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Paging Dr Scott

Page 8

by Rosina Scott

  Sheridan loved the sounds Darcy made when he was aroused, those needy little whimpers he made as he slid his hands into the tight white briefs to wrap them around Darcy's erect length. Sheridan pulled it from the tight confines of the white cotton.

  “Sheridan…” Darcy said as Sheridan let the waistband slip down beneath his heavy balls before he let him go so he could tug down his suit pants.

  “God, you're beautiful like this, Darcy,” Sheridan said as he knelt behind his lover. He watched Darcy's buttocks clench with anticipation of his next move beneath the taut white cotton that hugged the curvature of his arse.

  Smoothing one hand over the cotton, Sheridan heard Darcy's sigh as he caressed the swell of his arse.

  Sheridan pressed his face against the cotton and inhaled the musky scent that was all Darcy. He rubbed his face against the fabric, moaning as his lover pressed back against him.

  Sheridan darted his tongue out and swiped along the line of Darcy's arse, tonguing the material until it became transparent.

  * * * *

  “Sheridan, please…” Darcy begged, feeling the wetness on his briefs. He braced his hands on the desk in front of him and stepped closer to it as Sheridan's tongue stopped momentarily. He moved so his balls rested heavily on the edge of the desk while his cock stood proudly, arching up towards his stomach.

  “Don't touch yourself 'til I tell you. I want to see if I can make you come with just my tongue,” Sheridan said as he slid his fingers beneath the right leg of Darcy's briefs to push the fabric aside and expose his cleft.

  Darcy could feel Sheridan's hot breath against his flesh. He let out a moan when Sheridan's fingers delved between his cheeks and spread them to reveal his entrance.

  “Sheridan, please?” Darcy begged as he rocked against the desk, trying to gain some friction against his aching cock and balls.

  “Easy, Darcy.” Sheridan laughed softly as he breathed gently against the puckered opening, causing Darcy to buck.

  Sheridan ran his tongue slowly over the tight ring of flesh and Darcy's breath caught in his throat as he rocked against the desk. Sheridan's tongue ran slowly over his entrance before circling it carefully.

  “Oh, God, Sheridan…” Darcy moaned as Sheridan's tongue pressed into him. Pushing back against the wet muscle, he let out a moan of pleasure at the added stimulation.

  * * * *

  Sheridan increased his attentions at the breathy moans. He knew Darcy must be aching with the need to touch his cock right now. Darcy would be a sight to behold with his briefs pushed down, his heavy balls resting against the desk, and his beautiful cock arching up against his shirt.

  His foreskin would be pushed down to reveal the rosy crown, wet with pre-cum as it oozed from the slit. The more aroused he became, the more pre-cum would seep down the mushroomed head to slide down the thick shaft.

  Sheridan groaned as he spread his thighs slightly to relieve some of the pressure on his own aching cock as he tongued Darcy's arsehole skilfully, causing him to whimper and push back against him in order to gain more contact.

  “Oh, God, Sheridan, please…” Darcy cried as his head dropped forwards between his shoulder blades.

  “Sheridan, I'm so close.”

  Sheridan smiled as he moved away to gaze longingly at the saliva-slicked opening. He could hear the need in his lover's voice as he admired his handiwork. He knew it wouldn't be too long before Darcy came over the desk and he let out a rumbling chuckle as he spat onto the flexing ring before pressing his tongue firmly in.

  “Oh, God…. Oh, God, Sheridan.” Darcy moaned as he clung to the desk like his life depended on it. His hips bucked forwards so his balls rubbed against the desk edge.

  “Please, Sheridan, I'm so close.”

  Sheridan could tell from the way Darcy rubbed himself against the counter that he was close. He eased off and pulled away long enough to whisper, “Come for me, Darcy.” His name fell from Sheridan's lips in a breathy purr before he bit the right cheek softly, causing Darcy to come over the desk and the assortment of brochures upon it as he called out his name.

