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Whatever It Takes

Page 4

by Elizabeth Perry

  And it’s probably going to be one of the last times.

  She’s never actually been much of a mother.

  The only good thing that she ever did for me, was to manage to stay off drugs while she was pregnant with me.

  I wasn’t born addicted to the same shit as her, but after she gave birth to me, it was basically her ticket to being able to go right back to the way she had been before.

  She never knew who my dad was, or if she did, she pretended not to. And while when I was younger, she tried to hide her addiction from me, the older I got, the less that she did.

  I used to catch her hanging outside of our many slum lord apartments, shooting up with whoever else was around.

  I was pretty much always on my own, but honestly, growing up the way that I did only gave me drive. A roaring fire within me to never turn out the way that she had.

  I’ve always known that baseball was my ticket out of that life.

  One of moms many boyfriends, one of the few who was actually a decent guy, had signed me up for little league when I was maybe six.

  I instantly fell in love with the sport. And while I didn’t have many other times on a team, since my mom never had the money to sign me up for one, I still had raw talent.

  I worked on my own for a long time, helping myself and coaching myself. When middle school came around, I finally got noticed by some coaches who managed to snag me some used equipment. From there, the rest has been history.

  And from where I’m sitting now? Especially since Jack Cooper has taken me in?

  A full ride baseball scholarship is so damn close, that I can taste it.

  Too bad the only thing that my mind seems to want to focus on tasting these days is Avery.


  We pull into the gate for the prison.

  I try not to notice the way that her eyes widen as she takes in all the tall fences and barbed wires, or the way she flinches when she sees the guard tower and notices the guns resting out of the windows.

  Unable to help myself, I reach for her hand.

  “Don’t worry, Ave’s, ok? You’re safe.”

  “I know.” She nods, before glancing over at me. “I know that you won’t let anything happen to me.”

  She parks the car, before glancing around at all the other people getting out of their cars for visiting day.

  “I, ah...” She bites her lip. “I was going to just wait in the car, but...”

  “You’re not fucking waiting in the car. As much as I hate to bring you in here? You’re not leaving my side until I find a safe place for you to be.”

  I get out of the car, before jogging over to her side. I wrap one arm around her waist, pulling her snugly against me, before leading us up the sidewalk.

  I hate how having her this close to me feels so damn right. Like her body was made, just for me, perfectly molded to rest just right against me.

  Her hand squeezes my waist, as I lead her through the doors.

  “I’m going to have to let go of you while they search us, ok?”

  “While they search us?” Her eyes widen.

  “Yeah...I mean, they have to make sure we aren’t smuggling anything in to the inmates.”

  “Oh, fuck!” Her eyes widen as she pulls back.

  “So, I probably should lose the three joints that are stuffed into my bra?”

  “What?” I bark, as an officer begins to approach us. I pull her next to me, before bringing my mouth to her ear.

  “You seriously stuffed joints into your bra and brought them into prison?” I hiss, panic completely setting in.

  “No.” She giggles before pulling back. “Gotcha.”

  She pokes me in the stomach before giggling again.

  “Wow. You should have seen your face.” She bats her eyes before turning her face up towards mine.

  “You were totally freaking out.”

  She’s right...she got me. Except, when I look down at her, I can’t help but to let a huge goofy grin flash on my face.

  She’s just so damn cute...

  “Really cute, babes.” I mutter, ignoring the way her widen at my term of endearment.

  “C’mon.” I wrap my arm back around her, pulling her forward until I’m forced to let go and allow us both to be searched.

  She’s pulled in a separate direction, towards a female officer, but I keep her within my eyesight at all times.

  We’re finally reunited and placed back into the waiting room.

  “I’m glad that they didn’t find your stash.” I smirk at her, making her grin.

  “Me too. I put them in a special place.”

  “Crazy ass.” I mutter, before wrapping my arm around her and pulling her tightly against me. She sighs before allowing herself to rest against me, snuggling her head into the crook of my neck.

  A sudden peace falls over me.

  Suddenly, I’m no longer focused on the fact that I am here today, pretty much to tell my mother goodbye. In fact, I’m not even dreading it at all.

  I feel like everything is right in the world, and it has everything to do with the woman wrapped up in my arms.

  She may only be wrapped up in me for safety right now, but I can’t help but to let myself imagine what it would be like to have her like this, every damn day for the rest of my life.

  I STEP OUT OF THE WAITING room, feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest.

  Avery stands up from her chair, her eyes landing questioningly on mine. I hold out my hand to her, and she takes it, before I lead her out of the doors and towards the car.

  “Eric?” She pauses at her door, before glancing up to me. “Are you ok?”

  “No.” I exhale slowly, before shaking my head. “But I will be, the second that we get out of here.”

  “Ok.” She nods, before climbing into the driver’s seat.

  I sink down into my own seat before reclining all the way back and closing my eyes.

  Even though I’ve seen my mom in prison before, this time?

  Well, this time was really hard.

  She’s never looked as bad as she did today. I know that it’s because she’s now locked up, and more than likely out of drugs.

