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Stardust And Shadows

Page 13

by Janelle Taylor

  It was late and Jana couldn’t sleep. She was antsy from tossing and turning from a mind that wouldn’t shut down. She rose from bed to fetch a glass of wine to relax her. Ine had shown her how to use the Androasian servo. She glanced at the slide separating her suite from the alien’s, and saw that it was closed. She walked down the hallway from the minidome to the larger one, her feet moving silently across the lush carpet. Just before entering the room, she heard something shocking that caused her to halt. “Perdition! She’s getting away from me,” he had said, using a familiar expletive from days long ago and in Varian Saar’s voice.

  Jana stared at the back of the man’s blond head. He was sitting slump-shouldered on the sofa and sipping a drink, probably a strong one from his mood. Was she wide-awake and had she heard him correctly? She waited a few minutes, then approached him. “Can’t sleep, either?” she asked.

  He jumped and twisted his body to look up at her. “I thought you were lost to the world by now.”

  She smiled and shook her head. “No, my mind keeps racing with all that’s happening. I thought a glass of wine would relax me. Would you like me to fetch you another drink?”

  “No, I’ve had enoughfor one night, but thank you.”

  “Perhaps this will help,” she suggested as she began to massage the stiff cords on the back of his neck and shoulders. She kneaded the taut muscles with gentleness while humming to him like a child at bedtime. She felt him relax beneath her ministering hands as he allowed his tension and anger to flow out of his body and mind. “I did a great deal of reading today and yesterday. I came across your name and Trilabs many times. My husband is a renowned and intelligent man. I’m impressed.”

  “Where did you learn such magic tricks with your fingers?”

  She noticed that he changed the subject. With fingers lightly curled on his throat, her thumbs drifted up and down the trapezius area of the neck with just the right amount of pressure. “I did this for my father many times. He took a bad spill from a horse that hurt his neck and back. Massages helped ease the stiffness.” She shifted the point of her efforts to the tense location a few inches away.

  “You’re a wonder, Jana Greyson, a sheer delight. The smartest thing I ever did was lay claim to you; the dumbest was to start off our relationship in such a bad way. I’m happy you don’t hold that against me.”

  Jana was relieved her hands did not halt their movements and expose her reaction to those familiar words. The situation, the actions, the mood changes, and the conversation was reminiscent of—

  He captured her hands and stopped their work, but didn’t release them or speak. He tilted his head and gazed at her, a long and searching look. He was tempted to pull her over the sofa and into his lap so he could cover her with kisses and caresses. He wanted to take possession of this goddess who was driving him mad with hunger. He was surprised he didn’t moan aloud as flames licked without mercy at his loins. At the last moment for keeping a clear head and before yielding to his cravings, he was jolted to his senses. He let go of her hands, lowered his head, and mopped away beads of perspiration from his brow and upper lip. He tried to calm his rapid respiration. He could not permit his desires to run wild, not tonight and not soon, if at all during this ruse. Her touch burned like fire. Her gaze was almost hypnotic. Her feminine allure was powerful and enticing. He leaned out of her reach.

  “Does that feel better?” Jana asked, noticing that he had broken their contact with swift abruptness. Do you hear the quavering in my voice? Do you feel the trembling in my hands and body? Do you read the desire in my eyes? Do you realize how you affect me, Varian?

  He admonished his loss of control. She was too distracting. He must keep a tighter leash on his desires. He blamed his mood and weakness on the bad news he had received before leaving the complex. Canissia had eluded his man with a cloaking device and escaped. The ship following her had no choice except to return to its base on Cagaus nearby, from which Elite Squad member Kagan had summoned it earlier today. He wondered where Canissia had gotten the sophisticated, noncivilian equipment and from whom. From Prince Taemin or from Kadim Maal? Had he done or said something during her visit to expose himself? Was the redhead on her way to Maal’s this minute to betray him in exchange for sanctuary? Should he cancel his trip there? Tell his grandfather about this possible kink in their plans? No, that would worry Tirol. He had to risk going to Androas to try to delay Maal’s attack during Project Starguard. He had called Brec Sard and asked for security patrols to be increased along the galaxy’s boundary. He had put out an alert on Canissia to Star Fleet commanders to have her observed and followed if she was sighted. That was all he could do at this time.

