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Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Jana Downs

  Mustang shook his head. “I never understood delta wolves.”

  Most dominants didn’t. Being able to keep the BDSM in the bedroom wasn’t something they could even comprehend. Their nature commanded they live in the twenty-four-seven lifestyle. They often pitied men like Billy. What they didn’t understand was the flexibility in their nature enabled Billy to see an entirely different side of relationships that most of them had no clue about.

  “Well, I never really understood Alphas either. It doesn’t mean I go around telling you the way you’re living is wrong,” Billy reminded, lacing his shoes with a bit more force than was really necessary.

  Mustang considered him for a long minute before he nodded. “I see your point.” He pushed off the doorframe. “All right. I’ll leave it up to you to get him up to speed on our kind. If you have any trouble, let me know.”

  “JP won’t be trouble.” The man was quirky, sweet, and eager to please ninety-nine percent of the time. Billy seriously doubted he knew how to be trouble.

  “Good. I’ll leave you to it then.” His eyes drifted toward the OR door. “How did he do?”

  The abrupt topic change back to business suited Billy just fine. It was where he was more comfortable. “Well, I removed all the bullets. They did a number on some of his softer tissue. It’ll take him a while to recover and he really shouldn’t try shifting for the next twenty-four hours or so. I’ll sedate him to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He paused, debating with himself on whether or not to tell Mustang his thoughts. While Mustang was a very good Alpha, he still had some of the tendencies that drove Billy and those like him nuts. Overreacting wouldn’t serve them well in this instance.

  “What’s on your mind, Billy? You look like you’re chewing on something significant.”

  Alphas also tended to be mind readers. “I think we need to find a therapist for Steve. He’s getting to the point where his behaviors are self-harming and unmanageable. As time progresses he seems to have less and less control over his shift and over himself.”

  “What do you suggest? I can’t give him over to the Circle. They’re just as likely to get rid of him for being a problem as they are to help him.”

  “I’ll work on a Circle-free solution, but in the meantime I would suggest giving him some sedatives and some heavy-duty anti-depressants.”

  Mustang nodded. “All right. I want to see a plan for his treatment within the next few days. And Billy?”

  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “Good luck with your new mate and congratulations.” Mustang smiled sheepishly. “I promise the next time we meet I won’t be quite so aggressive with him.”

  “Thank you, Alpha.”

  With that, Mustang turned and left.

  Billy still wasn’t entirely sure how to approach JP. He slowly got up from the bench he’d been sitting on and straightened. The on-call room was very close to the OR so it wasn’t like he had a significant amount of time to think it over.

  Relax, Carrigan. The man is your mate. Out of everyone, he’s probably the one who would most likely understand you.

  That was the theory anyway.

  * * * *

  JP was pulled out of a deep, dreamless sleep by the smell of coffee. Usually coffee invoked all the feel good feelings that came with a hot cup of joe to ward off sleepiness. However, this time they came with the prickling awareness that the last time he’d had a bit of the yummy brew, something had nearly torn his arm off.

  He peeled his eyes open, forcing them up despite the lethargy that filled his limbs. “What’d you give me?” he asked, gaze narrowing on Dr. Carrigan who stood just inside the doorway, coffee in one hand, syringe in another.

  “Just a light painkiller to take the edge off,” he explained, sitting down on the lower half of JP’s bed. “I figured you’d sleep better if I went ahead and gave it to you.” He put said syringe down on a nearby table.

  JP nodded. That made sense. His arm was killing him, the deep throb of pain reminding him why he was hooked up to an IV to begin with. “Did he make it through all right?”

  Dr. Carrigan inclined his head. “Yes. He’ll heal physically, but I’m not sure how well he’ll heal mentally. He felt really bad about hurting you.”

  “So what is he? And why do I feel like you guys are keeping me here for more than my well-being?” JP had a million questions and he wasn’t sure if he really wanted the answers to most of them. Yes, knowledge may have been power, but it could also prove to be dangerous given the right amount of threat said knowledge posed.

