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The Maverick's Baby Arrangement

Page 17

by Kathy Douglass

  Daniel nodded.

  “You said two reasons,” Mrs. Kasey said.

  “Yes. Hailey was the second and, honestly, the most important. Tragically, she’s already lost her parents. She’s been through so many changes in her young life, we don’t want her to have to endure many more. It’s important to us that she have a stable home. Since we knew we loved each other, it seemed better to get married sooner rather than later. That way, I could move in right away and become a regular part of Hailey’s life. We want her to know she can count on both of us being here every day.”

  “And how has she adjusted?”

  “She’s happy,” Daniel said. “She loves Brittany just as much as I do.”

  Before the social worker could ask another question, Hailey’s voice came over the baby monitor.

  Brittany and Daniel stood.

  “I’ll get her,” Brittany said and then turned to Mrs. Kasey. “That way you can meet her.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Brittany left and Daniel sat back down.

  “She’s lovely,” Mrs. Kasey said.

  Daniel’s response was honest and heartfelt. “Yes, she is. Before I met Brittany, I didn’t believe that a woman as good as she is even existed. You may think it suspicious that we married so soon, but after I got to know her, I was determined not to let her get away. She and Hailey are the best things that have ever happened to me.”

  “You love her,” Mrs. Kasey said as if surprised.

  “With all my heart.”

  Mrs. Kasey nodded and didn’t reply. They sat in silence and Daniel got the impression that the social worker was sizing him up. He began to second-guess his answers. Had he blown it by overselling his emotions, claiming to love Brittany with his whole heart? He hoped not. The odd thing was...he hadn’t thought before he’d spoken. The words had just come tumbling out of his mouth. Just what did that mean?

  Before he could ponder that question and come up with a suitable answer, Brittany was back, Hailey in her arms. She’d dressed Hailey in a cute pink dress with white flowers and matching ruffled bottoms. Brittany had insisted on going shopping for Hailey and they’d come home with bags full of adorable outfits with matching hats and barrettes.

  She’d also arranged a photo shoot for the three of them with a photographer she knew. Daniel had been resistant at first, but now he was glad he’d given in. The family pictures scattered around the house added a personal feel to the professionally decorated spaces, something Brittany had known the social worker would look for. The enormous portrait hanging over the living room fireplace was a showstopper. With the other changes Brittany had made, the house truly felt like a home.

  Hailey was happily carrying on a one-sided conversation. When she saw him, her eyes lit up and, exclaiming, she reached out to him. His heart melted and he stood, wrapping his arm around Brittany’s waist for a second before taking Hailey and holding her against his chest.

  He and Brittany sat back down. Hailey chattered and laughed for a moment, content to sit on his lap but able to reach out and touch Brittany, which she did frequently.

  “Well, obviously she’s too little for me to talk to,” Mrs. Kasey said.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” Brittany said. “She talks quite a bit.”

  “We just don’t speak her language,” Daniel added.

  “Is she standing yet?”

  “She pulls herself up on anything she can,” Brittany said proudly. “But when she’s in a hurry to get somewhere, she crawls like crazy.”

  “Is she sleeping through the night?”

  “Yes. Although I check on her several times during the night,” he confessed. “I just need to be sure that she’s fine.”

  Mrs. Kasey nodded and made a notation in her file. “What will you tell her about her parents?”

  He blew out a breath. “I didn’t know her father, so, hopefully, her grandparents will share that information with her. They instigated this suit without even trying to speak with me. But rest assured, we want them to be a part of her life. They’re her family.

  “But I can tell her all about her mother. I’ll tell her just how sweet and smart Jane was. And how much her mother was loved by everyone who knew her. I’ll make sure Hailey knows how much my sister loved her.”

  Brittany squeezed his hand. “We’ll make sure she knows that.”

  A lump materialized in his throat, leaving him unable to speak, so he nodded.

  “Would you like to see the rest of the house?” Brittany asked.

  “Yes, but first I’d like to see Hailey’s room.”

  “Sure. I’ll show you while Daniel gets her snack. She’s happy to sit and play for a few minutes after she wakes up, but if she doesn’t get her fruit and bottle soon, she’s going to raise the roof.”

  Daniel watched as his wife led the social worker from the room, his heart in his throat and his mind a jumbled mess. There was too much going on for him to process. He hated being out of control of the situation. Being with him was best for Hailey, but he was powerless to make it so.

  Not only that, he didn’t have power over his emotions or words. What did it mean that he’d had no problem saying he was in love with Brittany? Why had the words felt so right?

  Hailey pulled on his ear, reminding him that it was time for her snack, so he went to the kitchen, glad for a moment to get back to his routine and the little he could control.

  * * *

  Relax. Brittany reminded herself that she had been in plenty of tense situations and had never once cracked under the pressure. She wasn’t going to start now. But there was no denying this situation was different. Those other times had been business. This was personal. Mrs. Kasey’s opinion of her mattered more than winning a contract or pulling off the perfect event. Only her mind and her ego had been involved then. This time, people’s hearts were at stake.

  “Oh, this is so sweet,” the social worker said when she entered Hailey’s room.

