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A Picture of Desire

Page 2

by Victoria Hale

  He knew it, too. His palm casually brushed her breasts as he released another button on her sweater. And another.

  She grabbed his thick wrist with her hand, trying to get him to stop, fearing that in a matter of moments she would be naked and too weak to stop the seduction he clearly had planned for her.

  He stopped, completely still, and to Ava it seemed as if neither of them breathed.

  When he finally spoke, his voice was husky and thick. “Let me just shake out your hair a bit for the next round of pictures,” he said. “It will help frame your face.”

  Before she could stop him—before Ava could utter a single word—he plunged a hand into her mane of chestnut curls and wrapped his fingers around her hair. With a gentle tug he pulled her head back so that Ava stared right into the dark pools of his eyes. She saw the passion. Saw the lust. And her body reacted before she could stop herself. In the subtlest of movements, the pink tip of her tongue snaked out of her mouth and touched her bottom lip, moistening it in anticipation.

  Using the hand in her hair to pull her toward him, he groaned and pressed his lips against hers. His tongue plunged into her mouth, tasting her, and Ava found herself moaning against his breath. She felt the hardness of his cock as it pressed against her. She smelled the musky scent of his body combined with cologne. And his mouth was hot and firm, and almost as wet as the moisture that collected between her legs.

  He stroked the pert nub of her nipple with his thumb. She reeled at the sensation of his hand rubbing her breast with only the thin layer of her silk camisole between them. Unable to stop herself, she arched against him and gripped his arms with her hands. Ava was hot and tingling and throbbing with desire for this man who had tempted her for so long.

  Todd pulled his lips from hers. “I’ve wanted you since the day I met you,” he moaned.

  Through the mist of passion that threatened to consume her with its urgency, Ava heard his words. Heard his voice. And the reality of it all cut through the haze that had overcome her senses.

  Her palms pushed against Todd’s chest, moving him away from her. She shook her head.

  “No,” she said. “I can’t. We can’t. You’re Ken’s brother.”

  “I don’t give a damn about Ken,” Todd said. She heard the hoarseness of his voice and the raggedness of his breathing. “I want you.”

  Ava buttoned her sweater with shaky fingers. “No,” she said again, pleased to hear that her voice was strong and stable, despite the weakness in her limbs. “I won’t do this.”

  She quickly walked—almost ran—out the door of Todd’s apartment, only slowing when the warm night air hit her skin. As she slid behind the wheel of her car, she realized that Todd hadn’t tried to stop her from leaving. He hadn’t called out to her as she walked out of his home.

  And part of her wished that he had.

  ~ ~ ~

  “You’re quiet today,” Beth observed.

  She and Ava stood behind the jewelry counter, arranging gold necklaces and pearl earrings. They were able to make the meager selection appear more abundant with clusters of velvet fabric, sparkling confetti, and small mirrors.

  Despite the warmth in the store—the electricity bill was two months past due, so Ava tried to minimize the air-conditioning costs—Ava felt chilled. The night before she had betrayed Ken’s trust. Had wantonly kissed her fiance’s brother. She felt like a whore.

  “I’m fine,” she lied. “Just a little tired.”

  “We didn’t get any stock in today,” Beth said. “I called the warehouse. They said our bill was so overdue that they wouldn’t deliver until we were paid up. Have you talked to the owner of this dump?”

  “No,” Ava replied, shaking her head. “I tried calling him last week, but all I get is voice mail. I’m pretty sure he’s avoiding me.”

  “One day we’re going to come into work and find an ‘Out of Business’ sign on the door,” Beth said, snapping her chewing gum between her teeth.

  Although Ava would never reveal it, such a scenario was one she feared on a daily basis. Because she handled the financial management of the store, she knew better than Beth that their shop was deep in the red. Not even a hundred thousand dollars in sales would help them stay afloat. They were doomed.

  “Think I should start looking for another job?” Beth asked.

  Ava nodded, too depressed to speak.

