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Ash, Son of the Demon God, Tarot, the Devil

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by D. J. Manly

  Ash: Son of the Demon God

  Tarot, The Devil


  D. J. Manly

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Ash – Son of the Demon God

  Copyright © 2006 D. J. Manly

  ISBN: 1-55410-727-X

  Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  The influence of the Devil in Tarot can put one under the spell of seduction. The sexual obsession one feels can make the individual give up everything; even condemn an entire people to darkness for one night in the arms of the seducer.

  Depending on the other influences surrounding us, The Devil may help one to see more clearly, to rid ourselves of obstacles which prevent us from reaching the next level. Repressing our feelings, denying our ability to love can make one turn to evil vices in order to relieve suffering. If we acknowledge what lies within, only then can we move on to the next level.


  Forsythia lowered her head along with the others when Ash finally walked into the banquet hall. Just an hour before, three hundred warriors had filled the grand room. There had been much celebration. Their latest battle against the Sun people had been victorious. They had managed to move ten miles more into their territory.

  Ash looked weary as he made his way through the hushed crowd, to sit on the raised chair that awaited him. He waved his hand as if suddenly their reverence annoyed him; telling them to go back to what they were doing.

  Forsythia made her way to the front of the room. Kneeling in front of her son, she said, “Ash, are you feeling well?”

  Ash looked down at his mother with large black eyes and told her to rise. He indicated the chair to his left, which she took with an acknowledgement of her fair head. From all appearances there was nothing what so ever which would have identified them as mother and son. Ash was six foot six, with broad shoulders, his body unbelievably solid and muscular. His eyes were as black as coal, as was his shoulder length, wavy hair. He was indecently handsome with a voice so deep and smooth, when he spoke it was like music. Inversely, Forsythia was very slight in status, just under five foot two. Her hair was the colour of straw and hung straight down her back, with eyes that were typical of her race, blue like the sky.

  Ash was looking away from her now off in the distance, deep in thought. There was a faint scar on his left cheek she knew would disappear within a few hours. “The battle was brutal this time,” Forsythia said softly. “You are tired, my son. You should rest.”

  He let out a deep long sigh. “It will not be long until we completely decimate the People of the Sun. We might get this over a lot faster if he would let me go to the source. Why won’t he allow me to attack the sun king?”

  Forsythia pursed her lips. She knew the answer of course, but it wasn’t her place to tell him. Abbadon was waiting for Ash’s eighteenth birthday to do that.

  “It’s because of the history between the Sun people and the Incubus, isn’t it? It’s because of the curse your people put on them, after I was born.”

  Forsythia lowered her head.

  Ash pierced her with his dark eyes. “You don’t think I know what that was all about, do you Mother?” His voice held a mocking tone.

  Music began to play suddenly. People began to dance. There was laughter, laugher that Ash couldn’t share, didn’t want to share. He knew his mother refused to talk about the past, but yet, everything he was about was related to it. At one time, the Incubus, his father’s people lived above ground. They were a warrior tribe of nomads, descended from the great Dionysus himself, the God of primal urges and desires. They were ruled by Abbadon, the great immortal demon king. Abbadon was hunting one day in the forest when he saw Forsythia, the daughter of the sky ruler. Obsessed with her beauty and gripped by lust, Abbadon requested her hand in marriage. Deron, Forsythia’s father refused because the Incubus were known for their depravity and decadence. Enraged at being turned down, Abbadon took Forsythia by force, which started a war.

  “Tell me,” Ash said softly, gazing at his mother suddenly, “tell me again what happened after we were taken from Abbadon?”

  His mother swallowed. Abbadon. She would never forget his intoxicating touch, the ecstasy she had experienced in his big, strong arms. “We have been all over this, Ash.”

  “Yes, but I will be eighteen tomorrow. Now that the time has come, I want to hear the story again,” he insisted.

  She nodded. “Very well. You were born, and your grandfather,” she paused, the pain of his demise still very much with her, “his men came and brought us home. Your father was like a man possessed. He came with his army, slaughtering many. At the same time, the people of the Sun were ruled by a wicked character named Raelyn. Raelyn was hungry for power, and no longer wished to be ruled by my father. He decided to join forces with the Incubus.”

  “And that’s when your father brought Raelyn and Abbadon together?”

  She nodded. “Yes. He had thought of a way to stop the fighting, banish Abbadon forever, and bring the Sun people on side. It resulted in a peace which lasted for almost fife-teen years…until…”

  “Until I led my armies to the Sun Valley,” he replied, his voice lacking in emotion.

  She nodded.

  It was ingenious. The Incubus had been banished to the underworld, never to see the light of day. The ruler of the Sun people and his immediate family had been held to a rule which would ensure that eventually their line would die out. A rule, which if broken would free the Incubus from the underworld; putting the Sun people down below in their place.

  “Then you know what it is my father will ask of me?” Ash leaned forward in his chair, meeting his mother’s eyes.

