Book Read Free

Take Your Medecine

Page 12

by Arianna Hart

  “No problem, always willing to help a fellow man. That was some scene.”

  “Don’t I know it. I’m just glad my wife and kids weren’t around. They’re waiting for me at the office, we’re leaving as soon as we pay up.”

  “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “I guess you could figure most of it out yourself. I was just plain stupid. I let my parts do my thinking and almost ruined my life. Me and Sue Ellen were high school sweethearts. We’ve been married for almost ten years. Got married right out of high school, and had our first baby a year later. We have two boys and a girl now, and I guess I was feeling a little of those old wild oats. Hell, I don’t know what I was feeling. Sue Ellen and I decided to take this vacation because the fire was dying. I was working overtime, she was busy with the kids, you know. Do you have kids?” Jake asked.

  “Not yet, but I hope to soon,” Jared said, realizing it was true.

  “Well, they can be the best thing that ever happened to you, but they can also take over your life. Sue Ellen was so busy making costumes, driving to soccer practice, dance lessons, boy scouts, plus taking care of the house I guess I just fell to the bottom of the list. That’s no excuse for what I done mind you, but there was problems there to begin with.”

  “’No one can break up a happy marriage,’” Jared said wondering when he would get to his point.

  “Exactly. Still, we came up here hoping to get closer together, only it seemed like all we did was run around with the kids, and you can’t exactly spark up the old marriage bed with three sets of ears close by. I said something to her, and she got mad and asked me if I wanted to do her with an audience. I stormed off to the dance hall and met up with Laura. After a few beers and some glimpses of what she was showing, she seemed like just the answer. I still didn’t give in, but I was mighty tempted. The next day she caught my eye and made some suggestions. I was still hesitant, than the next thing I know, I’m talking her into doing it in the woods. For Christ’s sake, my kids could have walked by. I was just lucky no one saw us before I could tell Sue Ellen, or my life wouldn’t be worth spit.”

  Jared didn’t bother to correct him. He was finding this tale quite fascinating.

  “Anyway, after we had finished, she started talking about where we could meet again. I told her I’d meet up with her tomorrow, but I had to get back before my wife got suspicious. I was walking back to the trailer, and Sue Ellen was alone waiting for me. She apologized for how she spoke to me and wanted to talk. Here she was telling me I was right and that she had been neglecting her duties as a wife, and she arranged to have one of the kids from the trailer next door watch the kids at the playground for a few hours so we could have some alone time.”

  “That must have been awkward.”

  “You ain’t lying. I just fell apart and told her everything.”

  “That took guts,” Jared said, meaning it.

  “She wasn’t happy, that’s for sure. She slugged me one in the stomach, but if she had found out from someone else, she would have done a hell of a lot more damage. My Sue Ellen doesn’t pull any punches. After she got over being mad, we talked some more, and she said she thought Laura was up to something. Women just have a feel for that kind of thing, you know. She said the same thing you just said; even though I was lower than a snake’s belly, Laura wouldn’t have been able to get a second glance if things were right between the two of us. I’m just glad I got away when I did. That lady is crazy. I’m gonna treat Sue Ellen to the best dinner and motel money can buy, as soon as we can drop off the kids with her sister.”

  “Good luck, man, you deserve a second chance. Don’t mess it up.”

  “I won’t, that’s for sure. Thanks for watching my back, there’s Sue Ellen now. I appreciate the protection, and the ear. Sometimes a man just needs the opinion of another man.”

  “Truer words were never spoken. Good luck with that dinner and the motel.”

  “Thanks. Sue Ellen get her started, I’ll pay up and we’re out of here!”

  Jared turned around and walked back up to the store, mulling over what the man had said. He hoped he would never be in a situation where he had to tell Macayla that he had slept with someone else. He doubted he’d get away with only a punch in the stomach. He hadn’t even slept with her yet, but he didn’t think she’d appreciate him catting around. He made his intentions quite clear, and as far as he was concerned, it was only a matter of time before they consummated the act. Neither one of them would be doing someone else against a tree, that was for sure.

