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Chained by Choice [Marked 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by Jana Downs

  “JP,” Billy rumbled against his lips. He ran his hands down JP’s back, gripping his pert ass as JP ground against him.

  “You’re so hot,” JP murmured. He tugged on the end of Billy’s vest. If he didn’t help him, JP was going to rip the darn thing.

  He broke the kiss long enough to haul it over his head before he smashed their lips back together. It had been so long since he’d been with someone. It wasn’t that he hadn’t wanted to or hadn’t had the opportunity. He just hadn’t had the time. Relationships, even ones that began and ended at the club, had been a distant concern for a man as busy as he was.

  Billy tripped over his own pants as JP somehow managed to get them undone enough to fall down around his kneecaps. JP tried to right him, but instead they both ended up tumbling into the floor in a heap. It should’ve broken the moment with a little levity, but it just enabled them to have a bit more room to roll around on.

  It wasn’t until JP put his hands down Billy’s underwear and started massaging his cock that a little bit of sanity surfaced. He was rolling around with his mate on the floor. He was about to fuck his mate for the first time on the floor.

  He broke their kiss. “JP, stop for a second,” he panted.

  JP looked up at him, dazed. “Wha?”

  With more self-control than he realized he possessed, he grabbed JP’s hands in his own and pressed them against the thundering pulse of his heart. “I want this. I really do.”

  “Me, too.” JP frowned. “What’s the problem?”

  Billy sighed. “I don’t know if I trust myself going this far.”

  JP tilted his head to the side in question. “The mating thing?”

  Billy nodded.

  “But you said we didn’t have to rush it.”

  “I did. However, it’s hard to fight my instincts when we’re…intimate.” Already he could feel his gums itching, a sure sign that he was going to pop fangs in a minute. His Dominant side was itching to command JP, to make him spread his thighs and take whatever pleasure Billy could think to inflict on him.

  JP bit into his bottom lip and groaned. “Aw, fuck. Seriously?” He took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh. “So, no sex, huh?”

  “Sadly, no.”

  “Fuck. That sucks.”

  “Well, there’s something I can do,” Billy said, smirking. He didn’t bother explaining himself. He figured a hands-on demonstration would’ve been much better.

  He wrapped his hand around JP’s cock and gave it a firm stroke. When JP reached out to touch him in return he pushed his hand away.

  “Put your hands behind your head,” Billy commanded.

  JP did as he was told. “Christ, Billy.”

  If he was talking that much, Billy wasn’t doing it right. He stroked his cock with sure strokes from base to tip, milking a drop of slick pre-cum from his slit. Without his bag of tricks, they’d have to keep it simple, but Billy could give him a taste of what was to come if he chose to become his mate.

  “Get up on the couch,” Billy said. JP crawled over to the couch and sat down, leaving the rest of his clothing in his wake like a trail of naughtiness leading straight to him. “Spread your legs.” Billy didn’t follow right away. He watched like the predator he was. He might have been socially awkward most places, but in the bedroom was not one of them.

  JP spread his thighs a little wider, wide enough for Billy’s shoulders to fit between. Good boy. His instant obedience said he was either one of two things, experienced or a natural. Like most good submissives, Billy imagined JP was a little of both.

  He slunk over to JP, placing his hands on JP’s thighs as he reached him. “Ready for your taste?”

  “Yes, Sir,” JP whispered.

  Billy nearly growled in satisfaction. He could practically hear the capital in the “Sir.” He wasn’t über dominant like some of the other pack members, but he was every bit of a Top, same as them. In the bedroom he demanded that same title of respect.

  “You keep your hands on your head and don’t move them. If you’re good, I’ll let you come. If you’re not, I’ll make sure the only satisfaction you get tonight will be from your own hand after I leave. Got it?”

  JP whimpered. “Yes, Sir. I won’t move. Promise.”

  Billy leaned down and sucked JP’s cock into the back of his throat. Some Doms didn’t suck their submissives because they believed, falsely in Billy’s opinion, that it wasn’t their place to pleasure their subs with their mouths, that the act was too submissive. Billy’s thought was if a Dom couldn’t control his subs without the ability to use his or her mouth then they weren’t much of a Dom.

