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Tempting Clover (The Trouble With Elves Book 2)

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by Decadent Kane

  “No, I won’t hit you, but there are plenty of things running through my mind to appease the whip of your tongue. I should see to it that you are punished for your brazen words.” He leaned in, his lips hovering above hers. Her breath quickened and she waited for those lips to devour her. “I could lick you until your mouth only said my name. I could let my cock loose upon you and have my way. I know you’d allow it. I can smell your desire, Elfess.” His voice held a low threatening tone.

  Her panties soaked, a tightness wound its way around her core, and she desperately wanted him to punish her. Where had he learned how to get that kind of reaction from a woman? He intoxicated her. Better than alcohol and a great deal more potent.

  He stepped back and let her go. “But it wouldn’t do much good since a harlot isn’t my type. I prefer the kind of female who sticks to one man, not many.”

  Her mouth dropped. He did not just call her a slut. She didn’t even know what to say. So many eyes were watching. He’d basically fucked her with words and left her hanging, then insulted her. She’d actually had sex with one man in her life, but why should she tell him that? Let him think her beneath him. Anger quickly crawled through her desire. Clover saw him as a challenge. She’d seduce him, make sure he wanted her, no matter how many times she had to come back. At least her desire would please Malik. She advanced on him. “You’re right, savior. I eat elves like you alive, devour them between my lips, suck out their souls, swallow their juices, and spit out their hearts.” A sultry laugh escaped her lips. Her hands shook, the confidence an act. She wanted to scream at him, call him a liar, and defend herself, but revenge tasted sweeter and her clit still throbbed.

  Clover crowded him right back. This time, she walked him against a wall. “And you want me all the same.” She leaned in. Her pussy pulsed at being so close to him. The tight muscles against his shirt drew her gaze, and his cock was hard for her when she slipped her hand down his pants. It took work to resist the urge to groan and show him how much he affected her. She’d do to him exactly what he thought she would. If he intended to accuse her of it, she might as well prove him right. Clover let a gasp escape her mouth just above his. Reed’s lips parted, and she took the opportunity to slip her tongue between them and slowly coax his tongue to play. He tasted of mint and smelled of a spring rain, clean and fresh. She would eat him alive.

  Her panties were so wet, her juices flowed down her thigh. She’d never realized how hot it would feel to challenge a man. The familiar tingle of the nether came over her in a slow sweep. She smiled, pulling her mouth away. His eyes were wide. After dropping down to one knee, she undid his pants, and pulled out his hard-on. He was gorgeous, long, thick, and hard for her. The nether beckoned but Clover wanted to make sure she left an impression. She slipped the tip of his prick between her lips, gave his cock a squeeze to remember her by, and felt herself pulled into the nether, disappearing from the onlookers, the bar, and Reed. She wouldn’t be the one standing there for the fallout. A laugh escaped her as she drifted, leaving him standing there with the feel of her wet lips still on him as she vanished.

  “Morsel! I can smell it.” Malik reached her just as she materialized on his porch. He bounced around like a little puppy who had waited for her to come home. Only puppies were cute. He flung out his grubby green hands, waiting for her to hand over the proof of her need. She slid the panties down her legs. The small breeze caused her to shudder as it reached beyond her skirt to glide along her aching wet pussy and cool her pounding clit.

  “You found a good one.” His tongue lolled out and his eyes sparkled. Clover’s stomach turned. She hated the goblin.

  “I did.”

  “Good, he’ll be your repeat customer, so to speak.” Malik laughed. For a second time in one night, a male had implied she’d sleep around. She balled her fists and ground her teeth. “Now, now, pet. Calm yourself. I meant it in the best of ways. Besides, if you lay a hand upon me, your sentence only extends.”

  Clover bit down hard on the inside of her mouth to keep herself in check. One day she’d be free of his grotesqueness, and she planned to set him on fire.

