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Coming Alive: Welcome to Carson, Book One

Page 21

by Renee Harless

  “Alright,” Ryker exclaims. “So when do we eat?” he asks, dramatically rubbing his taut abdomen.

  As they erupt in laughter, they follow Amy and Joseph into the dining room. Avery looks around the room, taking in the conversations between her siblings, her father, Amy, and Logan, and then glances down at her sparkling ring.

  Avery has never been more thankful for the people in her life.

  CHRISTMAS MORNING, AVERY INTRICATELY wraps her gift for Logan. She searched and searched for something to get him, but truly, the man never asks for anything. It took her a while, but one day the idea came to her and she couldn’t think of a better item to surprise him with.

  They’ve already exchanged a few gifts but were planning to take the remainder to her parents’ house when they leave in a few minutes, along with the gifts they purchased for her brothers and sisters. Avery had no trouble shopping for most of them; Jameson was the most difficult since he hasn’t tried very hard to communicate with her. Instead, she relied on her sisters to give her ideas. She keeps her fingers crossed, hoping he is happy with her choice.

  She stares at the wall where the picture from Aria hangs, and she can’t help but question how her sister was able to capture so much of her future in one drawing. As if she knew all along how her life would turn out.

  “Hey, sweetheart, are you ready?” Logan asks as strolls in from their bedroom, dressed in dark denim and a fitted maroon sweater, the dark color highlighting the green in his hazel eyes.

  Avery licks her lips as she gazes at him.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You know I would do whatever you want, but we can’t be late today.”

  Following his sly wink she replies, “I know. I know. You just look so handsome.”

  Grabbing the last of the gifts, Avery stands on her toes and kisses him gently as she passes by to grab her coat. Logan helps her wrap the new scarf he gave her around her neck, the soft cashmere rubbing her cheek. He returns her kiss and deepens the embrace, their tongues dueling against each other. Avery reluctantly pulls herself back and smiles, knowing if they don’t stop they won’t ever make it to her parents’ home.

  They arrive at the same time as Cassidy, and Logan and Avery walk with her into the house, Logan helping to carry all the gifts. Joseph and Amy welcome them and usher everyone into the living room around their magnificent Christmas tree. The decorations look like something you would find in a Country Living magazine. The tree and mantle draped in burlap, lace, and soft white ornaments; Christmas music playing gently in the background.

  Joseph instructs the entire group to stand around the tree while he sets up his camera. Avery stands to the side between Logan and Austin; Joseph planning to stand beside Logan.

  They take a series a pictures, the first formal, and the remainder extremely candid, by use of the remote Joseph hides in his hand. Ryker has them all cracking up as he tells a story about a roadie trying to board the plane in the nude.

  After the pictures, they move into the dining room to eat a large meal cooked by Amy herself. The ham is sweet with hints of brown sugar and pineapple. To Avery’s surprise, Amy passes her a bowl of Kraft mac-and-cheese. When Avery looks at her in question, Amy shrugs and nods her chin in the direction of Logan who sits beside Avery, conversing with Austin. Kraft mac-and-cheese is Avery’s absolute favorite dish, ever. A comfort food Mila made that she never grew out of. The thought Amy put in at making sure Avery had something that she enjoyed amongst the rest of the gourmet meal is enough to bring a tear to her eye and she quickly swipes away the wetness.

  After placing a heaping amount onto her plate, Amy pats her hand on top of hers and whispers, “Merry Christmas, Avery.”

  Avery watches the new members of her family joking and talking throughout the meal. And though her heart aches at the family she’s lost, she has never before felt so much at peace.

  Dessert moves them to the living room, where Ryker and Jameson spread out the slew of gifts, divvying them out amongst the family. Avery is truly surprised to find such a large amount placed in front of her legs.