  Sheridan soothed the bite with teasing licks. He smiled as he sat back on his heels to admire the dishevelled appearance of his young lover as he tried to compose himself. His own release could wait until later when he was sure that Darcy was fully recovered.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are to me?” Sheridan asked rhetorically, knowing that Darcy wouldn't be able to give him a coherent answer any time soon.

  “Hmm,” Darcy murmured as he turned his head to look at Sheridan over his shoulder. His eyes were glazed from the orgasm he had just experienced and he yawned deeply. “Sorry.”

  “It's all right, gorgeous; I guess I wore you out. How about we go lie down and recover before a nice shower and a meal out, my treat.” Sheridan intended to make the best use possible of his afternoon off.

  “Sounds nice.”

  Chapter Nine

  Darcy couldn't quite stop himself from bouncing as he stood in his friends' den with a glass of wine in his hand.

  He'd not been so happy in a long time and all because of his handsome doctor.

  “So, Darc, has he fulfilled all your fantasies yet?”

  “Nicky, play nice,” Mike said in warning as Darcy blushed.

  “Not yet, but he's given me so much more than I could have ever dreamed of,” Darcy whispered, turning to look at the fire. “When we're apart I can't stop thinking about him, about the way he touches me. The way he makes me feel, no one has ever made me feel this way before.”

  “Sounds like he is the man of your dreams, the perfect gentleman,” Mike said.

  “That he is. I want him more than anything in this world. He makes me feel alive and I haven't felt that way in I don't know how long.” Darcy turned to regard his friends once more.

  “I'm glad that he makes you happy. Just be careful and don't let him rush you into anything that you're not ready to do.” Nick frowned.

  “Nick's right, Darc. We worry about you.” Mike stared at him.

  “I know and I won't. He's not like that, though. He wouldn't hurt me, I'm sure of it.” Darcy crossed the room and sank down onto the plush sofa. He took a drink of his wine and lowered his eyes shyly as he realised they were both still looking at him.

  “Know that we support you in all that you're doing and we only want to see you happy,” Mike said as he kneeled before Darcy. He reached out to brush his fingers along Darcy's cheek, making him look up at him. “We love you, you know that, right?”

  “Of course. I love you guys too. I'm just fed up of being alone and afraid that everyone is going to hurt me. Sheridan makes me feel special and he treats me like no one ever has.” Darcy licked his lower lip nervously. He couldn't lie to his friends no matter how much he might want to. “He spoils me and I have to admit that, although it's nice, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable because he spends so much on me. I feel so inadequate compared to him. I can't give him anything like it in return, and I frankly have no idea what he sees in me. But I honestly think he's the one.”

  “Don't put yourself down; you're a beautiful young man who anyone would be lucky to be with. You do know that money isn't everything,” Mike told him.

  “Yeah, I know that. It just sometimes feels like I'm letting him down, you know.” Darcy hated that feeling.

  “Oh, he's trying to impress you because he clearly likes you,” Nick added with a smile.


  “This was what… your fifth date? Yet you've seen him pretty much every weekend since you met him,” Mike said.

  “Yeah, it was. He just seems to keep scaling things up each time we go out. I dread to think what he has planned for my birthday next week.” He was excited too, but the fear of being overwhelmed was more real somehow.

  “Oh, I'm sure he will make it a night you'll never forget,” Mike said, smiling as he rubbed Darcy's thigh.

  “Yeah, he might even fulfil your wildest fantasy,” N
ick told him, winking as he saw the deep blush staining Darcy's cheeks.

  “Nicky, will you behave?” Mike chastised and turned to glare at his other half.

  “Sorry. So where did lover boy take you last night? You sounded so excited last when you called, if not a little drunk.”

  “He took me to Le Gavroche on Upper Brook Street.”

  “Wow, he really was pulling out the big guns. How was it?” Nick whistled as he gave his lover a glance to show his shock at the choice of restaurant.

  “It was amazing. I've never felt so out of place in my life, yet at the same time like the most important person in the world. God, he was wonderful.” Darcy was a little embarrassed by the admission.

  “Clearly, he knows a good thing when he sees it. So what did you have?” Nick said.

