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Lie to Me (Rising Star Book 1)

Page 17

by Lee Piper

  Reid stares at me for a long moment. My lungs are bursting, my eyes are watering, and I’m fairly certain my lips are purple.

  His mouth crashes into mine. If this is his answer, I love it. If this is a distraction, I’ll take it. I don’t care. I just need him closer.

  Ignoring the heckles and hollers from the others in the room, we kiss as though the world is on fire and we’re about to go up in flames.

  “I’m gonna be standing next to the lighting desk,” he murmurs against my bruised lips. “I won’t move from that spot.”



  My grip on him tightens. Reid presses his forehead against mine. “You’ve got this, darlin’.”

  With a final brush of lips, he releases my legs and I slide down his body until my feet touch the floor. I’m not a fan of this new position. Reid skims the backs of his knuckles down one side of my face, then turns and saunters from the room. He flips Drake off on the way out. A smile teases the corners of my mouth.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m about to lose my ever-loving mind.

  Tobias is a jerk-faced weasel. He’s been fucking with our sound from the opening chord. He makes us wait longer in between his drum fills, playing endless self-gratifying solos. It’s seriously roasting my beef. If he doesn’t get his shit together, I’m gonna serve him a massive helping of tough love courtesy of my mic stand smacking him in the face. A girl can only take so much.

  Irony, shut the fuck up.

  Jasper subtly shakes his head. Gritting my teeth, I inhale, preparing for the chorus. Only the lighting tech once again decides to turn up the house lights. He wants me to hold the mic out to the crowd while they sing the chorus back—they’ve memorized it already. Vivienne almost creamed her panties when he suggested it during the production meeting. I thought he was joking.

  In a perfect world, this is a stellar idea. Hats off to the guy. Let’s all band around a campfire singing “Kumbaya.” But this isn’t a perfect world. Far from it. This is me being forced to confront my worst nightmare one nameless face at a time.

  I freeze.

  It appears the only body parts I have that are still able to function are my voice and my eyes. Frantically, I scan the crowd.


  He’s exactly where he said he would be, his gaze fixed on me. His shoulders are set, his arms crossed, and his expression determined. It’s equal parts unsettling and hot as hell. Either way, I draw strength from him.

  Closing my eyes, I listen to the crowd, my mic pointed in their direction. But in my mind, all I see is Reid whispering the words to me. Once the chorus is finished, the house lights fade and I’m once again saved by darkness. Blinking, I cradle the mic between my hands, throw my head back, and sing.

  Like a motherfucking goddess.

  As soon as we make our way off stage, Jasper herds us into the greenroom. The door is barely shut before he rounds on us. “What the hell was with you tonight?” His expression is murderous. His right eye is twitching and everything.

  It’s not directed at me.

  Tobias stumbles to the side, the wall preventing him from falling over. I’m not okay with this. If anything, I’m hoping a decent bump to the head will knock some goddamn sense into him.

  “What’s my problem?” he slurs, his glazed eyes searching the room—probably for another bottle of bourbon.

  “Yeah, asshole. Your problem.” Jasper stalks over to where Tobias is fighting a losing battle against the wall and gravity. “You blew our song out by three minutes. You’re lucky Shiloh and I played like a fucking boss out there tonight. What the fuck, man?”

  Tobias slides to the left.

  “It was all one big wank-fest for you. You didn’t give a shit about what’s at stake. You didn’t give a shit about either of us.”

  Tobias pushes off the wall, his face inches from Jasper. “Now you know how it feels.” Shoving past my brother, he wrenches the door open and staggers from the room.

  Jasper spins around. “What in the actual fuck was that about?”

  Scrubbing a hand down the side of my face, I sigh. “Tobias has feelings for me.”

  He blinks.

  “The morning after the house party, he told me he likes me. No, wait. That’s not right. I mean, he was going to tell me, but I didn’t let him because, you know, awkward.” My groan is huge. “Anyway, he didn’t take my response too well and is pissed off I’ve been hanging out with Reid.”