  “Mustang’s job is to protect his people,” Billy said, taking a sip from his cup. “He’s very good at that job. However, there are times he gets a little too overzealous. It’s nothing to worry over. He’d never hurt you.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I wouldn’t let him. It’s a big crime to hurt a human who’s been claimed by another.”

  The possessive note in Billy’s voice sent a shiver down JP’s spine that had nothing to do with fear. He liked how that sounded. Dr. Carrigan was usually quite passive, so the idea that he could be a little on the gruff and growly side did wicked things to JP’s libido.

  That’s the painkillers and Stockholm syndrome talking.

  “So what are they exactly?” And more importantly, what does that mean for me?


  JP blinked. Aliens seemed like a more likely explanation. “Um, maybe I hit my head but don’t those typically stay on four legs? Or are we talking like wolfman, werewolf type wolves?”

  “We’re talking about wolf shifters. Beings who are able to traverse the world in two forms at will, though the full moon does make us shift once a month.”

  “Us?” JP shivered. “You’re one of them as well?”

  Billy slowly nodded. “I’m a wolf shifter, yes. I’m part of the Blackfoot pack, Mustang’s pack.” He motioned his hand to encompass the room. “The reason this suite is off limits and private is because it’s used to treat members of the pack who fall ill.”

  JP didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or think they’d both gone certifiably insane. While JP prided himself on having an open mind, this was a bit much to comprehend. “And you guys have just been incognito since the dawn of human civilization?”

  “We’re adapted with the times but essentially, yes. You all outnumber us a hundred to one at least so our governing body thought it prudent for us to remain hidden. We have a lot of rules concerning the secrecy of our kind but that’s an entire book I’d have to lend you.” He reached over and petted JP’s leg. “I don’t want you to think that we’re monsters or that I’m going to freak out on you like Steve did. Steve has gone through a lot of trauma and is very out of control at the moment. Most wolves that you’ll meet or have met look, walk, and act just like you. You’d never know the difference until you saw them change or have their blood under a microscope.”

  “So why are you telling me all of this?” That was probably the most important question but one that JP was dreading the answer to.

  He could just see Dr. Carrigan looking down at him with sympathy in his eyes saying, “Because you won’t be alive after this to tell anyone.” He’d tap the IV poll and the understanding would dawn that whatever he’d given JP was definitely not just a painkiller but some insane drug that would put him to sleep like an unwanted puppy at the pound.

  Thank you for the terrifying visual, overactive imagination.

  Billy frowned. “What’s wrong? Why did you get afraid all of a sudden?”

  “Just answer the question,” JP demanded, ignoring Billy’s question. If he didn’t find out soon he was going to lose it. Well, he was going to lose it as much as he could as lethargic as he felt.

  Billy sighed. “Sorry. I’ve never had to explain this to an outsider before. It’s a lot more nerve-racking than I thought it would be.” He gave JP a sheepish look. “Forgive me for bumbling this.” JP really shouldn’t have found his uncertainty so adorable but he totally did.<
br />
  “You’re my mate.”

  Whatever explanation JP would’ve thought he would give flew right out the window. He blinked. “What?” Surely his hearing had been wrong.

  “You’re my mate. The one my wolf has chosen to be mine.” Billy’s gaze drifted away as if he were embarrassed by what he said. “I didn’t even know until today that you were, er, mine, but now that we’re in this position, I feel it’s best to be honest.”

  “What does that mean?” He sounded a little hysterical to his own ears.

  Billy jerked his hand back like it had been burnt. “Um, well, it doesn’t have to mean anything.” He sighed. “Damn it, I’m botching this. I’m trying to reassure you. Because you’re my mate, I would never hurt you and I would never let anyone else hurt you either.”

  That didn’t sound so bad. “We’ve never even been out on a date.”

