A Most Unusual Situation: A Traditional Version Georgian Romance (The Gravesmeres Book 1)

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A Most Unusual Situation: A Traditional Version Georgian Romance (The Gravesmeres Book 1) Page 21

by Alicia Quigley

  "If you wish to leave this carriage you will have to leap from it while it's moving. I have no intention of allowing you your freedom until I'm sure Allegra and Adam are safely out of the park. Between you and that wretched Lady Manning, enough damage has been done today."

  "So I'm not the only villain in the piece."

  "Not at all. And if I were forced to choose, I would have to admit that I prefer you."

  "I'm honored."

  "Don't be. Your behavior is still reprehensible, but at least you aren't vulgar. That woman actually tried to flatter me earlier! I've never been more appalled in my life. And I'm sure she's behind this latest split between Adam and Allegra--one that you, my lord, are taking advantage of."

  Tristan bowed. "I seize opportunities when offered."

  Caroline's eyes narrowed as she watched him. "It seems rather odd that you would both be here this afternoon. Lady Manning isn't given to appearing in the Park at this hour, and I don't remember seeing you often here in the past. It all becomes clear now. To think that I didn't see it before! You're working with that trollop, aren't you?"

  A look of injured innocence covered Tristan's face. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Don't try to gammon me," ordered Caroline. "I can't imagine why I didn't see this before. Lady Manning is precisely the sort of woman you would be acquainted with, and she isn't clever enough to cause this sort of mischief on her own. No, I see it all now. The pair of you are operating in concert. Shame on you, Lord Gresham. I'd thought you the sort of gentleman who fought his battles alone."

  Tristan looked wounded. "I'm unacquainted with Lady Manning. I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Nonsense. I'm sure you're old friends. I'll have to look into the matter." Caroline scanned the park, her sharp eyes attempting to search out Allegra's carriage. "I believe that all is well. I have to thank you for your company, Lord Gresham. It's been most enlightening." She signaled to her coachman to stop, and she waited patiently for Tristan to disembark.

  "Lady Eskmaine, I must assure you that I'm not conniving with Lady Manning," said Tristan. "Your suspicions are completely unfounded."

  "You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you, my lord. And now, if you don't mind, I have other matters to attend to." She glanced impatiently at the carriage door.

  Tristan sighed and climbed down from the carriage. "Thank you for the interesting visit, my lady," he said, bowing low.

  Caroline smiled. "Certainly. I'm sure you'll see a great deal of me in the days to come, unless you're so wise as to abandon your plans. Until later, Lord Gresham."

  Chapter 22

  An Inconvenient Epiphany

  A week passed with a stony silence between Allegra and Adam. One evening Adam left his room reluctantly, his feet slowly measuring the distance to the front hall. He was only going to this ball to appease his mother, he told himself. He had no desire to be anywhere near Allegra, to have to look into her piquant face, to have to smell her delicate scent, to imagine the pleasures that had been his so very recently. It was hell, he thought angrily. Nothing, not nights with Louisa, or gambling drunkenly with his friends, could erase the pain he felt whenever he pictured his wife in another man’s arms.

  He cursed under his breath, and then froze when he heard a light step at the top of the stairs. Unwillingly he looked up, and saw Allegra poised to descend, one white hand resting delicately on the carved wooden rail, the other holding a delicately painted fan. Diamonds shone in her hair and hung heavily from her ears and on her wrists, but her eyes outshone them, sparkling in her white face. Adam drew in his breath as he watched her, fighting the rush of emotion as his gaze swept over her. He looked again at her face, and paused for a moment. It seemed to him that he saw a hint of sadness there, a touch of entreaty, as though she too was unhappy. He hesitated, confused, wondering if he should say something, if the wall that had come between them might be breached. But then the icy look he had become accustomed to in the past days shrouded her eyes, and she flipped open her fan, holding it before her like a shield. She placed one dainty silk-shod foot on the top step and came towards him in a rustle of aquamarine silk.

  “Good evening, Adam,” she said, her voice cool and detached. “You look very fine tonight.”

  “As do you.” Adam bowed slightly.

