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BirthDate (La Patron, the Alpha's Alpha)

Page 22

by Addae, Sydney

  His announcement affected her like a jolt of caffeine. “Not the children, Silas. I don’t want them exposed.”

  He looked at her with a raised brow. “What do you mean? They are my pups. My pack expects to see them, to watch them grow into leaders. I will not hide my pups, Jasmine.”

  She heard the steel beneath his words and cringed. “What about what Griggs said? There is still much we don’t know.”

  “True, but Knights do not run or hide. I will not allow my pups to hide from their enemies, I will teach them to win against them.” He paused. “It is important that our pups learn and understand what a pack is, and the benefits of pack. They are now walking and soon will start school, I want them prepared for the challenges they will face as my pups. More will be expected of them, that is only natural. My pups are leaders, each of them strive to excel. Jackie will not move to another puzzle until she masters her current one. Renee fills each book with art, growing better and more vibrant with each page. Adam is athletic and can throw a ball with accuracy. David is a manager and dabbles in all of the others, mastering none but is good in all.”

  Jasmine sat up against the headboard wanting to yell. “They are not a year old, Silas. They are still in diapers. They have their whole lives to be looked at under a microscope, why do they need to start so young?”

  “Because I am La Patron and they are my first litter.” He sat up and turned to her, his face granite hard. “According to my mate, they will be my only litter. My people have waited decades, not only for me to mate, but also for my offspring. I understand this is all new for you, but it is normal for pack. I ask you to trust me in this.”

  She exhaled. The thought of sleep now replaced with the dread of the ceremony. “Can you just split the country in half and have two celebrations?” She asked hoping to lessen the exposure time.

  “It is a fair compromise. It will be similar to an inaugural ball.”

  Frowning, she leaned back wondering what he was saying, “What?”

  “Yes, that is a good idea,” he said nodding. “I am similar to the president, but of the wolf nation. We will have an inaugural ball to introduce my den. It is appropriate and will be appreciated by the pack. It has been a long time since anything like this has occurred so I will tailor it to something familiar. An inaugural ball.” He smiled so brightly she didn’t have the heart to tell him she would rather jump off a cliff than attend something so formal.

  “Sounds interesting, Silas. What made you think of that?” Someone had to have mentioned the president or something along those lines because her mate never thought in terms of human events.

  He waved down her question. “Thank you, Jasmine for not fighting me on this. But it is important that I follow pack protocol and present my entire den to the pack. To do anything less sends a message that I am ashamed of you or my litter. I will not have anyone think less of you for not being wolf.”

  Her brow rose. He had done the christening and had not invited any of his Alphas. She really couldn’t complain about what amounted to a large party. But she had to tease him just a little.

  “Hmm, but I am a descendant from the almighty black wolf clan, they should respect that,” she said dryly. “Especially since it was a wolf who started the whole half breed process. We are all one big happy family.”

  Silas tweaked her nose. “You are being silly with that fairy tale.”

  She grinned, happy to get off the subject of being introduced on such a grand scale. It would take a little more time for the idea to marinate before she could embrace it fully. “Perhaps, but since it is the only explanation for the merging of wolf and human, I’ll take it and run with it.”

  He chuckled. “We will need to arise soon. I left Jacques running a lot of the disks, checking for bugs and security issues. He will let me know what is on them. Plus Asia recovered some information from Griffith’s closet. Passports with names and addresses. More threads to pull.”

  She yawned as she slid down beneath the covers. I need to get more sleep, Asia and I are going to lunch later and then shop for her vacation.”

  “Vacation? What vacation?”

  Jasmine rolled over to face him. “She is going to the beach for a couple of days to chill and relax. She has never had a margarita.”

  “What?” He sat up frowning down at her. “A margarita? What does that mean?”

  Closing her eyes, she prayed for patience. “I told her that she could take a vacation if she fought her way out of that situation with the Liege guy. I told her she could drink margaritas on the damn beach and listen to the waves. She needed something to focus on and that is what I gave her. So…” she sat up and matched his glare. “We, Asia, mama and me, are going shopping for her a bathing suit because she never had one before.”

  “She needs to debrief.”

  “She needs a damn break. You cannot just work her like a damn machine, Silas. That is what they did to her. We are not like them and she will see the difference.”

  “You do not understand…”

  She jumped up and pointed at him. “Don’t talk to me like that. Like I don’t know what she went through… because I do, damn it. She died, Silas. She stopped fucking breathing and walked into the light. When she rebooted, she contacted me. I saw…I saw the darkness of her burial. I tasted her pain. It was fucking unbelievable.”

  She wiped the moisture from her face. “And she is alone.” She closed her eyes at the remembered pain and wrapped her arms around herself. “I have never felt anyone who was so dry in places that should be wet with emotions. She has no attachments, no expectations of anyone or anything. Being joined with her was painful, not in the sense of physical pain. But just knowing she has known none of the joys life has to offer.” She met his gaze with a sardonic twist of her lips. “So, yeah. I placed a carrot in front of her. Praying like hell she would take it. The only reason I can think that she and I are linked is that I do care and want more for her. And if anyone deserves some happiness, Asia Montgomery damn sure does. So…” she inhaled deeply and released it slow. “If you need to debrief her make it fast because she will be leaving for a vacation within twenty four hours.”