  “Wait.” Jasper holds up one hand, stopping me. “So the guy tells you he likes you—”

  “I didn’t let him tell me. Jesus, is there nothing but static between your ears?”

  “Moot point. The fact is, he’s into you and you dry fuck someone else right in front of him?” Jasper shakes his head, disappointment rolling off him in waves. I hate when he does this—it makes me edgy. “That’s cold, sis.”

  “I didn’t plan on kissing Reid. Bloody hell, what kind of woman do you take me for?”

  “A horny one.”

  I roll my eyes. “Look, I was in a weird headspace, all right? Reid was helping me deal with something and then the kiss kinda… happened.” Even I recognize how pathetic that sounds. “It was a dick move, wasn’t it?”

  My brother narrows his eyes. “You need to talk to Tobias.”

  “Yeah, I know. But tonight’s not a good time for a deep and meaningful. He’s in a mood. I need to wait until he’s sober.”

  Jasper nods.

  “Can you watch out for him? I’m the last person he wants to see right now.” I swallow, my throat suddenly tight. “Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.”

  He nods again.

  “Thanks. I’m gonna head back home. Call me if you need anything.”

  What a clusterfuck of a night.

  The drive is a blur. I have no idea how I make it home, but by the time I pull into the familiar driveway, I’m too exhausted to question it. After cutting the engine, I contemplate sleeping in the front seat since I can’t be bothered to drag my sorry ass out of it. Bribery is a godsend. The promise of a hot shower and a cold beer does the trick, and before long, I’m plodding to the front door.

  Reid is waiting for me.

  Neither he nor I say a word. With his head tilted, he scans my body. I want to tingle, I really do, but I can’t seem to summon the energy. Large, callused fingers take my hand, and his touch is like a jump start to my vagina. Lethargy fades and sparks shoot through my limbs. I feel reborn.

  We make our way across the road to the deserted playground before my steps falter. “This place is kinda creepy.”

  As though timed to perfection, the swings creak and sway in the warm breeze. The jungle gym has more shadows than light. Hell, even the old wooden boat we climb into could be straight off a horror film set.

  “Why would you be scared of a kids’ playground?”

  “It’s a creepy kids’ playground,” I correct. “That makes all the difference.”

  Reid snorts, maneuvering his large body inside the wooden death trap without incident. Despite the two large steel springs underneath that pose imminent death to any and all equilibrium-challenged would-be sailors, he has no trouble. I, however, am a slapstick comedian’s wet dream. Legs, arms, hands, and feet, I tumble left and right, not once able to find my center of gravity. It’s only when Reid grips my hips, shifting me onto the floor beside him, that the sea-sickness eases. Fucking hell.

  “Don’t,” I growl.

  “I’m not saying anything.”

  “I know you’re thinking it.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, your skateboarding skills were equally as shitty.”

  “Yeah, that makes me and my seventeen scars feel a gazillion times better, thank you.” Shoving him in the shoulder, I continue, “Look, just because you can stand on moving objects without breaking yourself doesn’t mean the rest of us can, all right?”

  He smirks.

  “Besides, if we were meant to travel on anything
other than our own two feet, God would have given us built-in airbags.”

  A not-so-muffled snort comes from Reid’s direction.

  “Seriously? Your mind actually went there?” Shaking my head, I mutter, “And people think I’m immature.”

  We’re both silent for a moment. Now that my eyes are directed away from the horror film set and up at the night sky, it’s nice. The air is balmy, the sky is clear, and I’m almost certain I spot Sagittarius. Or a plane. It could go either way.

  “How’s Tobias?”

  My stomach drops somewhere behind my spine. “Drunk.”

  “He finally grew some balls and told you, huh?”

  “Yeah… hang on, how did you know he liked me?”

  I’m almost too distracted by his lips to catch his response. “He’s always wanted you.”

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  His eyes meet mine in the darkness. From this angle and with the way the moonlight is hitting them just so, they appear silver. I barely withhold a sigh. “Yeah, he has.”

