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Aliens Abroad

Page 50

by Gini Koch

  Wruck nodded. “That’s fine. I just wanted to be sure you were sure. In that case, the answer to your question of why he’d want to stop his mother was already given to you by him—he has the perspective of true death and the realization that he will watch until it all ends or he figures out how to help you fix it. He’s trying to help you fix it.”

  “Me over his mother? He didn’t make it sound like he hated the person he was talking about. He was warning me about them, but it wasn’t with distaste.”

  “You can love someone who you realize is evil or wrong, you know,” Wruck said gently. “If Jamie did something terrible, you would still love her because she’s your daughter.”

  “True enough, and I sincerely hope that wasn’t you giving me a warning or some creepy foreshadowing.”

  He laughed. “No. She’s a wonderful little girl and I sense no evil in her. ACE is a help in that way, of course. I used her merely as an example.”

  “Okey dokey. So, let’s say it’s Mama Mephs in there. She’s been the queen mother to the most powerful Superior there was. Maybe she agreed with his decision to destroy their sun. Maybe he tried to send her into it to do what she’s doing with this sun only it didn’t work. Maybe he sent her into their sun because she’d disagreed with him. But she’s been in space for hundreds of years and, instead of landing in a mammal—and I want to point out that she was near an entire ship full of them when the neutron wave hit the Eknara—she went for a sun. So, the next question is—how did she manage to get inside it without being incinerated?”

  “I have no idea. But I believe another question is just as important. How is she able to speak to and influence every living native on these planets? She’s turned people who should be terrified of what they can see happening to their sun into docile sheep.”

  “Did the Superiors have the same tele-talents that the A-Cs have?”

  “No. The A-Cs are particularly strong in those, just as those you’ve told us about on Beta Eight who are far stronger in tele-talents than the norm out there. There are many races with tele-talents, but statistically they’re a minute percentage of the whole of the known galactic worlds.”

  “Does that mean you don’t think that Mama Mephs is telepathic?”

  “No, it means that we don’t know where her telepathy would come from. Perhaps she was just lucky.”

  “So, she was like Ronald Yates, a sport—someone who deviated or varied abruptly from type.”

  “Possibly. Or she’s had time to learn somehow while sailing through the galaxy.”

  “And she just somehow hits a star? Should I be worrying about coinkydinks?”

  Wruck shook his head. “The space between galactic bodies is vast. That so many Superiors have managed to reach planets is amazing. And I know you feel that Mephistopheles was calling to them once he joined with Ronald Yates, but even so, it’s amazing.”

  Jerked. “Wait. You just said it. Mephs was calling them. I mean, we’ve always assumed that’s what it was. Frankly, we thought it was Yates doing it, but he was never really as in control of the pairing as he’d thought. That means they have telepathy and it’s freaking strong, because Mephs was calling to his people thousands and tens of thousands of light-years away and they were able to alter their courses somehow and reach Earth.”

  “How do we counter that?”

  Didn’t have to think too long on this one and, for once, didn’t really need the musical cue of Tom Petty’s “A Mind With a Heart of Its Own,” though, as always, tunes were enjoyable. “We ask a wascally wabbit for help.”


  WE DECIDED THAT WE could leave the closet and do the rest of this in my rooms. We headed off at hyperspeed and joined the majority of the animals lounging around in my suite. Interestingly enough, Bellie was here, too, but MJO was presumably still in the mess hall with everyone else.

  Bellie greeted me like my long-lost bestie. “Floaty! Floaty! Floaty!” She flew into my arms and started nuzzling. Yeah, say what you will about Operation Fundraiser, it had really bonded me with this bird.

  Stroked her head and gave her a gentle scritchy-scratch between her wings. “Good to see you, too, Bellie. And who would like to explain to Kitty how Bellie got in here?”

  Bruno birded up and shared that Bellie had been lonely and the Poofs had done her a solid and brought her over. Chose to be magnanimous and not complain about this.