  He swirled his tongue over the plum head as the taste of his mate burst over his taste buds. He reached out and squeezed the tight sac beneath his mate’s cock, feeling the delicate flesh. Someone had to trust someone an awful lot in order to let them grip the softest parts of themselves. He bobbed his head in time with the pulse he found beating there.

  He’d been told on more than one occasion that he gave good head. He’d only been practicing for this moment, though. He’d been practicing for this man.

  He sucked and licked JP like he wanted nothing more than to devour him, which he did. The noises that came out of the back of JP’s throat were enough to bring him to the edge of release without even touching himself. He wanted to savor this moment. His own release could wait.

  Over and over again he brought his mate to the edge of release before backing off and forcing him to come back down from the edge of release. JP moaned over, begging for mercy as Billy toyed with him. This was the type of submission that Billy loved. He wanted his lovers mindless and needy. He found pleasure a much better way to bind a lover than pain or restraint.

  “Billy, please,” JP begged, the muscles of his thighs as tight as rocks as he strained upward. “Please, I’ll do anything.”

  Billy gave one last slow lick. “Anything?” he rumbled.

  JP nodded, eyes wild.

  “Then you’ll come on my command.”

  JP whimpered.

  Billy smirked. “Ready?”

  “God, please, yes.”

  Billy looked him straight in the eyes. “Come.”

  JP’s hips shot upward, and come erupted from his cock in strong spurts that hit his chest and neck. Billy helped him through the orgasm, milking his dick with his hands as JP screamed his way through the release. The entire time, his hands stayed in place, though the knuckles were bone white.

  Watching him come was like watching art. Billy couldn’t remember ever seeing something so beautiful come undone for him. Finally, JP sagged, completely spent.

  Billy pushed himself to his feet, instincts pushing him to mark JP in some way. He grabbed his own cock and jerked once, twice, three times. He came with a groan, his spunk shooting onto JP’s chest to mingle with his own release.

  Mine, his wolf rumbled. He would’ve laughed had he had the ability to do so. His inner wolf was a stubborn one.

  JP looked up at him, his gaze blissed out and pleasure-filled. “You got me sticky.”

  Billy smiled. “Yes. But wasn’t it fun?”

  JP nodded, looking like he wanted nothing more than to pass out. “I think I’m dead. You killed me.”

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss to JP’s forehead. “I hope not. Next time will be that much better.”

  His mate groaned. “I don’t know if I can survive better.”

  “You’d be surprised what you could survive, sweet boy.” Billy padded over to his discarded clothes and started picking them up. “May I borrow your restroom for a second?” He needed to clean up.

  JP nodded. “Through that door. It’s attached to my bedroom.”

  “Thanks.” He walked the path in the direction indicated. Their date had gone so much better than he’d ever anticipated when coming to JP’s apartment tonight. He’d thought his mate would require more convincing of his harmlessness.

  Apparently, we’re more charming that I thought, old friend

  His wolf rumbled in agreement.

  It had been a good night. It was too bad that he couldn’t stay on until daybreak. Despite the fact that his wolf wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with his mate, he didn’t trust himself not to try and push for more in the heat of the moment. It was an unfortunate truth that instinct often won out over reason. His wolf was a bit too crafty for comfort’s sake.

  He stared at himself in the mirror above the sink as he cleaned himself up. He supposed it was time for his life to become less complicated. JP deserved a mate who was there for longer than a few scant minutes before he had to go to bed for another full day of paying other people attention. Come Monday he had a whole lot of rearranging to do.

  A soft knock sounded on the door. “Billy?”

  “Yeah? I’ll be just a sec.”

  “You want to have dinner tomorrow night?”

  Billy smiled at his reflection. “I’d love to. I’ll be out at Mustang’s house though.”

  “Oh.” Someone was disappointed.