  Just the thought of Macayla touching another man was enough to put a scowl on Jared’s face as he re-entered the store.

  “Now that’s a mean look. What’s a handsome fella like you doing with a scowl like that? You must need someone to sweeten your day.”

  Laura, not one for wasting time, set her sights on Jared and quickly forgot the hapless Jake. He was short and skinny anyway. This fella was much more to her liking. He had broad shoulders, a flat tummy, big, muscular thighs. He looked like he could pick her up in one had. Just the thought of all that power at her fingertips sent the blood swirling through her veins.

  Laura was a woman who knew what she wanted; she just could never seem to hold on to it. This guy was definitely a cut above her usual prey, and she wouldn’t hesitate to use every weapon in her arsenal. She slid up against him and ran her hands over his chest. “You just need a little honey to sweeten your mood, and Laura is just the woman to give it to you,” she said as she rubbed her breasts against his chest.

  Jared couldn’t believe she was fondling him in the middle of a store. She had just caused a scene in the same store not five minutes ago, and here she was practically attacking him.

  “Thanks, but I have plenty of honey at home,” Jared said as neutrally as he could. He didn’t want to make a bigger scene, but neither did he want to be molested in front of a rapt audience. He gently pulled her hands off his chest and went to the wine aisle. He picked bottle off the shelf without even paying attention to the label, paid for it and left.

  He was lucky he picked a cheap vintage as he only had a twenty on him. He hadn’t planned on any shopping; this was only a reconnaissance expedition. He was lucky he had any money on him at all. He hightailed it through the park and went up the path using all the stealth he had learned in his years in the military.

  Jared had never feared an enemy more than that cold-eyed blonde in the store. He wanted to make certain that she didn’t realize he lived outside of the trailer park. The last thing he wanted was her showing up unannounced at the house.

  He debated the wisdom of keeping the incident a secret from Macayla, but decided against it. If they ever ran into her together, he didn’t want any misunderstandings. He had the feeling that Laura wouldn’t stop her pursuit just because Macayla was in the way.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Jared walked back into the cabin, he was still feeling a little jumpy. Which was the excuse he gave when Macayla tapped him on the shoulder and he spun around in a crouch.

  “Well hello. Did you meet a commando on your walk?” Macayla asked him. He had immediately shut the door and was looking out the window when she tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Worse. I met your Miss Buxom Bleach Blonde, and I have never been so scared.”

  “Do tell.”

  She did not look happy at the news. Better tell her everything as quickly as possible. “She was screaming at Jake, who was telling her that things were through and he was going back to Sue Ellen.”

  “Hold on, hold on. Who is Sue Ellen? Start from the beginning, I’ve got to hear this.” Macayla said, curling up on the couch.

  “It all started when I walked into the general store.” Jared proceeded to tell her the entire story, which had her mouth open in astonishment.

  “You mean, she actually took him back?” “Well, not before she got a shot in.” “One punch, big deal. He threw away ten years of marriage

a quicky.”

  “I got a good look at her, I bet she packed one hell of a punch. Besides, I guess what it comes down to is this, is one mistake worth throwing away ten years of marriage?”

  “You’ve got a point, and I must admit I’m a little biased. I can assure you, if my husband ever cheated on me, he’d get a lot more than just a punch.”

  “Funny, I was thinking the same thing.” “Oh really?” “Yes, and just so we are clear on the matter, I don’t care

  that we haven’t known each other since high school, nor are we

  married, there will be no others, for either of us.” “Really?” Macayla looked at him incredulously. “Really.” “I wasn’t aware that my life had anything to do with you.” “Don’t give me that bull Macayla. I may not be pushing you

  as hard as I can, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. And just because you haven’t unbent your stiff neck enough to enjoy the pleasure I could give you doesn’t mean that you won’t. Until whatever it is we have between us is over, neither one of us will be straying.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes.” Jared could feel his temper boiling. He was sure she was just yanking his chain, but he couldn’t help his knee-jerk reaction.

