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Shining in Crimson: Empire of Blood Book One (A Dystopian Vampire Novel)

Page 23

by Robert S. Wilson

  Hank stopped messing with his tie and turned his attention from himself to Toby in the mirror.

  "I told you, I had no choice. Who knows what they would have done to you? I wasn't about to take that chance."

  "What do you think Diana would think about this?"

  Hank swallowed, closing his eyes.

  "Toby, you know that's not fair. Besides, I'm sure she would have done the same if your life was in danger."

  Toby had no reply. He continued to glare at his father as if his expression was reason enough to change Hank's mind. Then, he turned and walked out of Hank's bedroom slamming the door on his way.

  Hank let out a sob. He wanted so badly to tell his little boy why he couldn't just run, why he couldn't simply walk away. But, at the same time, he was glad that Toby was sheltered from the truth. He couldn't imagine putting his son through that kind of fear.

  He went back to straightening his tie. When he was done, his glance wandered over his appearance until his gaze came to the rectangular monstrosity that marked every Imperial branded suit. The American Imperial flag. Its stripes were a dull black and white, and where the 50 stars had once been, there remained only one. One white star over a black background to symbolize one powerful emperor over all.

  Hank turned away from the mirror, if only to prevent himself from ripping the flag from his garment. He needed to leave, anyhow, or he would be late for the holy ceremony he had to go through to sanctify his position. As he didn't believe in the ridiculous Imperial religion, he knew the ceremony would be all the more hollow.

  * * *

  In what had once been a circular restaurant within the top of the Stratosphere, dozens of human vampires sat at the many tables waiting for Ishan to address them. Simon watched them from the corner of the room. He was even more nervous than he had been for his first kill. The vote for Peter's replacement on the council was about to begin and Simon knew that Ishan would nominate him. The room was noisy with anticipation. All around Simon, he could hear them talking about what had happened the night before. Many of them were talking about Peter and the missing vampires. But almost all of them were talking about Simon. Most of what had happened the night before had somehow circulated throughout the group. What mostly concerned them was the connection that had forged between Simon and Ishan. After several more minutes of listening to the gossip flooding around the place, silence filled the room almost at once. Simon sat up straight and looked up to see Ishan, Edgar, and Stanislov making their way toward the middle of the room amid a flurry of vampires trying to find a place to sit down. When they were all seated, Ishan began to speak.

  "As you all know by now, Peter is dead and Rachel is missing still. We have called together this open emergency council meeting to elect a replacement for Peter. If there is anyone who would like to be considered, please come forward." The room was still for several minutes as Ishan waited. Then, a tall vampire near the far corner from Simon stood up, towering over the sitting vampires at his table.

  "I wish to be considered," he said.

  "Very well, Antonius, you will be the first candidate," Ishan said. "Anyone else?"

  When no one else came forward, Ishan cleared his throat.

  "Since no one else has came forward, I will add a nomination to this election. I nominate Simon Withers."

  The room became loud with discussion.

  "Silence," Ishan said. The room went completely still. "Do either of the candidates have anything they would like to say for their campaign?"

  Simon sat, paralyzed.

  "Yes, I do," Antonius said. "When I was human, I held a place on the Roman senate in the last days of the republic. I served my nation well before its freedom was mutilated. My opponent here, a rather recent former employee of the Empire, hardly knows our ways. How, then, shall we expect him to be a councilman to what to him would be an alien people? I urge you before you vote, to think about these things." He said. He waited a moment, letting his words sink in, and then sat down. Ishan turned to Simon.

  "Simon Withers, do you have anything to say in reply?"

  "No, sir," he said.

  "Then I will speak for you." He looked around the room. "Had Simon not acted last night, this council would no longer stand, and we would be seeing the end of yet another republic. In drinking my blood, he has painfully gained experience equal to my own. I would ask that you consider what I have said when you cast your vote. Thank you. You may cast your votes now."

  The three remaining council members started passing around slips of paper and pencils to the seated vampires. When Simon received his, he quickly scribbled Antonius and folded it in half.

  * * *

  Hank stood fixed like a statue in the large church. He could see the Emperor seated in the throne at the middle of the stage. Above and behind him a large American Imperial flag waved from its flagpole. Sentries were lined up all around the place. In the many pews were the most devout followers, along with pilgrims from all over the world. Anyone who had watched television knew this scene from watching any average Sunday afternoon's television feed.

  The First Church of the American Empire was the most popular church in the world. Mostly from notoriety outside the Imperial borders. Behind him was a long line of men and women awaiting the same ceremony as he was. He was third in line. They were all to be sanctified before entering service to the Empire. The first in line was called up to the throne. A stiff-looking bald guy walked up the steps to the top of the stage and knelt before the Emperor. The Emperor touched his shoulder.

  "You may rise," he said. "Richard Durago, put your left hand on my bible and raise your right hand."

  * * *

  The council had been gone for several hours when it was announced that the votes had been tallied, and the results would come soon. A few minutes later, Ishan, followed by his fellow council members, came out looking pleased.

