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Make-Believe Marriage

Page 19

by CA Quigg

  "I have just the thing," I said. "Come with me."

  I hurried to the spare room opposite the bathroom, and when I opened the door, a delicious riot of scents wrapped around us, and I immediately relaxed.

  "This place smells like heaven."

  "Whenever I come in here, I feel like I've stepped into my personal piece of paradise." I went to the shelf where I kept my skincare products and selected a face wash, an astringent, an oil blend that would act as a moisturizer, and a small bottle of scar treatment.

  "Please take these. I would hate for her to suffer the way I did." I picked up a leaflet that explained how to use the products and popped everything into a pink paper bag. "Most of these include tea tree. The blend I've made will nourish her skin and fight the causes naturally without her having to use skin-irritating products. She should also talk to a dermatologist to rule anything like hormone imbalances out."

  "Oh, I can't," she said eyeing the bag. "It could be seen as taking bribes."

  "It's not a bribe. I promise. Please take them for your daughter. All of the instructions are inside. I know if she uses these products religiously, she'll see a big difference in a week or two. I've also given her a blend that'll help with any scarring if she has any."

  Doris looked at the bag and then looked at me. "Taking these won't change my mind. If I think you're lying to me or hiding something, I'll put it in my report."

  "I understand. Why don't I put the bag by the front door and if you happen to pick it up when you're leaving, that would be okay."

  Doris smiled, the first genuine one she'd given. "I like how you think." She placed her clipboard down on the stainless-steel workbench I used to make my concoctions, and said, "Let's get real for a minute. Why did you marry him so fast? You knew him, what a week?"

  I gathered a handful of lavender petals from a basin and let them fall through my fingers. The soothing scent drifted upward, and I was thankful for it. I needed all the help I could get.

  "I know how it looks." Lies, lies, and more lies. "I love him. It's that simple. He believes in me and makes me think I can do anything. I've never had that before from anyone, apart from my sisters."

  Doris scribbled in her notebook. "Tell me your story. I'm not going to ask you questions like his favorite color or food. Or-" she laughed, "-the brand of skincare you use. Those can be rehearsed. I want to know your story. I want to know when you knew."

  "Before we got married, I wondered if I was being swept away in some rollercoaster of lust. I mean look at him."

  "Oh, I did. There was enough of him on display."

  "And look at me. Someone like him never falls for someone like me, but he did. It wasn't like I didn't love him when we married, I did, but it's almost like our wedding day was the day I fully fell in love with him. He carried me over the threshold and kissed me so tenderly I thought I would die. As cheesy as it sounds, it was like the world had stopped spinning. I don't know how to describe it. Have you ever been kissed like that?"

  "A few times."

  "I love him. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know I want this to last forever."

  "Does he feel the same way about you?" Doris asked, jotting down a few more notes.

  "I hope he does. He says he loves me. Shows me he loves me all the time."

  "He sounds kind of perfect."

  "He's perfect for me."

  "I hope it stays that way once the honeymoon period is over." Doris picked up the bag full of goodies and hung them from the crook of her elbow. "I think I'm done. I'll ask your husband a few questions then I'll be on my way."

  "So, am I going to prison?"

  Doris smiled and patted my hand. "Not today, Sweetie."

  I held onto the table to stop from keeling over. "Thank you."

  "You have nothing to worry about. If he loves you the way you love him, I can see you lasting forever."


  Caden stood by the cliff gazing at the ocean looking every bit as perfect as I'd described to Doris.

  She seemed like a good and honest person, and part of me felt like I should get down on my knees, confess my sins, and beg for forgiveness.

  "That man of yours is something to look at, and I'm sure quite the charmer to boot."

  I laughed. "Yes, he is. But he doesn't need to know that."

  "Honey, believe me, he knows. Thanks again for your honesty and for the goodies."

  "You're welcome. When I open my spa, you and your daughter will have to come for a visit. I would love it if you came as my guests."

  "Thank you. We'll see."

  I peered at her clipboard, trying to see what she'd written about us, but before I could, she pushed it under her arm. She pulled a business card from her purse and gave it to me.

  "If you ever need to talk, call me."

  "I really appreciate you listening and understanding why we married so soon."

