Forgotten And Destined (Forgotten # 1)
Page 34
“You can’t keep the safe guard around me. If the angels notice they can’t reach me whenever they want that will led to questions and right now I’m not sure which angels, we can trust. You guys have to act like you always have when you’re around any of the angels. Never let on you know anything other than the demons are breaking out and there’s a war on its way. I need to go now I’ve spent too much time under your shield as it is.”
“Wait before you go, I have one more question.”
“Alright hurry and ask I really have to get back.”
“Why is it that the angels couldn’t take my powers when I went before the council?”
“I wondered that myself and even did a little research and from what I can tell you are different from other keepers. You know of course you have powers no other keepers have. You are one of a kind and now that you have been purified there is only one that can take your powers, and that is God. From the time, you were conceived in your mother womb the heavens and God made you special. Lana you are created to save the world.”
“How can you say that if I hadn’t been born this wouldn’t be happening.”
“That is where you are wrong, the firsts would have escaped anyway and God knew this”.
“What God didn’t know at the time is your parents would hide you on earth, and your blood would feed the firsts, He thought you would live here in the keeper’s world. You were and still are his weapon against the firsts. This is what you were created for. This is your destiny Lana. I must go now, but I’ll let you know something when I find out more my friend's Goodbye.”
Michael disappeared leaving Case and me standing there staring at nothing. The only thing I could think about was I had read a book almost a year ago on how the keepers world came to be and in that book there had been a statement that had said something about two of pure blood will create one that was impure. The book had been talking about me even though it had been written hundreds of years ago.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah…sure why wouldn’t I be I’ve just found out I was created for my blood. I may have even been created to die.
“Hey that’s not going to happen. We will find out what we have to do with your blood, and we will do it, but if it calls for your death, then we will find another way.” Case said wrapping his arms around me.
“Do you think we need to wake everyone up and tell them about this?” I asked Case while he holds me in his arms.
“Nah…let them sleep; I believe it can wait until morning. Right now I seem to remember you making me a promise a while ago.”
“Do you really” I asked smiling already feeling my body heat up at just his words. “So, your room or mine”? I asked.
“I think your room will be fine” he said kissing me.
“What are we waiting on then?”
We were still kissing when we blinked to my bedroom. We fell on the bed together our hands touching each other everywhere. Case made me forget about everything other than the way he was making me feel as his hands touched my body. A long time later we lay together our limbs intertwined my head on his chest his arms around me. We discussed what we had found out from Michael tonight, and I begged Case not to go back to the gate to stay with me at least for the next week until we could go together.
“You know I can’t do that Lana; I would love to, there’s no place I’d rather be than right here with you, but that wouldn’t be right, and you know it.”
“I don’t care if it’s fair or not I just want us to be together.”
“We will be I swear to you for the next week until you’re off house arrest, I’ll blink home anytime were allowed some down time to sleep.”
“Do you think I could ask the council about maybe letting me off house arrest a week early so I could help with the fight?”
“No I don’t Michael was right we have to act like we always have, and I’m afraid if you asked them something like that they may start figuring out what we know. You have to remember Michael thinks some of the angels may be corrupted. You need stay here finish out the week. Don’t worry about me, now that I have you back, I’m not about to go and get killed.”
I moaned in protest at the alarm clock. Case’s arms are wrapped around me; it doesn’t take long until I was moaning about something completely different. Case is kissing my neck his hands running up and down my body. My body is burning up. I can’t believe is could be possible for me to be this turned on and want him this bad after the night we had spent together. Rolling toward him, I kiss him back, he reaches over and turns off the alarm clock, and I slid over the top of his body kissing him then I sit up feeling how hard he is and I take him in my body and start riding him his hands holding my hips we never said a word but this time we didn’t make love I rode him hard until we were both breathless and moaning and we both came hard. It was over an hour later before we were dressed and down stairs. We were hoping Summer, and Harris, would still be in the dining room eating breakfast.
Lucky for us when we walked in not only were my parents there, but Dominick was there as well. I felt the tension in Case’s body when he saw him. Giving his hand a squeeze, I pull him over and give him a long kiss and whisper “I love you and only you” before we sit down beside each other at the table I never let go of his hand. This seemed to make him relax somewhat.
Looking toward Dominick, I see his face is void of any expression at all. Why I thought he may be jealous is beyond me. I know the prince had taken away his love for me. I mean he still found me attractive, but that was a guy thing. Besides I think… No, I know things worked out for the best. If we made it through this war may be one-day Dominick will find somebody he could love. It killed me to even think about him with somebody else. However, looking toward Case, I know I have done the right thing. He makes me happy and he loves me, and I will never do anything to hurt him again I’d rather die first. I love him with all my heart.
