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Splintered Energy (The Colors Book 1)

Page 35

by Arlene Webb

  “After I find him, I’ll learn how nasty alcohol can be when Wesley drowns in it.” He rubbed her stomach, soft, little circles. “No shirt up over your breasts, but you like me touching under the shirt. Are all women unreasonable? Or just you?”

  She felt so comfortable, lulled by the motion of the speeding car, and his arm tight around her. He waited another second for her to answer and gave up.

  “Okay, I’ll forget the shirt problem.” He sighed. “What’s the girlfriend problem? It’d be better if I could…talk to ex-Wesley. I don’t smell him anywhere. You know where he is?”

  She floated on a beautiful red cloud. Warm, secure, protected, Damon wrapped her in a cocoon of safety. He lifted his head, leaned over her, and brushed current on her forehead with his lips.

  The last thing she heard was his soft muttering, “My fragile teacher, always asleep, always afraid. Caream, do you know why she won’t…”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Aaron opened his eyes. The alarm clock read 5:45 PM. The familiarity of the bedroom suggested Cleveland. Jade cuddled beside him, wearing a fresh shirt and thin cotton slacks. Dressed in black also, David stretched out on Aaron’s other side. He reached to run his fingers through his son’s hair. Long lashes curled against his cheeks, David looked so angelic with his asleep-face.

  The odor of pancakes competed with the delicious scent of the woman raising beams of light to smile at him. Jade glanced toward the adjoining bathroom where the shower ran and whispered, “No. He woke on his own. Stop yelling at me.”

  The sounds of splattering water ceased, and Malcolm strode nude into the bedroom.

  The sight of their leader slammed the air from Aaron’s lungs. He’s dazzling. Thin dark hair trailed down Malcolm’s chest and stomach, blue with a deep black sheen, matching his pubic hair and blending against the softer shade of his skin. Sapphire droplets glistened on his lean body. He nodded at Aaron and stepped to the dresser with the neat stack of black clothing.

  “You okay? Miss Green Vampire out of your system?” In one graceful movement, Malcolm pulled a shirt over his head and down to soak up the water beads from his chest.

  “Yep, I’m fine.” Aaron couldn’t help staring. No way was this guy hung out of proportion. If size mattered for a god, Malcolm had no worries. Aaron had never seen such a beautiful, yet masculine body as Malcolm’s. No bulk to him, he vibrated with calm power. Those brilliant blues shone incredibly bright and without a trace of awkwardness. Virile muscles flowed as Malcolm yanked on a pair of boxers, followed by jeans. How did an autistic banker get so fit? Most likely the light that now fueled these bodies sculptured beauty. Muscle mass morphed by energy into ripples of power resulting in one hot male to match his female counterparts.

  Malcolm perched on the edge of the bed, a graceful distance from everyone. “You sure? I can help as needed.”

  A kiss tangled up in blue? Aaron swallowed hard. “Thanks, but I feel great. That fear, depression’s gone. Last I remember I emptied my guts outside Rochester. Jade, you must have driven the entire way back, daylight and all. How’d I get in the house?”

  Jade sighed. “Malcolm whined, but he carried you. Your legs are too long. I was afraid I’d wake you.” She lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry. He’s said, about eight hundred times, I should have handled things without using you. He’s been quite mean.” She shuddered, raising huge eyes back to Aaron’s.

  “Continue to flutter those eyelashes; you’ll have his heart totally in your ruthless hands.” Malcolm arched his brows. “Actually, that’s not accurate. You already hold his heart. Now, you play for lower parts of him. Stroke that gun, the game Russian roulette comes to mind.”

  Aaron felt the heat scour his cheeks as Malcolm calmly assessed him before turning to Jade. Malcolm flinched at her scowl. “Stop glaring, sweetheart. I’ve a better amusement than frying a man’s brains to share with you.” Malcolm’s cool voice grew excited. “I’ve learned if you concentrate, you can control respiration. Hear me not breathe? Like our annoyance would say, isn’t that cool? No need to smell the mess of eggs and flour Evan’s cooking. Try it sometime. It makes this existence a touch more pleasant, almost as much as knowing I’m no longer alone.”

  Jade’s expression softened, and Aaron smiled. Three days old, and the blue genius could melt feminine hostility with ease.

  “They finally awake? Ready to eat?” Evan’s cheerful voice jarred Aaron from his wonder exactly how close green and blue had become while he’d slept.