  “Jasmine…I did not mean you have are unaware what the young bitch suffered. I know you went through a lot of it with her. If I could have carried that load for you I would have. What I am saying is she alone has vital information regarding what she saw at the Liege compound. She recovered a chameleon bracelet which will assist us in placing more pieces of the puzzle in the correct place. Even more importantly, she killed a Liege Lord. There is a huge bounty on her head. Everyone will be searching for her.”

  Jasmine did not want to hear that it could not be done. “There are beaches all over the world. She has no tracking devices and I pity the person who interrupts her vacation. Chances are they would end up the same as the others.”

  He sighed.

  “I hear what you’re saying Silas. But you need to hear and respect what I’m saying and what I have done. She has my word and I am not going to break it. I will remind her of the bounty and tell her everything that you’ve said. The choice to stay or go then is hers. I want you to back me on this.” She met his frown with determination.

  Neither spoke for a few moments and then he nodded. “You are right. Your word carries the same weight as mine. How long will she be away?”

  “I don’t know. I will find out when we have lunch today.” She looked at his disgruntled face and smiled. “Thank you for not fighting me on this Silas. Asia is pack and should be treated as such. She has never had anyone in her corner who didn’t expect anything from her.”

  He nodded and lay back on the bed with his hands beneath his head. “Until now. She has you.”

  Jasmine shrugged and crawled beneath the cover, ready for sleep. “Yes, maybe that’s my mission. To keep her safe.”

  He pulled her close and they snuggled beneath the blankets together. “Could be, we shall see.”

  Chapter 20

nbsp; Silas took the elevator to the computer room, eager to hear any news regarding the discs. He strode into the room, ignoring Victoria’s naked streak to the back room and the slamming of the door. Jacques walked out the kitchen area with a large cup of coffee and a huge grin.

  “You should put on clothes, you scared your mate,” Silas said heading into the kitchen area for a cup of coffee.

  “Wasn’t me that scared her. She loves all of this,” Jacques whispered, smiling.

  Silas chuckled and looked at the closed door. “Why are you whispering she is awake and can hear you.”

  Jacques stopped smiling, placed his cup on a table and knelt before Silas. “I spoke out of turn to Mistress and she took my voice.”

  Stunned, Silas stared at his oldest friend for a moment. This is what Jasmine had done. “You disrespected my mate?” He couldn’t believe it. Jacques knew better.

  “We had just mated and I interfered with something you told her to do,” Victoria said coming out the room. “I actually told her to leave him alone to let him sleep. She dragged him from the bed as a wolf. He growled when he saw me on the wall and she took his voice. It should’ve been mine; I was the one who mouthed off at her.”

  Silas’ gaze swung from his mate’s mom to his friend. He could not believe Jasmine pinned her mother to the wall…on purpose… to carry out his instructions.

  “She pulled your wolf?” he asked to be sure. He did not realize she knew how to do that. His mate was full of surprises.

  “Yes, Sir. I was asleep, the mating sleep is deep as you know.”

  Silas nodded.

  “I did not hear your summons or her entry. When I came out and saw my beloved against the wall, I growled. A mistake never to be repeated, Sir.”

  Silas smiled. He could not believe she had done that. Women fought on a whole different level than men. He would have beat Jacques and then been done with it. But this discomfort was a constant reminder of his transgression.

  “How long are you to sound…scratchy like this?”

  “Until you restore my voice, Sir.”

  Silas laughed. It was pure genius. With her implementing the punishment with the stipulation that he be the one to end it, everyone would deal with both of them as a well oiled unit. He liked the way his bitch thought. But the scratchy sound was displeasing, and they had a lot of work to do. He restored Jacques voice. In deference to Jasmine’s mother standing nearby watching him closely, he spoke to him through their link.

  “I restored your voice because you were in the mating heat and not thinking clearly. I will kill you if it ever happens again.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you for your kindness and your mate is my daughter in-law. I will never disrespect my mate’s child.” He stood with a smile.

  Silas had not realized the connection, and cursed, knowing he would never fulfill that threat. “I may not kill you, but you will beg me for death,” he said with less heat as they moved toward the bank of monitors.

  “Thank you, Sir. You are most generous. My mate and I both thank you,” Jacques said aloud gazing at Victoria, who ran and hugged him tight.

  “Thanks Silas, I appreciate it. That sound drove me crazy,” Victoria said with an earnest expression.

  Silas nodded and took a seat in front of the monitors.

  “I have to work now sweet. What time are you meeting your daughter for lunch?” Jacques asked.

  Silas had left Jasmine rushing to get dressed while fussing at him for making her late with their extended shower.

  “Oh, I need to get dressed. We are going shopping afterward. You need anything?” she asked from the doorway.

