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Super Nova (Hot Rods #3)

Page 8

by Jayne Rylon

  What was he doing back there, behind his roommate?

  Holy shit. Barracuda stretched Carver’s ass with a finger or three as if he planned to mount their friend and ride him and Sally in tandem. Eli and Alanso sometimes liked to play like that. Kaige thought back to the carwash Mustang had orchestrated to lure them into debauchery, and how she’d tempted her pair of mechanics into nailing her on the hood of Eli’s Cobra while the rest of them watched. That’d been one way to banish their inhibitions.

  It’d been the first of many steps that had led them here.

  Yet they still had some road to travel. He would swear the two guys had never crossed this line with each other before. Certainly the other night had seemed like a first. But would they always now? Were they a couple? Or were all of the Hot Rods fuck buddies?

  Kaige’s eyes grew wide and his cock leaked in his pants. After being tortured the entire day, he couldn’t suffer much more without erupting. He took a step closer, encouraged by Eli’s smile and the jerk of the head mechanic’s chin toward the action—a clear invite to join.

  Some tiny sliver of his brain that was still operational shouted to him, Don’t! Don’t fuck up any chance you have with Nola.

  He was torn.

  Go forward? Move back?

  Hold out for a woman he barely knew, one who might never become an important part of his life no matter what his gut insisted? Or shun the friends who’d never once let him down and risk alienating himself from them?

  He had nowhere safe to turn.

  Welded to the floor, Kaige stood and stared. Leaving any of them with a glimmer of doubt that he approved of their progression would be impossible. He extricated his own cock—already painfully aroused by a day in close proximity to the most alluring woman he’d ever met—through the zipper of his coveralls. No way could he resist a chance at release.

  Kaige stroked himself.

  Alanso tipped his head, as though he might call out to Kaige, encouraging him to take his rightful place at their sides. Thankfully, Eli stopped the guy with a hand on his shoulder. Super Nova didn’t know if he could have resisted another siren song leading him to temptation.

  Bearing witness, yet standing apart, seemed the best compromise he could offer everyone. Including himself. Mustang Sally smiled up at him, her warm eyes too wise despite the now-familiar haze of lust and the slow, heavy blink of her lids. He’d like to think she understood.

  As he stared, King Cobra reached out with his right hand and fisted Holden’s dick. Swinger gasped and thrust his hips forward, poking through the ring of Eli’s fingers as he made more than a handful for their leader. The rest of the guys copied the example Cobra made for them. Each mechanic stretched their free hand to their right.

  Since Holden was nearest Carver and Roman, he took turns petting them, keeping them calm despite the boundaries they shattered. And Carver surprised Kaige by being alert enough as he fucked and was fucked to grasp Bryce like a lifeline, completing the circle. Soon they each jerked their neighbor while enjoying a hand job in return.

  While Kaige regretted his exclusion from the unit they made, he accepted each searing look his friends leveled at him as they indulged enough for all of them. Sally’s eyes rolled back as she reveled in the sweet screwing Carver gave her.

  At the center of their tangle of limbs, she soaked in the passion each man expressed openly with grunts, reverent curses and the tightening of his hand on his buddy.

  “Hurry, Roman.” Carver looked over his shoulder. “This isn’t going to last forever. I want you to come with me. With us. In me.”

  Alanso broke out his Spanish as they crossed into the next higher level of rapture in sync. Barracuda landed a loud smack on Meep’s ass. Shit, that had to sting. But if it put the guy off, Kaige couldn’t tell. Carver only plowed Sally harder and faster as the red imprint of Roman’s hand began to glow across his white cheek.

  “I’ll tell you when I’m ready, boy.” He fisted Carver’s longish hair in one hand as he blanketed his roommate with his ripped body. Not an ounce of fat stuck to the guy’s ribs or midsection. He humped Carver’s ass, probably guiding his cock along the slick ravine between the knotted flesh, getting himself even slipperier.

  “Yes, sir,” Meep rasped. “But you’re not making it easy. To hold out.”

  “Sally. Pinch his nipple for me. Kiss him while you do it, though, so he doesn’t scream the house down when I fuck his tight ass.” Roman said more in those thirty seconds than Kaige remembered hearing from the quiet man in the past six months.


