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Barbarian's Prize: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 6)

Page 9

by Ruby Dixon

  A small laugh escapes me. He made a joke? Cute, cute man. Cute alien. “Less thinking and more doing?”

  “If you like.”

  I can feel arousal strumming through my body, aided by the fact that his big, warm, delicious form is draped over me. That his bare chest is rubbing against my nightgown and causing the most aggravating – and wonderful – friction against my nipples when he moves.

  Less thinking and more doing? He’s right. I need to get out of my own head and stop worrying about everything and start living again.

  His scent is enveloping me and it’s intoxicating. The strange, savage planet that is now my home feels very far away at the moment. There’s only me, Salukh, and my furs.

  Well, and Josie on the other side of the cave. I still, listening for the sound of even breathing. When she gives a soft snore, a wave of relief rushes through me. We’re really alone, him and I.

  My hand slides over his chest. I feel him stiffen against me, and when I press my palm over the ridged, plated section in the center of his chest, I can feel his heart thumping fast.

  Less thinking. More doing.

  I slide my hand lower and let my fingers encircle his cock.

  He goes utterly still against me. I look up at him and his blue eyes are blazing into mine, the intensity so heated that it makes me want to do even more to him, just to get more of a reaction.

  “What is it you do, Tee-fah-nee?”

  “I want you to kiss me,” I whisper to him. “I want to try again.”

  “You want my mouth?” He makes a soft, strangled noise. “It is not my mouth you are holding.”

  Another giggle threatens to escape me. “I know what I’m holding.” Boy do I know. I’ve been thinking about our mutual masturbation time a lot over the last week. I remember the way his glorious body looked, all muscle and blue suede, and I remember distinctly the rather enormous size of his cock. I remember the vein that traced along the side, the way it was ridged, and the way he reacted when he touched his own spur.

  And I want to do all of that for him.

  But first, I want to kiss him. I hope I won’t freak out. I close my eyes, bracing myself, because a lot of my bad memories on the ship were of…things that happened with my mouth. I don’t like to think about those. I need new memories, and Salukh’s tongue might just be the prescription I need…

  Unless I start crying again. That would be bad.

  But I can’t live like this forever. And tonight, I’m feeling good. Desire is humming through my veins, my nipples are hard and I can feel myself getting wet between my legs. If there’s ever a time to get over my fear of kissing, it’s tonight. Now.

  My hand slides over his cock, the hard, erect outline pressing against the leather of his pants. “I think I want to try kissing again,” I tell him.

  He nods slowly but doesn’t move. He’s letting me take the lead. I like that. It’s more of me giving than something being taken. Tonight, I want to give him all kinds of enjoyment.

  Reluctantly, I pull my hand away from his cock and put it back on his chest. I shimmy up a bit higher, since he’s seven feet tall and our faces don’t quite match up at this angle. When I’m close enough, I study his face in the darkness. Other than the intense glow of his eyes, I can barely make out a nose and horns. The rest is lost in shadow.

  My fingers slide to his face, and I trace his jaw. He’s breathing heavily, but his gaze on me is calm. Patient. I let my fingertips move over his mouth, and brush over his lips. His mouth feels softer and more pleasant than it looks in the daylight. I almost hope he’ll nip at one of my exploring fingers, but he’s utterly still. He’s letting me take control.

  So I do. I gently press my mouth to his and tense, waiting. Waiting for the onslaught of awful memories to ruin this moment, for the bile to rush up in my throat. The memories creep in, and as I push my mouth against his, it becomes harder to keep them at bay. I want this to work so desperately, but I’m not quite there yet.

  Then, his hand gently cups my cheek and he strokes it with his thumb.

  Just one small move, but it reminds me that I’m here with him. I’m safe, and I’m with Salukh. It’s his mouth under mine. And I’m giving instead of being taken from.

  The memories fade, and then it’s just Salukh, his warm body hard against mine, his scent in my nose and his thick hair brushing against my arm. His mouth is soft, his lips together. I kiss him gently, just to prove to myself that I can. He’s got a pleasant taste to him – a bit smoky like fire, a bit spicy and musky like his scent. And I want more. I kiss his mouth over and over, small, gentle kisses that let me play without asking for more than I’m willing to give.

