Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 19

by Elizabeth Perry

  “Oh, please. You’re giving me way too much credit, here. But I’m glad you like the dress.”

  “I love the dress.” He pulls back slightly, before winking at me and exhaling. “And I love you too.”

  I let his words wash over me, before I glance up, meeting his stare.

  “I love you too, Eric.”

  He closes his eyes, smiling wide, before pulling me in and smacking a kiss to my lips.

  “Best thing I have ever heard in my whole damn life.”

  “Wait.” I tug at his hand, as he tries to lead us back onto the path.

  He tilts his head up at me, before a devilish smile takes over.

  “Wanna just go home?” He winks at me, and as much as I want to roll my eyes, his words send heat to all my body parts.

  Because of course, yes. I would love for him to bring me home and make love to me all night. But I also know how important it is for him to make this appearance with me. So instead, I just shake my head.

  “Yes, but no. That’s not it. I want to talk to you about last night.”

  “About last night.” He sighs, before pulling me into him.

  “Let’s not, baby. Let’s just go inside here and have a little fun. We can talk about all of that later, ok? But I really don’t want to hash that up right now, if you don’t mind.”

  My stomach sinks, but I force a smile onto my face.

  “Sure. Ok. Let’s go in then.”

  He takes my hand, pressing his lips to the palm, sending my already needy body into overdrive from the sensation of his lips on my skin, before leading me back to the walkway and towards the old brick mansion where this gala will be held.

  I’m trying my best not to be nervous, but a small part of me still is.

  I mean, after all, the tabloids have had a field day with the news of Eric being taken, and none of the article have been very flattering of me.

  I know that I may not be on the same level with these people, but I damn well know that I am not as bad as the reporters have made me out to be.

  Either way though, I still feel out of place, but Eric is doing his best to ease my mind.

  And well, he loves me.

  And I love him.

  Hopefully, that will be enough to get me through the night.

  But I can’t help but to have that nagging voice still in my head. What if he changed his mind about wanting to marry me?

  WE’RE SEATED AT A TABLE with several of the other guys from his team. Luckily, Laci and Jake are with us, along with Ryan and his date for the night. She doesn’t seem all that interestted in talking to me, but Laci chatters on and on, making me feel a little more at ease.

  There is also Eddie Cruz at our table, who is with his wife whose name I can’t remember, but she has a soft smile and seems kind, although the two of them are pretty much snuggled together in their own little world.

  We sit through several different speakers, all talking about the amount of money that this team has raised for the local children’s hospital, which honestly, is pretty amazing to me.

  During all of this, Eric’s arm is ever so softly draped across my shoulder, his fingers gently stroking my upper arm.

  I can’t even keep my eyes focused on anyone else, since every few seconds I’m stealing glances at him, making him smirk and pull me even closer.

  But seriously...

  Eric is always gorgeous. But dressed up in a full tuxedo that molds to his ah-mazing body perfectly?

  It’s literally taking all my control not to tug him off somewhere private, where I can just have a quick taste of him to at least get me through the rest of this night.

  “Keep looking at me like that, babes, and I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and find some closet where I can fuck you hard.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” I smirk at him, before reaching down, underneath the table and every so softly running my hand between his thighs.

  I can’t even hide my smile as he groans and grips my shoulder tightly, before narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Fuck.” He hisses, as I scoot in closer, cupping my hand around him. He shifts in his seat, before exhaling sharply as his erection grows.

  “Let’s go.” His growl is low, but I can tell that he is completely serious.

  I pull my hand back before fluttering my eyes up to his.

  “We can’t do that. Everyone would be watching. We would make a scene.”

  “Not as big of a scene as we are gonna make in about two seconds when I pull you onto my lap and fuck you right here in this chair. Because I’m about all out of control right now, baby. And I literally give no fucks about anyone in this room.”

  “We’re not doing that.” I hiss, before scooting my chair away from him.

  “Then come with me right now, so that we can find a place to hide for a bit.”


  “We’ll see about that.” Another smirk fills his face.

  I squeeze my legs tightly together, trying like hell to force my mind off the constant throbbing between my legs.

  I shift again in my seat, before my chair is pulled back again, and Eric’s arm pulls me in tightly.

  “We could be fucking, right now.” He whispers into my ear, his lips ever so gently brushing against my ear, causing every nerve ending in my body to ignite all at once.

  “We could be somewhere, far away from all of these people. I could be on my knees, licking and sucking you, hard until your nails are digging into me, and you’re shamelessly fucking my face.”

  I bite my lip hard to stop the moan from leaving my mouth and causing all these heads to turn my way. I shift again in my seat, trying my best to ignore the soaking wetness between my legs, when he reaches forward and gently bites my ear lobe.

  “Where can we go?”

  I totally cave. I cannot even imagine sitting here for one more second, without some kind of release.

  See what he does to me?

  Good lord.

  It should totally be a crime. Because every time Eric uses his body against me?

  I’m a goner.