  “Why don’t you come with me? I promise everyone will be on their best behavior.” If he had to sedate them to guarantee it.

  “Hm, okay. When will you pick me up?”

  “Around noon?”


  Yes, life was certainly looking up for him. His wolf howled in agreement.

  Chapter Six

  When JP’s alarm clock went off at eleven, he was not a happy camper. He slammed the obnoxious thing down on his dresser until it stopped making the god awful noise it had decided to wail. There was a reason he had stopped using his phone as an alarm clock. About the third time he’d tossed and broke several hundred dollars’ worth of phone he figured he’d go to Walmart and get a real alarm clock.

  Billy would be here in an hour to pick him up for date number two, but JP felt like he’d just closed his eyes five minutes ago. It hadn’t helped that he had tossed and turned all night as the memories of the night before played in a never-ending loop through his skull. He’d let a werewolf suck his dick. He’d really, really enjoyed it.

  He pried his eyes open and glared at the angry red numbers. He hated mornings. Thank God his mother had bought him a Keurig for Christmas. He needed at least three cups before he felt even remotely human.

  He rolled out of bed, stalking toward the kitchen with the dogged determination of someone used to having several cups of joe before starting their day. That was just to get dressed. He had several more when he got to wherever he was going, either via the library café at school or the Starbucks kiosk at the hospital.

  Religiously dedicated to getting enough sleep, he rarely got up early on a day he didn’t have to, so it was a testament to how much he liked Billy that he was getting up at all. My doctor the werewolf. The thought was accompanied with the appropriate amount of warm fuzzies after a night like last night had been. Billy had been an even better date than he’d originally thought he would be back before he’d known that Billy got furry on the full moon.

  He put the k-cup into the machine and grabbed a coffee mug that he’d bought at the Den years ago. “Spank Me” in bright white letters stood out in contrast to the black coffee mug. He couldn’t remember why he’d decided to buy the cup. It wasn’t like he didn’t have a million. He’d probably had one too many appletinis and had thought it was hilarious.

  His cell, still attached to the charger a few feet away, chimed to indicate that he’d gotten a new message.

  After throwing the mug under the dispenser he trudged over to it. It was probably his mother with her normal sun salutation. If he didn’t answer her back she was liable to keep messaging him asking to readjust his chakras for mood. He shuddered. He loved his parents. He really did. But sometimes they were so weird.

  It was a pleasant surprise to see that it was Billy instead. “Hi, sweet. I hope your morning is going well. I’ll be there a bit early. If you’re not ready, it’s not a big deal. I’ll wait.”

  “I’ll lick the door for you.”


  Crap. His fingers hadn’t had enough coffee either. “*unlock” Before he had a chance to send the correction, a message from Billy popped up.

  “I’m sure I can find something better for you to lick on if you’re so inclined ;P”

  JP rolled his eyes. Yep. Billy was definitely a pervert. They really were the best sorts of people.

  “It’s too early for sex games.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  Oh. The bastard knew just how to pique his interest. He didn’t reply. There wasn’t much he could say to that other than “no” which he didn’t really want or “yes” and let Billy unleash his inner Dom when he got here. The latter thought caused his morning wood to go from half-interested to raging in three seconds flat. He sighed as he looked down at his lap.

  “Not fair,” he muttered, reaching down to rearrange his junk so it wasn’t in so much of a bind. How was he supposed to resist that bit of delectable wonderfulness on so little coffee? He pouted. His werewolf didn’t play by the rules.

  The aroma of fresh coffee tore him away from his contemplation of his own erection. There would be plenty of time to let Billy play mind games with him. Right that second he needed caffeine more. He walked over to the door and unlatched the bolt as his cup filled up.

  After returning to the kitchen, he doctored his coffee with half a gallon of cream and sugar before he carried it over to his couch. He sat his coffee on the table in front of the couch and then pulled his blanket around his shoulders.

  Coffee first. Then dressed. Look, a plan.

