The Sexperts: Fifty Grades of Shay
Page 6
"You want to come, do you not?"
"Oh, oh…" She couldn't talk. She was so close, she couldn't think, only feel.
"You did not address me as Master. You will be punished."
"Oh, yes!" she said. Then considering he might just rethink his offer if he knew she wanted it so much, she said, "I mean, oh no … Master."
He picked up another one of the items in the room, this one a huge penis made of pink rubber. As he brought it close, it started buzzing.
"This is what a naughty slut like you deserves."
He pushed it inside her, in and out, angling upward, then downward. The shaft vibrated inside her, around her, through her, and when the shaft of the fake penis rubbed against her clitoris, she shattered into a million, billion, trillion pieces.
She screamed, her hips bucking, her arms and legs straining against the bindings. It was torture, fiery, wonderful, excruciating torture. One moment she couldn't take anymore, the next she couldn't get enough.
"Please, stop."
"You are getting what you deserve."
"Please more."
By the time he did stop, she was dizzy, disoriented, and every inch of her body was throbbing. Amazing. This place was amazing. And this lesson, too. It was as if the more helpless Master made her, the more powerful she felt!
There was only one thing missing.
She stared at the bulge in his leather pants. She needed him inside her, filling her, sending her over the edge again.
"I can see what you want, slut."
"Oh please, Mr. Master. I beg you."
"You want me to fuck you?"
"I do, Master."
"Say it!"
"I want you to fuck me, Master. So long and so hard."
He strode around her, glowering. Finally he stopped. "I will give you my cock, naughty girl. But I will give it to you the way I wish."
He picked her up as if she were as light as a doll and set her on a small step. Then he stepped between her open thighs. One powerful hand cupped the back of her head as his other ripped down a leather panel covering his cock.
Then he was fully erect and jutting an inch from her face.
She couldn't help it. She squealed.
"Suck me."
"Yes, Mas—mmm." She couldn't get the rest of the word out, she was so eager for his cock between her lips. It was a beautiful cock, soft-skinned and tasty, sliding into her mouth like it was made to be there.
He stood impassively, breathing slowly, evenly, his face stony.
Chastity was so turned on, she could hardly see straight, but Mr. Master seemed to not be moved at all. Maybe she was doing something wrong.
In fellatio class this morning, she'd made the first guy come in under twenty seconds. The second in under ten. The third hadn't even made it past her lips before he shot. Why wasn't the giant responding?
Chastity pulled out, licking down the length of him then back to the head. She swirled her tongue around his tip, glancing up now and then.
She had another idea. Something delicious she'd learned in class.
"Master, may I have use of my hands … to pleasure you?"
He grunted, then unbuckled her wrists and ankles.
Cupping her breasts, she pushed them together, trapping the giant between. She moved her body up his shaft until he disappeared between her surging mounds, then slid back down until he broke free of her cleavage and she could take him into her mouth. She swirled her tongue over him, then moved back up his body, his sprinkling of hair rasping at her nipples, the heat and wetness and yawning ache building between her thighs.
She looked up at those eyes.
No reaction. Still so stony he might have turned into it!
Chastity started feeling desperate. What was she doing wrong? Would he be angry and punish her again? Her bottom still felt hot from the first time, but she had to admit the idea of being spanked again was kind of a turn on.
Or would he refuse to punish her?
Worse, would she fail the course? That would be terrible. She wanted all her grades to be A plus-pluses. An F would really bring down her sexual GPA.
There had to be something else, something she hadn't tried. Her mind spun. She'd learned so much.
Wait! Of course! The prostate! She'd never gotten to try the maneuver. All the surrogates had come so darn quickly.
Carefully, she reached back under Master's tight balls and explored gently, hoping she was in the correct area. There? Or there? She was kind of near his... back door place. But maybe that was right?
A low rumbling sound started. Was that good? She sure hoped so. Sucking him harder, she rubbed him back there slow and steady, grinding herself against the step at the same time. The rumbling became louder. Her fingers explored farther, all the way to where his skin changed texture, became very warm and slightly moist and very personal.
