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Valmont, Cheri - Lady M [Confessions of a Victorian Master] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Cheri Valmont

  Confessions of a Victorian Master

  Lady M

  In the straight-laced Victorian Era, Jason Featherington is the man fiancés, husbands, and fathers turn to when their unruly female relatives are too hard to handle. His specialty in the discipline of the fairer sex is renowned within the ton. He makes a fine living from his endeavors and certainly enjoys it.

  Jason's current client, Lord M, is unable to get his wife with child because of her unusual sexual proclivities.

  To help Lord M solve his dilemma, Jason must first learn the secrets of Lady M's initiation into the intimacies of the flesh. And with his observation of her with her initiator, and his own intervention, he is determined to assist Lord and Lady M deepen and enhance their relationship to a level neither dreamed possible.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre/Regency

  Length: 14,224 words


  Confessions of a Victorian Master

  Cheri Valmont


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2009 by Cheri Valmont

  E-book ISBN: 1-60601-522-2

  First E-book Publication: July 2009

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  To all those Victorian Erotica lovers out there: this one’s for you.


  Confessions of a Victorian Master


  Copyright © 2009

  Chapter 1

  “I’m in need of your expertise, my good man.” Lord M.’s pleading request had indeed surprised Jason Featherington—not that it should have. Jason was well known in elite London circles for his abilities in the discipline of the fairer sex. His accomplishments were what kept him in expensive starched cravats and luxurious rigs fit for a king. “My young wife has shown an uncommon knowledge of the…um…sexual arts for one still a virgin when I took her to wife. When I questioned her, she…ah…was very,” cough, “forthcoming about it.”

  “And the problem would be?” Jason encouraged as he stared across his large desk toward his visitor. The man did not seem homely or so unattractive that it would cause a young wife’s disgust. The man’s well-groomed hair appeared as black as the wing of a raven. He possessed dark eyes that Jason suspected could be expressive if not as guarded as they were presently. Jason noted Lord M.’s symmetrical features, handsome features, he could admit, if not for the man’s slightly drawn facial expression, leaving him wondering what had caused this gentleman’s distress.

  Unless the lady was in love with someone else?

  As Jason watched, Lord M. swallowed with difficulty, the red of shame sweeping up into his light olive complexioned face. He averted his eyes, staring with contrived interest at Jason’s well-stocked bookcase.

  Good heavens. What could be wrong with this man’s bride to cause him such a reaction?

  “I can assure you of the utmost discretion, my lord.” This was one of the reasons Jason never thought about his clients by their last names, even to himself, on the off chance he might mistakenly mention them in front of his servants, including his most trusted manservant, Henry. “If you’ve had a recommendation from one of my prior clients, they will have told you I am the soul of such. Now, please tell me what has you in such a state of anxiety.” Jason leaned back, stretching his legs before him, resting his steepled hands across his belly. He wanted the man relaxed. Only then would he get the information he needed.

  Lord M. looked toward him again, his dark eyes lit with uncertainty. With his impeccably dressed form leaning forward as if about to impart a secret destined to ruin him, he began, “My wife…she…eh…”

  Jason had to admit this situation intrigued him now. Obviously the lady had her husband shaken up. “Out with it, my lord. Your wife what?”

  Blushing again, the young lordling burst out with, “She seems unable to find release in the normal fashion!”

  What? What the devil was the man blathering about? “In the normal fashion? Are you saying she cannot find her release with copulation?”

  Now the raven-haired man looked ready to sink through the floorboards of Jason’s warmly furnished study. “Not normal copulation,” Lord M. insisted. As if unable to help himself, he rose, pacing before Jason’s desk with enough briskness to wear a hole in his imported Chinese rug.

  Jason’s eyes widened as he came to the sudden realization of what the man intimated. With a quirk of an inquiring brow, he asked, “Are you telling me she can only find completion if you are…eh…making use of her…bottom?” There seemed to be no delicate way to phrase that question, so he might as well be blunt about it.

  Stopping short before one floor-to-ceiling oak bookcase, Lord M. cringed at Jason’s conclusion. Avoiding Jason’s interested gaze, the man hurried to assure him, “It’s not that I don’t…eh…enjoy doing that with her.” Without a doubt, the man looked forward to this conversation with as much enthusiasm as he looked forward to a painful tooth extraction. “She has a delicious bottom. In truth, had I not a worry to getting her with my heir, I would not be troubling you. The lady is a delight to my senses,” Lord M. continued, as if this was a subject closer to his heart, “and her mouth, sweet heavens.” The man looked to the heavens as he said the words, as if completely in awe of his lady’s expertise in fellatio. “She...ah...umm.” He looked back at Jason as he realized he was gushing about his wife’s sexual talents, and with a flushed face, he moved to sit upon the wing-backed chair he vacated earlier.