  When Mustang did as told, Carver stiffened between his dual tormentors. Taking advantage of his distraction, Roman guided the glistening head of his cock to the shadowed valley of his soon-to-be lover’s ass.

  With steady pressure, he invaded Meep. The man groaned, low and long. Barracuda’s hips grew closer and closer to his roommate’s ass. He backed up some then plunged forward time after time, progressing bit by bit.

  “Shit, that’s fucking hot.” Holden caught his bottom lip between his teeth as Eli stroked him.

  “Maybe you’d like to give it a try next time?” Bryce’s latent promise had each of the guys glancing at him. Where was this going? How bold would each of them get?

  “Highly recommend it.” Roman growled through clenched teeth as he dedicated himself to making a lasting impression on Carver. He wrapped his hands around the guy’s waist. Anchored, he thrust with more and more vigor until both of them sported a sheen of perspiration.

  Sally absorbed any spillover energy, her body the perfect pillow for Carver. Her mewls served as excellent evidence that she loved every single second.

  A spurt of precome coated the tip of Kaige’s erection, allowing his fist to fly over his engorged length smoother, faster with every stroke. Eli tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling for a bit as if to cool down. Carver didn’t help when he stretched to the limits in his sandwiched state to lick sloppily at King Cobra’s tool.

  And that was all it took.

  Eli lost control. He blasted Carver, and Sally, and maybe Roman too, painting them with his hot, silky come. Kaige wondered what Nola would think of the raw beauty moments before rational thought disappeared. Like dominoes, each of the Hot Rods capitulated to desire, one by one in a ring of never-ending bliss.

  Roman fucked Carver mercilessly, as if capturing each of his friends’ pleasure and reinvesting it in the man beneath him. Meep twitched and groaned, inarticulate sounds that Mustang Sally absorbed the same way she took the impact of his body.

  “It’s okay. I won’t let you go over alone.” She hugged the man on top of her. “Together, all right?”

  Carver moaned in response. He shuddered. Sally squeezed him tight—both with her arms and her pussy, Kaige would bet, since her echoing cries could only mean she’d surrendered to an epic orgasm. Roman gripped Carver’s ass hard enough to leave bruises, though Meep wouldn’t mind. Barracuda let the smaller man ride out his orgasm on the thick length of his cock before shouting at the metal rafters in their common space and unleashing his own monumental release.

  A couple of the guys recovered enough to support Roman as he yielded to the moment and years of pent-up passion. Bliss pulsed through Kaige with every slam of his heart while he watched contentment blanket his friends. Nothing could make him happier.

  Sally lifted her gaze to his and smiled.

  Kaige shuddered as he pumped jet after jet of come from his cock. He hadn’t realized he’d toed the edge so close. As if he were sixteen again, he was swept away by a massive orgasm that awed him with its intensity and the thoroughness of his ecstasy.

  The only thing that could have made it better would have been pumping into Nola while he watched his friends connect with each other. If they could have shared that bond…

  Another wrench of his spine pulled the last droplets from his balls.

  He leaned against the couch to keep from falling on his face.

  For a moment, he
enjoyed the endorphin high. Then reality set in.

  Instead of joining the laughing, exhausted group of friends piled on the floor, replete, he bolted. It wasn’t pretty—or manly—but he didn’t give a shit. Enticement too strong might make him do something he regretted. Because he couldn’t ignore the energy that had travelled between him and Nola today.

  Right before he got to the hallway, leading to his room, Sally’s soft call had him turning toward her. “Kaige?”

  “Yeah, Mustang?”

  “We’ll be here when you figure it out.” She smiled slowly, then stretched like a sleepy kitten instead of a wild horse. “I’m not going anywhere for a long, long time. And for the record, I think she’s great too. Someone I could be friends with.”


  “Do you want to t-talk about it?” Roman shocked the hell out of him by offering to discuss what were sure to be feelings even messier than Carver’s back was at the moment. From the wide-eyed glances winging between the other members of their gang, Nova wasn’t the only one caught off guard. Maybe all this sharing had unlocked more than sexual aspects of their complex relationship.