  All the while, his thumb strokes my cheek, caressing me, reminding me that he’s here, and this is good.

  My kisses slowly grow more urgent, and now, when I kiss his mouth, my tongue strokes against the seam of his lips, encouraging him to open for me. It takes a few brushes of my tongue to let him know what I’m wanting, and then he gives me more. My tongue strokes into his mouth, bolder than I feel. This is a big step, the next rung on the ladder back to normalcy.

  His tongue strokes against mine in response, and I feel the ridges on it drag against my own tongue.

  I pull away, surprised. Why do I always forget that the sa-khui seem to be ridged everywhere? I’ve seen just how everywhere those ridges are. Yet the stroke of his tongue against mine felt startling.

  “Soft,” he murmurs and nuzzles my nose.


  “You’re so soft everywhere,” he tells me. “Your little tongue especially. I like it.”

  It’s oddly flattering to hear that. I smile and lean in to kiss him again, letting my ‘soft little tongue’ lead the way. I slick it back into his mouth and this time, when his tongue caresses mine, I’m not startled. The drag of those ridges against my smooth tongue make happy little prickles move over my body, and soon I’m kissing him not because I feel like I have to, but because I’m into it.

  I love kissing Salukh, I decide somewhere between all the lust-hazed kisses. I love his mouth. I love the way he lets me take the lead. I love the taste of him and the teasing flicks of his tongue.

  I decide I really, really like the tongue.

  We kiss endlessly, our mouths meshing together in gentle, easy caresses. There’s no hurry in any of this, no rush to move on to better things. There’s only the pure enjoyment of mouth to mouth, our noses occasionally bumping. After a time, I grow dissatisfied with just kissing his lips. I want more of him.

  Heck, I want all of him. I’m greedy.

  So I lift my mouth and instead of pressing my next kiss to his lips, I change the angle and gently nip at his strong chin. I can feel the tremor that rocks through him in response, and it encourages me to do more. To tease more. To explore more.

  My hands slide to the thick mass of his hair. It reminds me a bit of a horse’s mane back on earth – thick and a bit coarse, but still beautiful in its own way. I brush it aside to expose one ear, and give it a cautious lick. No matter how sexy I find him, he’s not human, and maybe his ears aren’t erogenous zones like they are to us.

  His body stiffens and his hands fall away from me.

  I back up a little, mindful of his big, powerful horns. “Was…was that bad?”

  “No,” he rasps, and he reaches up to caress my cheek again. “It was too good. I did not trust myself not to grab you and scare you.”

  Oh. I nod understanding. “Then, can I do it again?”

  “If you like.”

  “Did you like?”

  He nods slowly, and his hand glides over my shoulder, then down my arm. Then, it moves around my waist and he pulls me back down against him.

  All righty, then. He likes it. I bury my hands in his wonderful hair again and lean in to nibble on his earlobe. His ear, like the rest of him, is bigger than I anticipate, but the lobe feels soft and human enough. My teeth gently scrape over the skin, and then I move my tongue over it.

  His face presses up against my shoulder and the muffled moan that escapes him is still loud enough to make me freeze. I sit up, clap a hand over his mouth and look over at Josie. After a moment, it becomes clear that she’s still asleep, and I relax.

  “I am sorry,” Salukh whispers. “I will control myself better.”

  I trace my fingers over his mouth again. “I kinda like you out of control…but let’s not wake her up.” If Josie hears us making out, not only will I be mortified, but the spell will be broken.

  I want things to keep going.

  When I’m assured Josie’s still asleep, I lean in and lick his ear again, exploring its shape with the tip of my tongue. To my amusement, it’s ridged at the top of the shell. I drag my tongue over it and am pleased when he gives another muffled gasp against my shoulder. He’s definitely sensitive here. I do my best to torture him, using my tongue and licking and sucking at the sensitive bit of flesh. His fingers dig into my nightgown and he holds me tight against him, but it doesn’t bother me. I like it. I like that he’s silently giving me all these messages about how much I’m turning him on.