  She waved a hand dismissively. “I’m sure you don’t notice. You needn’t pay me empty compliments. Save your breath for Lady Manning. I’m sure she puts it to good use.”

  “You little witch!”

  Adam reached out before he could form a coherent thought and grabbed her naked shoulders where they rose out of the foaming lace of her décolletage. Her skin felt warm and smooth under his touch, like flower petals, and he gripped her more tightly. “How dare you fling her in my face when I know exactly what you’re up to?”

  “What do you know, Adam?” Allegra taunted him. “Do you know anything? Or do you just wonder? I’ll wager you have no proof.” Adam’s grip was painful, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of admitting it. She glared up proudly into his angry face, defiance in every line of her body.

  “I’ll have it soon enough,” snarled Adam. He shook her slightly, wishing he could turn this hard creature back into his gentle bride. What had happened, he wondered for the thousandth time. How could they have let what they had disappear so quickly?

  “No, you won’t. If all you want me for is to bear you sons, I’ll make sure that you always have doubts as to who their father is.” Allegra laughed at the look on his face. “It’s a small measure of revenge, but it’s all I have.”

  “Damn you,” Adam ground out. “I’ll see that you pay, Allegra. You’ll be sorry you did this to me.”

  “I’m already sorry I ever laid eyes on you.” Allegra wrenched herself from his grip, and looked down at the red marks on her shoulder with a sad smile.

  Adam flushed at the evidence of his lack of control. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said hesitantly.

  “It’s far too late for that,” murmured Allegra, turning away.

  Adam’s shame faded at her words. It was she who had betrayed him first, he thought angrily. He had been about to forsake Louisa for her when he had found her in Tristan’s arms. “You’re hardly blameless in this matter,” he sneered.

  “You would feel that way. Women are nothing to you but useful receptacles for your passion, are they?” Allegra’s voice broke on a tiny, suppressed sob. “And the more experienced and debauched they are, the better you like them! I’m sorry I can’t compete with Lady Manning and her vast knowledge, Adam. Perhaps over time I’ll learn more in order to better satisfy you!”

  “What the hell are you babbling about?” demanded Adam. “I never said you didn’t please me.”

  “You didn’t have to! You’ve made it perfectly obvious.” Allegra turned back towards the stairs, unwilling to show him the tears that had welled up in her eyes. “I’m going back to my room. Tell your mother that I won’t be attending the ball with the two of you tonight.”

  Adam’s hand closed over her shoulder again, and she flinched. At the sight he snatched his fingers away as though they had been burned. “Allegra, don’t go.”

  She turned back towards him, hope and despair warring in her face. “Why not?”

  Adam swallowed. He could be honest with her and tell her that he needed her desperately. But then she would be free to spurn him, to claim her victory and then turn away again. It was a chance he couldn’t take.

  “My mother will be disappointed,” he said slowly. “We wouldn’t want that.”

  Allegra’s heart sank to her toes. For one brief moment she had thought that she had detected a hint of tenderness in his voice. But it was only appearances that he was concerned with. “No, we wouldn’t want that,” she echoed.

  At that moment Emily bustled into the hallway. She shook her head and sighed at the obvious constraint between the two young people. “Come along, children,” she said sadly.
“And please, don’t disgrace me tonight.”

  “We wouldn’t dream of it, Mother. Would we, Allegra?”

  Allegra’s chin lifted. If their estrangement meant so little to Adam, then she wouldn’t let him know the pain she was in. “Of course. As a matter of fact, I’m quite looking forward to this evening. Lord Gresham is sure to be present.” With an angry flash of her eyes she was out the door, leaving Adam to follow in her wake.

  Allegra stood against the wall, fanning herself pettishly. She had been at the ball for two hours, but it seemed like two weeks. The moments dragged as she made witty conversation with countless men, laughing at their jokes, tracing the intricate steps of various dances in their company, and sipping countless glasses of champagne. Adam hadn’t approached her once since their arrival. He had gone immediately to the card room with his friends, and she hadn’t seen him since. What good was it flirting with all these men if he wasn’t there to see her, she though angrily.

