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Forensic Pharmacology

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by B Zedeck

  concentration of drug X would be approximately 3% of the initial

  value. To maintain therapeutic levels of drug X, you might require

  taking a dose every three hours. Knowledge of excretion patterns

  of a chemical and of its metabolites is important for determining

  treatment schedules as well as for determining, in criminal or

  civil matters, when a drug had been taken or administered.


  Pharmacodynamics is the study of the mechanisms of drug

  action. How does a chemical cure disease, stimulate or inhibit

  the nervous system, change behavior, influence our digestive

  system, or induce a toxic reaction? The body itself is made up

  of chemicals, and when drugs (chemicals) are taken, the drugs

  interact with the body’s chemicals and these interactions result

  in biochemical and physiological effects. While there are many

  different mechanisms of drug action that account for the dif-

  ferent effects of diverse drugs, in this book we will restrict our

  discussion to those reactions that explain the effects of drugs

  of abuse. Drugs of abuse bring about their effects by interacting

  with cell receptors or by influencing the levels of various neu-

  rotransmitters, outlined below.

  Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics


  Cell Receptors

  A receptor is a macromolecule on or in a cell with which a drug

  can interact and begin a sequence of events eventually leading

  to an effect. There are many receptors, some specific to a tissue

  or organ and others that are found more generally. Receptors

  include enzymes, regulatory proteins, and DNA-binding pro-

  teins. Often, the first reaction between chemical and recep-

  tor brings about a chain of reactions before the final effect is

  The Science of Anatomy

  The study of anatomy was original y restricted to animals. In

  the fourteenth century, an Italian named Mondino de’ Liucci

  performed human dissection and published his findings. Leon-

  ardo da Vinci, born in the fifteenth century, was recognized

  as a painter, a scientist, and an engineer. His most famous

  paintings are the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci

  was also interested in human anatomy and published the

  first textbook on human anatomy. Andreas Vesalius, a physi-

  cian, was influenced by da Vinci’s work. Vesalius published a

  seven-volume collection detailing the human body entitled De

  Humani Corporis Fabrica. In the eighteenth century, medical

  students were al owed to perform human dissection. In Eng-

  land, in 1858, Dr. Henry Gray published his first book, entitled

  Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. Today, many people know

  this book as Gray’s Anatomy. In 1989, Frank H. Netter, a physi-

  cian and medical illustrator, published his extremely detailed

  anatomical drawings in ful color, termed Atlas of Human


  20 Forensic Pharmacology

  produced. Drugs that bring about effects are called agonists.

  Chemicals that can block effects are termed antagonists.

  Neuronal Signaling

  At the end of each neuron are stores of chemicals called neu-

  rotransmitters that can be released to stimulate adjacent neu-

  rons (Figure 2.2). There are many different neurotransmitters,

  dependent on location and specific function in the nervous sys-

  tem. Generally, once a neuron is stimulated, the stimulus travels

  along the neuronal axon until it reaches the end of the neuron

  from which a neurotransmitter is released. The neurotrans-

  Figure 2.2 In this il ustration of neuronal signaling, an electrical

  impulse causes the release of neurotransmitters from vesicles in the

  axon terminal of a neuron. The neurotransmitters cross the synapse (also

  known as the synaptic cleft) and bind to receptors on a receiving neuron.

  Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics


  mitter enters a space between the neuron it was released from

  and adjacent neurons. This space is called a synapse. The neu-

  rotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and excites a recep-

  tor on an adjacent neuron. Any chemical that has not attached

  itself to the surrounding neurons can either be destroyed by

  enzymes or be taken back up into the original neuron. Drugs

  can affect the function of the nervous system in several ways.

  They can stimulate or inhibit release of neurotransmitter, block

  its effects or affect its metabolism, prevent reuptake of the neu-

  rotransmitter, or mimic the effects of a neurotransmitter. Some

  examples of neurotransmitters in the CNS affected by drugs of

  abuse include gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), norepineph-

  rine and dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, dynorphins, and

  enkephalins, and glutamate.

  ● Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is present in many

  areas of the brain, and is inhibitory. GABA can influ-

  ence sensation of pain and affects memory, mood,

  and coordination. GHB and benzodiazepines increase

  GABA activity.

  ● Norepinephrine and dopamine are stimulants and

  increase mental alertness. Amphetamines activate nor-

  epinephrine receptors and also release norepinephrine

  and dopamine from storage; cocaine blocks the reup-

  take of dopamine.

  ● Serotonin (5HT) affects sleep, temperature, sexual

  behavior, sensory perception, appetite, and mood.