  I’m not content at stopping at his ear, though. I kiss down his neck, loving how warm his skin is. I move down his shoulder and press a hand there, a silent request for him to roll onto his back. He doesn’t hesitate, and then that big, beautiful body is spread out for me to touch and lick at my leisure. Sigh. I press kisses down his chest, briefly pausing at his nipples before remembering that they’re not sensitive. I continue to his belly button and lick it, and then start to descend lower.

  He grabs my arm, his eyes wide. There’s a startled look on his face and he tugs me back closer to him to whisper in my ear. “What is it you do, Tee-fah-nee?”


  He tilts his head. “I do not understand this word.”

  “This,” I say, tapping my lip. “Goes down here.” And I reach down and brush my fingers over his cock.

  I hear him suck in a breath. “Why would you do that?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? Don’t men do that for their mates here?” If not, then get me off this planet ASAP.

  “That is different. A male must please his woman.”

  Er, okay. “What if I want to please my man?”

  His eyes take on that intense look again. His thumb traces my lower lip. “Am I yours then?”

  Oh boy. I’m not ready to answer that. “At the moment, you are.”

  Salukh’s gaze narrows imperceptibly and he nods.

  The moment’s ruined, though. Now I feel like if I put my mouth on him, he’ll think we’re married. Or he’ll try to go down on me. And while I’d normally say yes please, this was just supposed to be light, fun petting. Nothing more. All of that would take things to another level and I’m not sure I’m ready for that level.

  I lean in and kiss him again, and fall in love with his wonderful mouth all over again. It is such a pleasure to kiss him. My horrible memories are gone, and all that’s in the moment is Salukh’s scorchingly hot mouth against mine, his tongue slicking against my own. I slide back into the moment and change my game plan.

  Maybe we’re not ready for oral yet, but it doesn’t mean that the night has to end like this.

  My hand goes back to his cock and I stroke him through his leggings again. He feels extremely hard, his girth impossibly thick. It makes me feel achy deep inside just to imagine that big length pushing into me. A small sigh escapes me and I rub him through the leather. “I like this.”

  “Do you?” His voice is so low it’s practically a growl, and it makes my nipples tighten to hear it.

  I nod and lean in to kiss him again, my lips playing against his. “I’m going to take it out and play with it.”

  He sucks in a breath and I feel a tremor pass through his body. Salukh likes that thought more than he’s trying to let on. My fingers find the laces that hold the waistband of his leggings up and I pull the knot until it comes loose. There’s a flap of decorative fabric over the groin and I push that aside, and then his cock is free.

  His skin is scorching hot now that he’s free from the leggings, and his body has gone entirely still as my hand explores his length. There’s pre-cum all over the tip of his cock and I wet the pads of my fingers on the silky liquid, moving it along the crown.

  Salukh closes his eyes, the bright glow going temporarily dim. Interesting. Now it just feels like me and his cock here, having playtime. I stifle my chuckle of amusement and slide my fingers down his length. I rub along the ridges, admiring the textures and imagining how that would feel inside a girl. I move down to his balls, caressing them. It feels strange to feel a sac so hairless and so large at the same time, but it’s just another reminder that I’m not in Kansas anymore. His spur is another reminder that Things Are Different, and I spend a little time exploring that aspect of his anatomy with my fingers, too. It’s hard and almost bonelike, but I don’t see the point of one. Then again, I don’t see the point of a lot of anatomy.

  When I’ve teased his skin and explored all of him by touch, I move back to his length and curl my fingers around the root of his cock. He’s so big and thick I can’t even touch my fingertips on the other side when I encircle him. I’ve never had sex with someone that big, and while part of me thinks it might not be fun, I haven’t heard a single complaint from any of the other mated women. That tells me that there’s nothing to be afraid of, size-wise. I grip him tight and lean in to kiss him again.

  This time when my lips brush against his, he groans into my mouth and his cock jerks against my hand. It’s a sign that he’s not as impassive as he’s trying to pretend, and I love it. With my hand tight around him, I stroke his cock, and I stroke it hard.