  “Yes,” she said. “And so do you.”

  Ash sat back in his seat and closed his eyes. Cursed…he had been cursed…half demon, half Sky, now completely under his father’s rule. His father had used him to enslave his mother’s people. Now, only the people of the Sun remained to be conquered.

  His mother reached over and touched his hand, but he withdrew immediately from her touch. “Don’t try to comfort me, mother, it is too little, too late. Your father failed. Through trickery, he banished Abbadon to the pits of hell, yet still he rules vicariously through me. And I will be his pawn for eternity.”

  She sat back in her seat, not wanting to see the bitterness in his eyes.

  Ash stood up from his chair. Immediately, the music halted. People waited, their eyes lowered. “Go on with your celebration,” he said. “I will retire to my chamber.” Glancing at the two servants who rushed to his side, he said, “Servants, bring me wine and two of the finest slaves of the flesh to my chambers, one male, one female. I will celebrate the last night of my seventeenth year in style.”

Before stepping down from the raised platform, Ash glanced at his mother. “Look at me Mother; see me, for tomorrow when I meet Abbadon at the mouth of earth’s core, nothing will ever be the same again.”

  Tears fell onto her cheeks suddenly. She said nothing. There was nothing that could be said. Everything had changed since her father had died. Abbadon had used their son to enslave her people. And she knew that things were about to take a turn for the worse.

  * * * *

  In his chambers, Ash removed the heavy armour and threw it into the corner. He took off his high black boots and blood stained pants. The servants had prepared him a bath and he slipped gratefully into the hot soapy water; in his hand, a bottle of the finest wine made by the Sun people. When they had attacked one of the villages today, his men had loaded up on Sun wine which had always been the finest of drinks.

  Stretching his muscular long limbs in the tub, he moaned a little, not realising how cramped his body actually felt. The scar on his face was gone now, a product of his demon blood which allowed all wounds to quickly heal.

  He would be only eighteen tomorrow. A ruler, a warrior…all his desires and needs catered to…there was no joy in his life. Even the two naked slaves of the flesh waiting eagerly in the corner of the room, would give him nothing but momentary pleasure.

  He looked over at them suddenly, cocking a dark eyebrow. It was Derdra and Mirage who stood there. Derdra had large breasts with dark brown nipples, and they were stiff with desire. Mirage’s excitement was also highly evident, his seven inch cock standing stiff with greedy need. Letting his eyes move over them, Ash allowed his head to fall back. “You are anxious to please me tonight, my pets?” He murmured.

  “Yes my lord,” Derdra said, licking her full lips.

  Mirage gave him the slightest smile. “I hold my breath in anticipation.”

  “You know what pleasures await you,” Ash whispered seductively, his voice barely audible.

  They both nodded. Of course they did. He was the son of Abbadon, descended from the God of lust. Aside from being a great warrior, his talents in the art of giving sexual pleasure were unsurpassed. His flesh slaves lined up to please him.

  Rising out of the bath now; he heard the two slaves give audible sighs as they watched the trails of soapy water slide over the muscular curves of his chest and stomach. They paused at his sex, both fully cognizant of its capabilities, and waited for his command.

  Ash held out his hand, and both slaves hurried over with towels to dry him. He stepped out of the tub, allowing them to linger over the task of running the towel over his smooth rounded buttocks and semi erect sex. Derdra moved downward now, sliding the towel over his muscular thigh to his calf, then to his foot, which she kissed lightly with her lips. Her eyes rose up to his, needy, full of desire. He nodded at her, allowing her to run the tip of her tongue around the head of his sex.

  Mirage lifted the dark hair off his neck and placed his lips there, drawing back when he realised he hadn’t yet been granted permission to do so.

  Ash glanced at him. Derdra’s mouth had slid further down the length of his sex. Ash reached his hand over and ran his thumb over Mirage’s lips. Mirage closed his eyes, moaning with the thought of things to come. Ash placed his hand on Derdra’s head, motioning to her to get to her feet. Walking back into his adjourning chambers with the huge four poster bed, he bid them both to lay down on the red velvet spread which covered the bed. He lifted the wine bottle to his lips for a moment and drank deeply, aware of the eyes which caressed his body. Coming closer to the bed, he lifted first Derdra’s head and gave her drink, then Mirage’s. Putting the bottle aside, he licked the wine from their lips, moving his tongue inside Mirage’s mouth; then Derdra’s, tasting the wine. Kneeling between them, he smiled at their anticipation. Sweet sexual juices slid down the inside of Derdra’s thigh, and were dripping from the head of Mirage’s cock. Placing one hand on Derdra and the other on Mirage, he caressed their faces. He felt their bodies tremble as his fingers moved over their nipples. “Stay quiet,” he said softly.

  Derdra squeezed her thighs together tightly, as Ash’s mouth came down and captured one of her huge taunt nipples between his teeth. As the same time, he moved his hand to the inside of Mirage’s thigh, his fingers dancing lightly over the soft sensitive skin.

