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Page 13

by Bernette Forde

  Mason decided to go back outside to have a closer view. Careful not to stand on the live wire, he stepped over it and walked a short distance to where one of the dead tentacles lie. Resisting the temptation to bend over and touch it, he walked closer to the body of the intrusive creature.

  'Wow' What a mess, was all he could think. Looking over towards the house, he could see the destruction it created.

  The house was no longer a home, for it was a shell of what used to be. The devastation left by the beast was all that awaits them. The walls had stretched apart and crumbled as the Floater had grown. Mason wasn't concerned as they could always rebuild another house. He sat down near the creature and spoke into the radio, “I think it's dying.”

  “Is it safe to come out so we can get a video of it?” Asked Tippy.

  “Yes, just be careful of the wires. Don't touch them at all.”

  Slowly, they all ventured out of the bunker and joined Mason to view the monstrosity of the Floater's remains. Speechless, they just watched in amazement as it shrank down to its original size. The tentacles were nothing but spaghetti and Mason took a stick and pushed it around.

  “Ok, I think it's dead. Let's turn off the electricity and see what happens.”

  Andrew immediately called the President's Secretary and told her to relay to the President what just happened.

  “I am about to broadcast live what happened here and show you the killing of this thing. Go to our website, we have some great footage for you.”

  The Government authorities took the information and relayed it to the Defense Department. Andrew's report was the very first to air online and the television agencies soon picked up the story.

  “As you can see folks, electricity do work as a way to kill these things.” They heard him say.

  Pamela had recorded Mason with the live wire in his hand and how he had inserted it into the Floater. Andrew uploaded this video of the killing to YouTube, and within hours, it went viral. Andrew's news alert soon went viral as well.

  Later they had split up into two groups and went in search of Floaters. Mason and Selena and Pamela along with Rusty, Tessa and Adele went to the east of the Island. Hamilton and Brett went with Jimmy, Samantha, and Randy to the west. Clyde, Teresa, Andrew and Tippy stayed in the bunker to monitor the cameras. Mary went with Bob and his family to check on the boat and pier.

  Mary looked all along the water to see if there was any Floaters about. She had a large bucket and a fishing net with her, just in case she found any. Bob went on board the boat to check the engine was still working when he noticed a Floater sitting on the boat. Calling out to Mary, she came over and scooped it up with her net.

  “Wonder how that got in there?”

  “Maybe it got in the boat when the waves splashed up against the boat's side.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I am going to take this up by the bunker and electrocute it.”

  “Leave the net here just in case I find any more.”

  And that's how it was for the next few days. They would lock themselves in the bunker at night and come out during the day in search of Floaters. Keeping up with what was going on in the rest of the world, they learned other people were killing the Floaters with electricity. Andrew kept up with his reports and close contact with the President.

  Late one night, Selena and Pamela were sitting in the communal area when Selena noticed something on the monitor. A shining light floated up into the air.

  “What the hell?” she asked, bringing the attention of everyone. They all stood around the monitor when there was another and another. Pamela adjusted the camera out towards the ocean and there is when they saw millions of Floaters going up. “Quick, hit the record button!” shouted Andrew.

  “What a beautiful sight this is,” said Selena.

  “Yes, it is beautiful, but what is happening?” asked Adele.

  “I'd say, the Aliens are leaving,” Rusty said with a smug look on his face.

  “Ha ha, Rusty. For once I agree with you. As long as they are going up and not down. That's fine by me.”

  “The Aliens soon realized we were the stronger species and are running away with their tails between their legs!”

  “They might have outnumbered people, but we outsmarted them!”

  “Can we go outside and see this? Asked Selena.

  They all stood by the bunker entrance and watched in awe as the shiny objects floated upwards. It was a beautiful spectacle, and brilliant sight to behold. Andrew ran in front the bunker and started to speak into Tippy's camera lens. He informed the world the Floaters were leaving. “When will they be back?” he asked in an ominous voice. “We will never know. We will never know.” answering his own question. “This is Andrew Damaree from T.O.L.D signing out.

  About The Author

  Bernette Forde was born in Paget, Bermuda in 1957. She and a twin are the last of eleven children born to Ivy and Gerald Tucker. Bernette has survived cancer twice in her life and speaks candidly about this in her autobiography, Reasons. Her love for Science Fiction has lead her to the new release book Floaters. Her first published book in 2014 by Xlibris Publishing was the start of her road to writing, although writing has been her passion for over twenty five years. Her favourite work has been the Nephilim Series. Seventh Angel, Karen's Legacy and Aza's Revenge is a three part trilogy. Seventh Angel published in 2014 and Karen's Legacy and Aza's Revenge due out in 2017. Black Watch Pass is another of her favourite books, based on a small beautiful Island, Bermuda, located in the Atlantic ocean. Bernette Lives in London, England with her husband Michael Forde. This is her fifth published book.


  London, England

  Author and two time cancer survivor, Bernette Forde is pleased to announce her new book, FLOATERS.

  Strange squircle-shaped objects have been popping up in the world's raw body of water. Oceans and seas, lakes and rivers, streams and anywhere water accumulates in the world. The same raw water is transferred to water purification facilities. These facilities cannot purify the tiny bacterial sized squircles. They survive the process while the larger ones show up floating in bigger bodies of water. Some have even shown up in the sewer system.

  What are they and where did they come from? It wasn't until two young boys, Brett and Jimmy found one of the larger squircles. While they had been fishing in the Texas Hill Country and took it home. This was the start of a phenomenon that would rock countries and continents and shake the world. Jimmy called it a Floater and had filmed it, then uploaded it to YouTube. The video had little views in the beginning, but it got the attention of a reporter, Andrew Damaree. He wrote an article in the local newspaper revealing the phenomenon. Soon people from all over the world, who had found one of these Floaters, would take them home to keep as a souvenir. Presidents of countries, world leaders, and even celebrities, had one of their own. It was just a matter of days before most everyone had one. It didn't take long for their true purpose of existence to be exposed. Was it too late for mankind to save themselves?

  Bernette Forde's writing style is done in a way to inform the reader with recognizable words and to not confuse or complicate the story or overpower the reader. It is articulate, clear and effective, in a simplistic manner making it easy to understand. Its fluent and clean language doesn't offend people as she guides and inspires the reader drawing them to the next level, thus placing them in the story with the characters.

  Today's Science Fiction is Tomorrow's Science Fact. - Isaac Asimov

  Visit the author at:


  Coming Soon: REASONS


  In this book 'Reasons', Bernette talks candidly about her life growing up in a dysfunctional home of thirteen children. An alcoholic and abusive father and suspicions surrounding her mother's death. She herself, as an adult marries an abusive man who has on a few occasions attempted to take away her life. Only to su
rvive the horrors and go on to face cancer twice.





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