  "The new council member by unanimous vote is Simon Withers."

  Simon gaped at them. Before his mind had time to process the news, vampires were flooding in all around to congratulate him. But as he shook hands and tried to hold conversations with everyone he could, he saw behind them to the far table. There sat Antonius looking at him with an envious expression. Simon went back to chatting with the many vampires eager to congratulate him.

  * * *

  "Come forward, my son," the Emperor said, gesturing toward Hank. Hank walked toward the stage. He wondered if he had knelt before the Emperor before would the horrible beast of a man be making him do this now? When he was right in front of the throne he knelt down like he had seen the others do. He noticed, as he looked at the emptiness on both sides of the Emperor's throne, that Lotinger was not present, and wondered why that was. Then a clammy hand touched him, and he felt nauseated immediately.

  "Rise, my son. Henry Evans, put your left hand on my bible and raise your right hand."

  Hank did as he was told.

  "Do you swear to serve the American Empire of Almighty God with dignity and pride?"

  "I do." He could feel his heartbeat in his throat.

  "Do you swear to uphold the laws of this holy nation and the laws of your Lord, Joseph Caesar?"

  "I do." He was sure tears were coming down at this point, but he made himself stand still. The Emperor only smiled then.

  "Very good, my son, come closer and I will sanctify your soul."

  Hank moved close enough to the Emperor to receive the holy touch. As the Emperor leaned forward to touch his forehead, he whispered to Hank.

  "Your first assignment is in seven days. Do your job well and you will be rewarded." He grinned. "Fail, and your son will die slowly as you watch, do you understand?"

  Hank glared at him.

  "Yes, I do."

  "Good then. Go and prepare. Your instructions are already waiting for you." The Emperor put his cold, slimy hand on Hank's forehead then and gave it a slight nudge.

  Hank let himself fall backwards, simulating what he had seen here tonight
, and on television for many years in the past. When he rose up from the floor, the Emperor spoke out loud once more.

  "You have been sanctified, my son!"

  Hank looked around at the crowd as they cheered passionately. Their faces all showing the same vacant yet desperate expression.

  He made his way down the steps and through the long path that divided the two large sections of pews, toward the door. Along the way, he felt many hands reaching out to him, tugging on his sleeves, and patting him on the back, or whatever else they could reach. It was all he could do to block them out, so he walked faster.

  When he was out the door, he went straight for the car. Once he was there, and sure no one was watching, he knelt over beside the passenger door and vomited on the pavement. When his stomach was empty and the heaving finished, he wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his Imperial jacket. Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed.

  In a week’s time, he would arrive back in Necropolis, and then, he would have to find a way to tell them about the bug. Then, they would have to find a way to fight back. His sobbing subsided as his suffering melted into fury. As he looked down at his own vomit, a gleam of light caught his eye. It was the Imperial Star on his sleeve.

  His father had died fighting for his country’s freedom. And for what? Hank had lived his whole life afraid of the Empire. But now, he wanted nothing more than to see its undoing. To be its undoing. To take back that same freedom his father had died for.

  Message from the author:

  Thank you for taking the time to read my first novel. Obviously, it ends with a bit of unfinished business. Fading in Darkness: Empire of Blood Book Two will be released on April 23rd, 2013. You can pre-order the Kindle, trade paperback, or one of 20 limited edition hardcover copies of the book on my website and can even have it sent directly to your Kindle when it is available (which could possibly be prior to the official release date). In the meantime if you have any questions about the series or me or find any errors just email me at and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

  Also available for Kindle by Robert S. Wilson:

  The Quiet: A Novella

  James Benton might be the last man on earth. Racing to get to work, he finds random abandoned cars, smoldering pile-ups, and something even stranger. Everywhere he goes there's no grass, no people, not even a bird in the sky. Alone in a barren world, James travels west in search of someone, anyone who might have survived The Quiet.

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  In Dark Reaches: The Official Fiction Subscription of Robert S. Wilson

  In Dark Reaches is a collage of fiction by Robert S. Wilson. Whether it be old stories fallen through the cracks, cut scenes that never left his heart or mind, excerpts of things to come, or even new exclusive stories, you’ll find a wide mix of genres and ideas explored.

  In the first issue we delve into the past; A young boy is struck with the chilling sting of betrayal in the very first piece of fiction I ever wrote, then a spider-filled Shining in Crimson outtake, thirdly the first chapter of an upcoming dark YA fantasy novel in which a young girl learns that the dragon pendant she's worn all her life has a magical secret that could set her free from the cold grip of a sorceress who keeps her captive (specially edited for this issue), and finally an early unpublished short story that takes a dark look at the subject of time travel. I hope you enjoy these pieces and I look forward to working on the next issue.

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  Coming February 20th, 2013 by Robert S. Wilson from Blood Bound Books…

  Exit Reality: A Ray Garret/Lifeline Techno Thriller

  The future of experience is digital...even in death.

