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Relentless Desire

Page 37

by Jacqwin Hess

  He clicked the end icon, disconnecting them and smiling with the image of her face staring at him, stunned, entranced, mouth dropping further and further open, unable to think, move, or speak. It was perfect, and in a few days, he was going to be buried balls deep back in her beautiful body once again. He couldn’t wait to have her sweet goodness all over him and by goodness he meant her uplifting spirit, her charisma and kindness that drove him nuts and that made him love–like her so much. Like her a lot!

  Adri sat there dumbfounded for a second, then, much to her total fucking joy, she heard a clack above her and looked up to three pair of eyes staring down at her. Victoria and her shitty ass friends stared down at her and by their stunned expressions; they had obviously heard his every word. She just gave them a sappy grin and sighed. If you can’t be happy for me…fuck ya! “I ah…thought you were still at lunch. Forgot my keys.” She spun back around to the desk, sweeping them up, grabbing the iPad too and then shot up to her feet, dashing off to the back of the store. She went the back to go to her apartment, grateful none of them said anything. No doubt too stunned and she was loving it! Bitches!

  Oh please, Sebastian, don’t take too long to come and see me!

  “Still nothing? Really?” Laney Summers huffed in confusion as she swirled her straw in her margarita glass and had asked the question to Adriaunn, who she had met for dinner. She had asked her if she’d heard from ‘lover boy’ yet. Adri had just shook her head and blushed, embarrassed about it.

  “Yeah,” Adri mumbled and then sighed, ignoring the hurt in her chest. After everything that was said on the phone, after Kale’s office, all he promised and admitted, she hadn’t heard from him in three days now. It was Friday and instead of being with Sebastian on a date like normal couples, she was there with Laney, having called her and almost begged her to meet her for dinner. Adri just didn’t know what to think. It was as if her and Sebastian hadn’t spoke on the phone and then Skype at all! Adri just huffed and rolled her eyes, looking back up at Laney, who was running her hands through her long brown hair and putting it up in a ponytail. Margaritas always made Laney’s body temp rise. She then picked up her phone and put up her legs on another bar stool and held out her margarita glass taking a picture of her gorgeous legs and then posted it on Facebook. She was such a sexy bitch and fun too.

  “Well I’m so sorry. That sucks.”

  “Well, you’re the first one to be sorry about it. Everyone else seems to love it, thinking that it serves me right for trying to reach too high and enjoying the hell out of it. That’s what they’re saying—which I didn’t go after him, even tried to put him off, but he kept showing up here and there and asking me out. He had constantly brow-beat me just for a date. I never pursued him. People are such assholes and I’m as shocked by it as they are. There’s…a lot of things I’m not used to, since being on my own and living here, you know? ugly the people are?” Adri didn’t tell her about being a loser and going to his work with baked goods. UGH! She was still embarrassed about it, she could die and he’s not called or anything, being eight days now since she last spoke with him.

  “Doll, that’s everywhere. But shit, this is New York, the most competitive town in the world and you snared the attention of one of the most sought after bachelors in all of New York–hell, the world. Older men want him to end up with their debutante heiress daughters and merge companies with his, shit like that. Sebastian Darvaine! Have you Googled the man? Do you really know who you’re with? I’d bet anything you don’t, do you?”

  She bit on her bottom lip in answer and then sighed. Maybe it had been too lofty of a dream. If it seems too good to be true, then it usually is. Boo! “Well, I don’t care. I’m not that way. If it had happened to any one of them or you, I’d be ecstatic as shit for you all. When people around me are happy and awesome things happen to them, then I’m happy. You know? It’s just…a spontaneous thing with me, like a happy magnet and I radiate to that—good things—and love it when other people have wonderful moments. But…there are so many people just so eager to tear another person down and enjoy their pain and I’m like, their pain is my pain and I feel awful for someone and think of how you can cheer them up. And speaking of, congrats with Berry and all. You two really seemed to have hit it off, that’s so wonderful. How do you like living with him now?”

  “Thanks. It’s amazing–He’s amazing. Told me to tell you hello and he’s sorry he couldn’t be here. Work is keeping him late these days.”

  “Yeah, I know all about that shit.” Adri automatically groaned and her resentment showed through a bit.

  Laney froze and then squinted her eyes at her. “You don’t like him, do you? I mean, you’re not…acting real terribly upset about not hearing from him and you haven’t done anything to make any contact with him either, have you?”

  “Well, once. I tried to pull up Skype and a text once, the day after we got back from our little get-away, but that was it.”


  “Well,” Adri sighed and didn’t know how to describe it or to say what she was feeling except for two words. “I’m kind of over it now, done and I don’t know how to cut it off and end it. Officially. I mean, can’t text or call, never answers or replies, because he is so busy on the phone with business matters or in meetings.”

  “Are you out of your mind? Seriously? Again, I have to ask why?”