  “I had langoustines and snails glazed in hollandaise sauce to start with.” Darcy smiled as he remembered the way Sheridan had held his hand across the table top while perusing the menu and making his choices. His fingers had stroked across the back of Darcy's hand as he did.

  “Followed by hot foie gras and crispy pancake of duck flavoured with cinnamon.”

  “Sounds delightful,” Mike told him.

  “It was wonderful. I have never eaten anything quite as exquisite in my life,” Darcy said, beaming with happiness at his memory of the event. “I then had roast rib of French veal, creamed morel mushroom sauce, and mashed potatoes. I had no idea I could eat so much but Sheridan said I had to try the La Degustation Chocolat which was a white and milk chocolate mousse with Kirsch-soaked cherries, bitter chocolate sorbet and chocolate crème brûlée. He said it was to die for and, boy, was he right.”

  “He really is spoiling you rotten. Bet he was even the perfect gentleman and walked you to your door,” Nick said, smiling brightly.

  “He was.” Darcy blushed furiously as he recalled the moonlit walk back to his flat, and the way Sheridan had kissed him softly on the doorstep before they took the lift up to his flat. The invitation in for a coffee had turned into a literally mind-blowing make-out session on his sofa which ended with Sheridan on his knees swallowing him whole while fondling his balls. He'd returned the sentiment with a slow and luxurious hand job in the shower before they had fallen into bed together, completely sated in every way.

  “He stayed the night, didn't he?” Nick said.

  Darcy couldn't hide his embarrassment. He downed the remainder of his drink as he tried unsuccessfully. “He left this morning when he had to go to work.”

  “Aww, Darc, you clearly have it bad,” Nick teased gently.

  “I love him,” Darcy whispered, smiling softly, knowing it to be true. He couldn't imagine his life without the handsome doctor in it.

  Chapter Ten

  The next week passed in a blur as Darcy had another seminar to attend as well as a case that had him working all hours that God sent. He knew that he was seeing Sheridan at the weekend as he had something special planned for his birthday and he was taking him out to dinner to celebrate. This was what kept him sane and allowed him to get through the week.

  He dressed for his date in plain black pants and a white button-through shirt, teaming it up with his black leather jacket and adding a little of the cologne that Nick had bought him for his birthday. Sheridan loved the way it smelled on him. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited for Sheridan to pick him up. He was excited and nervous at the same time since he didn't know what to expect of the night. He did know that he was going to be spending his special day with the man he loved with every fibre of his being. Tonight he was finally going to see where Sheridan lived. So far Sheridan had always come to him. He trusted Sheridan implicitly and he had no reason to think that he was hiding anything from him by not taking him home, despite what his colleagues might have said to make him think otherwise.

  He checked his appearance in the mirror again, nervous that he was anything less than perfect and he heard the buzzer sounding Sheridan's arrival. He blushed as he went to answer the call to allow his lover up. He felt his heart skip a beat as he heard the soft knock on the door, and he looked through the spy hole to see Sheridan's smiling face.

  He opened the door and sighed as he felt the warm arms snake around his waist when Sheridan pulled him into a warm embrace. One hand came up to tangle in his hair as he was kissed soundly.

  “Happy birthday, beautiful,” Sheridan whispered as he pulled away from the kiss, brushing his fingers lightly over Darcy's lips.

  “Thank you. Do you want to come in?”

  “As much as I would love to come in, I don't think we'd leave if I did. I have plans for you,” he said before leaning in and brushing his lips against Darcy's once more.

  “Okay. I don't want to ruin your surprise,” Darcy said with a smile. “Will I need anything with me?”

  “Just you. I have everything we will need at my place. Plus, tonight is my treat; it's your birthday so just enjoy yourself all right.”

  “All right. Shall we make a move?” He couldn't wait.

  “Sure, come on.” Sheridan said, wrapping his arm around his waist as he led him out of the flat.

  After dinner, they took a taxi from the restaurant to Sheridan's flat, crossing town to the old Victorian building that had been converted, they entered the foyer, made their way across to the lift and got inside, pushing the button for his floor.

  Darcy's heart hammered as he leant heavily against Sheridan's broad chest. Sheridan's strong arms wrapped around him, cradling him as they rode the lift in silence.