  “You don’t look happy, my dear. What’s troubling you?”

  Allegra jumped and looked up into Tristan’s face. He was smiling at her knowingly, as though he had some idea of her thoughts. She flushed.

  “I’m simply weary,” she answered. “My partner went to fetch me a glass of lemonade, and he’s slow in returning.”

  “What a pity. I would never keep you waiting.” Tristan took her hand in his and patted it gently. “Shall we let that rude fellow go to the devil? You look as though you could use some quiet.”

  Allegra hesitated. Tristan’s company was soothing, but she was uncomfortably aware that she shouldn’t encourage him unless she was prepared to follow through. And, despite all evidence to the contrary, she couldn’t keep herself from hoping that somehow she could bring Adam to care for her.

  “I don’t know,” she murmured. “It wouldn’t be proper. And I’m engaged for the next dance.”

  “Coward.” Tristan signaled to a passing footman, and a full champagne glass appeared in his hand as if by magic. He handed it to Allegra. “You’re frightened of the gossip. But it doesn’t seem to bother your husband.”

  He nodded across the ballroom, and Allegra followed his gaze. She stiffened when she saw Adam, who had apparently emerged from his seclusion in the card room. He was dancing with Louisa Manning, and they looked very happy together. A triumphant gleam shone in her violet eyes as she gazed up at him lovingly. It was almost a declaration of his intentions, thought Allegra dazedly, dancing with his mistress before the entire assembled ton. The color drained from her face.

  “You’re right, my lord. Why should I worry about the gossipmongers if my husband doesn’t? After all, I have nothing to be ashamed of in claiming your friendship.” She took a sip of the champagne.

  Tristan squeezed her hand. Louisa had played her part well, he thought. He had doubted her ability to lure Adam out onto the dance floor tonight, but he should have trusted in her poisonous tongue. No doubt she had simply told him another of her wild lies about Allegra.

  “Indeed not,” he answered. “We have nothing to be ashamed of. Though, I must admit that I would wish it was otherwise.”

  He smiled down at her, allowing just the right amount of longing to creep into his face.

  Allegra sipped her champagne and shot another look at Adam and Louisa. Her rival chose that moment to throw back her head and laugh as though she hadn’t a care in the world. Allegra’s fingers tightened on the delicate stem of her glass.

  “Perhaps I could use some fresh air after all. It’s rather close here in the ballroom. Is there a place where we might have some privacy?”

  Tristan bowed, his eyelids dropping to hide the flash of triumph in his gaze. “Certainly, my dear. I know this house well. There is a charming sitting room which would offer us a chance to be alone.”

  “Then by all means let us go there,” said Allegra. She accepted Tristan’s proffered arm and allowed him to lead her from the room, her head held proudly. She would show Adam that his actions made no difference to her.

  Tristan led her past the bejeweled crowd and out into the coolness of the marble hallway. The footmen cast them a curious glance, but the vagaries of the nobility were none of their business. They had seen far too many men and women slip away from balls in the past to give this pair a second thought. Allegra felt a pang of guilt at the knowing look on their faces, and paused for a moment.

  “Perhaps we should go back,” she murmured.

  Tristan patted her hand soothingly. “There’s nothing to worry about, my dear. You simply need to rest for a few minutes in a quiet room. I have no intention of ravishing you against your will, you know.”

  Allegra laughed nervously. “I know. It’s just that--” she broke off, feeling foolish.

  “Your scruples do you honor, my dear, but no one is paying attention to us. Your reputation will come to no harm.”

  He led her down a hallway and then eased open a carved oaken door that stood in front of them, motioning her gently through. She looked around her, enjoying the sudden quiet and coolness. They were in a beautiful, high-ceilinged sitting room, its decoration reflecting the current craze for Oriental knickknacks. Because the room was not meant to be used that night there were only a few candles flickering in the wall sconces, but she could see that it was decorated with an eye to comfort, with a broad desk, soft red velvet chairs and a brocaded silk couch. Tristan led her to it and urged her to sit.

  “No one will bother us in here. I doubt anyone will have the sudden desire to sit in the dark with all the activities available in the other room.”

