Time And Time Again (Out Of Time Book 1)
Page 18
“Marry her, Fionn, please. Just marry her.”
Fionn understood what Carter was telling him. There would be time to discuss the future later but now his brain was once again swallowed whole by the thought of his cock sliding deep into Carter’s ass. He turned back to Carter, his eyes hard and dark. He roughly grabbed his arm, shoving him into the back wall of the stall face first. Fionn reached for both of his hands and placed them high up against the wall. “You will not move or speak, Carter. Nod once if you understand.”
Carter nodded his head and kept his hands where Fionn had placed them. His body was tensely coiled in anticipation of what Fionn would do next.
Fionn didn’t know what had gotten into him. His joinings with Carter were usually leisurely and long. He had never before felt the need to dominate his lover. Reaching around, Fionn untied the laces of Carter’s breeches and roughly yanked his pants down as far as he could reach. He used his boot to slide the pants the rest of the way to the floor.
Fionn kicked out Carter’s feet as far as they could go, caught up in his pants as they were. He knelt down behind Carter and roughly pulled his cheeks apart. He swallowed hard as he stared at Carter’s hole. He couldn’t get rimming out of his mind since Carter had done it to him on their camping trip. This was the first opportunity Fionn had to return the favor and he dove right in, stabbing his hot tongue at Carter’s hole.
Carter cried out, his body tensing under Fionn’s tongue.
Fionn pulled his tongue back the moment he heard Carter shout his name. “You did not understand the rules, Carter,” Fionn said as he rose back to his feet. He pressed his body against Carter, flattening him closer to the wall. “You will not make another sound, am I understood?”
Carter nodded again, biting back a moan when Fionn’s pant-encased erection rubbed against the bare crack of his ass.
“Good boy.” Releasing Carter, he knelt back down, slurping his tongue over Carter’s hole. Fionn’s tongue went back to work, licking its way around Carter’s hole and getting it nice and wet. He never imagined this act could be so intimate, but it was. He would have to tell Carter that when he was finished fucking him.
Fionn was stabbing his tongue into Carter’s hole. The muscle was hard and unyielding. “You will relax for me, Carter.” He sucked on his first finger and then swirled it around Carter’s entrance, applying steady pressure until his finger sank in to the second knuckle. “Good boy, Carter.”
Carter moaned low in his throat.
Too far gone to think better of what he was doing, Fionn smacked Carter’s ass. A second finger joined the first and worked to loosen him up. Fionn’s cock jerked hard when he saw the raised handprint against the pale white skin of Carter’s cheek. He almost wished Carter would defy him again so he could give him a raised handprint on the other cheek to match the first.
Knowing Carter was ready for him, he stood and unfastened his breeches. Rubbing his cock against the crack of Carter’s ass he leaned in to whisper, “Such a good boy, my heart. Did you enjoy that?”
Carter opened his mouth to answer and remembered he was not supposed to talk. He nodded instead. Carter didn’t know how much longer he could remain silent. Fionn seemed like a man possessed, taking control and spanking him.
“How clever of you to remember not to speak,” Fionn whispered before spitting into his hand.
Carter knew he was going to use saliva as lube and prepared himself for a hard ride. Biting his bottom lip to keep from moaning when the blunt head of Fionn’s cock nudged against his hole, Carter tried to relax as much as possible.
Fionn pushed forward against the resistance of Carter’s ungreased passage, growling in his ear when he finally bottomed out. He withdrew halfway before pushing forward again.
It was a little rough going for Carter. He was unused to doing this with so little lube. His ass burned and he felt full in a way that he had never experienced before. He wanted Fionn to thrust fully inside him but wisely held his tongue. His ass bucked backward to welcome Fionn’s invasion. If he had been permitted to speak Carter would have been begging Fionn to fuck him.
Fionn fucked Carter with hard deep strokes. “You are mine,” Fionn ground out between thrusts. “Forever mine,” Fionn shouted to Carter as his cock surged deep into his ass one final time and began to spurt. Reaching a hand around, he fisted Carter’s cock, feeling it pulse in his hand and continued to thrust deep into Carter’s body. When his cock stopped twitching he collapsed forward against Carter’s back.
“Forever yours,” Carter whispered.
It had been the longest day Carter could ever remember. After making love in the stable, Fionn stomped off to meet with his Council of War. The entire castle was buzzing with the news Fionn was willing to go to war to avoid marrying the McRoth girl which they all knew meant he would keep Carter. He was even more surprised to learn the castle was behind their chief. But at what cost?
He flashed back to that day on Fairy Hill. He could smell blood and could hear the clang of sword against sword. He saw Fionn fall again. He held Fionn tighter and let his tears over take him.
Fionn had taken him to bed once the evening meal was over. They’re joining was gentler this time with Fionn whispering words of love while Carter rode him until they were both whimpering through their release.