  “I see,” Jason said, and he did. The man wanted to get his wife with child, but her obvious partiality to having her husband fuck her bottom and mouth had caused somewhat o
f a dilemma for the poor man.

  “I have discussed it with her. And she has done her best to be an obedient wife, but because of her desire for,” he coughed again, “other things, before I know what’s happening, I’m giving her what she desires. Her utter ecstasy is as addictive to me as opium.” With that heartfelt declaration, Lord M. slouched into the chair, looking defeated.

  “Have you asked her why she enjoys this so much?” Now Jason really wanted to know what had the lady so captivated with that aspect of sexuality.

  Lord M. nodded reluctantly. “My wife is an honest person, Mr. Featherington. She would not hide anything from me. She loves me. But it seems her widowed mother married a widower with a son several years older than my Elizabeth. It seems the two of them struck up a close bond very quickly. And in her words, though the attraction was mutual, he realized his father would never let them marry. So to prevent ruining her for a good match, her stepbrother showed her other ways they might enjoy each other.”

  Hmm, what a predicament. “So now it seems she equates these things with love.”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Do you love her, my lord?”

  Lord M. nodded his head with conviction, the worry seeming to slip from his eyes, as he looked beyond Jason’s shoulder, his gaze unfocused. “Aye, sir. I’d been staying with cousins who insisted I accompany them to an afternoon engagement to which they’d been invited. From the moment I met her at that country party, I could not take my eyes from her. It was not as though she was a raving beauty. She was even well beyond the schoolroom, in truth.” A small smile lifted the corners of his mouth as if he could see clearly the day he met his wife. “My cousins confessed to me that they expected she would remain a spinster. I could not give credence to such a thing. To me, she exuded such raw sensuality and grace, I could not fathom that any and every male would not want her for his own.” Then as if the man realized he’d revealed extremely intimate details, he turned his face away, leaving Jason staring at his profile.

  Gazing at him thoughtfully, Jason considered the situation for a moment. He wanted to help the man. And Lord M.’s expression of his perception of his wife sealed the decision, as far as Jason was concerned.

  Jason had fallen into his unconventional lifestyle and vocation after his father’s financial ruin and subsequent suicide. Barely an adult, Jason had been forced to find some means to support himself and his older sister, Penelope, who had been engaged until her intended discovered her family’s shame. By happenstance, Penelope’s best friend’s father approached him with an unexpected request. The man had wanted to pull his hair out of his head at his daughter’s stubbornness. She had been betrothed to a man, wealthy beyond belief, but too shy to avert his will on the headstrong chit, so the girl was running her young swain a merry chase. The girl’s father had noted the girl’s propensity to hang on Jason’s every word. So he proposed that Jason use his influence to make the girl honor her duty to marry her betrothed and settle down. By whatever means. He’d offered Jason a handsome reward, one that could help him recover from the desperate situation he and his sister suddenly found themselves in. But Jason had insisted he would do so only after he spoke to the girl’s betrothed. Instinctively he’d realized, without working with both of them, his intervention could be doomed to failure.

  This assistance, he soon learned, came easily from him. With his tall, blond, blue-eyed good looks, females fluttered toward him like moths to a flame. And his no-nonsense approach seemed to cause their instinctive submission to his will. But Jason also discovered he had this same affect on men, who more times than not fell in with his plans without a protest, as if they realized his efforts were for their best benefit. They in turn held him in high esteem for his innate abilities where the female sex was concerned. So with luck and to his eternal relief, he’d succeeded in his mission, and the girl’s grateful father had given him enough blunt to set his sister up in a good situation and led to many other lucrative opportunities for him.

  Opportunities such as this one. But Jason knew he should do one thing first. With the lady’s husband’s permission, of course, he would observe her with her stepbrother. “I know this might sound somewhat farfetched, but would you be opposed to me bringing your wife’s stepbrother and her here for observation?”

  “I don’t have to be here, do I?” Lord M. glanced toward him again, a look on his handsome face that told Jason he might have a hard time watching his wife with another man.

  Jason shook his head. “Not if you do not want, my lord. Have you ever thought of bringing in another man?”