  “Well, at times…he’s boring.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Boring?! What the fuck?! BORING?! She thinks I’m boring and to the point she is considering breaking it off, for good? What the hell about the Quadski I took her on and going sexually ballistic on me she loved it so much. She certainly wasn’t fucking bored then! And then he remembered most of the other time he was on his phone or the laptop. Sebastian quietly released his breath he’d been holding and relaxed his hand from the phone he was gripping and put it back against his ear. Part of him was pissed, but the other part was hurt and shocked by it. More shock than anything. He’d never had a girl, or anyone for that matter, call him boring. That was one thing he’d never been accused of being. Boring?! He just still couldn’t believe it. “Thank you for the call Jaxson.”

  “Sorry man, that was what I overheard. I just…thought you should know before you got too involved with this girl. We go way back and I wasn’t about to keep that to myself.”

  “I’m not mad at you. Grateful, more like,” he replied and leaned forward coming to his feet, preparing to go. “Well, boring is going to be the last thing she thinks of me by the time I’m through with her. I understand why she said it. I have been a sorry date, never giving up work, bringing it with me and then after we leave each other not talking to her for days or weeks at a time.”

  “Yeah, that would pretty much make you the suckiest boyfriend on the planet. So, I’ll let you go and you can go make yourself ‘unboring’ to her, if you want too.”

  “I have nothing to prove and can’t change anything for her or anyone. I am what I am and do what I do. Can’t blow off millions and let hundreds of people lose their job so I can go play. I don’t have that luxury, but I’ll deal with her, just not how she thinks. Thanks again. I owe you. Big time.” He hung up and put her out of his mind for now, getting back onto his computer where his next conference with investors in California was about to start.

  Eight days and no word from Sebastian. Adri lay in bed staring up at the ceiling and then looked over at the clock for the time. “Five forty-two.” Tuesday. She picked up her phone, found the number he called her from and texted to it.

  Adri: Morning Person? Or a night person and I’m waking you with this text?

  She waited for him to answer, but when he didn’t she set it down and rolled back over to try to get some more sleep. Clearly not THIS early of a morning person and neither was she really, but for some reason she just happened to wake up. Or maybe he called on his landline at work and—the phone began ringing. She jerked back over, picking it up. “Hello?” she
answered, hearing heavy breathing.

  “Hey.” Sebastian took deep, hard breaths, swiping the sweat from his face. “Sorry, I’ve been running.”

  “Really? Oh my god, the gym is open? I didn’t think they opened until six. Don’t move, I’ll be right there—”

  “No! Adri, wait. Do not leave your house. It’s too dark still and dangerous. The car is right out front. I’ll send him to you. Do not leave until you hear him honk.”

  “I’ll be ready in five minutes.” She then hung up and jumped out of bed, going to the bathroom, peed and showered, then went to her closet where she found her workout clothes were still dirty. “Shit.” However, after some rummaging… “Hello, Daisy Dukes.”

  Sebastian froze and stared, his mouth agape and then felt anger burn in him thinking about her risking herself like that. “Is she trying to fucking kill me?!” Sebastian shouted as she jumped out of the car in itty bitty jean shorts, the pockets hanging down out of them and her ass peeping out of the back. She had a little tank-top on, her hair was all wildly curly and twisted up about her head, held up by a claw-clip. She looks utterly delicious and fucking adorable! And she was going to go running out on the street like that, alone….in the dark in New York?! His mind screamed louder and louder with each word. Fuck me, and then he turned back to the kicking bag behind him, spun around and started punching the hell out of it, then back kicked at it.

  Adri didn’t know why she was excited. She jumped out of the car without waiting for TJ to get out and open it, running to the building and going in. She stopped dead in her tracks seeing Sebastian on the kicking bag; punching quickly at it, grunting so sexy, pivoting and kicking it. He then jumped flipped about, and kicked it again, obviously no stranger to the bag. He was so gorgeous, working out with no shirt, his body gleaming in sweat. He was only wearing loose white pants, his hands and bare feet wrapped up in tape as he worked out, gasping as his muscles tightened, bulged and flexed—so fucking beautiful and she was getting so wet, tingling at her nipples and between her legs. Ooh, what it would be to have that over me, driving into me, holding me and controlling me, kissing me—

  Sebastian saw how she was looking at him, staring all dreamily and he stopped, grabbed up his water bottle, and squeezed some into his mouth. He then squeezed some water over his head, shaking it, making her flinch, but she didn’t move back. He slowly stepped over to her and leaned against the post, looking down at her. He sucked in a deep breath as she tiptoed up and pressed her lips to his, both hands instantly grabbed her by the head, holding her up to him. He tilted his head, slanting his mouth over hers, forcing her mouth open around his tongue. She kept their bodies apart, her little tushy sticking out from it. He reached down and slipped his finger under the cut hem of the shorts. She cried out and shot her body forward, but he kept a hold onto her ass, lifting his mouth from hers and kept a tight grip in her hair.

  “See—too much-too quick.”