  Handed Bellie off to Wruck, who she proceeded to coo at. Yeah, African greys were supposed to be one-person birds, but Bellie’s viewpoint was that whoever the top man in the room was, he was hers. And so were all the other men. That she’d taken to me probably had a lot to do with her deep and abiding love for Jeff more than anything else.

  Found SuperBun and gave him a snuggle, then sat with him on the couch while Wruck and Bellie took the armchair. Most of the other animals gathered ’round, too. Well, it wasn’t like they were going to tell anyone other than me what was going on, not even the rabbits, because I swore them to secrecy first. R.E.M.’s “Animal” came on, which I took to mean that Algar agreed that the animals were trustworthy and might be helpful.

  Animal spit swears and pinky oaths given, it was time to get down to business. “SuperBun, we have a situation and we need your insights.” Explained the current dilemma in detail and was quite pleased that Wruck didn’t do one single thing to make me feel crazy for talking about this with a rabbit. He even added in as necessary. As confidants and brainstorming partners went, he was top-notch. “So, we think that we have a hugely powerful telepath in that sun and we’re wondering if you can scope her out in any way.”

  SuperBun shared that he’d give it a shot. He closed his eyes, leaned against me, and concentrated.

  Knew this could take him some time, so chatted quietly with the others while SuperBun did his Most Powerful Psychic Rabbit In The Galaxy thing and Lifehouse sang “Into the Sun” because Algar sometimes enjoyed being really obvious.

  “Any ideas for what to send into the sun to get rid of the parasitic Superior superbeing and ideas for how to get whatever in there without destroying our weapon or the sun itself are absolutely welcomed at this time.”

  Once again, Wruck expressed no derision for my asking the animals for ideas. “Please remember that whatever is sent has to travel more quickly than the blink of an eye or runs the very real risk of being disintegrated before reaching its target.”

  The animals shared that they had nothing just yet, but they’d noodle on it, so to speak. Shared this with Wruck who, once again, took it in stride.

  “You know, John, you might be the only adult aside from me who doesn’t think what we’re doing right now is crazy.”

  “Oh, it is crazy. However, I’ve learned that your form of crazy works very well. And the thinking in the other room wasn’t getting us anywhere. Appealing to those who haven’t heard all the ideas already—both the good ones and the bad—seems wise, honestly. Plus, I’m sure that a few of the others would think this was a sound option, as well.”

  “Possibly Richard, and he’s probably about it. Everyone else is supportive because they kind of have to be.”

  Wruck chuckled. “Everyone loves the animals. They’re full members of the team.”

  The animals sent a lot of love Wruck’s way. Other than SuperBun, who was still concentrating.

  Finally, though, as My Chemical Romance sang “Mama,” SuperBun’s eyes opened. He shook himself in a way that was adorable. Then he heaved a huge bunny sigh.

  “What did you get?” I asked him.

  He’d gotten that there was indeed a very strong, sentient presence in the star. Female, based on her thoughts. She was distracted with the joining of her essence to the star, which was the only reason she hadn’t exerted power on the crews of the Eknara and Distant Voyager. And, in that sense, we didn’t matter. The moment she was one with the star she was going to engulf a
ll the planets and life on them. She was gleefully looking forward to this.

  “Can we stop her without destroying the star?”

  Possibly, was SuperBun’s take on it. But it would take something powerful enough to hold the star together while expelling the parasitic telepath. Or something nonexplosive.

  “We can call her Mama Mephs or the Anti-Mother. You guys pick.”

  “Why Anti-Mother?” Wruck asked.

  “Because Galactus is a dude and Galactusa sounds dumb. Plus, Galactus is, like, my least favorite comics villain of, possibly, all time, and while that sounds like a great moniker to assign, I just don’t have the love for it. Besides, Mama Mephs is basically the opposite of Mother. Mother wants to protect everyone. Anti-Mother wants to destroy them. And, for a comics comparison, the Anti-Monitor, while a lot like Galactus, is far cooler.”