His body started trembling. Chastity pressed rhythmically against his dark hole with one finger, stroking along the slight bulge right in front of it with another, pretty sure that was the prostate-stimulating part, curious to see what would happen.
She slipped one finger inside, rubbing and sucking, rubbing and sucking.
Master's eyes went wide under the mask. He opened his mouth. His hand clenched painfully in her hair.
Until that very moment, Chastity did not realize that people were capable of roaring like lions. At the same time Master began roaring, his cum began spurting into her mouth, making her swallow frantically to keep up.
She sucked him dry and leaned back to grin up at him triumphantly, and to receive his inevitable praise. A plus-plus again, right?
But Master's legs seemed to be giving out on him. In fact, he crumpled to the floor and sat there without moving, eyes glassy behind the mask.
Well, that was awkward.
"Hello? Mr. Master?" She snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Are you okay?"
Just when she'd started to be afraid she'd killed him, he blinked slowly, once then twice, and gradually managed to focus on her.
"Snugglebunny," he said.
Chapter 6
Shay woke from a nap to find himself still a woman, still in the examination room where Willy had impaled him so thoughtlessly.
He'd been dreaming he was being gang-banged by the entire roster of the Green Bay Packers, and they all fucked him like Willy Fallis had fucked him—excuse the rude word, but really, that's what Willy had done. Then each player had made Shay get up and fetch him a beer from a refrigerator that never emptied. It had been horrible! Like he was put on earth for their pleasure and had zero intrinsic value?
Whoa. As a woman he could use words like "intrinsic!" That was cool.
Shaking off the grogginess, he was hit by a terrible truth. After Shay's first time with Chastity, he'd asked her to get him a beer. It had been so simple then: He wanted a beer, but he didn't feel like getting up. Now it was nothing like simple.
How could he have been such a... selfish brute!
The door to the room opened. Still shaken by the dream, Shay pulled his emerald green robe closer around himself, praying it wasn't Willy again.
It was Rod! Holding a beautiful bouquet of roses!
Shay's face heated up, his heart leapt. Rod was so handsome, his eyes so were warm with concern. Such a nice guy.
"Hello, Shay."
"Hi, Rod." Shay's high voice came out slightly breathless. "Those are so beautiful."
"They're for you." He laid them across Shay's lap; their fragrance wafted enticingly.
Wafted! Man, his vocabulary was growing all the time!
"I guess you had a rough time with Willy."
"Oh, well. It wasn't really—" His voice broke. Tears filled his eyes.
What the— He wasn't even feeling sad. As a guy, he'd have to be wracked with grief to cry. Or have a broken bone jutting out of his skin. "It wasn't what I thought it would be!"
The words came out on a h
igh wail and he began to sob.
Was this PMS? Geez, women had it rough! He'd never again diss a female for overloaded hormones.
"Shhh. Shhh, it's okay." Rod moved the flowers and did exactly what Shay had wanted him to do, he took him gently in his arms and rocked him back and forth. "It's okay. I'm here."
"I'm s-s-orry." Shay sniffled into Rod's hard, comforting chest. "I don't know what's wrong with me."
"You've had a rough time, but you did great, you got an A for your work with Willy."
"And... so now I have to earn forty-nine more grades?" Shay wailed.
"Of course not." Rod sounded appalled. "Whatever gave you that idea?"
"The title of this novella!"
"Oh no, no. That's just a tasteless spoonerism, along with some not-so-obvious coattail riding. It has nothing to do with you." His hand stroking Shay's hair felt like heaven. "What do you say we take a break now, just you and me?"
Shay tamped down hard the urge to squeal in delight. Even he had limits. "Really?"
"We can take a bottle of wine and a picnic to the Meadow."
"The what?" Downtown Center City wasn't really dripping with meadows.
"One of the Institute's secrets." Rod winked, making Shay go all shivery. "Would you like that?"
"Sure." Oh yes. Oh, absolutely yes!