  “Does that feel better?” Jana inquired once more.

  Varian stood and flexed his neck. He drew in and exhaled several deep breaths, then smiled at her. “Wonderful. You’d better turn in. It’s very late.”

  “I will. You should, too, Ryker. You must be exhausted.”

  “I am. Shut off the lights after you get your wine.”

  Before he could rush away from her, she told him, “I can’t. Nothing responds to my voice commands.”

  He halted and turned. “Since when?”

  “Either since I arrived on Darkar or awakened from my illness. None of the voice-activated mechanisms respond to me.”

  “There must be a glitch in the system. I’ll have Griep repair it in the morning. You didn’t have any trouble last week. I wonder what’s wrong.”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’m not proficient in computers and equipment.”

  “It will be functional tomorrow. Good night, Jana of Earth.”

  “Good night, Ryker.”

  By the next night, Jana had been given her inoculations again. That or placebos, she deduced. She tried to scold herself for having doubts again, but her chiding failed to make her dismiss them. Maybe she had not fallen for the charade at all, only told herself she had during rough moments. Besides the vividness of the hallucination, there were too many clues pointing to a ruse. Instead of trying to unmask Varian, she must attempt to discover the purpose of this crucial assignment.

  After dinner, Jana strolled around the living area. She pretended to listen and move to the soft music from concealed speakers. The alien who sat on the sofa with a glass of wine in his grasp watched her. She went to him and, while laughing merrily, took the glass from his hand and set it on a side table. She pulled him to his feet and suggested that they dance. “Please, Ryker,” she coaxed when he seemed reluctant. “Come on. We should practice before we have to dance in public during our trip. We should see how compatible we are in all areas. Right?”

  She had such an easy way of disarming and captivating him. She was in a capricious mood tonight. Her tone was seductive. Her eyes held hints of mystery and promise. “As you wish, my mischievous wife.”

  “Thank you, kind sir.” She slipped into his arms and nestled close.

  They moved in fluid unison in the romantic setting. One tune and dance drifted into another and another while neither spoke. With each one, their bodies gravitated closer and closer. His cheek rested against her fragrant hair with hers against his chest. Their eyes were shut and they allowed their senses to be consumed by the other’s nearness.

  Varian’s fingers trailed to and fro across her back. They traveled upward to caress the soft skin of her neck. His fingers roamed through her radiant mane of wavy hair as golden as the sun. He longed to taste her sweet lips. He craved to possess her.

  Jana swayed against his firm body. She flowed with him and the music. She gradually climbed a blissfully torturous spiral, as she had done long ago on his ship in the Stardust Room. It seemed as if her entire body was responding to his erotic messages. She floated between fantasy and reality, between ecstasy and torment. She wanted him so much.

  Varian was aflame with burning desire. Jana’s nearness unleashed the emotions he had been holding under tight restraint. His body could not help but react to her enticing signals
. She was cuddled close to him and was happy, as she should be, as she shouldn’t be …

  Jana smiled to herself. She knew she was getting to him, as she had planned. Obviously he avoided physical contact because he feared she would use her feminine weapons to penetrate the force shield around him, He was reluctant to kiss her, hold her, and make love to her in fear of exposing himself and his charade. But she knew this man was her love; she felt it with every fiber of her being. She must kiss him and prove it was true.

  Jana lifted her head and leaned back a little to look at him. His gaze fused with hers. She smiled as her right hand left his so her fingers could touch his sensual lips. She let them trace the angle of his jawline and strong chin. She missed the cleft in it that added such character and a roguish touch to his handsome face. His eye color was different, but she read the expression of desire in those emerald “depths. Both hands grasped his head and, rising on her tiptoes, she sealed their mouths.