  There are many serotonin receptors, and activation of

  each brings about different effects. LSD and psilocybin

  activate serotonin receptors.

  ● Endorphins, dynorphins, and enkephalins are natu-

  ral peptide neurotransmitters that activate the opioid

  22 Forensic Pharmacology

  receptors and affect sensation of pain, and induce

  euphoria, a feeling of well-being or elation.

  ● Glutamate activates the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)

  receptor. Glutamate is involved in perception of pain,

  sensory input, and memory. PCP and dextrometho-

  rphan block this receptor.

  ● The enzyme MAO metabolizes some of the neurotrans-

  mitters affected by some drugs of abuse, namely epi-

  nephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.

  Dangerously high levels can result if an inhibitor of this

  enzyme, or monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), is

  used along with the drug of abuse.

  Figure 2.3 Many drugs of abuse act on the brain’s reward center,

  which is illustrated above. The drugs cause neurons in the ventral

  tegmental area to release dopamine. The dopamine, in turn, initiates

  a chain of events that results in feelings of enjoyment and pleasure.

  Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics


  Many of the effects of drugs of abuse have been localized to

  what is termed the brain’s reward center (Figure 2.3). The

  drugs increase the concentration of the neurotransmitter

  dopamine in the mesolimbic dopaminergic system. This sys-

  tem includes those areas of the brain designated as the ventral

  tegmental area (VTA), which transmits signals to the nucleus

  accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and other area
s of the brain.

  All together these are considered the reward and drug seeking

  areas of the brain.


  The cell membrane is a complex structure of lipid, protein,

  and carbohydrate and regulates chemical passage via several

  mechanisms. Chemicals can interact with cell membranes or

  be absorbed into a cell to exert their pharmacologic effects.

  Chemicals reach their target via the bloodstream, and intracel-

  lular concentration is dependent on the extent of plasma protein

  binding. Most chemicals undergo some form of metabolism

  to be either activated or inactivated, or, in some cases, both.

  Lipid-soluble molecules tend to be deposited in fat cells and are

  released slowly over time. Eventually, chemicals are eliminated,

  most often via urine and feces. Drugs of abuse bring about their

  effects by interacting with cell receptors or by influencing the

  levels of various neurotransmitters.


  Drug Analysis

  One role of the forensic scientist is to help determine whether

  drugs caused the behavior, illness, injury, or death of an indi-

  vidual. To do this with some scientific basis, the scientist must

  determine whether a drug or active metabolite is present in

  bodily fluids and tissues, and, if so, its concentration. It is the

  concentration of drug in blood and inside the cell that relates

  to pharmacologic effects (dose-response relationship), and the

  concentration inside the cell closely approximates the concen-

  tration in blood. Thus, analysis of a sample of blood, plasma,

  or serum (the liquid part of the blood remaining after clotting)

  is best for establishing a direct connection. While a drug or

  metabolite may be detected in urine, such evidence is indicative

  of prior exposure to the drug, but the concentration may not be

  related to the observed effects.

  When dealing with deceased individuals, the forensic patholo-

  gist (usually the medical examiner) will provide samples of blood

  taken from both the heart and the leg’s femoral vein. The results

  will be compared to avoid reaching an incorrect conclusion of

  drug concentration for those drugs that exhibit postmortem

  redistribution, which is when substances that were concentrated


  Drug Analysis


  in heart and adjacent organs leak back out into the blood and

  produce abnormally high values. The forensic scientist may also

  receive samples of urine, bile, vitreous humor, and tissue from

  various organs such as liver, kidney, lung, heart, and brain, as

  well as stomach contents, to determine if large amounts of a drug

  had been ingested. Analysis of these tissues could give a clearer

  picture of whether any drugs present had a direct connection to

  the manner of death, whether it be natural, suicide, homicide, or


  Analysis of tissues such as nails, hair, and bone, where chemi-

  cals are deposited but not readily released (Figure 3.1), is useful

  to determine whether an individual had ever been exposed to a

  particular chemical, but is of less value in determining recent

  exposure and causation.


  The forensic scientist has multiple analytic techniques available.

  Some are screening tests that may not absolutely identify the

  chemical in question but narrow the number of possibilities.

  Subsequently, the analyst will perform confirmatory tests in

  which the chemical is positively identified. It is important to

  remember that even though the analysis may reveal the presence

  of a drug, there may be a legitimate reason for such a finding. We

  will discuss such examples in individual chapters.

  There are two types of analysis: qualitative and quantitative.