  Chapter Four

  Reed’s wide eyes blinked. She disappeared. Right in front of him with the smell of cinnamon still wafting in the air and his cock hanging out. The bar patrons held shocked expressions and a few rather appreciative glances. They murmured to each other, watching his reaction. His face warmed, and he quickly did up his pants. He ground his teeth. How had he let her do that? He’d been so stunned by her reaction; he froze. Then she vanished. He raised his eyes at his customers. They snickered but didn’t have much to say directly to him. They’d seen her disappear too, so it could not be his imagination. How did she do that?

  Clearing his throat, he pulled himself from the wall to stride uncomfortably behind the bar. Once there, he situated his aching cock. He would go on like nothing happened and hopefully his customers would do the same elfing thing. She’d challenged him—blatantly. He found himself smiling and then abruptly wiped it from his face. Reed enjoyed it, but knew he shouldn’t. She played his kind of wicked, and he desperately wished she hadn’t.

  The elfess was pure trouble, the kind that whirlwinds in, turns everything upside down, and blows out just as fast. Bugger, what had he gotten himself into? He’d promised himself he wouldn’t fall prey to these kinds of elves anymore. He’d had too many relationships where the female just didn’t want one male. Refusing to travel down the same road again, Reed steeled himself. He’d concentrate on his work, go home, jack off, and go to bed, erasing her from his mind.

  His customers slowly began dancing and mingling again. Thankfully, none of them mentioned what had transpired between him and the elfess. Several of his female patrons eyed him, but he broke eye contact before any could get the wrong idea. He pulled his shirt out from his sweat-soaked body. How’d it get so hot in the bar? He checked the air conditioner, but it blew at its normal setting. Reed poured himself a tall cup of water, downed it, and served his customers for the remaining hour his bar stayed open. His thoughts slowly wandered back to the elfess with hazel eyes. Would he see her again? Did he want to? Okay, yes, he wanted to see her. If he planned to invite trouble into his life, he might as well be honest with himself. Besides, she looked damn good on her knees. And the feel of her lips...he groaned. No. If he ever did see her again, he would kick her out and ban her from the bar. A simple fix to help curb his rampant dick. Reed shook his head. He knew he wouldn’t follow through with it. He liked her wild ways already. The night progressed without more trouble, a few flirtatious remarks and awkward moments with customers, but otherwise uneventful.

  Reed locked the glass doors as the last elves left. He picked up the cups still sitting around on the few tables he had in his bar and left them in the sink. With quick, efficient movements, he wiped down the counter and tables, gave the floor a good sweep and fast mop, turned out the lights, and headed home.

  A short two-tree walk. He rarely rode anything home or magically blinked himself. Besides, the night’s beauty called to him. He enjoyed the sound of the frogs along the pond to the east and the crickets playing their music hiding in the foliage and rocks. He kicked a small twig. As always, his favorite part of walking home included watching the moonlight cascade over the leaves and its shine reflect against small pools of water left over from the day. Reed inhaled, taking in the fresh scent of the earth.

  A twig snapped behind him.

  Reed halted. He turned his head and said over his shoulder, “Who’s there?”

  He heard footsteps slowly come up behind him. Reed turned to face his stalker. The blond from earlier stood belligerently, hips jutted out, and he’d brought his friends to the party. A smile slid over Reed’s lips. He would enjoy this. Just what his body needed to get the female out of his thoughts. He’d take it all out on this pompous gutter slug and walk away relieved.

  “Hey there, bartender. Why don’t I finish what you started? You shouldn’t have got
ten involved.” The blond brought out a knife. His two bosom buddies flanked him. The tall one to the left had a homemade bat he kept slamming into his palm, probably seen too many human movies, and the short fat one on the right cracked his knuckles.