Our love making hadn’t been the way it had been between Dominick and me, but I didn’t want it to be the way it had been with Dominick. What Case and I have is great, it’s perfect and beautiful it’s the way it’s supposed to be between two people and I’m happy. I still love Dominick but what good does it do to love somebody that will never be able to return that love. Trying to find the Prince and make him take the spell off Dominick would be like trying to find a fortune at the end of a rainbow. It will never have happen. I am just happy Dominick is alive and safe and I hope one day he will find someone he can love that will make him happy.
I hadn't taken down the shields from the night before, and I won’t until everything is back to normal. I started telling Harris, Summer and Dominick about what Michael had told us. Making sure to tell them they can’t tell another soul except Lisa and Cain, and they have to wait until they are here before saying anything to them.
We spent the rest of the morning discussing the situation and how we could do our own investigation without making anyone suspicious. I tell them about the book I had read when I first arrived here and how I thought it may help us. Harris tells me that book is like a Bible would be on earth, and he thought it would be a good idea for us to start there.
“How long are you here for Case?” Harris asked.
“I’ll have to leave tomorrow then Cain will come.”
“I want to go back as you go Case, I’m strong enough now to fight” Dominick said.
“Alright” Case replied but I saw his muscles tighten in his face as he answered Dominick.
The rest of that day Case and I were inseparable we were always touching even if it was just holding hands. I know our time together is running out. Tomorrow, he will leave and go back to the gate to fight and the only thing I can do for the next week is pray he will be alright. A small part of my mind prayed that Dominick would be safe as well. I will always love Dominick, even if he is never able to return that love. He held a piece of my heart that Case or no one else will ever have.
I know
I had done the right thing with Case, and I would stay true to him until the end of time. Never again will I allow anything to separate us. Last night we made love all night long knowing it would be the last time for God knows how long with what laid ahead of us. I am still awake when the sun rose. I know he will be leaving me and the pain I feel in my heart at him going is killing me. I am so deep in my own thoughts it surprised me when Case spoke.
“You haven’t been to sleep have you?”
“No all I can think about is you leaving today and how miserable I’m going to be with you gone.”
“It’s not like I’m going to be gone forever Lana plus next week you will be able to join me.”
“You act like this doesn’t bother you at all” I said mad.
“Awe... Lana honey of course I hate leaving you. I had much rather be with you than fighting demons. The only good thing coming from this is that Dominick is coming with me, so I don’t have to worry about him being around you.”
“Hey I choose you. If I had wanted Dominick, he’s been here all this time I could have been with him.” I didn’t add the fact that Dominick no longer cared about me or wanted me. If I told Case that he would believe I chose him only because Dominick didn’t want me. A part of me a part I hated knew that had Dominick woke up and pulled me into his arms and told me he loved me and wanted me; I would have gone to him willingly. I hated that part of me. That part of me Case will never know. I love Case; he makes me happy, and he is my best friend as well as my lover.
“Lana I want to ask you a question.”
Kissing his lips I said, “You can ask me anything.”
“I love you, you know that right?”
“Yes of course I know that. I love you too.” Case didn’t say anything, and I started to wonder if something was wrong. “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you like this, you’re sweating right now. You're scaring me. What is it?”
“Give me a minute ok”
“Alright take your time.” After a few moments, Case cleared his throat.
“Lana I love you and I want you to marry me.”
I wasn’t expecting that one. I look at him not knowing how to answer. Then I thought maybe he was joking around with me, so I laughed and said, “Yeah right.” When I see the look that across his beautiful face I know he isn’t joking he means it. “You’re serious aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am.”
“Don’t you think we are a little young to get married?”
“No I don’t think age matters. It’s how you feel about each other. I know there will never be anyone else for me other than you. I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you when we were kids. I want to grow old with you. I want to have kids with you. I want to wake up every morning to see your beautiful face.”
“Case I love you too, but I can’t answer you right now this is something I’ll have to think about. I mean this is a huge deal”
“Alright how about this you think about it and when we win this war and send the firsts back into the earth locked away again for another eternity you give me your answer.”
Smiling I kiss his lips, “Agreed I will give you my answer then.”
We stayed in my bedroom until it was close to time for him to leave. He wanted to say good bye to Harris and Summer plus see if Dominick was ready to leave. He pulls me out of bed making me get dressed.
