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The Appeal

Page 28

by Janice Hallett

  ‘One does not exist at all.’ Well, someone who doesn’t exist in this correspondence is Helen.


  Sam and Kel too . . .


  Sure, but we know they send emails, as we have replies addressed to them.


  Ok. Where are you going with that?


  The Haywards, the play they’re putting on. Despite everything – from Poppy’s illness to Sam’s accusations – nothing gets in the way of the play and it’s all about Helen. Helen this, Helen that, everyone loves Helen. Martin: she’s our leading lady onstage and off. James: if there isn’t a significant female role, The Fairway Players won’t choose that play. His mum ‘belongs onstage’. Issy: she’s so larger than life that if she’s in a scene, no one else is. Kevin: she lives in a wonderland where she’s forever centre-stage. If Helen is such a brilliant actor who delivers an ‘impeccable performance’ with such ‘intensity of commitment’ to her ‘demanding role’ – then WHO IS THIS WOMAN?


  Good point. Sam suspects Helen of something . . . Why consult a genealogist?


  The character who ‘does not exist at all’ could be Helen’s little boy, like Sam says. She tells Martin she’s a bereaved mother when she meets him, then lives the lie. Paige and James believe it.


  Her emotional reaction to Sam’s revelation could be a genuine response to her lie being exposed. Or just another act. Would this give her a motive to kill Sam?


  Don’t forget Paige. She and Helen are ‘so alike’. Both obsessed with themselves and the stage. Both protected from reality by their partners. Both in it together?

  Femi and Charlotte’s Breakdown of Theories

  Theory One

  Who killed Samantha Greenwood? Glen Reswick to stop her spreading the accusations.

  Who knew it was going to happen? Martin and James Hayward because they’re in on it.

  Who knew about it before her body was discovered? Paige and Helen because they need to re-cast and rehearse the play.

  Who is erroneously imprisoned and why? Kel Greenwood because nearest and dearest.

  Theory Two

  Who killed Samantha Greenwood? Kel Greenwood in a tragic fight.

  Who knew it was going to happen? Claudia D’Souza because she is there.

  Who knew about it before her body was discovered? Arnie Ballancore because he returns to the flat afterwards, but flees in the morning.

  Who is erroneously imprisoned and why? Isabel Beck because the object of her obsession has rejected her.

  Theory Three

  Who killed Samantha Greenwood? Someone hired by Tish Bhatoa to limit the impact of Sam’s accusations.

  Who knew it was going to happen? Rav Bhatoa because Tish is with him in Central Africa, dealing with Dan’s death.

  Who knew about it before her body was discovered? Martin Hayward because Tish tells him.

  Who is erroneously imprisoned and why? Kel Greenwood because nearest and dearest.

  Theory Four

  Who killed Samantha Greenwood? Kevin MacDonald to preserve his professional pride.

  Who knew it was going to happen? Sarah-Jane MacDonald because they are in it together.

  Who knew about it before her body was discovered? Isabel Beck because she goes to Sam’s flat and finds the body shortly afterwards. However, whether through shock or some other reason, she returns home and carries on as normal the next day.

  Who is erroneously imprisoned and why? Kel Greenwood because nearest and dearest.

  Theory Five

  Who killed Samantha Greenwood? Arnie Ballancore in a tragic fight.

  Who knew it was going to happen? Samantha Greenwood because she knew he’d want revenge for informing on him.

  Who knew about it before her body was discovered? Kel Greenwood and Claudia D’Souza because they return to the flat, but say nothing for fear of being seen as guilty, but . . .

  Who is erroneously imprisoned and why? Kel Greenwood.

  In the hours before her death, Sam told three people three things. Who and what?

  1. The drama group that Helen and the appeal are frauds.

  2. Issy that she has never liked her and no longer wants to be her friend, because she used her email address to tell Michael about Claudia.

  3. Kel that she’s returning to Africa.

  Three people are not who they say they are. Clive Handler, Lydia Drake, Magda Kuchar.

  Three masquerade as others. Sam as Clive Handler, Sam as Issy, Issy as Sam.

  One does not exist at all. Helen’s little boy.


  I’ll merge the docs, so Tanner gets the intro and suspect profiles, plus the summary of the five theories. Can you add something to wind it up? E.g. ‘Samantha Greenwood is not afraid to speak. Nor should we be.’ Acknowledge the fact that we only have the correspondence. Without it sounding like an excuse.


  ‘In a small community such as this, the social hierarchy is strict, allegiances are strong and grudges magnified. Strangers are regarded as suspicious and you are judged by who your friends are. In such a microcosmic world, ordinary rules do not automatically apply. From this correspondence alone, we know Samantha Greenwood is committed to the truth. She would not want an innocent party imprisoned for her murder, as much as she would want those guilty brought to account. We can only address the tragedy of her death by ensuring justice is done, and is seen to be done.’




  It’s sent. Let’s get to bed.

  Olufemi Hassan

  Charlotte Holroyd

  Dear both,

  I am in receipt of your document and will peruse in due course. Do not doubt that I am agog. As is mentioned in the correspondence, there are some things you can’t un-know. The opportunity for unbiased interpretation is soon lost.