  "I don't do these visits in the hope of catching people out. I want to find couples like you who are married for the right reasons. God knows the divorce rate is high enough without adding to it. You wouldn't believe the kind of things I find when I go on these morning visits. It's just nice to find a normal couple. If your husband can corroborate what you've told me, we're all good."

  His story might be a little different from mine, but for both our sakes, I hoped he'd tell something equally convincing.

  I watched as Doris made her way to Caden. When he sensed her nearing, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled. Stubble shadowed his jaw. He'd never looked sexier, and I'd never wanted or loved him as much.

  A lump formed in my throat. He hadn't mentioned saying he loved me, but neither had I. There was a chance he hadn't meant it. A hard dick would make a man say anything.

  After a few minutes of scribbling, Doris shook Caden's hand and walked to her car. She smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

  Whatever he had said to Doris must have convinced her.

  He took long-legged strides toward me, and when he stood in front of me, he picked me up and spun me around.

  "We did it. We have nothing else to worry about. We can get on with fixing the club and get on with our lives. Let's go inside, Mrs. Gallagher, I want to show you how happy I am."

  His erection pressed against my stomach. "I can already tell."

  He carried me inside and kicked the door closed.

  We'd fooled everyone including ourselves.

  Chapter 35


  While Lizzie went shopping for oils, bottles and God knows what else, I caught up with work.

  A new sense of purpose filled me. We'd convinced the immigration officer our marriage wasn't a sham. I could forge ahead and do all the things I'd planned.

  This weekend, I would go to North Carolina, and if the property were right for Gallagher Holdings, I would make an offer. I could project manage two renovations at once. I was so fired up, I felt I could do anything.

  I wasn't in a hurry to move back to my apartment in Manhattan. I wouldn't sell it in case I needed it, but small town living suited me. I liked waking up and smelling the ocean. I liked running along the beach and watching the sunset from the cliff outside our front door. But most of all, I liked being with Lizzie.

  I liked knowing I could come home to her arms and her smile. We had a chemistry I deny. A few weeks ago, I thought when I'd secured my green card, I'd move on and only check in with Lizzie every now and again. But now I wanted more than that.

  What would she think about a Christmas wedding? One where all my family could attend. The hotel part of the club wouldn't be ready, but our house had four spare rooms, and from what she'd told me, her father's house had a plethora of unused space.

  She'd changed me. She'd shown me what love could and should be. She'd shown me trust and honesty. I'd be forever in her debt.

  I lost myself in projections an
d spreadsheets and didn't notice the time until the sound of a car crunching over the gravel caught my attention. I glanced out of the window.

  Beaufort's car stopped outside. He got out and limped toward the house, holding a file in his hands. Not even my father-in-law's unexpected arrival could dampen my mood.

  Before he had the chance to knock on the door, I opened it, and said, "Lizzie isn't here."

  "I'm not here to see Elizabeth." He stalked into the sitting room and sat. "I want you out of my daughter's life, and I want the club back."

  "I love Lizzie, and as for the club, it'll be a cold day in hell before I walk away from that."

  Beaufort threw the file on the table, and a sheaf of papers fell out. "Read those."

  I picked some sheets up and skimmed my eyes over them. They were emails. My emails discussing the club and Lizzie.

  "I have every email you sent me and every phone call you made to me was recorded. You got what you came for now I want what's mine."

  The old bastard was attempting to blackmail me. He wouldn't get away with it.

  "Take your emails and get the fuck out of my house. I'm going nowhere. And since we're getting everything out in the open, did you tip immigration off?"

  "It wasn't me. But if you don't get out of my little girl's life, I'll send them everything I have. Are you willing to risk that for her?"

  "She's a twenty-eight-year-old woman, not a little girl. And if you tell them anything, she could go to prison."

  "There's nothing here to indict her. It's all you. My lawyer will play it off as a naive young woman who was fooled by someone only out for his own good."

  "You wouldn't humiliate her like that. For God's sake, man, she's your daughter."

  "Exactly, and she needs protecting from you."

  "She needs protecting from you more like."

  "I want you gone by the end of today, and I expect an email from your lawyers reverting the club back to me."

  Exasperated, I tore my fingers through my hair. "Don't do this to her. I love her."

  "If you love her, you'll leave her. Or maybe a few years in prison might toughen her up."

  My fists clenched and I was second's way from punching the living daylights out of Beaufort. But if I did that, I wouldn't stop until he was dead.