“Why do you cry, my heart?” Fionn asked softly.
Carter held on tighter, unable to bear the vision alone any longer. He could see his lover’s blood on the blade of his executioner’s sword. “I saw you die,” he hiccupped.
Fionn stiffened beneath him. “How is that possible?”
“Being here with you now, this is the second time I time-travelled.” It felt so good to finally unburden himself. Carter cried against Fionn’s chest.
“When was the first?” Fionn wrapped his arms around Carter and held him close.
“My sister and I were in Ireland on her honeymoon,” he began.
“You married your sister?” Fionn asked, confused.
“No,” Carter said, sitting up to straddle Fionn. “She was left at the altar on her wedding day. I came on this trip so she wouldn’t have to come to Ireland alone. We grew up listening to our father tell us stories about you so we came to Moone Castle to see your grave and pay our respects. Legend had it your soulmate would be revealed by rubbing the symbol on your grave slab.”
“Did you rub it, my heart?” Fionn asked, reaching up to take Carter’s hand.
“Yes but nothing happened until I traced the design on your grave slab and rubbed my moonstone medallion at the same time. When I did that, it threw me backward in time.”
“Then what?” Fionn asked, stunned.
“I woke up on top of Fairy Hill. I could see a battle going on. I could smell smoke and hear the clang of swords as they clashed together. I saw you kill a man. I could see his blood on the blade of your sword and then…”
Fionn held him tighter, wishing he could take that sight from his eyes. “How did you get back home?”
“I was screaming for you. I was yelling and rubbing my medallion, the next thing I knew I woke up at your grave in 2015.”
“Why did you come back a second time?”
“To save you, you stubborn warrior,” Carter cried. “Don’t you see? If you marry the girl there is no battle.”
Fionn sat up and pulled Carter flush against his chest. Carter had risked his life to save him? He was ashamed of the way he acted earlier. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to look on helplessly as Carter died. “I am sorry, my heart, for accusing you of keeping things from me.”
“I couldn’t tell you,” Carter snuffled, “Islynn made me promise to keep what I knew to myself.”
“I see that now. What of this medallion?” It sounded similar to something that had been passed down through generations of his family, but that wasn’t possible, was it?
Carter tried to pull away, but Fionn’s strong arms stopped hi
m. “Let me show you.” When he moved again, Fionn let him go. He went to his things and pulled the moonstone from the back pocket of his jeans and brought it back to Fionn who was sitting up in bed, the sheet pooled low on his naked hips. Carter handed him the moonstone.
“This is the legendary Gealach. How did you come to have it?” he asked, shocked to see his medallion in Carter’s hand.
“My father found it here on the grounds of Moone Castle in 1991.”
“You brought it with you through time?”
“Yes. I’ve worn it faithfully every day since my father died. He always said there was something about the stone and this place that drew him here.”
Fionn rose from the bed and went into his bed chamber. He came back moments later carrying the Gealach. “Unbelievable. How are there two of these?”
“It’s the same stone. This is just one weird thing about time-travel.”
“The McRoths will come to force my hand,” Fionn said, changing the subject to what he knew they were both thinking about.
“I know. It’s the reason why I wanted to learn to fight, so I could be at your side when the battle started.”
Fionn pulled Carter close and kissed him gently. Whatever happened next they would face it together.
Fionn woke with a start from a fitful sleep. He had spent the entire night waking up every half hour or so, his heart racing against his rib cage. Carter slept peacefully sprawled over his chest, his right hand resting on Fionn’s heart.
He knew what he was doing was the height of insanity, putting his people at risk over a marriage contract signed when he was a small boy. The contract had kept the peace between the Ò Ciardhas and the McRoths for twenty-two years. What right did he have to break that fragile truce?
It wasn’t all about Carter. The McRoth had been sending demand letters of varying politeness from the time the contract was due. Fionn had sent back a different creative excuse to each demand as to why he couldn’t marry his intended.
Donnall and other members of Moone’s Council of War had been applying steady pressure for Fionn to just go on and marry the damned girl. Once he got a baby on her, he would be free to fuck whomever he wanted.
The problem was, Fionn wanted to settle down with a person of his choosing. He knew from an early age he preferred men to women, which wasn’t a problem until the issue of an heir was brought up. His father could not have cared less whom he spent time with, but Moone needed an heir. It was Fionn’s job to provide one.
It was obvious with the McRoth threats they were willing to go to war over the issue of the marriage contract. Fionn suspected it was a matter of pride for Iain McRoth. A lot of good men had died in the name of pride throughout Ireland’s history. What worried him most were the possible outcomes.
If the McRoths won the battle they could force him to marry the girl at sword point. Although that didn’t seem to be the McRoth goal according to the history Carter told. The McRoths wanted him dead. He shivered and pulled Carter closer.