  Meanwhile, here are some scraps of recovered correspondence that you may find interesting. None were available at the first hearing, so they have no bearing on your initial response. Some date from before the murder and some after, but again they are broadly chronological.

  I will be back in touch before I have to submit this appeal.


  Roderick Tanner, QC

  Senior Partner

  Tanner & Dewey LLP

  FROM: Noel Burton

  SUBJECT: Can we help again?

  DATE: 3 May 2018 at 10:10

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  Dear Ms Bhatoa,

  We recently undertook a successful period of work for CloudRegal SA and trust the service we provided was beneficial for you and your business.

  ** Priority rates for existing clients in May, June and July **

  We specialise in all forms of corporate intelligence, from digital forensics to pre-litigation. We work closely with a network of international investigators who can track and trace individuals across the globe, including historical criminal-record searches and financial profiling. We would be delighted to work with you again, so please do not hesitate to call.

  Yours sincerely,

  Noel Burton

  RedHawk Consulting Ltd

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa


  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 14:55

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Martin, whenever I enter into business with anyone I am thorough in my due diligence. I do not believe for a moment you have no money at all. In any case, a man of your means and intelligence can always find a way to make more. If you do not fulfil your promise to pay each monthly instalment, I will say the word. Poppy’s drugs will oxidise.

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 15:02

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  I’ve never promised to pay monthly. We can only raise funds so quickly. You know how difficult our family situation is. You will get
your money – that I can guarantee.

  FROM: Tish Bhatoa


  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 15:10

  TO: Martin Hayward

  We all have difficult family situations. You have plenty of assets to sell, and that is something you should do if the appeal is not delivering funds quickly enough. I only agreed to this because you gave me cast-iron assurances.

  FROM: Martin Hayward


  DATE: 13 June 2018 at 15:13

  TO: Tish Bhatoa

  Cast-iron? Everything is mortgaged to the bone. I have no assets left now. You know what that’s like. Why do you think I suggested this in the first place? You think it was simply chance I came to you when Poppy fell ill? I, too, have a thorough approach to due diligence.

  FROM: Graham Oxshott


  DATE: 11 June 2018 at 20:34

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Dear Martin,

  We haven’t seen you for a few weeks now, and trust that means all is well. I write to see if you feel ready to sponsor a new member, just starting out on their journey, as I did for you all those months ago. The role is one of healthy friendship. It offers active support, especially during times of stress when difficulty sticking to the twelve steps is most likely to be felt. It is a one-to-one relationship between individuals at different stages of recovery, and will help you both help yourselves. It is not compulsory, but you have made such good progress that you were the first potential new sponsor who came to mind. We have one new member in particular who I believe would be an excellent match for you. If you’d like to attend the meeting Thursday, I will introduce you both.

  Let me know how you feel,


  Fowey GA

  FROM: Claudia D’Souza


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 08:58

  TO: Michael D’Souza

  Michael, please tell Sophie and Marco ‘Mummy’s fine and she’ll see you very soon’. I’m sorry, M. I really am. I wanted to tell you myself, but she got there first. She says she didn’t, but who else would it be? I need you to know I completely understand why you’ve done this, but it’s not right taking it out on Soph and Marco. They have all their friends here, their school work, their clubs and hobbies, and they barely speak Portuguese. Let them have a few days with your mum and then come home and we’ll all sit down and discuss this together: you, me and Kel. We’ll work something out that suits everyone, and talk about where we go from here. Please. C x

  FROM: Arnie Ballancore

  SUBJECT: See ya

  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 09:53

  TO: Kel Greenwood

  Just to say goodbye really. Feel I should get away and make a new start somewhere. The police think I’m at yours, so they might want to know where I went. Just say you don’t know. I don’t know myself, maybe the Far East or South America? I’m on bail, so it’s gonna be tricky without my passport. I might chill with a couple buddies up North for a bit. See if I can get back to normal or something. Hope you and Sam are ok and sorry if I made things awkward. Hoped it would be like Bangui. Guess you can’t go back. Everything changes. I love you guys. Arnie

  Message from Glen Reswick to James Hayward on 5 July 2018:

  05:00 Glen wrote

  Told Paige. She’s stoked. Only saying the other day she missed being in the play.

  FROM: Dr Tish Bhatoa


  DATE: 5 July 2018 at 21:24

  TO: Samantha Greenwood

  Dear Samantha,

  I never imagined I would write this letter. I’ve been in Bangui for days at most, but I’m already changing. It’s been so long since I had to adapt to anywhere. The place is the same. It’s the people who are new. Dan is dead. We need a taskforce willing to travel across the border and bring him back, but no one will agree to anything so risky at the moment. While I wait here, people come and talk to me about him. You remember how they do that when someone dies. There’s no announcement, but one person tells another and that person tells someone else, and so on. I’d forgotten.

  You were right about him. I didn’t want to believe it. I still don’t. But I’ve seen too many people now. All knew him better than I did. The man they talk about is not the brother I had. Perhaps life here changed him, but I fear it did not – he could mask his darkness before, but this place gave it permission and opportunity. Yet in his letters to me he was always the same. It seems there’s only so much you can know from letters. A man can hide a world behind words.