  No one knows this better than Ray Garret. In a world where the human brain can connect directly to the internet, human beings become the target of a mass-murdering computer virus.

  Ray's an Antivii agent in charge of tracking down the source of digi-human viruses. He's no lover of the HPDID (Human Perceptual Digital Interface Device), but when a recorded experience from his dead wife is left for him, Ray has no choice but to play the file, changing his life forever.

  “As visionary as William Gibson's Johnny Mnemonic and as seedy as Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe stories, Robert S. Wilson's EXIT REALITY is a supreme achievement. Wilson has created a world so plausible, and yet so full of nightmares, that you might never want to get online again. I loved this book. Write faster, Mr. Wilson, because I want more!”

  —Joe McKinney, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of FLESH EATERS and MUTATED

  "Wilson's EXIT REALITY is a cyberpunk nightmare that just keeps getting better and better, until you hit that mark where you know it's finished but crave more. It meets at the positively alluring intersection of Phillip K. Dick Avenue and Raymond Chandler Boulevard, and there are a scarcity of other street corners where I'd rather find myself."

  —Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of BLACK & ORANGE and BOTTLED ABYSS

  “Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Robert S. Wilson's fast-paced novella, EXIT REALITY. The story is compelling and well-written, the author deftly negotiating the line between SF and Horror—a difficult sub-genre that only the best writers can manage. Recommended without reservation.”

  —Gene O’Neill, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of THE BURDEN OF INDIGO and OPERATION RHINOCEROS HORNBILL

  “Kiss the world you know goodbye and get ready for Robert S. Wilson's terrifying sci-fi novella, EXIT REALITY. With powerful storytelling and fast-paced action, Wilson's ready to entertain and move you in equal measure.”

  —Peter Giglio, author of BEYOND ANON and co-author of THE DARK

  “EXIT REALITY is a fast-paced blend of sci-fi horror. Robert S. Wilson has created a believable near-future and populated it with all-too real characters. The nightmarish spiral of Ray Garret's descent is thrilling and unforgettable, and the technology feels just one step away. The narrative thrums with loss and desire. Wilson's muscular writing grips you tightly and pulls you along. Escape is futile. This will be one ride you won't forget.”

  —Stephen Bacon, author of PEEL BACK THE SKY

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  Escape From Saturn and LiberatedServant

  For many years before I wrote fiction, I was (and I guess still am) a musician. I sang, played guitar, bass, keyboards, piano since I was about 12 years old. From 1998 to 2000 I sang, played guitar, and wrote music for the Indianapolis based band LIFT and from 2000 to 2001 I sang in the band Godtrip. In 2001 I also played guitar for a very short stint in the band Resurface. Between 2001 and 2003 under the moniker ESCAPE FROM SATURN I recorded about 20 industrial rock/metal songs with a 233MHZ Compaq desktop computer, a Shure SM57 microphone, and a crappy Creative Labs sound card and somehow managed to end up with a fairly listenable 17 track album titled 10 Million Ways to Say Goodbye. I released it myself online to a handful of friends. Without a backup band to help promote it, it didn't really get the attention I felt it deserved. But such is life.

  Years later I recorded some acoustic songs that had a totally different vibe, then I started experimenting with some acoustic versions of the ESCAPE FROM SATURN songs and realized what I was working on was different enough from EFS to warrant a new title. Hence LiberatedServant. I recorded several demo songs and had planned to compile them together as a short EP called River's Rising and never ended up getting around to it.

  In 2005 I started the metal band Burning Alive which dissolved quickly into another solo recording project. Around 2006 to 2007 I did some mobile studio recording in both Indianapolis and Nashville and also sang in the metal band Kobayashi.

  Cue this past year, I'm going through old files and find some of my mus
ic tracks, videos, etc. and I decided maybe it was time to give both albums a better shot. So, I recompiled 10 Million Ways to Say Goodbye, remixed the tracks for River's Rising and put them up on Amazon. They're now both available in CD and MP3 format on Amazon! Click here to listen to samples or purchase either album.

  About the author:

  Robert S. Wilson was born in Bloomington, Indiana during the blizzard of '78. His first taste for fantasy, science fiction, and horror came from watching episodes of The Twilight Zone and the stories his mother told him about a supposedly haunted house his family once lived in.

  He is the author of the Empire of Blood series of books. His novella, The Quiet, appeared in the anthology Not in the Brochure: Stories of a Disappointing Apocalypse and his story The Last Time I Saw My Brother Nathan appeared in A Quick Bite of Flesh: An Anthology of Zombie Flash Fiction. Robert also co-edited Horror for Good: A Charitable Anthology of which all net proceeds go to amfAR The Foundation for AIDS Research. His dark sci-fi short story Coma will appear in [Nameless] Magazine in 2013. The next book in his Empire of Blood series Fading in Darkness: Empire of Blood Book Two will be released on April 23rd, 2013.

  Robert lives in Middle Tennessee with his wife and two kids and spends most of his time wondering where all the time went. Samples of his work as well as the free audio serial for Shining in Crimson can be found on his blog at:


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