  The bell above the door tinkled as it opened. In walked a young man, his blond hair shaved close to his skull in a classic crewcut. Despite the brightness of his blue eyes, Ava didn’t see them as engaging or interesting. To her the man’s eyes looked cold and empty, like a shark. His clothing struck her as unusual, too. Summers in Virginia were typically hot—and this one was no exception—yet the man wore a hooded sweatshirt and jeans, a far cry from the standard garb of shorts, t-shirts, and sandals that were usually seen this close to the shore.

  The hairs on the back of Ava’s neck rose. She glanced at Beth and could see that her co-worker had tensed, too. Beth’s hands were clenched into fists, and her long fingernails dug into her palms. She cast a worried look at Ava before slowly sidling toward the storeroom entrance, as if looking for an escape. The jewelry store had no alarm. Ava wasn’t even sure if the phone was still in service. And she didn’t expect another patron to walk through the door. This man was the first customer she’d seen in days.

  As the man slowly wandered the store, browsing the merchandise in the glass case, Ava reached into the pocket of her khaki skirt where she kept a folding knife. The knife had been a gift from her father when she’d first left for college. “You need to carry a blade,” her dad had said. “It’s a handy tool for opening boxes and cutting string. And if you need it, you’ll have a weapon, too.”

  The knife had been used to open packages, trim hanging threads from her clothing, and slice the occasional apple. She’d never needed a weapon. And she prayed that she wouldn’t need one now.

  Finally, the man stopped in front of Ava. No one had yet spoken. She forced the words out of her mouth, hearing the scratch of nervousness that tainted her voice.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  The man smiled, his teeth gleaming and even. In that moment he looked more like a person and less like a shark, and Ava could feel herself relax. “I’m looking for some jewelry. My girlfriend and I got into a fight, and she’s pretty upset with me. I thought a nice necklace or bracelet might help me get back on her good side.”

  Ava smiled in return. The knots that had gathered in the back of her neck loosened. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Beth visibly relax, too. This was just a normal man who wanted a piece of jewelry for his girlfriend. She felt foolish for imagining something sinister about him.

  “Well, does she prefer yellow or white gold?” Ava asked.

  The young man ran a fingertip over the glass case. “To tell you the truth,” he admitted, “I really don’t know. I think she wears both. Which do you think is best?”

  The glass case sparkled as Ava peered into it to examine the sparse display of bracelets. Even though she wanted to sell the man an expensive piece of merchandise to help the failing shop, she was certain he was shopping on a budget. Kindness won over her desire for a high-end sale, and she gestured at a moderately priced item.

  “Well,” she said, “I like this one.” She pointed to a white gold bangle studded with a few square diamonds. “It’s a unique piece. Very different from the standard diamond tennis bracelet, so it makes a statement. Yet it’s still elegant enough to wear for a formal event.”

  The man’s eyes crinkled as he squinted at the jewelry. “It’s perfect,” he said. “She’ll love it.”

  Ava reached into the case to retrieve the bracelet. “Would you like me to wrap it up for you?” she asked.

  The man nodded. “Thanks,” he said.

  The bell above the door tinkled again, signaling another customer. Ava looked up from the bracelet in her hand, almost dropping it when she saw Todd walk through
the door. He met her glance and walked toward her.

  “I’d like to talk to you,” he said. His voice was husky and thick, and Ava’s stomach fluttered at the sound of it.

  “I’m with a customer right now.” She heard her own breathlessness, though she’d tried to control it.

  “It’s urgent,” he said.

  The young man at the counter glanced at Todd and then back at Ava, his brow furrowed. “I’m in a hurry, Miss,” he said. “I have an appointment. Can you just wrap up the bracelet for me and keep it behind the counter? I’ll be back later to get it.”

  Ava nodded, barely acknowledging the young man as he turned and left the store. Her entire being felt as if it were frozen by the hard, steady gaze that Todd gave her. Then he tore his eyes from her and glanced over her shoulder.

  “I’d like to speak to you in private,” he said.