  David stirred, rubbing his eyes.

  Malcolm fastened his gaze onto Aaron’s startled son. “Child, now that you’ve been so rudely awakened, I must talk to you for a moment. Then, please devour the food Evan’s prepared.”

  Smile gone, Malcolm glanced at Evan. “You understand what the future holds. Finish the cleanup, disappear paint cans, and take those endless interruptions home. Feel free to skip the first two requests. Bye.”

  David grinned as Evan shrugged, saluted, and left.

  “Dad, you’re better?” David sat up. “You were zonked. As if you were drugged, you know, like, um, mom. At least your eyes aren’t all spooky anymore.”

  “I’m fine.” Aaron wrapped his arm around Jade and scooted to lean against the bed board. He smiled at David eyeballing him like he’d do something juvenile any second. “You really came through, son. What’d you two talk about?”

  A patient sigh from the guy that controlled respiration suggested there must be a new crisis, other than Aaron kissing lethal current. “Er…tell me later,” Aaron said. “Malcolm?”

  Malcolm brushed non-existent dust from his pant leg. “I’ve managed contact with two. Red answers to Damon. His breathing cried with injury. The one word Orange spoke rang female, strong and pure. I had limited conversation with a human who echoed of fear, pain, and enough fatigue for concern. Jaylynn Kramer of Pine, Arizona, made me wish someone would wrap her in a blanket and hold her. She said the police had found them in Albuquerque. She yelled ‘Damon,’ then my cell lost signal. I try, every twenty minutes, but no service.”

  Aaron tensed. Would two colors with authority issues, and God knew what else, descend upon Cleveland any moment?

  “I revealed this address.” Malcolm hopped to his feet and began pacing. “They don’t have the last name to get a listing. Only Jaylynn’s confused eyes must have seen the flash of caller id. I’m ninety percent confident they travel to us as we speak.” His attention fastened on Aaron. “A policeman arrived this morning. I apologize for my abruptness when you called the first time. He heard me say slap her—”

  “You told him to hit me?” Jade said. “I should smack you, see how you like it.”

  “Shut up,” Malcolm snapped. “The fool rationalized another solution to free you from your self-centered funk. He didn’t stab you, choosing to injure himself instead, while you sucked the life from him.”

  “Stabbed? Dad? Stabbed?”

  “David, I’m fine. Malcolm, authorities found you?”

  “Yes. Newly born and incompetent, I left a trace to this locale through my fax concerning Narci’s autopsy. The officer who survived Jane Doe exited this house with determined steps. Bryan Reilly will return with the search warrant I requested. We should have tonight and tomorrow morning to deal with the fact another human liability is in serious danger.”

  “Not sure if I understand.” Aaron scrambled free from Jade, over David, and off the bed. “This Damon’s hurt, and he took the phone so you couldn’t talk to the woman with him? When did they leave Albuquerque?”

  “I suspect he broke it by accident,” Malcolm said. “His frequency dictates unimaginable strength, quite difficult to control. The woman spoke his name with irritation. Jaylynn doesn’t fear the strongest being this world has known. She feared me.”

  Aaron froze his expression, before he clued David in to the worry twisting in his gut. Exaggeration wasn’t a trait of an obsessive compulsive. An outlaw superman didn’t bode well for weaker colors, let alon
e an asinine father with a child hanging about.

  “Jaylynn had finally charged her mobile,” Malcolm said. “Their path involves arson, vehicle thefts, traffic violations, vandalism, and assaulting police. It seems at least four of us are incapable of figuring out how to blend in.

  “I’m curious how Damon found and removed Orange from a medical facility in Tucson when his trail started a hundred and seventy-four miles away. He’s been shot at least once. That, I’ve confirmed. I spoke with Jaylynn at 5:12 AM, their time in New Mexico. Sixteen hundred miles, at hundred and sixty miles per hour, they arrive within an hour.”

  Malcolm’s voice grew grim. “Aaron, shower as you wish and take the boys somewhere. You’re not to return until I call. If they don’t show, I still plan to revive Narci. She remains uncooperative, I’ll resolve our difficulties, return her corpse to Officer Reilly, and not interfere with another autopsy. As to the problem of Evan—feel free to use your revolver. I haven’t told him yet.”

  “Evan could take David now and I could help…or not.” Aaron sighed. That frigid blue stare could freeze bubbling lava into igneous rock in an instant.