"Wonderful." He smiled into Shay's eyes, then dropped his gaze to Shay's lips. Immediately Shay's body began to tingle with anticipation, more excitement than he'd felt seeing Willy totally and impressively naked.
Oh wow.
Rod dropped a brief kiss on Shay's lips, no more than a soft peck, but it sent a shaft of shimmering heat to Shay's—
Hang on, there were no good words for that wonderful new part of him. "Cunt" and "twat" were ugly, "pussy" was a little silly, and "vagina" was so clinical. Shay would have to come up with a new word.
Yes. A soft word, a beautiful word.
That one kiss with Rod aroused his shando more than everything Willy had done to him.
They left the examination room, and walked along a rounded corridor leading to a long hallway that shifted colors every fifteen seconds or so, shades like peach and sea-green, serene and relaxing colors. A slow soundtrack filled the space with wonderful peaceful sounds. Rod and Shay ambled on the moving walkway, exchanging smiles and nods with people headed the opposite way. Shay couldn't help noticing the number of women who checked out Rod, and the number of men sizing him up, and felt himself swelling with pride.
They must make such an attractive couple!
The walkway ended at a smaller building. Rod escorted Shay gallantly past several intriguing looking rooms, and finally up to an entrance marked "Meadow Room." From the outside, the door looked as if it would yield to yet another of the small hi-tech rooms Shay'd been in on the other end of the Institute, but when Rod pushed this door open, Shay saw blue sky, trees, birds and butterflies, and heard the distant sound of a waterfall. Halfway across the meadow, a blanket was laid out at the base of a stately elm.
"How on earth...?"
"Don't ask. Just enjoy." Rod guided Shay inside the warm, sweet-smelling room with a hand at the small of his back.
Such a nice little courtesy! Shay felt respected and cared for … even knowing darn well that he could take care of himself, thank you very much!
They stretched out on the blanket by the elm, and from the tree above them, a basket slowly descended, as if by magic. Rod opened it to reveal an icy bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses, a tub of a fresh and healthful looking salad, some goat cheese, thin-sliced prosciutto, and crusty whole-grain rolls.
Ordinarily, Shay would turn up his nose at fussy homo food like that and demand a bacon cheeseburger.
But today, with the sun shining, a handsome man at his side, and hanging from his chest a rack of awesome tits—No. A pair of beautiful breasts—everything looked delicious.
When he'd eaten about a tenth of his usual amount and felt satisfied, Shay lay back contentedly, staring up at the blue sky.
Actually... it was more azure today.
Rod's warm hand landed on his thigh.
Shay's body responded with another hot flood of desire. To a hand on his thigh! When all Willy's boinking had done nearly nothing.
"Yes, Rod?"
"You are a very beautiful woman."
"Oh." He was blushing again, looking away, under ambush from so many conflicting feelings. "You make me feel beautiful. Willy told me I was hot too, but with him I just felt... I don't know. Cheap."
"Well you should know I find you very, very... expensive."
"Oh Rod!" Shay burst into laughter, probably more than the joke warranted, but he was seized with a desire to make this lovely man feel good about himself. "You are so funny!"
"Thank you." Rod's warm lips landed again on Shay's, and for a long time he did nothing but kiss him. Such varied and beautiful kisses, with a little tongue now and then but not too much. Those kisses made Shay's heart feel soft and warm, and he also felt very hungry in his shando.
Then Rod's hand found his breast, and the hunger intensified. This was amazing. He was so turned on, and Rod had only gotten to second base!
When that same hand slid down and explored between his legs, Shay became so aroused he started moaning involuntarily. Just like in the porn movies! Beside him, Rod's breathing had become shallow and irregular.
Rod would want to be touched, too. Shay would have to stroke a man's penis, when deep down, he was still a man himself.
And yet…
The thought of Rod's penis, right now painfully erect in his tight black uniform pants—the thought of touching that penis...
Shay clumsily cupped the bulge, felt the responding hardening of Rod's cock, and heard his male breath catch.
"Oh, what you do to me, Shay," he whispered. "Like nothing I've ever felt."
What was left of the male voice inside Shay thought that was some seriously sappy shit.