  He breaks. A moment later, Salukh’s head, horns and all, is shoving against my shoulder and he muffles his face against me as he thrusts against my hand. I’m shocked by the sudden movement, but titillated as well, and I stroke him again, and again. His hips buck against my hand and he’s thrusting his cock into the circle of my fingers more rapidly than I could ever pump him, and I’m getting aroused at just how wild the touching has made him. His face presses against my breast, as if he can’t trust himself to be silent, and his cock pumps against the circle of my fingers. Then his hand grips mine and he’s using my hand to work himself over.

  And okay, that is sexy as hell. I can feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter as he fucks my fist, his body frantic against mine.

  Then it’s over – hot, creamy seed spills over my fingers and onto my arm. It splatters my thighs and he clenches against my chest, groaning so loud that I’m positive Josie’s going to wake up and see me covered in Salukh’s come. With my other hand, I stroke the hair back from his face, pressing kisses to the skin I can reach. I feel buzzy and pleasant, and I’m happy I was able to give him this satisfaction. He came and came hard, all because of my touch.

  He nuzzles my neck, breathing hard. “Never have I felt so lucky.”

  I smile into the darkness. “I wanted to make you feel good.”

  “I could scale mountains right now,” he whispers into my ear. “Except it would mean leaving your bed.”

  I know the feeling. I don’t want him to leave either, not when I’m feeling good and relaxed. I didn’t come, but I’m basking in the fact that he did. No bad memories is enough for me.

  “Do you have a cloth to clean up?” He murmurs.

  Oh. I don’t know that I do. Not close, and leaving bed might mean waking Josie up. I wasn’t anticipating spending my bedtime hours this way. After a moment’s thought, I pull at my nightgown and tug it over my head, then use it to mop up my hand and his stomach. When he’s cleaned off, I slide back into his arms, and I jerk in surprise when my hard nipples brush against his chest, because it feels entirely too good. Maybe I’m not as relaxed as I thought, because my pulse starts pounding again.

  He pulls me against him and his hands slide over my bare back, and it feels deliciously close to being petted. I have to stifle a groan of
my own, and resist the urge to straddle his leg and rub myself off. Salukh nuzzles me, his nose bumping against mine. “May I touch you?” he whispers. “Like you did me?”

  My nails dig into his arms and it’s all I can do to keep from whimpering aloud. I nod, and in case he doesn’t see that in the dark, I whisper a yes.

  The big hands stop sliding over my back. He pulls me against him, until I’m leaning against his chest. Then his hand goes to my breast and he caresses it. His fingers tease my nipples, and they’re already so tight and aching that I want to crawl out of my skin.

  This time, I’m the one hiding my face to muffle my sounds. I burrow against his neck, and that only makes things worse because his thick, gorgeous hair slides against my skin and the scent of him is stronger here. I can’t help but lick at his throat even as he teases my nipples. I hook a leg over his hip and try to drag his thigh against me, but his body is too long. Dammit.

  Salukh must sense my need, because his hand leaves my breast and slides down my belly. His movements are slow, cautious, in case I panic and push him away. I’m not about to, though. I’m ready for him to move down, down, down, and I’m practically quivering with tension by the time his fingers brush the curls of my sex. Hell, I’m ready to mount his hand.

  But when he finally touches me – and God, it feels like forever – he’s so, so gentle that tears spring to my eyes. When was the last time that someone touched me like I’m the finest thing they’ve ever seen? Like I’m a goddess to be worshipped? It makes me want to weep because I feel so cherished.

  His fingers feel huge as he lightly explores my folds. I’m so wet that I can hear the sounds my body is making, and I should want to cringe with embarrassment, but oddly enough, I feel no shame with him. Everything is a wonder. When he lifts his hand to his mouth and sucks on his fingers, I realize he’s tasting me. Another bolt of lust sears through my body, and I grab his hand from his lips and push it back toward my pussy, insistent.

  “Tee-fah-nee,” he breathes, and then his fingers glide over my clit, and I nearly come off the furs with the intensity of that small touch. I want him to push into me with his fingers, but he only circles my clit, dragging my wetness over the sensitive skin. I realize he’s mimicking what I did when I touched myself, and I have to bite down on his shoulder to keep from moaning aloud. I’m so wet. I’m so aroused.


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