  “Uh—” He froze.

  “It’s okay if you’re not ready.” Sally laid her hand on Barracuda.

  “I gotta sort some stuff out first.” Kaige twisted his fingers in his dreads, gathering them then letting them fall again.

  “Go.” Eli didn’t command him to his room as some kind of punishment. It was a freedom and an acceptance of their combined needs, even if that meant taking a hiatus. “Why don’t you call the crew? You can say anything to them and not have to worry about stepping on anyone’s toes unintentionally. Go ahead, tell them about your crush.”

  Bryce knocked into Holden with his elbow as both guys smirked. They approved of Nola, or they wouldn’t have encouraged him like this. One hurdle jumped.

  It made Kaige admit to himself without reservations that there had been something special there. An indefinable chemistry.

  That’s what he’d searched for his whole life. A woman who made him feel alive, smart, and special while firing him on all cylinders. Nola could be the one.

  Could he risk finding his soul mate for a life of lust with his garagemates?

  As much as he wanted to strengthen the ties between them, could he be happy with that camaraderie alone? Especially after seeing up close and personal the joy Eli, Alanso and Sally had brought each other once they took their relationship to a sacred place, beyond physical intimacy, or even the bestie status they’d enjoyed in the friend zone.

  He took a deep breath then another, refusing to hyperventilate and black out like he had the day his mother went missing. Before he’d quite recovered, he’d perched on the cracked concrete steps of a home he never intended to return to though he had only the clothes on his back.

  Could today turn out to be as pivotal as that one had been?

  Kaige slammed and locked his door then hauled his laptop onto his unmade bed. He only took time to kick off his boots before shoving his shoulders against the headboard and flipping open his computer.

  A text to Dave alerted the man to his need to speak. I’m gonna Facetime you. In 3…2…

  Don’t hang up. I need to go grab my tablet. BRB, came the response, which vibrated Kaige’s phone.

  He tossed the device onto his pillow then waited for the laptop screen to flip from blackness to a live idyllic mountain scene. Trees with bright green leaves swayed gently in the breeze. A sapphire lake at the foot of the mountains that cradled Dave and Kayla’s naturist resort, Bare Essentials, came into focus.

  Dave’s naked chest hogged most of the screen, his massive shoulders easily stretching the full width of the frame. Guaranteed he didn’t have any pants on either. The crew had embraced the lifestyle of one of their members. Kayla. Everyone brought something to the table. Something they all could share and learn from.

  Maybe the same could be true for Hot Rods? Would they invite a new member into their midst after so long? Could they adapt and grow?

  So many stranger things had happened at this point in Kaige’s life, nudity didn’t faze him. Especially not when some of the crew wives meandered across the massive deck overlooking the valley behind Dave. Super Nova figured it’d be polite to give them a heads up at least before they started getting their freak on like his own Hot Rods had done. The mechanics had learned their tricks from these sexperts. “Good evening, ladies.”

  Kayla and Devon turned, flashing their pretty, tanned-all-over breasts. Damn, why had he seen a bunch of people naked today, yet not the person he wanted?

  “Super Nova!” Kayla waved and bounced in her excitement to see him. That did absolutely nothing to take his attention from her gently swaying tits. Except instead of imagining her or Devon welcoming him to their group, all he could picture was Nola’s face instead.


  “What’s that look for?” Dave squinted into his laptop’s camera. “I thought Eli was going to smooth things over with you? You’re still pissed from a couple nights ago? I figured you two would—”

  “Nah. That’s not the problem.” Kaige cleared his throat. Obviously someone had caught their friends up on recent highlights and lowlights.

  “It’s the sex. It freaked you out?” Dave’s mirth rumbled across the speaker. “It’s okay, it wigged Neil too the first time.”

  “Actually…that’s not it either.” His skull hit the wall harder than he anticipated when he let his head fall back. The impact rattled his brain.

  “Seriously?” Kay and Devon came to sit beside their husband and friend. “How much stuff could you have going on all at once?”

  “It’s a girl. I met a beautiful, genius, funny, badass woman.” He lifted up so they could see the truth in his eyes.