  Allegra smiled at the joke. It was a relief to get away, she thought. She wasn’t sure if it was the champagne, the closeness of the ballroom, or her aggravation with Adam, but she felt unsettled, and this dark, quiet room had a calming effect on her mood. She took a deep breath and willed herself to relax.

  “Thank you, Lord Gresham. I feel much better now.”

  “I thought you might.” He seated himself on the couch next to her, but Allegra was relieved to see that he maintained a proper distance. “Tell me, my dear, how long are you prepared to put up with Gravesmere’s insults?”

  Allegra stiffened slightly. She knew that she had allowed her relationship with Tristan to become closer than she should have, but she didn’t know if she was prepared to discuss Adam with him just now. She looked away.

  “I don’t mean to intrude where I’m not wanted,” continued Tristan smoothly. “But your distress is obvious, and his behavior is reprehensible. It makes my blood boil to see him treating you so cruelly. Would you like me to call him out?”

  “No!” The word flew out of Allegra’s mouth before she was even aware of forming it. Her heart pounded in her chest. Tristan was a famous swordsman, and it was rumored that he had killed previous opponents.

  The thought of Adam dead brought her no solace at all. Instead, she felt as though she might cry as the tragic picture of him spread on the grass, blood bubbling from a mortal wound, Tristan standing victoriously over him came to her mind. She shuddered.

  “Such fierceness,” said Tristan. “It seems you still care for him.”

  “I don’t care for him at all,” retorted Allegra, hastening to push the vision away. “How could I, after the way he’s treated me? But that doesn’t mean I wish him dead. He means nothing at all to me, and I simply wish to forget him.”

  “Ah. I could help you there, as well,” promised Tristan. He shifted so that he faced her, at the same time sliding closer along the sofa’s smooth surface. “You can’t forget him if you don’t move on, Allegra.”

  “I know.” Allegra looked cross. “I just don’t want him to win, either. He means to divorce me and marry that horrible woman, you know. I refuse to provide him with evidence that would let that happen.“

  “Ah. But there are ways around that. He can’t watch you every moment of the day. He’s far too busy with his pretty mistress just now, for instance. And don’t you think you deserve to have some pleasure o
f your own? Are you going to let all your beauty and youth waste away, simply to spite him?”

  “No,” said Allegra hesitantly. Tristan’s words both shamed and excited her. She grew angry with herself for still wanting Adam, when he was totally in Louisa’s thrall. And she felt an unbidden wash of desire as she remembered how he had made her feel when he held her in his arms. Was she to go without that forever, when she had just barely learned about it?

  “I would love to show you how beautiful you are,” said Tristan softly, persuasively. “If he can’t appreciate you, I would like you to know that I can.” He watched with an experienced eye as Allegra‘s breath grew a little faster, and the lace at her breast trembled gently. God, she was a delectable creature. He thought perhaps he could stay with her for months before he grew weary of her.

  “That’s very kind of you, Lord Gresham. But I don’t know...I don’t know if I’m ready.”

  Allegra looked into his face and saw the ardent look in his eyes. She tried to imagine kissing him, but she couldn’t. She liked Tristan, and was grateful to him for his support, but she felt none of the passion that Adam stirred in her.

  “Of course you are. You’re simply shy, which I find charming. After all, sweetheart, you can’t mean to let all your sensuality wither away while your husband attends to another woman. It would be a sin.”

  Very slowly and gently, so as not to alarm her, he wrapped one hand around her arm, his fingers gently caressing her white skin. A thrill shot through him as he sensed her nervousness. She was trembling on the brink. He needed only to nudge her over it, to overcome her natural reluctance and use her desire for revenge to serve his own purposes.

  “But this would be wrong as well,” she protested.

  “How? Has your husband been faithful to you? Does he cherish you and protect you? Of course he doesn’t. He scorns you and neglects you, and leaves you unsatisfied. Let me satisfy you, Allegra. I know that I can. You have only to give me the chance. And then you‘ll have broken his hold over you. You’ll know that it isn’t him you need, but me.”


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