  But she barely even wanted to hear about what has been going on with me since she up and left me.

  In fact, the only thing that she seemed to be concerned about was whether or not I would be able to deposit any money into her commissary account.

  I’m assuming, so that she can buy some things to make trades for drugs.

  Mother of the year.

  Avery’s quiet for most of the way home, barely even singing along with any of the music playing in the background.

  I glance over at her from time to time, only to catch her looking at me too.

  Finally, I break the silence.

  “Thank you for bringing me today, Avery. I really appreciate what you did.”

  “Of course, Eric. That’s what friends are for, right?” I’m flashed one of her gorgeous smiles, the kind that makes her eyes completely light up.

  “Yeah. I guess. I’ve just never had friends like that. You know, friends like you.”

  “Well now you do.” She reaches over and gives my shoulder a squeeze before turning her attention back to the road.

  “So, you still want to learn how to drive a stick?”

  “I don’t know if I’m up for it today.”

  She simply nods.

  “Alright. Maybe another time then.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  I lean back in my seat, letting the day fade away, as I fall asleep to the sound of her soft voice, wishing like hell that I could be more than her friend.

  But that is just not the way it’s supposed to be.

  Chapter 6

  Six years ago


  “So? Road trip with Mr. Hottie? Girl, I am so jealous!” Amanda lets out a high-pitched squeal.

  I lay back on my bed, sighing hard into the phone.

  “Nothing t
o be jealous of. We didn’t really talk much. I’ve learned that he isn’t much into that.”

  “Well, still. I would be making a fool out of myself every day if I had to live with him! He is so hot, Ave’s! So hot...I have no idea how you do it.”

  My best friend Amanda is right. I also have no idea how I do it.

  Try living and breathing every day around the hottest male specimen ever to have been made. It’s pretty damn impossible to think straight when I’m around him, let alone keep my mind out of the gutter.

  Eric Wayne is just too hot for his own good. Add into that, that he is a really great guy?

  Makes him damn near impossible to resist.

  Not to mention, last weekend when we were together for the entire day?

  Well, for a fleeting second, I actually felt like he liked in, liked me.

  Every once in a while, that hot as sin gaze of his would land on me, and I thought that I felt something. That I saw something in his eyes, that looked an awful lot like want. But then just as fast as it would come?

  It was gone again.

  I would be lying if I said that I haven’t been daydreaming pretty much constantly since that day...remembering the way it felt to have his arm wrapped around me, the way his breath felt against my skin when he would whisper into my ear...or how incredibly sexy it was when he said my name.

  But that’s all that it is anymore...a daydream.

  Since that day last weekend?

  We are right back to where we were before.

  Him, mostly hiding out in his room and avoiding me at all costs, and me, trying to act as if the man doesn’t make my heart beat out of my chest.

  It pretty much sucks.

  The only time that we’ve talked aside from at the dinner table, was a couple of days ago when I unknowingly ran into him at the gym.

  He had smirked in my direction and asked me if I was having fun yet...

  I had rolled my eyes of course, and then just like that, he turned his attention back to his workout, and I was left there to stare at him and watch all of that sexy sweat roll down that irresistible body.

  Sexy sweat. Yeah...I actually just said that.

  As if there is such a thing...

  Except, when Eric is involved?

  Damn near anything he does is sexy.

  “I heard people talking, and, sounds like he is going to be at this party tonight,” Amanda says, before groaning. “You should really be a doll and at least point him in my direction.”

  “What? How would I even do that? Like I said, he barely speaks to me.”

  “Right, but, doesn’t that make him just a little bit sexier? I mean, he totally has that whole dark and mysterious thing going on. It’s so freaking hot.”

  “I don’t know,” I mumble through the phone. “I think you’re going to be on your own. We don’t really talk like that.”

  And, ok. Let’s be honest. The thought of my best friend hooking up with him?

  Well, it evokes a whole lot of jealousy from me...even though I have no right in the world to feel that way.

  After all, he isn’t mine, nor does he want me like that.

  We’re just friends...sort of.

  “Ugh.” I can actually feel her rolling her eyes through the phone.

  “Well, you have a better chance at talking to him than I do. So, if you get the opportunity? Help a sister out.”

  “I really don’t know if we should even be going to this party tonight. I mean, it’s two towns away. Are we even going to know anybody there?”

  “Tommy is going...”

  “Tommy Conrad? Your hump buddy?” I giggle, unable to help myself. I can actually feel her flipping me off through the phone.

  “Shut your lips. He’s just a friend.”

  “Yeah. Right. You little slut.” I giggle again. “Look at you, trying to hook up with Tommy and Eric. I can’t even believe we’re friends.”

  “EXACTLY HOW MUCH HAVE you had to drink?” Amanda asks me, making me giggle.

  Way too much.

  And if I hadn’t realized it before? My hysterical laughter from that one little question would certainly let me know that I’m wasted.


  “You’re cut off.” She rolls her eyes before snatching up my cup. “I can’t even believe you. I walk away from a split second and I come back...”