  Obviously not. Lord M. looked shocked at the suggestion. “What?”

  “Another man. One who might join you and your wife, to assist in helping you with your present dilemma?”

  “I…I…” Lord M. sputtered. “My lady would never agree to such a thing!”

  “Perhaps not. Shall I find out?”

  “Well…” Despite himself, it looked like Lord M. might not be completely averse to the possibility.

  Jason would just let Lord M. mull over the suggestion for a while. Until then, Jason would concentrate on the discovery of the origination of Lady M.’s fascination. And that would begin by becoming acquainted with the man who introduced her to her sexual proclivities—her stepbrother.

  “First, a few questions. Has your wife ever showed any preoccupation during relations?”

  Lord M. blinked rapidly. Certainly he seemed surprised at Jason’s line of questioning. “No, never. When we are together it is as though I’m the only man on earth to her.”

  Smiling slightly, Jason continued to watch the gentleman’s demeanor while he spoke about his wife. “Very good. Does she ever refuse your advances?”

  “Are these intimate questions really necessary, Mr. Featherington?” Lord M. demanded a little uncertainly.

  “If you desire assistance in your present dilemma, I would say yes. It is important that I discover if there are any extenuating circumstances causing your problems.”

  “Such as?”

  “Is there any possibility your wife could be having an affair of which you are unaware?

  “What?” Lord M. nearly shouted, so insulted was he. “She would never do such a thing!”

  “If you are so sure, then please answer my questions.”

  Lord M. had nearly bolted upright in his chair at Jason’s previous question. Looking directly at Jason this time, his posture eased a little before he said, “Fine then, never. She never refuses my advances. Should I desire her during the day or night, during a carriage ride, whatever. I could not ask for a more responsive woman.”

  “I have to say I’m pleased to hear that fact, my lord. You are a very lucky man.”

  “I’ve never had any doubt about that, Mr. Featherington. That is one reason I’m here for your help.”

  “So the thought of setting her aside has never occurred to you?” This was something Jason had to know.

  “No indeed not. I adore my wife. I treasure her amiability and honesty, the ease with which she expresses her love for me. She would never betray me. That I can believe as surely as I believe the sun will rise tomorrow.”

  “What if what is needed to help you with your problem means her having to do a few unexpected things?”

  “As long as she has no objection, nor will I.”

  “Without exception?”

  Lord M. hesitated, but then nodded with renewed resolution. “Yes, without exception.”

  “Before we begin, I must have your permission and that of your wife to do what is necessary to help her.”

  Lord M. grimaced, but then nodded his head. “Yes, do what you must. I’ll do whatever it takes, Mr. Featherington. If you succeed in finding a way to help us, I can promise you a very hefty commission.”

  Jason smiled. Even without the man’s words, he did not doubt Lord M. adored his wife and wanted a child and would be very grateful for his assistance in reaching that end. But who knew? Perhaps the man and h
is wife might become open-minded to a few other things.

  Chapter 2

  Although he was upstairs in his specially made room in his London townhouse, Jason heard the knock on the entrance door, when it came. This would be his first meeting with Mr. Roger P., Lady M.’s stepbrother. Actually, since she would soon be arriving, it would be the first time he saw her, also. After asking Lord M. a few more probing questions the day prior, he’d decided his plan of action. Once he questioned his first visitor about the lady’s fascinations, then he would set about doing what needed to be done to help her accept other aspects of regular lovemaking.

  Soon a knock came on the door to his special room. He’d instructed his manservant, Henry, to show his guest directly to this chamber.

  Henry responded to his direction to enter by opening the door. “Mr. P. is here, Master.”

  “Thank you, Henry. That will be all for now. You know what to do when our other guest arrives.” The servant bowed and retreated, leaving Roger P. gazing at the contents of the room with admiration. Given the possibility that his visitor might be unused to wealth, Jason could understand the man’s first impression of the room.

  It could pass for a normal parlor, with its chaises and chairs, an overlarge hearth and expansive mantel with an Ormolu clock prominently displayed upon it and matching miniature statues carved out of rosewood flanking it on either side. But it also included high ceilings with intricately designed cornices and gothic-style arched windows with dark crimson drapes drawn for maximum privacy. Several imported rugs in sedate colors of muted browns, beiges, and greens warmed the wooden floors. There could be no doubt that the room belonged to a male. But only Jason and his manservant Henry would know of the hidden things that might turn it into a haven of sexual delight.


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