  “No, seriously. He hasn’t.” But as I protest, realization finally hits home. “Oh shit. Really?”

  “Remember the time we all went camping? You forgot your pillow so he gave you his?”

  “Yeah. What of it?”

  “The ground was rock hard.”


  “Or what about when he offered you his hoodie after you locked yourself out of the house?”


  “It was the middle of winter. During a thunderstorm.”


  “How about when he asked you whether he should date Tiffany and you told him yes?”

  “I was trying to be supportive.”

  “He didn’t speak to you for a week afterward.”

  “Goddammit. Now I feel like an even bigger bitch than his girlfriend.” Groaning, I throw one arm over my eyes. “I’m so dense.”

  “Won’t argue with you there.”

  My hand stings from where I punch him in the arm. “Jerk.”

  I can sense him smirk. Even in my self-imposed darkness, I know it’s hot as hell.

  After a moment, I remove my arm. “Being an adult is hard. Life gets so complicated.”

  He stares at me, his gaze clear. “Not everything.”

  Pretty sure I just ovulated. Twice. Shaking my head, I murmur, “I want to go back to the way it used to be. You know, before it all went to shit.”

  Reid and I are silent for a long time, staring at the inky sky overhead.

  Eventually, he speaks. “There’s nothing you can do about it now. Might as well wake up tomorrow as the person you want to be.”

  I sigh. “It’s not that easy. The person I want to be is fearless, and every morning I wake up terrified. There is so much that scares me.”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  I take in his profile—the peppered jaw, full mouth, straight nose, and long eyelashes. There’s no denying that he’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Something inside me cracks then shatters. “What if you’re what I fear the most?”


  Reid exhales. “You don’t fear me. You fear when I act as your mirror, reflecting a truth you can’t ignore, but not me.”

  “Lie to me.” My voice is small, hesitant. It’s hardly recognizable.

  He stares at me. The real me. The woman who is desperate to move forward yet unwilling to take the first step. The woman who wants to embrace love but is terrified of getting hurt. The woman drowning in the past because her future is uncertain.

  The woman.

  He cups my face. “You want me to lie to you?”

  I nod. “Just this once.”

  “All right.” His thumb traces my bottom lip, and I shiver. “Life is simple, darlin’. We always make the right choices, never hurt those we care about.”

  A lance of pain shoots through me, and I close my eyes.

  “Look at me.”

  My body’s response is immediate.

  Reid’s fingers delve into my hair, holding me firm. “Assholes die first, and good people live forever.” He stares at my lips. “Love is rainbows and fucking butterflies.” Leaning forward, his mouth brushes mine. “And we all live happily ever after.” He kisses me.


  I am so gone.

  This man holds my heart in his hand and he doesn’t even know it.

  The stage lights are hot. So hot. Beads of sweat trickle down my cleavage, but I resist the urge to shove my hand in my shirt to stop its inconvenient trajectory. Beside me sits Jasper and Tobias, their stares transfixed on Vivienne. She’s gesticulating to the camera, the gold chains of her bracelets rolling up and down her arms with each grandiose movement.

  Opposite us sits Reid, Willow, and Drake.

  My gaze keeps flitting to Reid. How he appears so composed, I have no idea. Dark jeans hug his thighs. His black, long-sleeved Henley is pushed up muscular forearms. Hell, even his wavy hair is down. It’s as if he dressed with my ovaries in mind. I watch, enraptured, as he pushes some strands behind one ear.

  I want him inside me.

  Crossing my legs, I shift in my seat and scowl. It doesn’t matter how many times I wiggle or squirm, the ache between my thighs is going nowhere. It’s annoying. Almost as annoying as the damn couch. “Fuck, this thing is uncomfortable.”

  Jasper smiles for the sake of the camera, but when he looks at me, his eyes hold a warning. “We’re live.”

  “Not for much longer if this bench seat has anything to do with it. Pretty sure my spine is about to snap.”

  “If it means you’ll shut up, I’m all for it.”

