Dead End Street by Owen Fox Jerome (pseudonym of Oscar J
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relaxed, and Corcoran rolled him the rest of
“But I shot Johnny!” she moaned. “Oh,
the way over onto the floor of the pier.
I shot my—sweetheart, because —because—”
Panting, the young policeman rose to
“Nice going, kid,” said Tony Patelli
his feet just as the moon came brightly out grimly. “Women always play hell with
from behind the murky clouds. He saw the
face of the man whose three companions had
“Oh, but I didn’t want you to be caught
ganged and shot. It was the face of Tony
as a gangster! I—I lost my head when I saw Patelli.
you lying here. I— oh, Johnny! What have I Before he had time to make a step to
investigate, Corcoran heard the sound of
“I just told you,” Patelli said angrily.
running feet, then a startled scream. He jerked
“Go look at Corcoran.”
his head to the side. There, between him and Johnny Corcoran found his voice then.
the end of the warehouse, was the figure of
“I’m all right,” he said thickly. “Got it in the Rosa Patelli, a gun in her slender hand. She leg. I can say the thugs did it. I’ve got ’em all was staring at the face of her brother.
here—if they don’t get away now.”
“Rosa!” Corcoran gasped, still fighting
Rosa was at his side like a fluttering
for breath. “I’m sorry! I didn’t have time to bird. Wildly sobbing, she was cradling his prevent—”
head in her arms.
“You! You—you killer cop!” she
“Leave me be, Rosa,” the rookie
screamed hysterically. “You’ve killed my objected gruffly. “I can’t let these mugs get brother!”
away—except Tony.”
Without the slightest warning, she
“Oh, Tony, yes,” she cried. “Can you
whipped up her gun and pulled the trigger. A walk, Tony? Get away quickly! Johnny and I sudden searing burn smote the astounded will cover you. Go, oh, please go—for Corcoran in the right thigh. His leg went Mama’s sake!”
completely numb, and he crumpled to the
“Don’t be silly,” said her brother. “I
haven’t any place to go. I’ve been waiting for At the same moment the body of Tony
months to catch Jack Woodson and Stamboni Patelli stirred. With a sharp cry, Rosa knelt red-handed.”
beside him.
“What do you mean?” grunted
“Oh, Tonio!” she sobbed. “You live!
Corcoran skeptically.
You are not dead! You must not die!”
“Woodson has been smuggling
narcotics in with his silks from China,” Patelli THE young Italian grinned up at her a bit explained. “He has an arrangement with the wanly. “What are you doincr here, sis?”
Japs in Manchukuo. The Chinese are really
“Oh, I followed Johnny Corcoran. He
trying to blot out the traffic. I’ve been after was tipped off about this robbery. I came to Woodson for months. That’s what is in that see— He promised he would save you! And
chest—morphine and opium. The gang must
he shot you!”
have suspected me lately. And, if it hadn’t
“He did not!” Tony Patelli stated been for Johnny Corcoran, they’d have rubbed distinctly. “Stamboni shot me.”
me out tonight.”
“Oh!” Rosa gasped, her hands going to
“But—but, I don’t understand,” Rosa
Dead End Street
faltered, and Corcoran quite agreed with her.
Internal Revenue Bureau. You and I have just
“Under the circumstances, I’ll break
broken a very nice little case of smuggling and down and tell you,” her brother grinned. violation of the Harrison Act. I’ve an idea
“Hand me a gun so I can keep guard over
you’re headed for promotion, Corcoran.”
Corcoran’s prisoners. Then run and call a
“Oh!” said the young patrolman.
squad car and a doctor.”
“Oh!” echoed Rosa Patelli.
The patrolman sat up and found his
“Well?” demanded the impatient voice
own gun. “I’ve got ’em covered,” he of her brother. “Are you going to let us bleed announced. “They haven’t come to yet. I to death here? Go get the police and a doctor.
reckon I hit ’em a little hard. But how do you You’ve winged Corcoran—he can’t get away.
fit in, Patelli?”
Kiss him and get going.”
“I’m in the service of the
So she did.
Government—Narcotic Division of the