  Silas refrained from making a smart remark. Newly mated couples could not see ten feet in front of them. He did not expect to see Leon for at least a week. Brix had taped a lot of information regarding Liege operations while he had been in the back of the plane. Tyrone and Tyrese were handling that information.

  “No. Just for you to return happy. Buy whatever you want.”

  “Thanks, baby. I will.” She closed the door.

  Jacques met his amused gaze. “What?”

  “Was I like that with Jasmine?”

  “I missed that part. But you were a grizzly bear in denial mode before you accepted her as your mate.” Jacques took the seat next to his.

  Silas nodded. He had been an ass. “What do we have so far? I want to do a debriefing in two hours with everyone except Asia who has already submitted her notes. She is going shopping…for her vacation.”

  Jacques spit the coffee and hurriedly wiped it up.” When he was done he looked at Silas. “What? A vacation? Now?”

  Silas leaned forward and read the information on the monitor. “Yes, it was a way my mate talked her into fighting to live to see another day. Asia was tired and had no real reason to continue.”

  The more he had thought of his mate’s defense of her actions, the prouder he became. She dealt with the root of the problem. Asia needed to belong and she needed to learn to trust. Those things transcended words. They had to be married to actions. The lunch, the shopping trip and even the mini vacation to an uncharted island he owned were all designed to show this damaged bitch that they were not all the same. In the long run, his mate’s handling of the matter would reap the larger harvest.

  “She deserves a vacation. It’s the timing that sucks. Who is going with her? How long will she be gone?”

  Silas laughed. “Asia decided to make it a weekend trip. She flies out tomorrow and returns in a couple of days. Tyrone and Rose never took a wedding trip.” He glanced at Jacques with a grin. “They have decided to take one now to the same beach. Leon and Brix have also asked for permission to go as well.”

  Jacques laughed. “Which beach is it? Hawaii? Bahamas?”

  “No. I own an island near Bermuda. I have an Alpha stocking the large villas now. There is plenty of room and lots of privacy. Most importantly, she can sit on the beach and have a drink,” Silas muttered.

  His friend chuckled. “Is Rose going shopping?”

  “No, she and Lilly are putting their heads together over Thorne. Tyrone refuses to help search for the boy. Cameron has a team looking now.” Silas thought over his conversation with his godson and hoped he never had to deal with Cameron on that level again. Either he ran the state as the Alpha or he would be removed. As of this morning, Cameron was on probation. There was no excuse for Thorne to have left the Alpha house and connect with enemies of La Patron.

  “The young pup has too much free time on his hand. Best to find him something constructive to do, like scrubbing the gym,” Jacques said grinning.

  “Yeah, I heard about that. Quite effective too. My mate has full-bloods quivering and rushing to fulfill her commands. It is because she looks soft and sweet while whipping out retribution. It confuses them,” Silas said and then pointed to the screen. “What is that?”

  “These are the schematics of the equipment utilized to experiment on wolves. These over here are the notes that were taken. They spent the next couple of hours going over decade’s worth of data. Some they scrapped, others were set aside for a more intensive evaluation later on. After two hours, Silas called a break.

  “Let’s grab a bite to eat. Send the information we already cleared to storage, I’ll make assignments at the meeting.” Silas stood and waited while Jacques stored the data. Together they left the area, locking it behind them.

  “We are on our way down to the lab conference room, have lunch sent there for nine people,” Silas said to Hank. “Make sure someone covers for you while you are in the meeting.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Has Davian arrived with Tomas?”

  “Yes, Sir. I placed him in the cell personally as you requested and barred all visitation requests. Jarcee will take him his meals and will be the only one allowed inside the cell until you change the order, Sir.”

  Silas nodded. He planned to allow the young breed to see what the absence of pack felt like since he did not appreciate t
heir help before. In a couple of days he would have a heart to heart talk with the youngster and take it from there. “Good, see you in the meeting.”

  “Have you heard from Jasmine?” Jacques asked as they turned the corner to the conference room.

  “Not directly. I am monitoring her, but we have not spoken, why?”

  “Just thinking about Thorne and the rebels that escaped, you don’t think they would go after the women, do you?” Jacques asked as they reached the door.

  Silas stopped and gave it some thought. And then he laughed.

  Jacques looked at him puzzled. “What?”

  Silas stepped inside the empty room. They were the first to arrive. “Can you imagine the looks on those fools faces if they attempt to interrupt my mate’s shopping spree? She has wanted to do this for a while. Asia’s vacation is just an excuse.” Silas shook his head, smiling. “I pity them if they approach Asia or Jasmine. They will pay big time. Poor Thorne…” Silas took a seat at the table and placed his ankle on his other knee.

  Confused, Jacques sat next to him. “Why, poor Thorne?”

  “Remember, he lived with my mate for a while. She treated him like a son. Well, she will probably continue to treat him as such. Plus, he has no idea she can and will pull his wolf.”

  “Oh yes. That is true. I see why you pity the fools. I hope they are bold enough to approach the women. No telling what Asia will do.”


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