  The realization that Beth stood behind her startled Ava. She had just experienced the thrill of making a sale for the jewelry shop, as well as the other torrent of emotions that pummeled her the moment Todd walked through the door. In all the turmoil, she had forgotten her co-worker was even in the store.

  “Oh, it’s time for my break anyway,” Beth said. “I have to meet my mother for lunch at Bertucci’s Deli.” She sauntered out of the store, her hips sashaying beneath her tight miniskirt, winking good-bye to Ava as she slipped out the door.

  “Are we alone?” Todd asked.

  Ava nodded. “Yes.”

  “I brought the pictures for you to see. I thought you might like a preview before I showed them to Ken.” He pulled a stack of photographs from his pocket.

  Surprised that he had not mentioned their shared kiss, the tension in Ava’s shoulders loosened. The air sizzled with the electricity between them, but she was happy to act as if the previous night’s embrace hadn’t happened.

  I’ll be glad to just forget about it, Ava thought as she examined the photographs he had spread on the counter. She could see which shots were taken at the beginning of their photography session: she looked stiff and tense and distracted. But in the final pictures, her hair was down and her eyes looked relaxed.

  “This one is my favorite,” Todd said, picking one from the stack.

  In the photo Ava sat on the couch, her legs tucked underneath her body. Her skirt inched up her thighs and her head tilted back as she looked at the camera through lidded eyes. She could see that her lips were parted and moist. It was the look of a woman with lust in her heart. A woman melting with desire. A woman begging to be seduced.

  The wantonness of her own expression sent a shiver of longing through her body.

  Before she could utter another word, Todd walked behind the jewelry counter and pulled Ava into his arms. She wanted to resist. She knew she should stop him. But every nerve in her body screamed with hunger wherever his hands touched her skin, and she was helpless to protest.

  “The woman in that photograph wants to be kissed,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.

  His lips found hers and she opened her mouth willingly, needing to feel his tongue as it slipped between her lips and moistened her own.

  He broke their kiss, and spoke again. “The woman in that photograph wants to be touched,” he said.

  His hand touched the hem of her skirt and then slowly slid up her leg, pushing up her clothing until his fingers reached the center of her desire. He brushed the crotch of her lace panties, feeling the wetness that had soaked the fabric.

  “You want me,” he said. “I can feel it. I want to taste it.”

  Ava couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her lips. He bent his head to kiss her nipple through the thin silk of her blouse and bra, and the sensitive bud hardened at his light touch.

  Todd groaned and pressed against her, pushing her toward the wall behind them. Ava was grateful for its support against her back. Every muscle in her body felt weak, yet it vibrated with intensity. She felt like she was both drowning and inhaling pure oxygen.

  They were in public. Behind the counter of a jewelry store. A customer could walk through the door at any moment. Beth could return from lunch. Even Ken might surprise her with a visit.

  But Ava didn’t care. She couldn’t even think about the possibility that someone might see her half-dressed and in the embrace of a man who was not her fiance. She only knew that she wanted Todd. And she couldn’t resist him any longer.

  Cool air rushed against her skin as he pushed aside the fabric of her panties, exposing her most private part. He slipped a thick finger inside of her and pressed hard into her body.

  “You’re so wet,” he groaned.

  Ava ground her hips against his hand, wanting to feel the pleasure of his skin rubbing her clitoris. With slow, rhythmic motions she pushed herself against him as he thrust his finger in and out of her. Her hand reached out and stroked his cock through his pants, and she marveled at how hard it was.

  Abruptly he pulled his finger from her, holding it close to her lips. She wasn’t surprised to see it glistening with her own juices. The desire that ran through her made her so wet—so moist—that her inner thighs felt slick. She bent her head and let him slip the finger into her mouth so she could taste herself, knowing that was what he wanted.

  He moaned and reached for his pants, and she heard the sound of his zipper. In one movement he had pressed her harder against the wall, her panties pushed to the side, and the tip of his cock just ready at her entrance.

  She thrust her hips toward him but he pulled back. “I want this to be slow,” he whispered. “I want to savor every moment of feeling you for the first time.”