But something inside female Shay seemed to burst. He unbuttoned Rod's fly, and reached in, fondling the beautiful length through the soft material of Rod's black boxer briefs. Impatiently, he slipped his fingers under the elastic to touch the smooth-as-velvet skin.
"Oh, Shay."
"Oh, Rod."
Almost without thinking, Shay pulled him out and moved down to put his face over the thick dick jutting from Rod's jeans. He smelled wonderful, musky and manly.
The female in him wanted to taste. And if he was honest, the male in him was kind of curious about that, too.
Slowly Shay put his lips around the pink tip of Rod's cock, tasting pre-cum, savoring the exquisite softness.
Rod groaned, lying on his back, eyes closed in ecstasy.
Shay felt a surge of power, which drove him to take the gorgeous cock all the way down his throat, sucking ravenously, exploring the balls underneath with gentle curiosity. It was so strange to see them so close, from this angle. They were oddly beautiful. And so heavy.
On and on he sucked, teasing with his tongue, varying speed and pressure, knowing instinctively what would make Rod wild, driven by a new hunger that seemed always to have been in him, but was only now being allowed to surface.
"Oh, God. Shay..." Rod's handsome face showed an agony of pleasure.
He was getting close. It was so hot, Shay could only barely keep from wrenching his hand away from Rod's mighty rod and shoving it between his own legs to get himself off.
"Shay! Shay!" The dark eyes shot open. Cum sprayed into Shay's mouth, hitting the back of his throat.
He gagged a mighty gag. Pulling back a little, he took the rest in his mouth, tasting the warm saltiness, and managing not to choke this time."I'm so sorry, Rod,I wasn't ready for that, I..."
"No, no." Rod sat up and wiped the cum from Shay's trembling lips. "I should have warned you. It just... I came so fast. Usually I can control it. Hell, it's my job to contro
l it. But you are so hot..."
"Oh, really? You really think so?" Shay leaned in for a kiss, anxious to feel Rod's strong, comforting arms around him.
Rod obliged, holding Shay so gently and kissing him so deeply those strange tears once again sprang to his eyes. A small moan of pleasure rose from his chest.
And it got better.
Rod's soft lips littered kisses over his cheeks, his forehead, and down his neck. As Rod moved lower, Shay found himself arching his back, and Rod took one of Shay's new and fabulous nipples into his warm mouth and sucked.
It felt wonderful, the way Rod did it.
Shay loved these breasts. When he changed back into a man he thought he'd miss them most of all.
Rod laid him back onto the blanket and tenderly kissed down his stomach, then lower and lower, until for the first time, Shay felt the warm lick of a tongue swiping through his labia.
He nearly shot off the blanket.
Another lick, long and leisurely, then a slow circling of his clitoris.
He was nearly hyperventilating. Rod's tongue was a miracle, strong, agile, and so slick. The sensation was fantastic. When he was next alone with Chastity, he'd bury his head between her legs like this and have her coming instantly.
Except... with Rod's mouth on his most intimate part, it somehow seemed strange to think about ever being with Chastity again.
And when Rod's cock performed a hydraulic miracle, getting hard again only a few minutes after he'd come into Shay's mouth, he slipped sweetly inside his shando, it was nothing like when Willy invaded him. Shay's nerve endings were already alive, he could feel Rod's hard length sliding slowly in and out, creating a sexy rhythmic tugging on his clitoris.
It was fabulous!
He raised his knees and spread them, angling his hips to pull Rod in deeper, meeting Rod's thrusts, clutching the powerful shoulders moving over him, loving the slide of the great cock inside him, the fullness. On and on. And on. And... on. And...
Geez, it was not easy to come in this body! Rod must be getting impatient! Shay was concentrating with all his might, thinking about his shando and Rod buried to the hilt, straining for the climax that seemed infuriatingly just out of reach.
It wasn't until Rod lifted half-off him, wet his finger in his mouth and used it to paint around Shay's clit that he finally exploded, writhing and bucking, making girlish whimpering noises, clawing at Rod's back, shouting his name.