  Their fingers were entwined where they rested against his stomach. He allowed his head to fall to one side so it rested on his lover's shoulder, baring his neck as he felt Sheridan's lips press gently against his heated flesh.

  “I have something special planned for you tonight,” Sheridan whispered as his kisses peppered Darcy's throat.

  He moved up to suck on Darcy's earlobe and nipping at the flesh, causing him to hiss in response, before he soothed the hurt with his tongue.

  “I hope you haven't gone to too much trouble. Just being here with you tonight is all I really wanted for my birthday,” Darcy said, looking up at the doors as they slid open. A petite blonde girl entered and smiled as she saw them.

  “I'm going to pamper you and show you how special you are to me,” Sheridan said as the doors closed once more, trapping them with the young woman.

  “You really don't have to. You spoil me as it is.”

  “But it's your birthday; I'm allowed to go that extra mile for you today,” Sheridan said and the lift stopped again before the doors opened. “Come on. This is us.”

  Unwinding his arms from around Darcy, Sheridan moved to leave the lift. Darcy followed Sheridan across the hall and waited patiently as he unlocked the door and held it open for him. “After you.”

  Darcy moved past him and couldn't help the way his body tingled with excitement as he brushed up against his handsome lover. He could feel the heat coming off him through the thin shirt he wore. He stepped inside the flat and his breath caught in his throat as he took in the wide expanse of the first floor loft flat. It was minimalist in its décor but still managed to look warm and inviting. It was far from sterile.

  “You like it?” Sheridan asked as he shut the door before wrapping his arms around Darcy's waist, pressing up against his back, and resting his head on his right shoulder.

  “It's amazing,” he whispered as his eyes scanned the hardwood flooring across to the large white screen that partitioned off what could only be the bedroom. That was the only thing he couldn't see from his current vantage point as the flat was open plan. He felt his heart skip a beat as his mind began to wander to all the things that could be planned for tonight, knowing he only wanted one thing, and that was to feel his handsome medic inside him.

  “I'm glad you approve. I was slightly nervous you wouldn't like it.”

  “What's not to like? You have a gorgeous home with large plush sofas that look like they'd be comforta
ble enough to sleep on without getting a stiff neck or back. Not to mention they're large enough that you wouldn't have to curl up to lie down.”

  “Oh, believe me they're comfortable enough.

  They're good enough to fuck on as well.” Sheridan's voice was filled with desire as he nibbled the side of Darcy's throat. “But I want your first time to be in the bed. I have something very special planned and I will not deviate.”

  “Thank you for being so considerate.”

  “Nothing will ever be too much trouble for you.”

  Sheridan ran his hands along Darcy's sides, smoothing the soft silk of his shirt over the hard planes of his body. “Now why don't we go through to the bedroom? That is if your hunger and thirst have been suitably satisfied.”

  “Eager to get me into your bed?” Darcy said half in jest, as he was just as eager for this final step in their relationship to be taken. There was, after all, only so much teasing a man could take before he went insane.

  “I'd be lying if I said no,” Sheridan said with a soft laugh while his hands moved to the buttons of Darcy's shirt and deftly unfastened them one by one. He peppered feather-light kisses along Darcy's exposed throat. “I want to see you lose yourself while I give you your surprise.”

  “Keep doing that and you'll see that before I even get to the bed.” Darcy groaned as he felt Sheridan's fingers skim across his nipples.

  “Hmm, you like that,” Sheridan whispered as he nipped his collarbone while pinching the pebbled nubs between finger and thumb and causing Darcy to arch against his hands.

  Darcy reached back and grasped Sheridan's hips as he felt the rush of sensation through his body. He closed his eyes as he tried to compose himself. He didn't want to lose it before they'd even reached the bed. Just as he was about to beg to be freed of the erotic torment, he felt the fingers disappear and move down to unfasten the last of his buttons. They came undone before the smooth hands of his lover glided over his chest up to his shoulders and brushed the cool silk down over his arms. He sighed as his shirt fell from his body to pool at his feet.


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