  The tip of his penis slipped into her, and Ava groaned with the need to be filled by him. She wanted to feel him—all of him—inside of her.

  He slid into her some more, and now she could feel the restraint in his body. His muscles were tense. His breathing was ragged. She knew it was taking every ounce of his control to hold back.

  And she was tired of waiting.

  “Please,” she begged, letting her desire paint her voice with the hoarseness of passion. “I want you now.”

  With a moan he pushed himself into her, filling her with his manhood and making her body convulse with pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his back as he thrust against her, rubbing her clitoris with his body while he buried his thick cock inside of her.

  Ava could feel the orgasm building up inside of her. “Don’t stop,” she gasped.

  His thrusts came faster. She could hear the heaviness of his breathing. She could feel the tensing of his muscles. She knew he was ready.

  So was she.

  Waves of pleasure pounded her body like the surf beating at the ocean’s shore. She gripped his shoulders and groaned his name, unable to stop herself from admitting her satisfaction. She felt a jet of wetness inside of her as he shuddered against her, and another orgasm rippled through her muscles.

  He fell against her, murmuring her name, and she was almost overcome by the release she felt. Their bodies were slick with sweat and the wetness of their act. The scent of sex and perspiration filled the room. And Ava felt, all at once, both euphoric and exhausted.

  Then she was struck by the reality of what they had done.

  Sweaty, red, and ashamed, Ava pushed Todd away from her. She adjusted her panties and pulled down her skirt. Unable to meet his eyes, she combed her fingers through her hair. Their act had been so primitive and so animal. She’d never lost control like that. Never had let her passions override her sense of propriety. Ava was embarrassed.

  “Don’t do that,” Todd growled. “Look at me.”

  Ava looked up at him through her lashes. His eyes were still dark with desire, although she saw something else in the twist of his mouth. Anger? Fear? Annoyance?

  “That was something we both wanted to happen. Something we’ve been working toward for a long time. Don’t cheapen it by acting ashamed,” he said.

  “Cheapen it?” Ava laughed harshly. “I feel like a ten dollar hooker.
How can it get any cheaper than fucking in the middle of public? We just went at each other like rutting animals, and anyone could have seen us at any time. And that’s not the worst part! The worst part is that you are my fiance’s brother. In case you’ve forgotten, I am supposed to be marrying your brother next month.”

  “I haven’t forgotten that,” Todd said. “But he’s not right for you. And you’re not right for him. I’ve known it since the day I met you. What I don’t understand is why it’s taking you so long to figure it out.”

  Ava shook her head. “You’re wrong. Ken is the man for me. I love him. We’re going to forget this ever happened.”

  “If Ken is the man for you, then why was my cock the one you just fucked?”

  Ava pulled her head back as if she’d been slapped. “Get out,” she said. “Please. Just go.”

  “Can’t you see that marrying my brother would be the worst mistake of your life? And the worst mistake of mine?” Todd’s voice was low and quiet. It was the first time she had ever heard him sound furious, as if her choice to marry Ken filled him with rage.

  She thrust her chin forward, determination glinting in her hazel eyes. “I don’t love you, Todd. I love Ken. Yes, I enjoyed our moment together. But I regret it. Love is what makes a marriage, not sex. I belong to Ken,” she said again.

  “You don’t.” She heard the thread of anger that weaved through his words. “You don’t.”

  “Go away, Todd,” she said, surprised that she was strong enough to say the words. “This never happened.”

  “I’m going to give you some space,” Todd said, “because I know you need some time to process what just happened and how you feel. But I also know that after you think about it, and after you relive how damn good it was, you’ll understand what I am saying to you.” He reached out and brushed her cheek with his fingertip, a gesture so loving and gentle that Ava felt her belly warm. Then he turned and left the store.

  By the time Beth returned from lunch, Ava had combed her hair, reapplied her lipstick, and buttoned her blouse. There were no outward signs that she had just had sex with her fiance’s brother. But every once in while throughout the rest of the day, Todd’s semen would slip out of her and soak her panties. It was a constant reminder of what she had done and how good it had felt.


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