  The kiss was tender and leisure. It explored and pleaded. It melted into one that became swift, passionate, and urgent. Their dancing ceased. Their arms encircled each other and clung tightly and fiercely. His hands shifted to cup her face between them as his mouth worked hungrily at hers.

  Varian scooped her up in his arms and without parting their lips, carried her to her bed. As he lay her down, he saw a questioning look in her eyes as they settled on his face and then one of resignation to surrender to … Ryker, her husband. He realized they had gotten carried away, that hopefully she had forgotten whom she was with. He captured the hands that reached to pull him to her. He spread kisses over them before saying, “Not tonight, Jana. This isn’t the time.” “Is it me, Ryker? Do I displease or repulse you?” “Kahala, no. I desire you more than I’ve ever desired any woman. In truth, you’re the only woman I’ve ever craved. I knew that the first moment I saw you. I just don’t want to rush what will be a very special part of our relationship. We need to get better acquainted first, that’s all. When everything is right, we’ll share our first night together.” Since weeks ago. “I’m sorry for being wanton. I do want everything to be right for us.”

  “It will be soon, I promise. Good night, Jana.” “Good night, Ryker.” Good night, Varian. No one could kiss like you. No one could dance like you.

  Far away on the Moonwind, Canissia Garthon was trying to sort the truth from all the information she had been fed. She had contacted her father, who had related the incredible news of her imminent marriage to Varian Saar. Segall had sworn it was not a trick or a joke, and was in fact public knowledge. He had said Varian was looking for her so they could marry before he left on his next mission. Segall believed Varian desired the marriage to halt any gossip about his feelings for Jana Triloni. It was a known fact that a freed Jana had fled Tirol’s keeping and married Ryker Triloni over two weeks past. To prevent further gossip and humiliation, Varian wanted to prove he didn’t care by marrying her, and fast. Segall had entreated her to hurry home to plan the ceremony.

  “If only you were here, Zan, to help me cull the truth. You and Father are the only two people who love me and trust me. I owe no loyalty to Kadim Tirol or the Alliance. They’ve done nothing for me and view me as debris to be jettisoned. If not for my wealth and Father’s rank, they wouldn’t be nice or even civil to me. If only Varian and Ryker weren’t immune to Thorin, I would force the truth from them.”

  But she didn’t know what the truth was. That could have been, she reasoned, Ryker on Darkar. He could have been faking ignorance to make her confess her deeds for a concealed recorder as she had done with others, collecting evidence to keep her mouth shut. Varian was a proud man and wouldn’t want to be the butt of jokes and gossip. They had been lovers in the distant past, and their marriage would be a perfect match. If only that alien witch hadn’t come into her life and territory and spoiled everything! If Varian and Ryker were no longer available because of Jana, there was only one other choice for a husband and ally: a powerful protector who could provide sanctuary. With her immense value to him and her erotic skills, he would delight in having her. Should she test Varian’s honesty and motives or call his bluff on charges against her? Should she return home and see if he would appear, and if he would marry her? Varian could not be impersonating Ryker without the Supreme Council’s order or permission, and her father—a member—would tell her of such a matter.

  She jumped up to pace her luxurious suite. There couldn’t be any real evidence or witnesses against her to endanger her and prevent her from returning home to study this situation. If it was a trick, she could always claim that Ryker extracted his information from her through use of his powerful drugs. She could claim, if necessary, that Ryker had used mind controlling chemicals to force her to slay those men who were his cohorts. But there was the matter of her now-exposed alibi for Jana’s abduction. She had claimed Zartiff Dukamcea was in bed with her. Drugged, he had confirmed her lie when they were both questioned. Even if she changed her story to say Jana asked for and received her help with escape, could they prove she was lying again? Would Jana challenge her word?