  “I’ll tell you what’s too much. You! In these fucking shorts!” He ran his finger along her wet pussy and gave a smug grin. “And it doesn’t feel like it’s too quick. More like not enough or quick enough. But, all your sexiness aside, I’m a bit pissed that you would honestly run out in them…at night, in the dark in this town. How often do you—”

  “They’re all I had. My others were dirty and I wasn’t wearing old smelly gym clothes here. I’ve never worn them before. They’re not exactly New York style. And I don’t ever run out alone at night. I’m not stupid. Now let me go. I’m sorry about the kiss thing.”

  “Don’t be, I like your kisses. Kind of shocked by it, since you’re the one always pulling away from them. So, why’d you do it?” he asked and she lowered her eyes, twitching her lips to the side, shrugging shyly.

  “I…I like morning kisses. It’s a good way to start the day and…you’re kind of hot, so, who better to get a morning kiss from?”

  “Kind of? I’m only kind of hot?”

  “Extremely hot, but the kiss was only meant to be friendly.” She held her breath as he leaned back down and gently pressed his lips to hers, smelling incredible—not like sweat yet. How does a man work out that hard and not stink to high heaven. Oh god, he is delicious and smells so good. She jerked back, remembering his own ability to ‘smell’ and had a hard nose for arousal and she didn’t want him to smell hers that was pouring all over her. “Treadmill. I have to get started.” She spun around and he slapped her on the bottom, hard enough to shock and hurt her, firing her flesh from the sting. She glared back at him, but he only smiled at her and then turned back to the kicking bag. Thank god, the treads don’t face the road anymore. They had all been moved and were now in front of the wall, each with a TV screen in front of it. She only spared him a glance over her shoulder, seeing him smirk, having listened to her complaints that she hated all of New York saw her bust her ass—and there was new carpet, too. “Very…funny…” Adri turned her iPod on and went hard at it again, starting off with Black Eyed Peas “Pump it.”

  When he came to check on her, he froze and stared. Mouth agape. Black Eyed Peas. “My Humps,” and she was walking–if….that’s….what it could be called. How does a woman move like that?! Fucking seriously?! She had a grunge…gyrating way of walking, moving her hips at the same time, swaying them in tempo to the song, mouthing as she sang along with it. The song changed, she increased her speed back as “Dum Diddy” came on and he went to the office, grabbing a sticky note, writing on it.

  Taking a Cold Shower! He ripped it off and wadded it up, throwing it in the trash.

  In the shower

  When he went out, she was still going at it. He very carefully approached, set it on the machine, and then carefully backed away and left to take a cold shower.

  Naked. He’s naked. Adri glanced down at the note again, grabbing her water bottle and squeezing some in her mouth. She suffered hard, feeling her body tighten at the image that came to her mind, her going in there, tasting him again, wishing she could taste more of him. Naughty, sexy thoughts immediately besieged her brain and she actually felt like whining, wanting to go into him so bad.

  Sebastian’s thoughts were very much the same. In his fantasy he saw her stepping up behind him, wrapping her arms around him as she kissed his shoulder. She held him and pressing her sweet little body against his. God that would be so—


  He jerked out of his wet-dream, slamming his hand up to the wall from his hard cock and wondered if he heard right. “Adri?”

  “Are you naked—Oh god, I mean, of course you’re…” Adri took a deep breath, calming her fears. “I was ah…I was just wondering if…I join you—oh god, never mind, this was cruel and stupid of me, in public.” She spun away to leave, but cried out as he caught her wrist and jerked her into the shower with him. She cringed, tightening up and panting out as the cold water hit her feet, staying away from it. She wasn’t able to think or feeling anything pass the feel of his hands touching her, loving the way he caressed and then fisted her hair, and drew her body against his. He kissed her softly and then slanted hotly over her mouth, opening and tasting her as he thrust his tongue deep. She was already naked and he slowly worked the towel from her grip after changing the water temperature up. He tossed the towel up on the shower wall and then brought his hand down to her waist, sliding his arm around her back. Oh god. He feels so good. He really feels so fucking fabulous!

  He pulled her a bit closer, trying not to smile when she squealed at the feel of his erection touching her belly and slid his hand down over that beautiful hot ass of hers. He broke from her lips, grabbed his watch from the top of the shower wall, and saw they had twenty-five minutes. “Thirty minutes.”

  “Half an hour? We can’t do it in thirty minutes. I’m not good enough—”

  “We actually do open at six, but we’re still able to be here alone and stay quiet.” He was good enough for the both of them. His kissing was mind shattering, finding her exact daydream from a moment ago suddenly
a reality. She was lifted up by his hand that he had cupped over her pussy, fingers spreading her folds, fucking her and then cried out into his mouth as he shoved his fingers between the crevice of her bottom. The man was relentless. He had her dying in pleasure as he shimmied his fingers over and in her, his cock rocking and stabbing over her clit. She fought it, as she’s always done. But he still managed to bring her a tremendous amount of pleasure, did things she hadn’t been prepared for, feeling herself about to let go and climax—

  “Oh shit—What the hell?!” A voice shouted from the door.

  “It’s Sebastian, Tim. Darvaine.”


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