  “Thank you.” Brittany had enjoyed decorating the room. Each item had been selected to pique the little girl’s curiosity as well as to make her feel special.

  Mrs. Kasey picked up the two-sided picture frame on the dresser. On one side, there was a picture of Hailey with her biological parents. On the other, there was a picture of Hailey with Brittany and Daniel. “This is a nice touch. Not everyone would have been so thoughtful.”

  “We don’t want to erase Hailey’s past. We just want to assure her future.”

  “And you think you can do that better than her biological grandparents?”

  Brittany met the other woman’s eyes. “I don’t know them. I’m sure they think they’re doing the right thing by fighting for custody. But they’re wrong. Daniel is Hailey’s father in all the ways that matter.”

  “And you? Do you consider yourself Hailey’s mother?”

  “I’m trying to be. She had her biological mother’s love for such a short period of time. I know I’ll never be able to replace Jane in Hailey’s life, but I hope my love will fill her need for a mother’s love.”

  Mrs. Kasey nodded. “You work?”


  “Do you intend to continue working outside the home?”

  “Yes. Fortunately, Daniel works from home, so he’s here for Hailey when I’m not.”

  Mrs. Kasey’s smile broadened. “That’s a little unorthodox, but I like the way you think.”

  “It works for us.”

  “Not all men would be willing to do that.”

  “Daniel isn’t just any man. He knows who he is and what he wants out of life, but at the same time he wants to make sure that I get what I need to be fulfilled, too. I have no doubt he’ll do everything in his power to make sure that Hailey has every opportunity to set and reach her goals, too.”

  “You sound like you love him.”

  “I do.”

  Brittany heard the words but she couldn’t believe her ears. The “I do” had just fallen out of her mouth, without her thinking. What did that mean, exactly? Her body started to tremble, from her toes to her hair. Could it be? Could she truly be in love with Daniel?

  Her eyes flew back to the social worker. She couldn’t let Mrs. Kasey see her nervousness. But the woman merely nodded. Fortunately for Brittany that was the end of the questioning. She was so stunned by her answer and the truth she’d heard there, she didn’t know if she could answer any more questions.

  She had to take control of herself. She couldn’t be in love with Daniel. Theirs was a pretend romance. A marriage on paper. It wasn’t the real thing that came complete with emotions and vows that lasted a lifetime. Daniel had made that clear. It would be foolish of her to pretend otherwise.

  Brittany led the way downstairs to the kitchen. As they drew nearer, they could hear Daniel’s and Hailey’s voices. Daniel was asking Hailey about her favorite toy. She replied in her own language, her voice sincere. Daniel laughed and Hailey echoed him.

  Brittany and Mrs. Kasey stepped into the kitchen just as Hailey was finishing her snack. She had banana smeared on her face and bits of Graham cracker on her bib. Daniel was at the sink, wetting a towel. When Hailey saw Brittany, she leaned in her direction and held out her hands.

  “Oh, no. Let’s get you cleaned up first,” Daniel said. He wiped the remnants of Hailey’s snack from her face and hands, then removed her bib. Once she was clean, Brittany took her from the high chair and held her. Hailey wrapped her legs around Brittany’s waist and leaned against her side.

  Mrs. Kasey took in the scene for a moment then spoke. “I think I have all that I need.”

  “What happens next?” Brittany asked, hiding the anxiety she felt.

  “I’ll make my report and submit it to the court. It’ll be part of the record.” Mrs. Kasey looked at them. “I know this is a frustrating procedure and even a little nerve-racking. Just be patient and trust the process. We all want what’s best for Hailey.”

  They thanked Donna Kasey and then walked her to the door and watched as she drove away. Once her car was out of sight, Brittany and Daniel sighed with relief.

  “That went well, don’t you think?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes. And I’m glad it’s over.”

  He put his arm around her shoulder and she leaned against him, grateful for his strength. “You were incredible and very convincing. I don’t know how I will ever repay you, but I owe you big-time.”

  Brittany didn’t respond. She couldn’t. She’d held it in for the remainder of Mrs. Kasey’s visit but now that the pretending was over, she had to admit the truth. To herself anyway. There was no longer any doubt. She was in love with Daniel.

  Obviously, she couldn’t tell him. It went against every rule in the deal they’d struck.

  No, this was her problem and hers alone. And she’d handle it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A few days after the interview with the social worker, Daniel suggested that they get out of the house and have some family fun.

  “I don’t know. I’m not really in the mood to deal with other people,” Brittany said. Though Mrs. Kasey had seemed open-minded, the more Brittany thought about the meeting, the more she wished she had done things differently. What exactly, she wasn’t sure. But with nothing but time, she wondered if she should have worn a dress. Or perhaps she should have answered the questions in another way.

  Though she’d done her best to be convincing, she couldn’t stop worrying that the social worker had seen through her. There was no denying that their marriage had come on the heels of Daniel discovering that Hailey’s grandparents wanted custody of her. No denying that they hadn’t known each other long before the wedding. Even the most trusting person would be suspicious of the timing. Brittany had barely slept a wink stressing over the entire situation.

