me, or maybe you don’t. Let’s just say you have a hospital to work at because I paid for it. You see the big guy there in the room with you?...well, he has a certain set of skills, skills which you almost found out about if Adri hadn’t stopped him, skills that can at any time be utilized. Now, this is how it’s all going to play out, you sorry motherfucker. First of all, you are to never even think about my girlfriend’s pussy or any part of her body that belongs to me, again. She’s not free to fuck another man for any reason and this…one was the lowest. And second, let me just tell you that in my line of work?...every man on this planet is fucking replaceable. I’m a certified genius, I put rockets into space, build and create the machines you are using, and I’m an extremely successful and extremely rich businessman. Despite what you claim and have told Adri, I know that you are completely replaceable and not alone in your field. I know ten guys right off the top of my head that could do that surgery.”

  “Oh you think?”

  “Batton, Pauls, Ryals, Ambers—”

  “Ha, that got his attention,” Dan replied having seen Kale flinch and glare bitterly.


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