  “I know.” Billy raked a hand through his hair. “I swear this doesn’t have to be as awkward as I’m making it out to be.”

  “Uh huh.” Somehow JP doubted it. “I mean, I like you.” “Mate” sounded way more serious than boyfriend. “But I’m not in love with you or anything.”

  Billy nodded, looking grim. “I know.”

  JP ran a hand over his face. The uncertainty of his position was going to drive him nuts. Prying the details out of Billy was proving to be difficult. “So…now what?”

  “Now I tell you the rules and you have to follow them. This is the most important part of this whole exchange. If for one second my Alpha thinks you pose a threat, he will handle it.”

  There was the threat he’d been waiting for since the beginning of this conversation. He shivered. “Yeah, that’s what I figured the muscle was.”


  “Big guy, looks like he’s on steroids, scary as hell and just as threatening?”

  “Ah, yes, that would be Alpha.” Billy shifted. “So long as you listen to what I’m saying and keep all this to yourself, that will be a nonissue.”

  Slowly, JP nodded. “All right. What are the rules?”

  “The biggest one is don’t talk about pack business with humans and don’t reveal our existence. There is a whole notebook of specific things, but those you’ll go over in your classes.”

  JP’s gaze went wide. “Classes?”

  “Yeah. New pack members go to classes to adjust to pack life. That’ll be optional for you since you’re technically my mate.”

  “Oh.” He was feeling more than a little overwhelmed at this point. “So, let me get this straight, you’re a werewolf.”

  “Shifter. Wolf shifter.”

  “Right. Wolf shifter. And your inner animal wants to get snuggly with me so that makes you my…mate.” Wow that was a weird word. Panic threatened to rise up and swamp him as he tried to wrap his mind around this whole thing. “I, um, well, that’s interesting. Do you think I could go home now?”

  Billy’s expression was indiscernible as he looked down at JP. “I’ll drive you.”

  “No!” Realizing how panicked that sounded, he changed his tone. “I mean, I really just want to go home and get some sleep without having to worry. I’ll take the bus home.”

  Billy frowned. “Don’t be silly. I’ll drive you. It’s not a problem.”

  JP tried to be nonchalant as he waved his hand in dismissal. “Honestly, I just want to go sit down with this manual of yours and try to wrap my mind around the whole thing. Alone.” Definitely alone.

  An hour ago he would’ve given almost anything to have Dr. Carrigan offer to drive him home, but right at this second, he was a bit too freaked out by what he revealed to appreciate the gesture.

  “At least let me call you a cab.”

  A cab would be all right. “Okay. I can live with that.” He had to call the pizza place tonight and tell them he’d had an accident and wouldn’t make it tomorrow. It was going to be an argument he needed more rest for than he had at present.

  “I’m also going to write you a prescription for antibiotics and some painkillers. If you need more, just let me know.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Carrigan.” It was strange to be talking normally with the man who had just claimed to be a creature from a monster movie.

  “You’re welcome.” Billy patted him awkwardly on the thigh. “Well, I’ll go call that cab then. I have a fresh pair of scrubs for you to wear. I put them on the couch when I came in. I hope they fit all right.”

  He was sure he didn’t care. That was what drawstrings were for. “Thanks.” He kept repeating the word in hopes that some of the normalcy of the conversation would kick in. Unfortunately, it just seemed to draw attention to the reoccurring weirdness that was chasing itself around his head in a never-ending refrain. Dr. Carrigan is a werewolf. I was bitten by a freaking werewolf.

  Yep. All the normalcy that could’ve occurred was out the window now. He’d been dropped out of Pleasantville into a midnight monster flick.

  Chapter Four

  Billy had the sneaking suspicion that JP was taking the entire situation entirely too well. He packed a small hospital bag with JP’s prescriptions, the manual he’s gotten from his office, and a business card with his numbers on it. The cab should be here at any minute and the driver was supposed to call whenever he was downstairs. Billy sighed. The intermittent fear and disbelief that had come off JP in waves was all wrong. This was not how it was supposed to be. Period.