  Amy and Joseph instruct everyone to go ahead and open their gifts, acknowledging that if they went one at a time they’d be there until next Christmas. From Sydney and Everleigh, Avery receives a gift card for a spa in Asheville, and from Cassidy, a custom designed dress for use at Avery’s rehearsal dinner, though she and Logan had yet to set a date. It’s a pale pink, A-line dress with hints of cream colored flowers covering the chiffon – absolutely remarkable. Much to Avery’s surprise, the boys chipped in and bought her a Kindle and a $200 gift card to purchase books. Avery had only mentioned once that she loved to read, but that she rarely found time to make it to the library to check out books.

  As she finishes her gifts, she turns to find Jameson opening his present from her and Logan. It was hard to come up with something he would enjoy, but with her current project in the works, Avery couldn’t think of anything he would want more. As he opens the slim box, Avery glances nervously at her sisters and waits for Jameson’s reaction. The girls had let it slip that since Jameson had graduated college he longed to start his own company that designs games and apps. Avery took the idea and ran with it.

  “Is this for real?” he inquires as he looks at her.

  Avery hears Ryker and Austin asking questions in the background, but the thumping of her heart in her ears drowns out the excess noise.

  “It’s real,” Logan states for her. “We knew you needed the space and she wanted to help.”

  Jameson’s paper states that he will occupy the upper story of the building that will house the pediatric clinic on the lower level. The second story remains un-leased. Jameson will be able to use the space rent free until he wants to move to another location.

  “This is…,” he begins as he makes his way over to them, “This is awesome. Thank you, Avery.”

  His strong arms wrap around her shoulders, his frame towering so far over her that it’s hard to believe he is only twenty-one.

  “Oh my gosh, I need to call Norah. She won’t believe this!”

  Avery turns to Sydney who sits on her other side and asks if Norah is his girlfriend. She just says that they’re close friends who work together.

  Once the gifts have been opened, the family begins relaxing with a few drinks and singing along to the music. Avery continues to glance at the door, unsure if a later surprise will go as planned.

  Ryker glances at the tree once more and finds the gift Avery hid in the corner for Logan.

  “Hey, man, looks like this is for you. Sorry I missed it.”

  Logan glances around the room, questioning everyone with his eyes, but everyone shrugs their shoulders, unsure of where the present came from.

  Logan carefully peels back the paper from the box, pushing aside the tissue paper from the inside. He is admittedly confused when he finds a finely pressed physician smock - the stark whiteness in deep contrast to the red tissue paper.

  He pulls the jacket from the box and holds it up, turning it side from side.

  “This is great,” he says, still confused. “I needed a new one.”

  Sydney squints her eyes at the smock – Avery can already tell she’s the keen one in the family - and inquires, “What does it say above the pocket?”

  That’s when Logan’s face changes from questioning to weary. He pulls the name to his face to read aloud, also noticing the picture in the pocket.


  At first no one in the room reacts, everyone glancing around wondering if they heard correctly. The Logan pulls out the pictures – Avery’s twelve week ultrasound.

  “You’re pregnant?” Logan asks, Avery’s family all holding their breath for her response.

  She nods furiously, “Twelve weeks as of yesterday.”

  Logan launches himself over the coffee table and pulls her close, kissing Avery’s face all over.

  “I thought you couldn’t get pregnant?”

“Apparently my doctor now believes in miracles.”

  “Holy shit! I’m going to be a father. We’re having a baby.”

  “Babies. Two to be exact.”

  “Holy shit! I love you so much, Avery.”

  The crowd closes in on their celebration, Avery’s siblings all offering their congratulations.

  “Joseph, we’re going to be grandparents!” Amy says from her perch on the loveseat.

  “Three times over apparently,” a new voice exclaims from the doorway.

  Avery smile widens at her friends arrival.

  She turns in recognition and finds Nikki standing in the family room, looking as gorgeous as ever in a figure-flattering green dress that hugs her every curve, including her baby bump.

  “Nikki? You’re pregnant?” Austin asks as he crosses his arms across his chest in a protective stance, his glare evident towards her barely distended belly.