We find Dominick in the dining room eating, his bags already packed and waiting in the library. Summer and Harris are in the library reading over the Bible of the keeper’s world when we walked in.
“It’s time for me to go, and I wanted to say good bye to you both before I left.” Harris stands up pulling Case into a hug telling him to be careful. Summer came up hugging him telling him she loved him and that he better not get hurt or he’d have to deal with her. Case tells summer he loves her and not to worry about him.
Case walks over to me and kisses me deeply then hugs me tight to his muscled chest. He tells me he loves me and I tell him I love him, when he lets go, I see Dominick has come in the room at some point. Harris and Summer both hug him and told him to take care of his self. I didn’t hug Dominick, but I did tell him to be careful and to come back home safe. Case and Dominick stand side by side. Case looks me in the eyes.
“You better think about the question I asked you this morning. I’ll be expecting an answer very soon.”
I smiled at him and said, “don’t worry I doubt I’ll be able to think about anything else.” As they blinked out I heard Case say I love you Lana.”
I turned to my parents and said, “Have you guys found anything yet?”
“We’re still looking but we did find the part where it talks about two of pure blood will have one impure blood we are trying to see if we can find anything about the firsts but, so far nothing” Harris said.
“Maybe Michael will come up with something soon right now I think I’m going to go take a long hot bath.”
“Lana” Summer said as I turned to leave “lets you, and I go have a mother-daughter talk for a little while."
I really wasn’t in the mood for one of our mother-daughter talks, but I know Summer wouldn’t give up until I agreed so I said, “sure that sounds great.” We walked outside to Summer's dead garden. Laughing I said, “When are you ever going to give up on this?”
“Hey you wait and see one day I’ll get the hang of it, and this whole garden will thrive with beautiful flowers. When you give up on something you love you give up on your dreams.”
I knew she was using the flowers as a metaphor, so I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Alright if you say so.”
“Things between you and Case seem to be back to the way they use to be.”
“Yeah I guess you could say that.”
“So you’re through with Dominick?”
“Guess you could say that too.”
“Come on I think I deserve better answers than that.”
“Alright let me ask you a question.”
“Ask a way” Summer said.
“When you look at Dominick do you still see him in love with me?” Summer didn’t say anything for so long I thought she wasn’t going to answer.
“No I don’t and I can’t understand it. When I look at you, I see your love for him.”
“Dominick will never love me again the prince made sure of that somehow.”
“What do you mean?”
“Before Prince Osier disappeared, he told me I would never have what I wanted he had made sure of it. He also told me he had bound him and Dominick together, and if I killed him Dominick would die. I let him go because I wasn’t sure if he was telling me the truth or not. I did, however, find out what he meant by I would never have what I wanted. Somehow, he used an incantation to stop Dominick from loving me.”
“So you turned to Case as a second choice?”
“NO! Case is not a second choice even if you can’t see it, I do love Case; he's my best friend he’s always been there for me.”
“Honey I do see your love for Case. I see you love him as your best friend. I also see that when you look at Dominick you light up in a way you don’t when you look at Case.”
“Well things are over between Dominick and me. Case is good for me, and I’m good for him.
I just want to make sure you are happy.” I sat there for a few minutes then said, “Case asked me to marry him.”
The look on Summer’s face never changed as she asked, “what did you tell him?”
“I told him I needed time to think about it.”
“Are you going to say yes?”
“I don’t know what I’m going to say, but I do know that I could be happy with Case, I do love him and in time I’m positive I will forget my feelings for Dominick completely.”
“Is that what you want… to forget your feelings for Dominick?”
“Yeah it is…why waste my life pining away for a guy, who will never feel the same way about me. I’m done. I’ve been through too much I’m ready to move o
n. Is that so unbelievable?”
“No, not at all and I’ll back you as long as you’re not using Case as a replacement?”
“I swear Case is not a replacement; he's my future. Dominick’s my past and that’s where he needs to stay.”
“That’s good enough for me honey” Summer said then hugged me.
With our talk done I went to my bedroom instead of taking the bath I was planning on. I fell on my bed pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep. I slept the rest of that day and all night that without waking up. When I opened my eyes for the first time I see it is six thirty the next morning. Crawling out of bed, I brushed my teeth braided my hair and slipped on a sports bra and a pair of shorts and went to the gym to work out.
I worked out for, four hours making up for the days I missed. I went back to my bedroom and took a shower dried my hair brushing it out and leaving it hanging down my back in waves. After getting dressed, I went to the dining room to meet Summer and Harris for breakfast.