  "I don't think I've met a more heartless bastard in my life. I won't give you the club. I won't sign it over so you can run it into the ground."

  "Maybe this'll teach you not to double cross me. We agreed 60/40, and when I was lying in hospital, you conned my daughter into giving you 75/25."

  "I didn't con Lizzie into anything. She made a sound business decision. Without me, the place would have been razed to the ground."

  Beaufort stood. "You have-" he looked at his watch,"-four hours to get out of Sundown Sands. You're not welcome here." He strode toward the door and turned back briefly, "Don't ever set foot here again. And don't mention my visit to my daughter. As soon as you get your citizenship sorted, let me know, and then I'll have Elizabeth file for a divorce."

  "You can't manipulate her anymore. She's stronger than that."

  Beaufort smirked. "Once she learns you walked out on her, whatever confidence she had will plummet, and I'll be there to pick up the pieces. She'll listen to anything I tell her."

  "I hope you rot in hell."

  "I'll save a spot for you," he said then left.

  "Fuck." I grabbed the emails, tore them up and threw them in the fire. "Fucking bastard." I dropped onto a chair and scrubbed my hands over my face. What choice did I have? I didn't need the headache Beaufort threatened, but most of all, I didn't want Lizzie getting into trouble because of me, because of what I'd done, because of what I'd made her. What was I going to tell her? The old bastard had made it clear not to mention his name. If I didn't play by his rules, he would make both Lizzie and I pay.

  How long I sat in the one spot trying to figure a way out of this mess, I didn't know, but the sun had set, and darkness shrouded the room.

  I had to leave her.

  I had to give Beaufort what he wanted. Emotionally, the club meant nothing to me, but it meant everything to Lizzie. She wouldn't get the treatment spa she dreamed off. Or the organic gardens and greenhouses I'd secretly planned for her. There would be no boutique hotel or award-winning golf course. I gave it four months at the most before Beaufort lost all the money he'd made from our deal.

  Car lights lit up the driveway, and the sound of the car door shutting felt like a noose tightening around my neck. Lizzie-my Lizzie-was home.

  Nausea roiled around my stomach, but I had to do this. I had to break her heart. I sucked in a breath and walked into the hallway. She rushed through the front door with bags hanging from her arms and hands. Her green eyes shone with excitement, and happiness flushed her face. Happiness I was about to take away from her.

  "Elizabeth, we have to talk."

  Chapter 36


  My heart tumbled to the floor, and my bags and car keys slipped from my fingers. I already knew before he said a word. The dark look on his face told me everything.

  "No. Don't do this. Don't." Tremors that started in my toes worked their way up my body until I couldn't stop shaking. "Why? I thought… But you said you loved me. I heard you." My voice cracked, and a waterfall of tears poured down my cheeks. He might as well have thrown me off the cliff. The pain would have been less than this. He showed no emotion. He never cared. It was all make-believe.

  "Get out. You fucking bastard. Get out." I should have known once he got what he wanted, he would leave me. Why would he stay? Why would he go on pretending he loved me? I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

  He stepped toward me, his hands out as if imploring me to listen. "We've been living in a fantasy. None of this is real."

  I held up my hand to stop him from coming any closer. "Don't you dare come near me. Don't you dare." My legs wobbled as if they were about to give way, but I didn't want him to see me fall apart. I couldn't hide the pain he'd caused me, but I'd be damned if I would fall at his feet and beg him to stay. I'd done that before to a man who didn't want me either.

  "You can keep the house, and I've decided to give the club back to your family. Turns out Sundown Sands isn't a good place to invest in. I don't expect you to pay me back the money. That's yours too."

  "What?" Shooting me at point blank range would have felt like a massage compared to this. At least then I wouldn't have been alive to deal with the fallout. I could already see the look on everyone's faces. They would be sympathetic, but that wouldn't stop the whispers and the judgments. Plain Jane Elizabeth Beaufort couldn't possibly expect to hold onto someone as successful or as handsome as Caden Gallagher.

  "Why didn't you just leave me a letter, it would have been easier."

  He swallowed hard, his jaw twitched and his body tensed. "I'm not a coward. I wanted to tell you face to face."

  I didn't understand. This morning after Doris left we'd made love on this very spot. Did none of that mean anything to him? I didn't want to look at his face anymore. I wanted him gone so I could break down without a witness.


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