  There was no point in begrudging his situation though. He would just have to work with the cards he was dealt with. He just hoped JP had really been listening whenever he’d laid out the very simple rules he had to make sure he followed. Pack protocol would come later, but the fundamentals were as uncompromising as the rising sun.

  “I’m ready to go,” JP announced from the doorway. He was dressed in a set of purple scrubs that Billy had chosen out for his staff. The color matched his hair almost perfectly. One of the nurses had undone his IV, and an equally purple bandage sealed the tiny puncture wound there. The white gauze from his other wound stood in sharp contrast, and another twinge of guilt hit Billy hard. He never should’ve put JP in a position that got him hurt.

  “Great,” Billy said, turning with his bag in hand. “Here are the things you need. Please go get your script filled tonight. I don’t want you to get an infection.” Granted, Steve’s mouth was probably cleaner than most humans now, but that was beside the point.

  “No worries. I’ll be careful.” JP took the bag from his outstretched hands and Billy tried not to notice that he avoided touching him.

  “My number is there as well,” Billy blurted. “If you have any questions or just want to get coffee or something.”

  “Sure.” The word held a wealth of meaning. It sounded a lot like “hell, no” to Billy. “I’ll see you on Thursday for clinic.”

  Billy nodded. “All right. See you then.”

  His wolf let out a whine in the back of his mind. They were supposed to do something.

  Like what? Hold him down? Tie him up and make him mine without his consent? He mentally shook himself. As appealing as the image was, it was just animal instinct. He wasn’t just an animal. He was a man as well and since JP was human, he really wouldn’t understand the urges.

  He walked JP downstairs and paid the cab driver before saying his final goodbyes and waving him off. From the looks JP was throwing at him he wouldn’t be surprised if he never saw the man again.

  “You’re just going to let him go?” Mustang asked from somewhere over his right shoulder. Billy had felt the man approach far before his superior senses had picked him up. The Alpha had a presence that was pretty hard to miss.

  Billy shrugged. “What choice do I have, Mustang? Should I have tied him into a bed upstairs?”

  “Hm, if he’s the sort of boy your wolf likes, I’d imagine he would’ve liked it.”

  He grunted. Neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Mustang’s assessment. There were times when being a super dominant member of pack would’ve been infinitely eas
ier. If he’d been a beta, he probably would’ve clubbed JP over the head and dragged him to the nearest playroom in order to “convince” him of the validity of his claim.

  Mustang stepped up beside him. “It’s not going to be a problem is it?”


  “You and him.”

  “I don’t know yet. I’m going to give him a few days to mull things over and then I’ll approach him. There isn’t a rush on this.” As much as his wolf disagreed with him on the subject.

  Mustang chuckled, the low, masculine sound more than a little mocking. “You’re a very strange wolf, my friend. Staying away from Grayson was agony.”

  Dr. William Carrigan was all about control and always had been. He didn’t give into his base instincts and hadn’t since he was fourteen years old.

  “It’s not as if I’ve started to bond with him. I just smelled him.” One whiff had been enough to convince his inner wolf that everything had suddenly changed, but it would take more than that to convince the man.

  “That’s usually all it takes.” Mustang cut him a glance sideways. “You need to let out the beast from time to time, Carrigan. Keeping it caged all the time can’t be good for you.”

  Billy’s eyebrows shot heavenward. “Is that your professional opinion, doctor Alpha?” he asked, chuckling a little bit. “I’m not suppressing the wolf’s instincts, I’m simply not as frantic about it as most of the pack.”

  The submissives in the pack needed their submission all the time and, more often than not, the dominants of the pack needed their control. Billy was on the dominant side but his natural fell somewhere in the middle.

  “Deltas are weird,” Mustang said, shaking his head. “Keep an eye on your boy. I’ll have the pack do the same. I hope he doesn’t try to do something stupid.”


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