  Qualitative analysis determines which chemical is present, while

  quantitative analysis determines the concentration of a chemi-

  cal. Concentration means an amount of chemical per unit of

  sample, for example, 100 micrograms (μg) of morphine per

  liter (L) of blood (100 μg/L); or the amount of pure chemical

  per weight of material, such as 1 gram of heroin per 10 grams of

  white powder.

  26 Forensic Pharmacology

  Figure 3.1 A hair sample from a suspected drug user is prepared

  for forensic analysis. As hair grows, it incorporates small amounts of

  chemicals that are produced when drugs are broken down in the body.

  To identify these drugs, the hair is first cut into pieces and soaked in a

  liquid solvent. The solvent removes the traces of drug metabolites from

  the hair so that they can be identified by chromatography and mass


  Drug Analysis


  Important considerations in any type of test include specificity

  and sensitivity. Specificity refers to the ability of a test to detect

  only the compound in question and not mistakenly identify other

  compounds in the sample (which is known as a false positive).

  Sensitivity refers to how reliably a test will detect the compound

  in question when it is present in a sample. A less sensitive test will

  sometimes fail to detect the presence of a compound.

  When samples are received in the laboratory, they are often

  first treated by various extraction procedures to separate any

  chemicals from the original fluid or tissue. The extract is then

  analyzed by screening or confirmatory procedures.

  On occasion it becomes necessary to dig up, or exhume, a

  body and to test for the presence of drugs. Such analysis presents

  special problems for the forensic scientist. First, the blood has

  been displaced with embalming fluid, and blood levels are not

  obtainable; second, the drug may have decomposed in air or

  moisture or been chemically altered by the embalming fluid or

  by bacteria growing on decomposing tissue; and third, the tis-

  sues may have completely decomposed. Although teeth, bone,

  or nails may be present, death may have occurred too soon for

  the drug to have accumulated in these tissues. Interpretation of

  data and any conclusions drawn using exhumed samples must

  be done with caution.

  A notable case involving exhumation is that of Dr. X. In 1976,

  Dr. Mario E. Jascalevich, known as Dr. X before his true identity

  was revealed, was accused of murdering five patients 10 years

  earlier at Riverdell Hospital in Oradell, New Jersey, by adminis-

  tering curare, a muscle relaxant. The five bodies were exhumed,

  and toxicology results were presented at trial that lasted 34 weeks.

  A key argument between the prosecution and defense expert

  witnesses was whether curare was in fact detected in the bodily

  samples. The prosecutor could not prove that curare was present,

  and Dr. Jascalevich was eventually acquitted.

  28 Forensic Pharmacology

  There are several screening tests available. One commonly

  used test for drugs in urine is the enzyme multiplied immunoas-

  say technique (EMIT). This test is based on an immunological

  principle of antibody-antigen reaction. An antibody to the drug

>   (antigen) being tested for is added to the urine sample. Also

  added to the sample is a known amount of the drug being ana-

  lyzed with an enzyme attached to it, so that enzymatic activity can

  be measured. If the urine sample contains a large amount of drug,

  the drug will bind to the antibody and, by competition, prevent

  binding of the enzyme-drug complex to the antibody. Thus, more

  of the free enzyme can be measured. If little drug is present in the

  urine sample, then more of the enzyme-drug complex will bind

  to the antibody, and enzyme activity will be less. The more drug

  in a person’s urine, the greater the amount of measurable enzyme

  activity. There are many variations of this antibody-antigen type

  testing. Since chemicals or metabolites of drugs with structures

  similar to the drug of interest may cross-react with the antibody

  and falsely indicate a positive result (a false positive), this test is

  considered a screening test. Subsequent tests must be done to

  positively identify the chemical in the urine sample and to deter-

  mine its concentration. If something in the sample prevents the

  drug from reacting with the antibody, the result would appear

  negative (a false negative). Although the EMIT test cannot deter-

  mine accurately the amount of chemical present, the analysis is

  very sensitive and can detect quantities of drug in the nanogram

  (ng) range, one-billionth of a gram or 1 × 10-9 gram.

  Another screening procedure for detecting drugs is based on

  the drug reacting with a reagent to produce a characteristic color.

  Color tests are simple and quick and require small amounts of

  sample. Items found at a crime scene may be analyzed for the

  presence of drugs and urine samples and tissue extracts may be

  screened for some drugs using color tests. Any positive result

  must be confirmed using gas chromatography (GC), gas chro-

  Drug Analysis


  matography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), high-performance

  liquid chromatography (HPLC), or infrared spectrometry.


  The application of chromatography is widely used for detecting

  drugs. Chromatography can separate a mixture of chemicals

  from one another so that each can be identified and quanti-

  fied. The principle of separation is based on the fact that differ-

  ent chemicals have different affinities for a particular material,


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