  They wanted to touch him, but they knew they would only be able to when he gave them permission. Bidding Mirage to turn onto his stomach, he let his hands trail over Derdra’s nipples while moving his mouth down to Mirage’s tantalizing rear. Spreading his cheeks apart with one hand, he heard Mirage’s muffled moan as he squirmed into the red velvet cover. Moving his tongue there, Ash continued to tease Derdra’s nipples brutally before dipping his hand lower and finding the one spot between her thighs which would send her over the edge.

  When he made sure that their pleasure was at a peak, he would take his own. He wouldn’t think about tomorrow. He wouldn’t think about anything.

  * * * *

  Abbadon was waiting for Ash at the opening of the earth’s core, his face hidden in the shadows. He watched his son ride up on his horse.

  Ash sighed with relief as he got off his big black mare. The journey had been harrowing to say the least. The terrain was so rough, at times he was forced to get off his horse and lead her over the rocky trail.

  “You remembered the way,” a voice said suddenly.

  He knew instantly the voice belonged to his father. “Yes, I was almost five when Deron’s men came for me.”

  He saw a hand reach out to him. When it did, the tips of the fingers topped with long curved nails hit the sunlight, only to instantly blacken. Abbadon withdrew his hand.

  Ash sucked in some breath.

  “Come, my son,” he said. “Come closer, so that I may see you.”

  Ash walked up to the opening then stepped out of the sunlight into darkness. Instantly his eyes adjusted and he could see perfectly. Abbadon stood in front of him. For a moment he was stunned. It had seemed an eternity since he’d seen him. He hadn’t changed. He was still almost seven feet tall, powerful, muscular. His face was broad and intelligent with a shock of black hair. Two very small bumps appeared on both sides of his head, just above his piercing black eyes. At the sides of his body were black wings with large plumed feathers, near his feet lay the tip of a tail divided into two prongs.

  As interested as Ash was in his father’s appearance, Abbadon appeared doubly so in his. His interrogative eyes inspected him from head to toe. When satisfied with his inspection, he nodded. “Perfect. You are perfect; your demon blood is not evident at all from your appearance.”

  In the darkness below him, Ash could hear the plaintive sounds of creatures moaning with a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  Refocusing on his father, Ash said, “It is evident to me. My wounds heal instantly; my senses are far sharper than others…and my talents in bed, not to mention my sexual imagination are…”

  “Unsurpassed,” Abbadon cut him off, acknowledging with a bow of his head. “Yes, well you are my son. Come, I have food and drink. A variety of pleasures are waiting for you.”

  Ash held up his hand. “Father, for these past years, I have obeyed you. I have become ruler of my mother’s people. I have killed as many of the Sun people as I…”

  “You have done well. Rush is a formidable opponent. He is far craftier than his father, and from what I hear, he finds living with the rule far easier, of course, he was born to it. He practises a strict regime.”

  Ash moaned. “Father, I am trying to tell you something. I want you to release me. I want to find a life without…”

  “Your life belongs to me,” his father boomed, his voice echoed throughout the underground, actually causing the earth to tremble.

  Ash took a step back. His father’s eyes were red with blood, his lips curled into a look of fury. “You have a purpose, a quest.”

  “But it is your quest, not mine,” Ash shook his dark head. “The Sun people are no threat to us
. You rule the people of the Sky…you…”

  “I am stuck down here. Down here, I am utterly impotent. Raelyn’s son must be made to break the rule so that the Incubus will finally be freed.” His father took a step closer to him, his tail making a swishing sound as he walked. He ran his eyes over him critically. “You were made for the task. Your brutally handsome face…that muscular body which would put a god to shame…your cock designed to give pleasure… You will do as I bid you, Ash.”

  Ash sighed. “Then, will you release me?”

  Abbadon smiled seductively. “That’s depends. Maybe you will not want to be released. Think of the power. You and I will rule the universe above, together.”

  Ash remained silent.

  Abbadon motioned. “Come, come down into the depths with me, where slaves will cater to your demon nature. Living with mortals has softened you…deprived you. All your deepest, wildest desires will be fulfilled here. Then later, after a feast, you and I will discuss your mission in the Sun Valley.”

  * * * *

  Orgies of sex and blood, wine, succulent meat and cheese, then the blissfulness of sleep, sleep after total satiation. When Ash opened his eyes, he was laying naked on a cool slab of concrete in the middle of a dark room, lit only by torchlight. Playing in his mind were images of naked flesh and uninhibited lust. Last night, Abbadon had led him naked down to the Den of Iniquitous Indulgence. Ash knew it was his father’s way of seducing him into being his willing slave; and at first he resented it. Then when he entered the cavern, lit with the multitude of red and purple torches, he lost total resolve. The lights played upon rows of voluptuous naked bodies, displayed in a variety of extreme vulnerability, strategically bound with leather and chains. How could he resist?


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