  “Well, that’s some timing you’ve got there, Super Nova.” Dave chuckled. “The consultant? Ms. Brown? I take it she’s not really eighty-five with horn-rimmed glasses then, huh?”

  “More like smart, young and stacked.” He scrubbed his eyes as memories of her flashed before them.

  “Wow. You must really like her if stacked came last in that list.” Devon snorted.

  “Yeah.” He wasn’t laughing. “So what the fuck do I do? I have to be upfront, don’t I?”

  Kayla nodded. “I think you do. I knew about the crew before I went on my first date with Dave. It was shocking enough to hear then. I would have felt betrayed if he hadn’t told me in the beginning.”

  “I sort of walked in on the crew’s fun. Definitely before anything happened between me, Neil or James.” Devon agreed. “She deserves to know what she’s getting herself into. Because it’s going to be about more than you and her. Isn’t it?”

  “Well. Shit. That’s a big leap. I mean, I haven’t even asked her out. Although, I did sort of kiss her.” He couldn’t smother his grin.

  “Pretty sure there’s no sort of involved when you play tonsil hockey with someone.” Devon grinned. “Was it good?”

  “Amazing.” He sighed.

  “So you’re going to have to spill the beans. Talk to the guys and double check they don’t mind. They won’t. Then let her know how it is with you.” Dave spoke slowly as he considered his advice.

  “How the hell do you admit to a girl you just met that you get it on with some or all of your roommates but that you still want to find a forever woman of your own?” A headache began to throb at the base of his skull.

  “She doesn’t need details since you guys are still figuring it out. Tell her things are complex and dedicated,” Kayla chimed in. “Most important, convince her you’d like her to be a part of what’s going on regardless of what that specifically entails. You know, maybe not diving into the deep end right away but…eventually. If things worked out.”

  “So much for starting with a simple trip to the drive-in.” Kaige shook his head.

  “Well, you could go the date route.” Dave scratched his chin. “Why not ask her to be your plus-one for the wedd
ing? Maybe it’s better to show her than to talk. Relationships like ours might be hard to explain, but once you witness it for yourself, it’s hard to deny that it’s right.”

  “Eli and Alanso thought so when they crashed one of our sessions.” Kayla kissed her husband on the cheek. “Sally too, when we put on a demonstration for her. You’re right. That’s a perfect solution.”

  “Nola already knows about Eli, Alanso and Sally.” Kaige shrugged. “She didn’t seem freaked out by that. And if she is, I guess it’s better to know how she feels about it before I get attached, right?”

  “True, though that’s not what Dave meant. He was talking about the after-party.” Devon rubbed her hands together.

  “What?” Kaige tipped his head but when the trio on the other end of their web conference caught his confusion, they backpedalled.

  “Umm…forget we told you about that. It might be a surprise.” Kayla pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. “But damn, people should warn you something’s top secret when they give you intel like that.”

  “You’re saying…” Kaige’s eyes grew wide as he speculated.

  “I’m not making another peep.” Dave waved his hands in front of his chest.

  “Well, maybe a couple more.” Devon leaned forward. “You want to bring your Nola to the wedding if you’re serious about seeing what’s possible. And if she runs, we’ll be there to convince you she didn’t deserve you anyway.”

  “You’ve got a week and a half to work your magic on her before then.” Dave grinned. “Do your worst, Super Nova.”

  A smile spread across his face as a new sort of strategy coalesced in his mind. “I’ll do that. Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” The trio waved at him, the women blowing kisses as Dave reached forward and severed their connection.

  Alone in his room, Kaige didn’t feel abandoned. Friends surrounded him. A phone call or a shout away. And now he had the shot of a lifetime.

  Kaige flopped onto his pillows, grinning.

  Game on.

  Chapter Six

  Kaige tightened the last of the bolts on Nola’s exhaust. He probably had set a world record while swapping out her catalytic converter. Still, he ensured his work met his high standards. No way would he risk fucking up her car. After a final pass over the system, he nodded and shoved against the chassis a bit harder than he’d planned so his creeper rocketed from beneath the vehicle.


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