  I’m sorry you were not taken seriously last year, and that you had to go through the trial – if that’s the correct word for such a fiasco. Please understand I was only protecting my family, and did so in good faith. I will not be back in the UK yet. In the meantime, stay away from the Haywards. Dr Tish Bhatoa

  FROM: Magda Kuchar

  SUBJECT: Computer

  DATE: 6 July 2018 at 07:54

  TO: Martin Hayward

  Hi Martin, this morning I have a problem. My computer starts as normal, but my email history is all gone. Sent and received, empty. Even the trash empty. Can the system corrupt and be restored? I lose records of talk with builders, suppliers and members. I don’t know what happen. Magda

  FROM: Martin Hayward

  SUBJECT: Re: Computer

  DATE: 6 July 2018 at 08:58

  TO: Magda Kuchar

  I believe there is a virus that wipes email records. I’ll have the tech firm look into it. Regards, Martin

  FROM: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Isabel

  DATE: 7 July 2018 at 12:03

  TO: Kevin MacDonald

  She was hiding behind the rail, furiously tapping on her phone. Who was she texting? Not a friend. She doesn’t have any. Hasn’t sold a single ticket for the play, according to Celia. Plus she returned nearly all her raffle tickets unsold. I don’t know why James insisted on casting her in Blithe Spirit or this. I told you I saw Sam have words with her that night. What do you think?

  Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  FROM: Kevin MacDonald

  SUBJECT: Re: Isabel

  DATE: 7 July 2018 at 12:44

  TO: Sarah-Jane MacDonald

  She followed Sam around, seemed to hang on every word she said, didn’t have any other friends. When Sam blew up, Issy followed her out of the dress rehearsal. You popped out and saw them argue outside. I was rallying around Helen at the time. Then I took Harley home and went to bed with a cold, while you went round Emma’s to discuss the appeal and see how Woof was. That’s what I told the officer anyway. Sound plausible?

  A decorative card printed by the Maternity Unit at St Ann’s Hospital:

  The Stork Reports

  A very special delivery for Olivia and James Hayward

  Sophia Grace Hayward

  Born 4 July 2018 at 10.25 p.m.

  Arthur Martin Hayward

  Born 4 July 2018 at 10.27 p.m.

  Signed by Fiona Chou on behalf of The Stork

  Maternity and Neonatal Unit, St Ann’s Hospital, Lockwood

  FROM: Isabel Beck


  DATE: 6 July 2018 at 05:18

  TO: Lauren Malden

  I won’t write to you any more. I don’t even know why I started. It’s not as if you were ever my real friend. My only real friend has left and I’m making a new start. That means cleansing my life of people who don’t nurture or fulfil me. I’m going to sign up for a yoga course – a proper one this time, at a real gym, not just online. I’m going to keep up my healthy-eating plan and twice-weekly lunchtime jogging. As soon as I can apply to move wards, I will. By the time The Fairway Players meet up again in September I’ll be a whole new me, ready for the winter play. It doesn’t matter if I’m cast or not. I’ll go to rehearsals anyway, perhaps make the tea with Joyce or help the actors learn their words. If Paige is in the play, I could babysit Poppy. They will probably prefer someone with medical training to take care of her if she’s
still poorly. There are lots of great things waiting for me in my future. So I won’t be writing to you again. Issy


  So Martin’s an addict.


  Gambler. Letter on 11 June from Gamblers Anonymous. There’s a reference on 21 May to him betting. Reacts badly when James makes a casual remark. He’s a man with debts.


  And a risk-taker. Despite seeming cautious and level-headed. He has a City background, and the financial world is just gambling, no? Also, could be a response to stress.


  Debts are not always paid in money. Like Arnie and Sharkey. Bhatoa covers her back by jetting to Bangui while she blackmails Martin into doing her dirty work re Sam.


  Their convo is not about Poppy’s drugs. A code?


  Her remorse seems genuine. But is it for not believing Sam over Dan, or for having Sam killed when she was right all along?


  ‘Stay away from the Haywards.’ Threat or warning? Or insurance if/when the police come knocking?


  Claudia doesn’t include Sam in her family ‘chat’ about the future. She must know she’s dead.


  Claudia and Issy each claim to be Sam’s bestie, but move on immediately once she’s gone. Literally don’t look back.


  Arnie is out of the frame IMO. I think he goes back to the flat. It’s empty. Sam’s dead outside, the killer gone. He stays the night, leaves early. None the wiser.


  So who was it?


  The MacDonalds. Kel wrongly convicted.


  Martin, acting on behalf of Bhatoa. MacDonalds wrongly convicted.


  MacDonalds guilty. Issy wrongly convicted. They frame her.


  Claudia guilty. Kel wrongly convicted, because he confessed to protect her.


  Arrrghh! Where’s the evidence? We’re supposed to analyse the correspondence, not just make up stories.


  Let’s see what Tanner says about our doc. Really wish I hadn’t put ‘precipice’ in the first line. Too emotional, melodramatic. Should have said ‘edge’. Words are so important.


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