  “Excuse yourself to the bathroom and wait for me in the main hallway. I’ll be right behind you.”

  I shove back my chair as quietly as I can, before turning, on shaky legs, totally ignoring all the heads that turn in my direction.

  By the time I make it to the hallway, I’m panting, and shaking.

  Eric wasn’t kidding.

  He’s no more than thirty seconds behind me.

  Without a single word, his arms wrap around my waist, and I’m pulled down the hallway, and then a door is opened and I’m tugged inside.

  We’re in a small coat closet, but at this point, I so don’t even care.

  In a split second, I’m pushed against the door as his lips fly to mine.

  I hear his zipper about a second before his hands are on my thighs, shoving my dress up around my waist, before he grabs my ass and lifts me high, before moving his hips forward and sliding into me.

  My head falls back against the door as I moan, before his mouth quickly covers mine, swallowing down the sound.

  It’s so dark in here that I can’t even see him, all that I can do is hear the soft grunts leave his mouth, and the sensation of him fucking me hard against the door.

  “I love you.” He breathes into my mouth, as he continues his assault on me.

  “I love you so fucking much, baby.”

  “I love you too.” I groan, meaning every damn word.

  And I do.

  I so, totally do.

  All of my walls come crashing down, as we finish together, and he grips me tightly, his ragged breath coming in pants against my skin.

  “Does your offer still stand?” I finally manage, once I can catch my breath enough to speak.

  “What offer is that, babes? You mean my mouth right here?” His finger trails my sex, causing my hips to buck towards him.

  “What? Oh god, yes, that. Always that.”

  I feel his smirk a
gainst my neck as I continue to cling tightly to him.

  “But that’s not what I meant.”

  His whole body freezes, as his breath catches in his throat.

  “What offer do you mean, then, Ave’s?”

  He sets me onto my feet before fumbling into his pocket, turning on his phone flashlight.

  Our eyes lock, as he leans in closer.

  “Tell me, baby. What offer?”

  “What you asked me last night.”

  “Do you mean...”

  I nod, as his whole face breaks out into a grin.

  “Fuck yes, it does. What are you saying to me then, Avery? Say the fucking word. Do you want to marry me? Are you telling me that you want to be my wife?”

  “Yes.” I bite my lip, waiting for his reaction.

  His entire face lights up, and I’m wrapped back up into his arms in a split second.

  “You’re gonna marry me.” He repeats, before plastering his lips onto mine.


  “Fuck yes.”

  We end up staying in that coat closet for a hell of a lot longer than either of us planned. And in that very moment, I’m the happiest that I’ve ever been.

  Everything was going to be perfect, and we were finally going to get our happy ending.

  Or so I thought.

  “I’M GOING TO GO AND get another drink.” I nudge Eric, who pulls his attention away from one of the seemingly million people that I’ve met tonight.

  He hesitantly releases his grip from around my waist, before glancing up towards the bar.

  “Fine. But don’t be gone long.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips before turning his attention back to the group of older men.

  I nearly float to the bar, high on life right now, and feeling like nothing in the world could ever bring me down.

  Except, the feeling is short lived.

  Because the second I receive my glass of wine from the bartender, I’m nearly bombarded by a sea of red.

  A beautiful woman with a head full of red curls in a matching bright red dress, so tight that it literally leaves nothing to the imagination steps in front of me, before leveling her piercing green eyes at me.

  “I thought that I should come and introduce myself.” She tells me, as her eyes trail the deep V in my dress before she wrinkles her nose and her eyes snap back up to mine.

  She sticks out a manicured hand, taking mine ever so slightly into hers, the same way that you would grab something that was icky.

  An instant distaste for her fills my mouth.

  “I’m Mara.” She tells me, before pulling her hand back with another wrinkle of her perfect, albeit fake, nose.

  “I’m Avery.”

  “I know who you are. I can read.” At my confusion, she rolls her eyes. “It’s not like your picture hasn’t been in the media.”

  “Right.” I take a step back from her, glancing over her shoulder and spotting Eric, who is deep in conversation and not paying me any attention.

  “I’m not sure what exactly this is that you have going on here, but I will have you know, that Eric is a very eligible bachelor. And my friends and I...” she nods her head to the right, towards a table filled with women, all beautiful, and dressed very similar to her in gowns so tight that I wonder for a second how they can even breathe. “Well, we don’t really think that you’re good for him.”

  “Excuse me?” I reel back as if slapped, before shaking my head.

  “Frankly, I don’t really care what you and your friends think. Eric and I are happy...”

  A bark of laughter leaves her lips, before she shakes her head.

  “You really think that you could make him happy? Oh, honey. Look at him, and then look at you! He could do so much better than you, and I think that you know it.”

  My stomach drops at her words, as she once again glances over me with a look of pure disgust.

  “I’m not sure what made him go digging from the bottom of the barrel this time, but, I think that we both know that he will bore of you quickly. So, enjoy your short time with him, because that’s all it could ever be for you. He will come running back to me, the second that you’re not around, and then he will realize that being stuck with someone like you? Is a prison sentence.”