  “Take David where? To gobble pancakes?” Evan asked, strolling in. “Aaron, hey. If you’d tell me about getting electrocuted, I’ll stop bugging Malcolm. David, you hungry? Best come with me, before you-know-who has a cow.”

  David jumped off the bed and scrambled after the chattering teen. “Remember that lumberjack dude who had a blue ox and a humongous axe? Can’t wait to meet…” Evan’s voice faded down the hall.

  His rumpled shirt half unbuttoned, Aaron halted his steps for the shower.

  Hands on his hips, Malcolm stood in front of Jade. “Go pester the boys about myths concerning jolly green giants. I won’t leave you with him.”

  Jade returned Malcolm’s snarl. “Why? I won’t hurt him.”

  “You don’t want her alone with me?” Aaron asked Malcolm. “I told you I’m fine, stop fussing.”

  “Fussing. To show unwarranted and unnecessary concern.” Malcolm crossed his arms. “Interesting you value yourself so little. Idiot. I educated her while you slept. Jade understands your reactions in the elevator. Yes, she shared details. Too many.” He locked his glare on Jade. “Forget this curiosity. You know his body compares to mine.”

  Huh? I’m a beautiful, muscled deity? Sweet.

  “I could make him happy.” Jade hugged herself, and to Aaron’s astonishment, confident anger resonated in her voice. “His excitement is lovely. Just because you hate it when you’re touched, doesn’t mean I don’t want him, and that I can’t control my strength.”

  “Jade, please don’t talk like I’m not right here.” Aaron swallowed hard. His next question would either result in his heart skipping with joy, or his balls shriveled into arctic prunes. “Malcolm, if you…er…educated her, are the complications because of you? God, goddess, what exactly are you to her?”

  The room temperature plummeted. Aaron faced the coldest eyes in non-human history. “Your obsession with religion irritates.” Malcolm snorted. “If I’m a deity, I’ve no memory of creating a race of flawed beings. You think I’d sexually perform? As if I’ve no worries other than indulging her needs? You’re damaged. Cognitive ability short-circuited by parasitic green. Otherwise, you’d remember that cyberspace is my medium. One click and images of human reproduction fill a monitor. Also, I shared full frontal view for you both while I dressed. What part of, ‘never touch me,’ can’t you fathom?”

  Aaron grinned. “Sorry. Hopefully, I’ll regenerate brain function, but why are you involved then? Can’t I work this out with Jade?”

  “Yes. Go away, Malcolm,” Jade whispered.

  “Can’t.” Malcolm slunk backward. “His survival at that hospital involved dumb, the emphasis on dumb, luck. You’ll destroy the child, too, when—not if—things go wrong.”

  He halted and scowled at Aaron. “I’m involved because I’m a selfish bastard. If she again gets under your skin—happy current or the neurotic you’ve already suffered—I’m the frequency who could force her out before your heart permanently stops. Cruel of me preferring to avoid that scenario with only seventy-two percent chance of success, but how many ways do I admit I’m flawed?”

  He turned back to Jade. “Yes, his lips are easily avoided. Odds are he won’t be charred if he penetrates the birth canal. If not, he’s either healable or a eunuch, but what of emotional consequence? How can you save him if we manage return? We don’t belong here.”

  A dilemma, his brain screamed in horror, while Aaron’s dick bobbed “hey, I’ll take those odds.” Lust tangoed with fear, doing a whirly dance in his stomach as Malcolm went on.

  “To drag this out further, I wonder about reversal after he ejaculates. You spilling into him would find me debating whether to let him die or intervene.” Malcolm shrugged. “I know. Practice on Evan. He’s considerably more annoying, and he’s had experience with atrocious females.”

  Aaron forced a smile. “Is this necessary? I don’t think—”

  “Not thinking is the problem,” Malcolm snapped. “Electrocution differs from being crushed. She’ll forget how brittle the man is that she rides.” He glowered at Jade. “Don’t worry. A presumably clueless male you can’t dominate, able to smack you into a mote of green dust with a tap of his littlest finger, should arrive any minute. Perhaps Red’s inches will please.”

  “Oh no. I’d rather have a blue bully.” Jade bounded forward.

  In a green-blue flash, Malcolm reversed into the wall. “Take Aaron and Evan, all the men in Cleveland. I don’t care. You win. Leave me alone.”