  “And what exactly do we have between the two of us?” Macayla asked, looking a little annoyed herself.

  “This,” Jared said as he pulled her to him. Jared held her head in both of his hands and attacked her lips with his own. This was no gentle persuasion, this was an assault on her defenses, and it was massively successful. He overwhelmed her with his ferocity, pushing past her lips, storming her walls, drawing out every bit of feeling she had inside her.

  He touched no more than her face, kissed no more than her lips, but her entire body felt the glow he had intended to ignite.

  “Don’t ever think just because I play the gentleman that I am one. This will be finished eventually.”

  Macayla didn’t know what to say. She stood there and stared at him as he walked out of the room. She was still standing in the same spot when he passed her on the way to the gym downstairs.

  Part of her wanted to be mad, who did he think he was? The rest of her was still soaring in the heights he had taken her with one kiss. She honestly didn’t know why she wasn’t madder at his caveman behavior, but she just couldn’t work up the energy to get furious. This called for some serious back up. She needed help, and she needed it from someone she could trust.

  Macayla walked to her room and dug through her bag until she found the digital phone Connor had packed for them to use. She powered it on and waited for whatever scrambling device was on it to activate. She had no idea the technology behind it, all she knew was she could use it for a short period of time and be relatively sure she wouldn’t be jeopardizing their safety.

  “Samara O’Riley, Editing.”

  “Sam-Sam, it’s Cayla.”

  “Macayla! How are you doing? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything is just fine. I took out Jared’s staples yesterday. He made dinner and almost killed me, but other than that things are just ducky.”

  “Oh no, did he give you mushrooms?” Samara asked, laughter in her voice.

  “Not on purpose, they were in the spaghetti sauce.”

  “Oh dear. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine. That’s not why I called. Sam, I need some advice.”

  “That’s a first, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, I just, well, I’m just-“ Macayla couldn’t finish.

  “Ready to jump his bones?” Samara asked.

  “Exactly. Oh Samara, I’ve only known him for such a short time, and my track record isn’t that great to begin with. How do I know if it’s right? How do I know if it is more than just hormones?”

  “You don’t. Macayla, this isn’t a test you can study for and pass. This is life, and sometimes you hit the jackpot, and sometimes you hit the gutter. You can protect yourself to some degree, but eventually you just have to close your eyes and jump.”

  “I hate that! I never walk into something blindly. How can I just jump into a situation where I don’t know what is going to happen?”

  “Macayla, you can’t control everything. Maybe it’s time you jumped. Hey I did and it worked for me.”

  “Yeah, but Connor is Connor. He’s great. Jared is different.”

  “Connor wasn’t exactly looking to get married and have a baby when I met him. I slept with him knowing I might never see him again. Even though I had never done that before, I just had this gut feeling that if I didn’t take the chance for once in my life, I would never have that chance again. I was lucky, it worked out, but there were some long, lonely months where I thought I would be alone with only that one night to remember him by.”

  “If you had never seen him again, would it have been worth it? Would you have had regrets?”

  “Only that I didn’t sleep with him sooner. Macayla, you can’t plan everything, some things are just left up to fate. That doesn’t mean you sleep with every man you come across, but it does mean when you meet a man like Jared, you don’t wait around until the last day to take the final step. Life can be very short.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that. Thanks. I don’t know if you told me what I want to hear, but you have definitely given me some things to think about.”

  “What are friends for? If you make the decision, look in the front pocket of you bag, I put some things in there just in case.”

  “Why you sneaky little devil!” Macayla said laughing.

  “Like I said, what are friends for? Just remember, I love you.”