  “I like it,” Mother said. “I was not eavesdropping, but you said my name and I thought you needed assistance.”

  “No worries. Have the others come up with any good ideas in our absence?”

  “Sadly, no. They are all quite filled with despair.”

  “Glad we left,” I said to Wruck.

  Who nodded. “Mother, could you ensure that everyone stays there? We’re possibly making progress and I don’t believe we need input from anyone beyond those in the room with us.”

  “Certainly, John. Would you like me to continue to listen or not?”

  We looked at each other. “Up to you,” Wruck said.

  “Um . . . you know what? Sure.”

  “As you wish. I will not intrude unless you ask for me, the others come up with something helpful, or I feel that my input will assist.”

  We gave our attention back to the animals. “SuperBun, did you get any feel for how long we have until Anti-Mother is going to be unstoppable?”

  Not long, but long enough. However, SuperBun felt compelled to point out that we had no good ideas for what to send into the star nor how to get there safely.

  My music changed to “Walkin’ on the Sun” by Smash Mouth. Considered this clue. “Are there people who can walk on or go into stars who we could appeal to for help?” I asked Wruck.

  His turn to jerk. “There are. Any superconsciousness of enough power could do it. And I could alter myself into a form most likely to survive the star’s heat—there are some very rare beings who can enter a star.”

  “I can’t pop up the numbers, but as far as I’ve ever heard, stars are like the definition of hottest things in the universe.”

  “They are, but that doesn’t mean that beings can’t survive inside of them.”

  “Oh, just like in the Narnia books.”

  “If you say so. We have a Superior joining with a star—clearly survival is possible, at least for a few.”

  “So we need a superconsciousness to help. Does it make me a bad person that I don’t want ACE to do this?”

  “No, it does not,” Wruck said. “ACE resides in your daughter. You not wanting to risk ACE or Jamie shows good maternal instinct.”

  “I don’t know if Sandy is close enough. We don’t know who’s hanging out in the dark nebula that the Eknara was near so there’s no guess if they’ll help us or not. Naomi’s not allowed to manifest as far as I know. Who does that leave us with?”


  Only the person who said this wasn’t Wruck.


  WRUCK’S EYES OPENED WIDE and he stared at someone who was on my left, but just outside of my peripheral vision. My music changed to “Faith in Each Other” by INXS.

  Turned to see who was speaking. They were somewhat formless, a collection of sparkling motes, like a living version of the Pantone Matching System. I’d only seen something like this once.


  The motes spun. “Yes. It is . . . good to see you again, Kitty.”

  “Um, really?”


  “I, um, killed you. Sort of.”

  “No. You saved me. You and Jareen and the others. You gave me to the galaxy and I was able to become much more than I ever could have been prior. I understand why ACE chose to stay as they originally made us. But I am grateful for the new life you gave me.”

  “I’m glad it worked out. Um, why are you here?”

  “I was called. I have seen what is inside this sun. An evil the likes of which I could never have achieved in my former existence. It must be stopped. This is my galaxy, just as it’s yours, and I must assist you or we will all be destroyed.”

  “Wow, it’s like totally Old Home Week. But glad to have you on the team. What are your thoughts about getting into the sun?”

  “I could manage it,” Lilith said slowly. “But I believe it would destroy me. However, I am willing to sacrifice if that is what’s needed.”

  “Can’t express how much I don’t want people on our side dying if it’s at all possible. Besides, if you’re destroyed getting us in, how do we get out?”

  “Us?” Wruck asked.

  “Dude, I’m going, too. I’ll wrap up in as many sets of Drax body armor as possible and you can do whatever to shield me, but someone has to actually stop the Anti-Mother. Getting to her is just the first part. Stopping her? My first job with Centaurion Division was as a parasitic superbeing exterminator. I’ve trained for this.”