The second outcome is what would happen if Moone Castle was victorious. It would eliminate the short-term problem of having to marry the McRoth daughter, but still left them with the long-term problem of needing an heir to continue the Ò Ciardha bloodline.
“Fionn, what is it?” Carter whispered sleepily.
“I worry over our future. Even if I somehow manage to defeat the McRoths and survive the day, I still need an heir.”
“I know,” Carter whispered. Wanting to forget reality for a little while, he slipped under the covers to capture Fionn’s cock in his mouth.
“You send Moone to war over your boy?” an angry voice shouted.
Carter cringed. It had been going on like this for nearly an hour. Fionn sat by while members of Moone’s guard vocalized their thoughts on the idea of Moone going to war. Some men were eager to fight, while others questioned Fionn’s motivation for fighting.
“If it is a fight you want, we can raid the O’Tooles to the east. They’re good for a scrum and have mighty tasty lambs,” another warrior suggested.
Fionn cracked a smile. “Very well,” he said, rising from his seat. “Has everyone said their piece?” He looked around the room at the warriors he had trained, some of them from the time they were boys.
There was some grumbling among the men, but no one else offered an opinion.
“Here are the facts of the matter. My father, Fiannan, made the marriage contract when I was eight summers and my bride-to-be had not even wet her first nappy. The original agreement stated we were to wed when she turned seventeen summers. Doing the math quickly in my head, the brood mare reached that age eight summers ago.”
Carter grinned at Fionn’s announcement. Part of him knew the reason Fionn was so forceful and not wanting to marry the girl was because of him. It made his heart pinch less to know Fionn had been fighting against this for much longer than they had known each other.
“As the years passed, I have made one excuse after another to keep from wedding the girl. For those of you who think my decision to go to war against the McRoths is because of Carter, well, you are right.”
The room exploded with shouts and angry yells. Warriors stood to voice their anger at their lord. Fionn held a hand up and waited for silence to descend on the room. “Padraig, who chose your wife for you?” Fionn yelled to the blacksmith, one of his oldest friends.
“I chose her,” he said, confusion apparent on his sooty face.
“And you, James, who chose your lover for you?” Fionn asked with a raised eyebrow.
“We chose each other, Fionn, with your blessing.” James exchanged a look with his hazel-eyed lover from across the room.
“Should I not have the same freedom to choose my life partner?” Fionn asked.
Murmurs and mumbles filled the room as the warriors discussed the matter amongst themselves.
“It is different for you, my lord,” Donnall said from Fionn’s right side. “You must produce an heir and that is something Carter cannot give you.”
“A man should be free to wed whomever he chooses,” Fionn bellowed.
“He should, but not at the cost of his castle, his people or his life,” Donnall said gently.
Carter hated the defeated look on Fionn’s face. It was a gamble, but he cleared his throat and stood. “I can help win the battle with as little loss of life as possible.”
“You? You can barely wield a child’s training sword!” The warriors cheered in agreement.
“Not true. Fionn gave me sword play lessons.” It had only been one lesson, but there was no reason to share that information with the other warriors.
“We mean a steel sword, boy, not the sword Fionn wields in his pants.” Raucous laughter broke out all over the room. Even Fionn was smiling.
“I mean a steel sword as well. I am the first to admit I am not much of a fighter.” He hoped being humble would help the men accept his wanting to save as many lives as possible in the battle to come.
“No shite,” one warrior shouted. The room broke out into laughter again.
“But,” Carter said, quickly losing control of the room. “BUT, I know how to win this battle by other means.”
The room settled at that. Carter had piqued the warriors’ curiosity. Just as he was about to speak, Islynn entered the chamber, Janus at her heels. Her raven hair cascaded down her back in a silken wave.
“What outrage is this? First we have this boy addressing us like he is lord of the castle, then this woman entering the room as if she belongs here.”
“She does belong here,” Fionn said simply.
“We’re overrun with boys and witches,” a redhead at the back of the chamber shouted.
“You will keep a civil tongue, Shea. Islynn is our ally and my friend. You will be happy to see her when you are bleeding on the battlefield and screaming for your mother.”
Islynn smiled her thanks. “You were saying, Carter,” she urged.
“As many of you ma
y have guessed, I’m not from around here.” He took a deep breath, knowing he was playing to a harsh crowd.
“Scottish spy!”
Carter laughed, no longer offended at being called Scottish. “I’m not a Scottish spy. I’m from the future.”
The room erupted again.
“What witchcraft is this?”
“It is not witchcraft!” Carter yelled, the volume of his voice surprise him. “I’m from the year 2015. I was visiting Fionn’s gravesite and rubbing my moonstone medallion when I was thrown backward in time to the day of the battle that is yet to come.” He reached under his tunic and pulled out the Gealach.