  “Hey, um...yea...I, um....I’m due in five months... You…you’re the father,” she says nervously, refraining from making eye contact.

  Austin rushes forward and takes a hold of Nikki’s arm and tugs her out further into the hallway, but not out of earshot.

  “And I should believe you? I haven’t heard from you in months.”

  “You don’t have to believe me, but you need to know.”

  “Where have you been? Why didn’t you return my calls?”

  “I wanted to call, but when I found out I was pregnant I went away for a weekend to think… and then I got sick, really sick. I was severely dehydrated and I spent the last few months in and out of the hospital. I didn’t say anything because I was afraid of losing the baby. But now that I’m feeling better, the doctor says I’m mostly in the clear. I’m sorry, Austin. I didn’t know where else to find you. I’m sorry to ruin your Christmas, but I just got to town a few minutes ago.”

  Avery glances at Logan, clearly hearing the evidence of tears in her voice. Avery had spoken with Nikki quite often, but she had no idea she had been so sick.

  Amy moves from her seat and enters the hallway. Avery can imagine that she wraps Nikki in her arms, comforting the mother of her grandchild.

  Amy sits Nikki at the table and brings her a smorgasbord of food. Avery had already discussed with Nikki her staying with them since the landlord at the apartment had decided to rent out the place instead of honoring their year-long rental payment.

  Austin stalks into the room and hugs them all once more before grabbing his jacket and leaving the house.

  Again looking at Logan, both questioning if it was a good idea to suggest that Austin and Nikki be their best man and maid of honor in the surprise wedding they planned to hold on New Year’s Eve.

  Logan and Avery leave closely behind Austin, her exhaustion from the day catching up to her.

  When they arrive at their house, Logan helps to undress her, taking pleasure at placing small kisses on her abdomen which has started to swell slightly.

  “I can’t believe you’re pregnant with our children. I feel like everything in my life is coming together.” He whispers joyfully, “Thank you, Avery.”

  “Thank you, Logan. For loving me and giving me this miracle - this gift of life.”

  He rests her back on the bed and tucks her into his chest, the beat of his heart lulling Avery into a deep sleep. Her heart beats in his rhythm, the broken pieces completely sealed in his love.

  If you enjoyed Coming Alive, please leave a review. Your support helps me reach out to more readers and in turn, it means I can write more stories that you’ll love.

  More Books by Renee Harless

  The Stone Series

  Stone Shattered

  Stone Unhinged

  Stone Mended

  Welcome to Carson

  Coming Alive

  Coming Together

  Coming Alive was a very personal story to write and I felt myself emotionally drained after each chapter. It took a lot of unknown strength to get every word in, but I am extremely pleased with the outcome. There are so many people I want to thank while I was on this journey and if I missed anyone know that I appreciate everything you did for me.

  I first and foremost want to thank my readers for their amazing support for the Welcome to Carson series. I have had an outpouring of love over the characters and that means more to me then you’ll ever know. I hope that you’ll find this series relatable and easy to read. I wanted to write a story where you could completely lose yourself in the plot.

  To my husband: you have been my rock through this entire process. Always making sure I get some sort of word count in and checking out all my artistic work when I need reassurance. It’s not always easy to be married to a writer that would rather spend their free time huddled in a corner with a laptop, but you made sure I left the house…occasionally. I love you and it’s all about the sunglasses.

  Emily, I couldn’t have done this without you. I am pleased to say you’re not just my editor, but my friend. I know you’re still mad at me for all the turmoil I put Avery through, but heck it made her stronger right? You keep doing what you do and silently correct everyone’s grammar. We will meet one day, and lord help everyone at that moment.

  My Betas, what can I say? Some of you hated that I made you cry and some of you threatened me for throwing the characters through the ringer, but in the end you all had the most positive feedback and comments. Your reactions are what kept me pushing through and revising, and doing whatever I could to make this the best story that it could be. Thank you for taking time away from your lives to give me a little piece of yourself.