  The door opened a split second later and Billy breezed in like a ray of sunshine, all smiles and disturbing perkiness. In a pair of dark wash blue jeans and a white T-shirt complete with a pocket full of pens. It was very casual for Dr. Carrigan, but JP could really get into it. He couldn’t get behind how chipper Billy sounded when he spoke.

  “Good morning,” he said, holding up a carton of donuts. “I brought sustenance to tide us over until we eat at Mustang’s.”

  “We’re eating there?”

  “There is almost always a group of people at his place on the weekend. Usually if there are more than three of us, he feeds us. Since we’re doing a makeshift clinic today, he’s feeding the whole pack. The Circle released a new vaccine for T31 that I’m supposed to give to everyone who hasn’t had it yet. You’re welcome to just relax though. It shouldn’t take me long to administer them.”

  “Mh.” So. Many. Words.

  Billy chuckled. “Not awake yet?”


  Billy’s chuckle developed into a full-blown laugh at JP’s somewhat understandable syllables. “All right, philosophical discussions will not be held over breakfast.”

  * * * *

  Billy usually didn’t like to run late to anything he was attending but he made this time an exception. He’d kept his little human up late last night and didn’t think about the fact that he wouldn’t be getting much sleep by the time Billy knocked on his door. Wolves required a lot less sleep.

  “We almost called the state police, doctor,” Grayson teased as they climbed out of Billy’s convertible. He rarely took his Spyder out, but he was in an exceptionally good mood and had wanted to show off to his mate just a little bit.

  Mustang whistled as he hit the lock button. “I do love that car. You should drive it more often.”

  Billy grinned and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I can’t afford the speeding tickets that would ensue.” He offered JP a hand as he hopped over the log Mustang had put up as a barrier to protect his front yard from pack vehicles. The lot to the right was already filled to the brim, so Billy understood the temptation of parking ever-closer to the main house. Luckily for Billy, he had his own parking space that he was allotted when it was official business.

  The former working ranch was perfect for pack business. Their old meeting house had been converted into guest bunks after the group of omegas had come on Circle business. They w
ere doing today’s vaccination in the new meeting house. Twice as large as their former one, though located a good three hundred feet from the convenience of the main stretch, the new meeting house had only been operating for two moons.

  Mustang chuckled. “Me and you both, man. I keep begging my sub for a convertible, but he thinks I get enough wind in my face on my bike.” He rode a really nice hog and had for several years now. Billy had never thought he was butch enough to pull off the look. Besides that, he liked the ability to get out of the rain when he wanted to.

  Grayson elbowed him, which almost sent the man sprawling. Grayson was a head taller than his mate and almost twice as wide. The fact that he was submissive was irrelevant. If the man tapped you, you moved. “The last thing you need to do have another dangerous toy to play with, Sir.”

  The Alpha chuckled and leaned over to kiss his mate’s lips. “If you say so, mate. I’m sure I’ve got ways to convince you otherwise.” His gaze shifted to JP. “I’m glad to see your mate is coming out of his house. Welcome, son.”

  JP shifted under Mustang’s gaze, clearly uncomfortable. “Thanks.”

  Mustang nodded. “Did you bind him?” That question was directed at Billy.

  Billy shook his head. “Not yet. However, he is mine and I will defend that claim if necessary.”

  “Good man,” Mustang said. “We’re grilling out in the backyard. Pulled pork BBQ courtesy of Tanner St. James.” The bartender at Riders made one hell of a pig.

  “Oh I love barbeque!” JP piped up. He was like a little kid when he got excited. His eyes lit up and he got that eager puppy look on his face.

  Billy smiled. “You’ll really like Tanner’s.”

  JP seemed to notice that he was acting like a twelve-year-old because he reeled in the over exuberance much to Billy’s disappointment. “Cool. Cool.”

  A group of teens passed in a cluster of boisterous noise, shoving and kidding around like most normal kids did at their age. Mustang whistled at them and they tilted their heads to the side in unison and quieted down, a gesture of submission to a higher ranking wolf. Technically, they didn’t even get a rank in the pack until they turned eighteen so they were at the bottom of the barrel.


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