  But worry over the meeting wasn’t the only thing that had kept Brittany awake. Realizing that she was in love with Daniel had had her tossing and turning all night. She was past the point of whining about unrequited love. If nothing else, she was a realist who’d entered into this agreement with her eyes open. Still, knowing that Daniel didn’t feel the same hurt. She knew he liked her, that he admired her—he’d told her that often enough. And there was no denying that he was physically attracted to her. But all that didn’t equal love.

  “Well, I know,” Daniel said firmly. “We need to get out of this house. Sitting around and brooding won’t change a thing. Besides, I think you were fine. Better than fine. You were awesome.”

  “Thanks.” Maybe he was right. Maybe they needed to get out. “Okay, let’s have some fun. And I know the perfect place.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Happy Hearts Animal Rescue.”

  He nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll get Hailey ready.”

  In minutes, they were in the car and Brittany couldn’t stay down in the dumps. Not with a cheerful baby singing in the back seat.

  They were a few miles from the rescue when Daniel flashed her a grin. “I was just thinking. Maybe we should get Hailey a puppy.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “No.” He stopped at a red light and then looked over at her again. “From the tone of your voice, I take it you don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “You’ve got that right. You already have one baby. The last thing you need is a second.” He didn’t look convinced. The light turned green and he turned his attention back to the road, but she knew he was listening. “Puppies need a lot of love and attention. Like children. At this point, I don’t think either of us has the spare energy to give it.”

  “I have the energy,” he said instantly, but his voice lacked conviction.

  “Really? Are you hiding it under your bed? Because I haven’t seen it.”

  He laughed and her insides quivered. “Just give me the go-ahead and I’ll show you how much energy I have.”

  Suddenly the air crackled with heat. Suddenly they weren’t talking about the puppy any longer. Her body felt damp, but she turned away, not wanting to let him know how hot and bothered she was. Or how tempted she was to give him the go-ahead.

  Then he sighed. “I guess you’re right. No puppy for now.”

  His abrupt change back to talking about the puppy was a relief. And a disappointment.

  She cleared her throat and pulled herself together. “I know I am. But that doesn’t mean Hailey won’t have a good time at the rescue. Happy Hearts has a lot of animals that she’ll enjoy seeing.”

  They’d reached the rescue and Daniel turned into the parking lot. Once she was in the stroller and could see all the animals, Hailey began chattering a mile a minute in her secret language.

  “You were right,” Daniel said. “She’s going to enjoy this.”

  Happy Hearts, which had been started and was run by Daphne Taylor, sat on several lovely acres. The animal rescue was a bone of contention between Daphne and many of her family members. They were cattle ranchers and to them the rescue was an affront and criticism of the family business. Sadly, many other ranchers in the area harbored similar feelings for Daphne, who was only trying to do good. Thanks to her efforts, abandoned or otherwise homeless animals ranging from house pets to horses and goats had a safe home. And since the animals could be adopted, they often found families and forever homes.

  Brittany hadn’t talked to her friend since the wedding and made a mental note to seek her out. As she recalled the scene between Daphne and her father, her heart ached. Brittany truly hoped that the two of them would reconcile.

  “Where should we go first?” Daniel asked.

  Brittany looked at Hailey. She was twisting in her seat, straining to get a clear view of the pigs and goats. “I think we have our answer.”

  They headed do
wn the path to the area where the farm animals were housed. A bunch of little kids swarmed a volunteer who was holding a baby goat. The children jostled and shoved each other in an effort to get closer.

  “No need to push,” the young woman said firmly. “Everyone is going to get a turn.”

  Brittany watched as each child took their time petting the goat. When it was Hailey’s turn, she kicked her feet and squealed in delight as she rubbed the goat’s back. When Hailey had gotten her fill, Brittany whipped out a baby wipe and cleaned the baby’s hands, ignoring her loud protests. No way Hailey was getting sick on her watch.

  Next they strolled over to the pigs, where they repeated the process. They encountered some friends and neighbors and stopped to converse. Daniel and Brittany accepted congratulations on their marriage and received invitations to get together in the near future. Then Brittany spotted Daphne in the distance. Although Daphne was smiling, Brittany had a feeling the smile masked an aching heart.

  “I’ll be back,” she said to Daniel. “I want to talk to Daphne.”

  “Take your time. Hailey and I are going to find the puppies. We’ll be there when you finish catching up with your friend.”

  Brittany quickly walked up to Daphne. “Hey.”

  Daphne looked up and smiled as Brittany approached. “Hey, newlywed. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d be on your honeymoon.”

  “With a baby?”

  “I imagine that would put a damper on things.”

  Brittany laughed and looked over at Daniel and Hailey. Daniel caught her eye and smiled at her, pausing momentarily before continuing to the dog barn. Brittany’s heart skipped a beat. Realizing she hadn’t replied to Daphne’s comment, she pulled her eyes away. “Slightly. But Hailey is a real sweetie. I can’t imagine life without her.”

  Daphne poked Brittany’s shoulder playfully. “You know, you keep a secret better than anyone I know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Daniel. I had no idea you were dating. In fact, I didn’t know the two of you even knew each other. And the next thing I know, you’re married.”


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