  Tobias rests his elbows on his knees, pretending to nod and smile in agreement with what we’re saying. “Both of you, quiet. Vivienne is about to—”

  “And the two bands moving through to the finals of Rising Star are…”

  The lead singer of the synth pop trio from upstate bites her lavender fingernails.

  There’s a muffled squeal. I can just make out the PA standing to the right of the camera. She slaps a hand over her mouth, her blue eyes bulging. The girl is pumped, I’ll give her that.

  Slowly, Vivienne opens the gilded envelope. I blame her delayed movements on the boulders posing as ring gemstones. They must weigh more than my Fender. An excruciatingly large ruby catches the light and I wince, momentarily blinded.


  The room explodes into chaos. It takes a moment to register what the heck is happening, but once my gaze clears, Tobias and Jasper are on their feet, screaming like Banshees during the plague.

  “Was our band called?” My gaze darts between the boys. Neither are listening. “Was our fucking band called?”

  More screaming.

  Holy Hera. It must have been.

  The boom mic is yanked away the moment I join my bandmates. There is every possibility my deafening shrieks blow a speaker.

  Behind us, more hollers can be heard. We turn to see Willow’s band in the midst of a group hug.

  “Shit. They made it through.”

  Wrapping an arm around my brother, I squeeze. “I’m glad they did. They deserve to be in the finals. Besides, they’ll force us to work harder and when we win”—I wink—“we’ll have bragging rights for the rest of our lives.”

  His grin is wide. “You make a good point.”

  Tobias doesn’t say anything. However, I can sense his entire demeanor shifting. The ecstasy fades and in its place springs restraint, annoyance, resentment. Not good.

  Immediately after the announcements, we’re ushered into the boardroom for an interview. It’s hard not to take offense when Tobias takes the seat farthest from mine. I raise a questioning eyebrow, but he ignores me. Great.

  The interviewer is a slimy bastard. Not only is he fascinated by my breasts, but his sweat stains have sweat stains. It’s beyond gross.

  “So tell me,” Peter? Paul? Pervert? Says once we’re all settled. “How does it feel being a final
ist in Rising Star?” His gaze is firmly fixed on my cleavage.

  “It feels great,” I bite out.

  He nods at my girls. “I’ll bet.”

  I give a pointed cough. He blinks, and I’m surprised to learn that yes, he is capable of direct eye contact. I quirk an eyebrow.

  Seemingly pissed at being caught, his eyes narrow. “What do you think your chances are of winning the competition?”

  Ignoring the familiar ball of angst in my stomach, I counter, “Since we’ve made it this far, I’d say they’re pretty high.”

  There’s something shifty about this guy. Maybe it’s the desperation for a story wafting through the threadbare material of his coffee-stained shirt? Or is it the chipped, yellowing teeth? Not sure, but I don’t trust him. Not as far as I could throw that slab of concrete posing as his laptop.

  “What do you know about the rival band?”

  I sigh. “I know they’re talented. We respect them a lot. Drake’s vocals are powerful, Willow’s guitar skills are phenomenal, and Reid—”

  Tobias snorts. Pervert’s eyes dart to my friend, carefully observing his sardonic expression.

  After clearing my throat, I continue. “And Reid is solid on drums.”

  The interviewer pins Tobias with a stare. “What strategies are you going to use to win? Surely mind games would be at the top of your list?”

  “We’re not that kind of band,” I interrupt. “We’re just going to focus on keeping our song tight, technical, and enjoyable.”

  Pervert reverts his attention back to my girls. “How commendable.”

  Beside me, Jasper’s fingers flex. “Dude, we don’t want any trouble. That’s not what we’re about. They’re good friends of ours. We’d never sabotage their chances of winning just like they wouldn’t sabotage ours.”

  “You’re friends with the rival band?” His voice is incredulous.

  “Of course we’re friends.” I roll my eyes. “Why is that so hard to believe?”

  Tobias snorts again. Swear to God, if he doesn’t quit with the snarky shit, I’m gonna elbow him in the ballsac.

  “So you’ve known them a while?”

  “Most of our lives,” Jasper confirms.


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