  “I don’t know who in the fuck you think that you are...”

  “Oh, well then let me tell you. I’m the one that Eric spends time with when he’s on the road. I’m the one whose bed he can’t seem to stay out of. I’m the one who he begs for another night with. You may think that you have him? But trust me. He’s always going to want to make his way into my bed. And I am always going to let him.”

  I want to say something back to this. Really, I do. Except, what do I even say to that? I could tell her that she’s insane, and that Eric loves me.

  But the fact remains, that we are talking about a man who has cheated on me in the past. The same man who professed his love for me before, and still cheated...multiple times.

  And now?

  Knowing that I literally will be in competition with this woman, and lord, probably countless others, for the rest of my life?

  In this very instant, everything that had been rose colored and seemingly perfect has crashed down around me.

  And I realize that I am nothing more than a complete and utter fool...for ever allowing Eric Wayne back into my life, and back into my heart.

  “Enjoy tonight, Avery. Because after this? I’m taking that delicious man back, and there isn’t a damn thing that you can do to stop me.”

  “Good fucking luck.” I growl at her, as she throws her head back, letting a long laugh leave her most likely botox filled lips.

  “I don’t need any luck in that department. Eric messes around here and there, but he always comes back to me. Always.” She emphasizes, giving me one last snotty grin, before sashaying off towards her group of girlfriends, who are all watching the scene unfold in front of them.

  My stomach rolls, and as much as I want to fire something back at her, I can’t.

  I can’t even think straight.

  I knew that Eric had been around, a lot since we had split up. I mean, obviously, he has been. He has women throwing themselves at him all the time.

  But I guess that I never really let my mind focus on the fact that maybe there had been someone else, like Mara, who he had filled more time with than just a night here and there.

  Obviously, they had something together.

  Whether just sexual or not, still.

  I feel foolish for not having really thought any of this through.

  As the snickers erupt from Mara and her group of friends, I realize that I have got to get the fuck out of here.

  I cannot sit here for one more second and allow myself to be made a fool of.

  Enough is enough.

  I set my wine back onto the bar top before quickly grabbing my purse and hustling out of the ballroom as fast as my feet can carry me.

  Chapter 27


  “Hey.” Laci grabs my arm, pulling my attention away from Mr. McAbey and the director of the hospital that we just raised a shit load of money for.

  “Somethings up with Avery. She didn’t look so good, I caught her leaving the bathroom and honestly, she looked about ready to pass out.”

  “Seriously?” I glance back to the bar where I spied her just a few moments ago before my eyes travel across the room to the exit.

  “Where is she now?”

  “I think that she may have left. She was calling for a cab when I walked away. I told her to sit tight and that I would just come and get you. But she was pretty adamant that she didn’t want to bother you since she knew that you needed to mingle. She didn’t look so good...”

  “Thanks, Lac.” I nod at her, before giving a slight wave to both men that I was just talking to and spinning on one heel, heading towards the door.

  I’m just about to the door when a sea of red stops me, and I’m suddenly hit with an all too familiar perfume.<
br />
  “Eric.” She purrs, before reaching out her hand and placing it on my arm. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “It’s nice to see you too, Mara. But I’m sorry, I don’t really have time right now to chat.”

  “I’ve been trying to call you for weeks now. I’ve been hoping that we could catch up.”

  I sigh hard, trying to bypass her, but unable. I know exactly what her definition of catch up is. And while a few months ago, I would have most definitely wanted that with her?

  These days, not a chance in hell.

  “Nothing for us to catch up about, Mara. I haven’t returned your calls because I’m with someone. Actually, I’m getting married.” I can’t even stop my smile at the words. I hate that the very first time that they leave my lips is to a woman who I use to occasionally sleep with, but so be it. Maybe she needs to hear it so that she will finally leave me alone.

  “So if you could just excuse me...”

  “Married?” Her mouth drops open for just a split second before she regains her composure. “You’re getting married? Wow, well, that’s just...fabulous. Lucky girl.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” I try to step past her, but again, she steps in front of me. “Mara, if you don’t mind, I really need to find someone.”

  “You’re fiancé? The one not wearing an engagement ring?” Her eyebrows raise before a smug smile crosses her lips.

  “Yes. That’s the one.”

  “Must not be very high maintenance, if she’s agreed to be your wife without the rock.”

  “Oh, she’ll get the rock.” At this point, I’m just frankly annoyed as fuck that Mara will not move out of my damn way. “Not every woman needs that though. Some are actually in it for love.”

  “Hmm. I see. Well, if you’re looking for her, I can show you where she is.”

  “You can?”

  She nods, before tilting her head towards the staircase.

  “Yeah. Since you and I are old friends and all, when I saw her looking so ill, I showed her a place to lay down. I’m guessing she must be pregnant or something?”


  My eyes widen, as the thought circles inside of me. I wonder for a split second if that’s why Avery wasn’t’ feeling well...


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