  Reed assessed his surroundings. Moss growing on the ground, a few tree branches dangling from young oaks, and the ever-present rocks strewn all over the forest floor. He took a wide stance, squared his shoulders, and pinned the blond with a stare. “You don’t want to do this.” His voice came out low and even. Reed had been fighting his entire life, most times to earn extra money from fistfighting. It had saved him on more than one occasion. When he first started in the hollow fighting matches, he’d been beaten down every time, so he knew how to take a hit. Then he learned how to give one back. When he was in the hollow, they always paired him with the biggest, strongest fighters, or else there wouldn’t be any challenge in it. Reed didn’t have much time for the fights these days. Though he still knew how, owning a bar took up most of his extra time. “Walk away now, and there’s no hard feelings.” True he wouldn’t hold it against the creep, but he hoped despite his efforts to warn them off, that they would come anyway.

  “He’s afraid, guys.” The blond laughed. “Get him.”

  The two slugs charged Reed. The bat swung high and the fat guy moved unnaturally fast. Reed waited until the last second and then leaped backwards. The elves weren’t expecting it and slammed into each other at a full run. The bat hit the fat one and then he slipped on the moss, falling right on his ass. Knockout. The guy with the bat swung out of control in a pissed rage. Unprepared for the tall guy to keep swinging no matter what, the bat hit Reed the first time. It slammed into his shoulder and pain shot through his arm and back. He ground his teeth, pulled back a fist, and clocked the bat guy, who stumbled a few steps and ran into a tree. Good, two down, one to go. When Reed turned around, the blond had disappeared.

  It seemed a night of vanishing acts. Reed’s heart thumped a rapid beat. He brushed off his shoulders, ran fingers through his thick black hair, and continued down to his home just around the next tree. He couldn’t wait to get inside, down a cold one, and find a different means of release. Hazel eyes flashed in his mind as he rounded the stone path to his leaf hut. He recalled those shapely tanned legs as she swayed forward. He unlocked the door. Her hot touch caressed his chest. He stripped out of his clothes. His cock sprung to attention as he walked to get himself a bitter from the kitchen. Her lips were so soft and her words... He set the bitter down. He’d waited long enough. His hard-on raged for relief.

  He took his cock in his hand and pumped while thinking of the soft tongue demanding his to come out and play. He replayed her words over and over and imagined his prick pushing through those spiteful lips. He pumped harder. His breath heaved and he stood with his feet apart, bracing himself as he felt his balls come up. His cock pulsed. He pushed harder, faster, held his breath, straining against the pent-up energy. With a hard tug, he came, releasing the desire to hear her voice, feel her touch again, to see her. He’d find something to do with her if she ever showed her sweet little ass again at his bar.

  Chapter Five

  Clover waited in the backroom of the cottage. The room had space for everything she needed or wanted. Mostly clothes, the bed, and a chair to sit on and look out the window at the animals or to calm her nerves. She sat cross-legged in the chair and listened as Malik mumbled to himself the spell that would make him appear human, and then watched as he drank the potion. He always made this horrible gasping sound right after and then a wave of energy rippled through the cottage. He turned human again. She heard his footsteps walk to the front door and out of the house. She wanted to be sure he had left before she made her way out into the forest.

  Over the last year, she’d gathered information slowly about a sage witch rumored to reverse curses, particularly goblin curses. The witch lived in Hemlock Grove in the elven realm and they called her Idis. Finding a way into the realm without Malik’s magic proved more difficult. She had very few of her own enchantments and she couldn’t make herself travel to the nether. But all was not lost because many elves claimed that a stream could help her travel across the realm. The downside? She might drown in the process.

  She’d have to speak the word of the realm, finuice, and then submerge herself completely. The magic would hold her there until she passed through the wall between the worlds. If she could not hold her breath long enough to pass, then her lungs would fill with water and she’d die. After she called the magic, no one could save her. Lucky for Clover, a stream ran down from the cottage. She was certain the goblin had made his cottage here for a purpose. Perhaps the stream was it? Either way, she could use it to her advantage.

  When Clover determined Malik had gone and would not soon return, she left for the stream. He had no reason to mistrust her. She never gave him one. If he ever did, then he could simply call her back through the nether with his magic, as she learned. She’d spent a great deal of time and effort on showing Malik she could be trusted just so she could escape when the time came.