  To my risqué readers: You all are the most supportive team of friends that I could ask for. You’re always working to pick each other up and support each other. Many of you I haven’t met, but that WILL change. Until then, cheers (as I hold my over-filled glass of wine towards you).

  Thank you to Chance Promotions for guiding me through the marketing process for an indie author. Your knowledge and support has been more than valuable and I enjoyed every moment of the experience.

  Finally to my kids: you are the reason I do this; why I’m chasing my dream. I want you to always know that you have that opportunity. You can do whatever you want in life and no one can tell you “No.” You’re worth more than someone else’s beliefs. I will always be here to fight for you. Love you both to the moon and back.

  Keep reading for a look at the Book Two in the Welcome to Carson Series, Coming Together, featuring Austin and Nikki.

  H E HAD RUSHED FROM his parent’s house the moment he realized that she was there. Of course, he should have known that she was near when his heart started beating erratically; she had always caused that effect in him. He had all but ignored his instincts, however, since he hadn’t seen or heard from her in a long, grueling four months.


  Of course she was pregnant. She had all but lied to him from the beginning: why would she have been truthful about birth control? He couldn’t believe he had thought he was in love with her at one time.

  Sitting on the steps of Horizon’s, the local bar that was currently closed for the Christmas holiday, he cracks open a beer from the six-pack he picked up from the gas station on the way. He reaches deep within the front pockets of his jeans and grabs the delicate metal within before leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees. Twirling the glistening diamond ring between his fingers, Austin sighs heavily and places it back in his pocket, still unsure why he carries it with him. He takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his hair before shaking his head in confusion and misery.

  How did I get here?

  Except… he knows how he got here. He had finally succumbed to the pull he had towards her. Austin had been tormented as he spent a year watching her flirt with his best friend, Logan, before she realized that the two of them wouldn’t be anything more than friends. That year was complete torture, ignoring their pull and pretending she didn’t exist: pretending that he had no desire to strip her bare, twist hi
s hands in her silken gold hair, and bury himself deep inside her petite body. She was his every fantasy come to life, and now she was pregnant with his child, but she announced it at his family’s Christmas dinner like it was an afterthought.

  Austin shakes his head in agony as he reminisces about the first time he met Nikki. He had walked into Logan’s family practice in need of stitches after slicing his hand on a stray piece of metal at a worksite. It was a worksite he had no business walking across, but when his foreman had called, saying that one of the new workers was drunk on the job, he had had no choice. Standing at the empty front desk, he immediately regretted his decision to ask his friend to sew him up, when suddenly the new receptionist returned from the back room to check him in. She had only looked up at him momentarily before aligning her focus back on the computer, but the few seconds when their eyes had met were enough to set fire to his skin. Her pale blue eyes held secrets; secrets he longed to learn.

  After having his hand stitched up, Austin walked with Logan back to the lobby and found the mysterious blonde was gone. But fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, Austin saw Nikki from afar at Horizon’s a countless number of times as she tried desperately to pursue Logan. Even though she was set on snagging his best friend, Austin couldn’t help but soak in the image of her in the skin-tight dresses and sky-high heels. She was a vision wrapped in a tiny package.

  After months of waiting and passing time with whatever woman landed in his bed, Austin finally got his chance. One heated game of bowling and an explosive night in bed was all it took to leave Austin and Nikki utterly addicted to each other. The chemistry was off the charts - just as he imagined it would be - but they had a lot in common and were able to pass the time between fiery episodes by filling those space with talks of life. He had fallen head-first in love with her and was just waiting until he knew she felt the same. Then she disappeared. Only her friend Avery knew where she was, and even though Avery was Logan’s girlfriend - and Austin’s own half-sister, he had recently learned - she wasn’t breaking her promise to keep Nikki’s whereabouts hidden.


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