  Jade flung her arms around Malcolm’s waist, and he tumbled to the floor beneath her. “Help me,” Malcolm howled at Aaron.

  Aaron unclenched his jaw and hastened forward. “Jade, what’re you doing?”

  “Tormenting him.” She sat on Malcolm’s stomach and danced her fingers along every bit of blue skin she could reach on the squirming man.

  “Get-get-get her off…Aaron-Aaron-Aaron. Please-please!”

  Aaron’s alarm turned to relief. Malcolm choked back laughter. It seemed the color, who wasn’t a god, was quite ticklish.

  Jade yanked up Malcolm’s shirt and trailed her fingers down his chest. “Maybe you don’t breathe, and I can’t make you grow a heart, but let’s see if you do anything here.”

  Oh Lord, I’ll sprout a noticeable bulge in a moment.

  Jade dipped one hand into Malcolm’s jeans and caressed over his groin with the other. “I’m an ugly monster? Say nice things, Mister Supreme Controller, or I’ll never let you up.”

  “Up? That’s correct. Nothing will rise unless I will it. Shall I bite you?”

  “No. Malcolm, why do I hate being alone, no one to hold me? What am I?”

  “You’re the core for a band of psychotic brutes. The sweetest of would be rapists, and I grovel in my place beneath you.” Malcolm managed to tug his hand free. He drew a finger along Jade’s arm, causing her to giggle. “Unhand me. You can’t make me harden. I really am the supreme controller.”

  Aaron grasped Jade’s shoulders and lifted her. Malcolm rolled. He leapt to his feet, yanked down his shirt and glowered as Aaron settled Jade on her feet.

  Jade smiled up at Aaron, and his heart did flip-flops as he said, “We’ll talk later, okay?”

  David charged through the doorway. “Dad, don’t you understand by now, that she’d crisp us if…um…Malcolm talked to me too, you know.”

  Us? Over Aaron’s dead body. He glared at blue sparkles, the aftermath of Malcolm bolting down the hall.

  “In the shower, alone.” David slammed into Aaron. “Then come and eat.” Unsuccessful in moving Aaron, the kid gave up. David grasped Jade’s hand. “How come you aren’t helping? Wait till you see what they did to the other room.” David tugged Jade from the bedroom, not a backward glance from either.

  Abandoned in the quiet bedroom, Aaron sighed as he removed his shirt. The beta dog had been put in his place
. An empathic leader recognized a lonely man when he met one, and Malcolm understood that Aaron was too messed up to get involved with a human woman. Instead, he lusted for an angel that gave a whole new meaning to screw one’s brain out.

  I miss you Sarah. 369 days now. And I’m still sorry. Despite knowing she’d forgive him, he hadn’t alleviated his guilt and burdened her by confessing. Aaron didn’t remember the woman’s face, body, or even how many years had passed. At least ten. Out of town, alcohol, a few hours, and he’d never broken his vows again.

  Aaron yanked off his boxers, tossed them on the counter, and hurried into the shower. No time to brood about his jaded past or erotic contact with Jade in the now. Red and Orange burned the miles toward Cleveland. How could he convince Malcolm to let him stay?

  And, should he?

  Malcolm feared these strongest beings in existence and the residual personalities they carried with them. Aaron could argue the dilemma of go or stay, depending on the chill factor. That left him another decision. Should he risk the wrath of the color determined to protect him and try for some answers before he did the right thing by David and abandoned color to their fate? Do the old, I’ll cooperate, but give me a bit in return?

  Aaron didn’t dare confide his irrational doubts to anyone but the blue man who, if he agreed, didn’t exist. None of them did, except the one whose damaged mind they sprang from.

  The full spectrum of light, or any part of it, can’t really be destroyed. It’s energy. Wasn’t there some silly rule in physics about that? And if a splintered arc had been created, how could they be reunited? Obviously, they had to be reinstated into their own reality. One, certainly more, was an increasing threat to Earth.

  What if this broken light incident wasn’t isolated and could repeat? Did Malcolm have to figure this out and find a permanent solution? There must be an explanation at some point. Perhaps an anomaly, explained in low tech sci-fi double speak, since there’s no precedent for it anyway. A microscopic cloud of particle energy that never existed before appears for a fraction of a second in the Aurora Borealis, with the split beams reflecting through the lens effect of the ionosphere to points unknown until they make landfall. It’ll happen again if the rift isn’t sealed somehow.


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