  “Thanks, me too.” Macayla hung up the phone feeling a little better. She didn’t have any better idea of where she was headed with Jared, but at least she was sure in the knowledge that if she fell flat on her face she’d have someone there to help her up.

  Should she go down to clear the air with Jared? Maybe a little space would be best for both of them. She wasn’t the type to hold a grudge, but there was a time and place for every discussion. The fact that she was still feeling a little overheated from Jared’s kiss, and he was downstairs working out, possibly with his shirt off, didn’t bode well for an intelligent conversation. She had never seen a man as good looking as Jared, even Connor wasn’t as ruggedly handsome, and he was no slouch. Thoughts like those weren’t going to help clear her mind any.

  Macayla went into the kitchen and started making a meatloaf for supper. She wasn’t sure if her stomach was up to that yet so she put in an extra potato to bake just in case. She cleaned up the kitchen and puttered around the house, straightening little things, cleaning the bathroom, making the beds, when she had run out of things to do and Jared was still downstairs, she figured she had better stop him from hurting himself.

  “Idiot man, he’s going to overdo it just like I said. Why is it men think they are so much smarter than women?” Macayla muttered out loud as she headed for the stairs leading to the home gym. As she stomped her way down the stairs, she was blasted by the music Jared had blaring from the speakers. His face was turned away from her working with free weights. He had his shirt off, just as she had expected, and his torso was beaded in sweat.

  The muscles in his arms were rippling with the effort he was making to lift the weights over and over again. Macayla paused, speechless as she watched him work out. He was definitely eye candy. Forget eye candy, he was eye chocolate. The overhead lights emphasized his every asset; the glints in his midnight black hair were almost blue, his hairy chest was pumping up and down with exertion. His sweatpants were sagging on his narrow frame and revealed the upper curve of his pelvis, a sight Macayla found irrationally erotic.

  She stood there staring at him, wondering how to take her eyes off him long enough to form a coherent thought in her head. She had completely forgotten the reason why she had come downstairs in the first place.

  Jared dropped the weight and pressed his hand to his side. When he looked up and saw her
he lowered his hand guiltily. He stood up and walked over to her, drying himself on the towel as he went. He was still breathing heavily from his workout, making his chest move up and down. She said nothing as he came within inches of her; he stopped, waiting for her to make the next move.

  Macayla stared at Jared, watching him as he ran the towel over his body. She wanted to be that towel, wrapped around that gorgeous chest, feeling his heartbeat, tasting his skin. She licked her lips as though she could already taste the salt from his skin. The rational part of her brain was yelling at her to say something, to break the spell, but her body wasn’t listening. It was too busy watching him come closer and closer to her.

  When he stopped in front of her, but didn’t make a move to touch her she almost whimpered. She wanted to be pressed against his chest, to feel the fire spread and burn. She waited breathless seconds for him to move, but when he did nothing more than grip the towel and stare at her; she knew it was up to her to decide what was going to happen.

  She watched a bead of sweat work its way from the hollow of his throat, down his chest, over his stomach, and stop at the waistband of his sweats. She could feel her control snap as she saw the evidence of his desire directly below the devious drop of sweat.

  She stood up on tiptoe and placed her mouth against his throat. She delicately licked her way from his throat to the oasis of his chest. She had been dreaming about these acres of muscles for days now and, like a kid in a candy store, didn’t know where to begin. She wanted to touch and taste everything at once, yet wanted to linger over it as well. She kissed a path between his nipples, and brought her hands up to run her fingers through the hair on his chest, grabbing his pectorals gently and rubbing his flat nipples between her fingers.

  Jared was still silent, his hands gripping the towel like the safety bar on a roller coaster. He was holding on for dear life, afraid to make a move and break the spell. Macayla was devouring his chest, and his control. Her hands were exploring his torso like a blind person reading Braille. Her mouth was trailing kisses over every inch, and working her way lower second by agonizing second. When she reached the waistband of his pants, Jared pulled her up to him.


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