  Clover sprinted over the bushes and down an overgrown trail that led straight to the stream. It didn’t take her more than a couple minutes to reach the water. It trickled by in a slow course over small rocks. She followed it down to where the water flowed at least waist-deep. She shook out her hands and stepped into the cool depths calming her breaths from the run.

  Her clothes became heavy and wet. Her body began to shake. Her heart protested in her chest with a heavy beat. She ran her fingers through her hair and gave herself a pep talk. She had to lift the curse, her only shot at freedom. Either this, or stay in Malik’s service. She squared her shoulders, loosened her jaw, and tried to relax. Bright side, if she died, at least Malik couldn’t use her any more. Clover steeled her resolve. One way or another she’d be free. “Here goes nothing. Finuice.” Clover took a huge breath and dropped her head under the water before she had time to change her mind.

  The current instantly sped up, pushing and pulling her body in so many different directions Clover could no longer tell which way was up. Her arms flailed in the water, unsuccessfully striving for something to grasp hold of to steady her twisting form. She opened her eyes; stinging, murky green water swirled around her. She squeezed them shut and tried to calm her speeding heart. It thundered in her ears. Bubbles escaped her mouth. It didn’t matter how many times she had practiced; she wasn’t ready for this. Her lungs constricted, searching for that breath. She let more air out as the pace of the water drug her faster and faster along with it. Her foot caught on a piece of plant root. She kicked and spun trying to free herself, but the plant only constricted her more. Her chest tightened, begging for a gulp of air. She kicked her foot. It didn’t budge.

  Panic set in as the realization dawned she would be stuck here. Her lungs screamed for air, and bubbles flew out of her mouth as she struggled to reach the surface. She no longer tried to keep calm. She had to get free. Had to reach the damn surface. She didn’t want to die like this. Her eyes squeezed so hard she saw white spots and she tried not to let desperation get the best of her. Reaching toward the plant to free herself, she accidentally sucked in some nasty fish water when the air rushed from her mouth. She gulped and more rushed in. The lack of oxygen made her dizzy. The pressure from the running stream weighed on her, causing blackness to take hold of her sight. Then nothing but cold seeped in with the dark.

  Chapter Six

  The pain in her chest stirred Clover from the depths of the unknown. She coughed and tried to push herself up, but her body felt heavy. Air! She was breathing. That meant she didn’t die. Her eyes flew open and she found herself on the other side of the river and inside the elven realm. Tiny sprites fluttered all around her, giving off a magical glow and weaving between each other. Clover pushed herself to her feet. Toadstools the fairies left sucked themselves back into the ground to avoid being trampled. Other than true magic, there wasn’t much difference
between this realm and the humans. Everything seemed bigger. Trees sprouting so high she could barely see the tops. But the grass was just as green on this side as the other. Dirt still paved the way. Despite the lethargy from her muscles, she had to keep moving, had to get to Hemlock Grove. When she finally freed herself from the nasty goblin curse, it would be much easier to travel in and out of the realms. The whole drowning thing didn’t work for her.

  It occurred to her she had no idea which way Hemlock resided. She watched the sprites dart around her. Could they speak? Would they at least point her in the right direction? “Do any of you know where Hemlock Grove is?” she asked.

  One sprite flew up to her nose and then darted off toward the trees ahead, leading into the forest. The others circled around Clover and flew in the same direction. She huffed and stepped one foot at a time over the bigger rocks until she reached the dirt and leaves and headed for the sprites. What’s the worst that could happen? They’d lead her into a bog? Clover didn’t think sprites were generally mean creatures, perhaps playful, but they wouldn’t hurt her. She swallowed.

  The little fae creatures evidently knew all the shortcuts because a short time later she found herself in a meadow area with hemlock growing sporadically all over and a small leaf hut near the back. Clover waved to the sprites, said, “Thank you,” and hurried toward the dwelling. She ran despite her complaining muscles. The quicker she could be freed, the better.


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