  How dare you make me dependent upon you, you alien bitch! I should have slit your throat instead of taking you to Ryker. How did you convince him to marry you? How did you make Varian fall for your charms? Is my love finished with you now that Ryker’s screwed you? Who else would Varian turn to except me? It must be true. If you’re laying a trap for me, my handsome commander, you’ll be sorry. I have ways of learning the truth. Soon, it will be mine. Then, either you’ll be in ecstasy between my thighs or rotting in a grave somewhere beside Jana. Yes, that’s what I’ll do: go to the only person who can unmask a phony Ryker.

  Jana and her love were packed to leave on their journey tomorrow. She was frightened and apprehensive. She knew she would locate the truth during the trek to Maal’s. She was actually going to be shown off in public as Ryker’s wife. Unless something happened to prevent the trip or her going along with him. Could Varian parade her around the galaxy as Jana Triloni? If the stakes were high enough, yes. Would Maal slay Commander Saar if he was exposed? Yes. Would the Androasian kadim kill her for being a part of it? Yes.

  Her feet and hands felt like ice under the bedcovers. She shivered and trembled as if she were naked outside in the middle of winter. She was heading into … only God knew what peril. Please don’t let him be Ryker and please keep us safe. She began to cry in fear and panic.

  The alien sat on her bed and pulled her into his arms to comfort her. “Don’t cry, my love. Everything will be fine soon. You have nothing to fear.”

  Jana sought, found, and fused their mouths. She clung to him. He responded. They kissed and caressed, and passions flamed. As he sank to the bed with her, she knew he would not refuse her tonight …

  Chapter Six

  Varian needed to have Jana completely and, he decided on impulse, the intrusive assignment be damned for a while! This was one mission he could not abort, as an irresistible rendezvous awaited him. If anything went wrong in Androas, this could be his last chance to have her. He kissed away her tears and warmed her body with his heat. He could not let her suffer tonight, nor himself. He needed to be as close to her as possible, to be beside her, to be within her, to unite their souls and bodies as no other action except lovemaking could accomplish. He could say with his actions what his mouth could not at this point. His kisses were deep and hungry, exposing the depths of his emotions. When she clung to him and responded in like kind, his intense yearnings increased. She had captured him as no other force could do. For a time, duty didn’t exist, nor anything beyond this room, this moment, this woman. For a time, he was entrapped in a spinning universe of heady desire with the Earthling he loved at its center. Passion’s fury blazed within his body and eternal love within his heart. His tongue explored the tasty recess of her mouth. His teeth teased at her moist lips. He felt her tremble with a mutual longing. She had woven her spell around him, and this bond, this union, this night were meant to be.

  Jana clasped his head between her hands and held it while she almost ravished his mouth. A near desperation flooded her as she, too, realized this might be the last time she would have him, at least in the near future. It was exciting and stimulating to be in his arms and to have his full attention again. He was tantalizing and tempting her beyond reality, and she did not care. She quivered when his lips seared hot messages over her ear and she answered them with eagerness. She was a greedy sponge absorbing his touch, collecting memories for dry days ahead when her soul, heart, and body were athirst. Her arms slipped around his naked body, as he slept nude and his robe had been discarded.

  Varian’s mouth brushed over the shoulder he had bared to his questing lips. It traveled to the hollow of her neck and nibbled there. His hands wandered through her cascading tawny hair as they adored the silky texture. Her responses ignited the long-smoldering coals that roared into a blaze of urgency and formed an all-consuming force. He used long and deliberate kisses to tease, tempt, and heighten her desire, as if that was necessary. His mouth branded her face, neck, and satiny shoulders. A feverish mood ensnared them both. Love’s deepest desire threatened to burst into instant full bloom and he tried his best to postpone its blossoming until the last moment.

  Jana’s fingers teased over his body of silk-covered steel. She loved every inch of him. She caressed familiar planes and curves. She journeyed over rippling muscles and hairy meadows. She curled the locks at his nape around her fingers. She was lost in the wonders of love and Varian Saar. He had captured more than her body that night on Earth. He had stolen more than her life there. He had won more than her submission. He owned her heart, soul, and body, forever.


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