  “It was longer than a second.” I begin laughing hysterically again. “Unless Tommy Conrad is just a two-second man.”

  She cuts her eyes at me, before shaking her head.

  “Shut up with that.” She glances behind us, probably trying to see if anyone overheard me. “I do not need people to know about us.”

  “Oh, honey.” I snort, before grabbing my drink back. “Everybody knows that you guys are frenzies. With benzies.” I burst into another fit of laughter and she nearly growls.

  “I don’t know why we’re even friends.” She mutters before tugging my arm along, trailing me through the party.

  Someone hands me a beer and I take it, gladly, especially since these kinds of parties aren’t really my thing.

  In order to make it through the night, I pretty much have to get drunk.

  Except, I’m a fairly cheap drunk, so...I may be kissing the porcelain god tonight when we get back to Amanda’s house.

  “It’d be better if your hunky roommate was here.” She turns to look at me before she sighs disgustedly at me and tries to grab the beer out of my hands. I quickly down it before letting her grab the empty can.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” She mutters, cutting her eyes at me. “First, your guy isn’t here. Second, I’m forced to hook up with Tommy Conrad and third. You’re drunk.”

  “Maybe you should get drunk too. It would be more fun.”

  “I have to drive us home.”

  “Party pooper.”

  “Oh. Oh my god.” Amanda immediately drops my wrist like it’s hot, and I nearly fall over, but two arms reach out, grabbing me from behind.

  I know the feeling of those arms...

  And of course, that delicious scent...

  “Ave’s?” I spin around, now seeing the reason for Amanda’s sudden mood change.

  “Oh. Eric. Hey.” I swallow hard before taking a step back, steadying myself out of his grasp. “I didn’t realize that you would be here.”

  “I didn’t realize that you would be here. Exactly why are you here?”

  “Well that’s rude.” I try to roll my eyes, but fail miserably. I then proceed to burst out into another fit of hysterical laughter.

  Good lord, I am a freaking mess right now.

  “I wasn’t trying to be rude. It’s just... I didn’t peg you for a party girl.”

  “Meh.” I shrug, before wobbling slightly on my feet. “I have my moments.”

  “I’m sorry, I think my friend has lost all of her manners.” Amanda reaches forward, grabbing onto Eric’s hand before swinging her hair over her shoulder.

  “I’m Amanda.”

  “Amanda. I’ve seen you around school, but I don’t think that we’ve ever been formally introduced.” He smiles wide before squeezing her hand and flashing her a smile. “Very nice to meet you.”

  I have no idea why, but the second that I see them smiling at each other? Red hot jealousy courses through my veins.

  I mean, ok.

  I have zero claims on the guy, and in all honesty? Amanda is probably way more his type. She’s gorgeous, outgoing...and well.

  She likes to hook up.

  Not that there is anything wrong with that, because there isn’t.

  But I’ve never really been that person.

  It’s not my personality, and well...I’m also the coach’s daughter. Not exactly the girl that any guy wants to mess around with.

  I wonder for just a moment if that is the reason why Eric isn’t interested in me. But the thought leaves just as quickly.

  I’m sure it has more to do with the fact that I’m just not his type.
/>   I mean, have you seen the guy? I’m sure he only dates ten’s.

  I’m barely a six on my very best day.

  “Excuse me.” I nod at the two of them, before stumbling backwards and turning, trying to make my way through the party.

  “Hey gorgeous.” My elbow is grabbed, and I’m spun around. I blink hard, trying to steady myself but failing miserably.

  I nearly fall on top of the guy standing in front of me.

  “Shit. I’m sorry. I’m not usually so unsteady.”

  “It’s fine, baby doll.” He smiles down at me before pulling me in closer.

  “I’ll help you stand up.”

  “I’m really ok...” I start to pull back and everything spins again.

  “You know what? I think that I need some fresh air.”

  He wraps his arm tightly around me, before leading me towards the door.

  We step out onto the patio, and I breathe in deep, trying to stop the spinning in my head.

  “Easy, baby. Slow steps.” He murmurs, his face way too close to mine.

  “Ah, ok.”

  He leads me down the steps, basically holding me up at this point.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think we exchanged names?” I glance up to him.

  “I’m Lance.” He smiles at me before beginning to back me up, towards the wall of the deck.

  “Lance...I’m Avery. You know what? I think that I’m feeling better now. I’m ready to go back inside.”

  “Why the rush, baby? It’s kind of nice out here. Just you...and me. No one around to bother us?”

  He leans in close to me, and alarm bells ring inside of my head.

  “Lance? What are you doing?”

  His grip around me tightens, and suddenly his body presses hard against mine. His mouth moves to my neck, and he begins to drool all over me as he plasters sloppy kisses on my skin.

  I press my hands against his chest, and try to shove him, but he just smiles wickedly at me before grabbing my wrists and holding them against the wall.

  “Mmm. You like to play rough, huh?” His grip tightens on my wrist as he presses his groin into me hard.

  “So do I.”

  “No! I don’t want to play rough. I just want you to stop.” I try to squirm out of his grasp but its seriously no use.


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