  Poofikins jumped onto my lap and mewed. This seemed like a very dangerous plan. No kidding.

  “Well, I don’t want to die. I don’t want anyone else to, either, though. But, if it comes down to it, this falls under the heading of My Job.” I’d had that confirmed by Mephs, after all. Was able to be gung ho because I wasn’t allowing myself to feel any fear. Which was hard, but so far I was managing. My music changed to “Champion” by Fall Out Boy. The chorus was, “If I can live through this, I can do anything.” Really hoped that was going to be true.

  SuperBun shared that he had to go, too. He felt he had a chance to win if he could go head-to-head with the Anti-Mother telepathically. But he knew he had to be close to her to do it.

  Harlie and Jamie’s Poof Mous-Mous joined Poofikins on my lap. The Poofs were having a discussion, and it was one they weren’t allowing me to understand.

  The discussion didn’t take long. Mous-Mous purred at me, then hacked something up. In any other animal this would have been gross. But the Poofs, being Black Hole Universe Animals, were able to ingest almost anything and, if it was something they weren’t actually eating, cough it back up later.

  And what Mous-Mous hacked up was worth its weight in whatever precious stones or metal you wanted to name.

  There was a Z’porrah power cube sitting in my lap.

  The power cubes allowed the user to move anywhere they could think of. If you could see it in your mind’s eye, you could go there. And you traveled in a moment. They were hugely powerful and had been used against us for years. We’d scrounged a few and used them against our enemies, too.

  But they were too powerful to just leave in anyone’s possession—the Mastermind had used one successfully for far too long, after all. The Poofs had collected all of those we knew about and many we hadn’t and had given them to Algar, who kept them in the “water reclamation facility” under the Dulce Science Center where he lived. Was sure that this was some sort of pocket universe or similar, but had never asked outright.

  Basically, she who had a Z’porrah power cube had the means to go anywhere. Even to the center of a star. She also might have the means to get out again, which was the very definition of win-win.

  “This is how we get there, all of us, in the blink of an eye.” Hugged the Poofs. “You guys are the best.” Mous-Mous mewed at me. “And it’s all set up for Kitty, no fiddling needed? You are the best Poofs ever!” Received much Poof love in return.

  My music changed to “Get on the Ball” by No Doubt. Right, I�
�d forgotten something. Got up and went to where I’d put the ball that was Cradus and Spehidon. “And we also have this.” Explained what it was to Lilith.

  The motes reached out and caressed the ball. “Yes, I can feel them in there. I agree that this should be brought with us. And I have an idea. But it will require you to trust me.”


  “If I enter you, you will become stronger and I will be able to ensure we both last longer inside the star.”

  “What happens after?”

  “You birth me. Unlike ACE, I do not wish to be limited. I will not try to remain or bend you to my will. I give you my word.”

  “Tell me who called you to come help us.”

  The motes touched me and I could see Naomi’s face in my mind. She blew me a kiss.

  “Good enough for me.”

  “We will join just before we make the attempt,” Lilith said. “I would prefer to . . . stay as we both are for as long as possible.”

  “Are you afraid I’ll try to keep you?”

  She was quiet for a long moment. “No. I know you. You have honor. And you would not keep any against their will. You offered to birth ACE and would have done it if ACE had agreed. You have offered this to ACE many times. I trust you.”

  “Good. I give you my word that I’ll birth you as soon as it’s safe for us to do so, once we’ve either won or lost against the Anti-Mother.”

  “If we lose, I will not allow you to birth me,” Lilith said. “If we lose, I will be all that could keep you alive.”

  “Thank you.” It was weird to be working with another former enemy in this way, but apparently this trip was all about the Fate of the Galaxy making me have the strangest bedfellows yet.

  Wruck went to the armories to gather all the body armor he could find. While he did that, I dumped my purse out to see what I might have that could be helpful. “I have a lot of firepower, but the ones I’d bet work the best are Serene’s.”


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