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Stardust And Shadows

Page 28

by Janelle Taylor

  “I’ll tell him, sir.”

  Varian looked at Jana. “Wait for me here; I won’t be long.”

  “How would Taemin know you’re here?” Jana asked in confusion.

  “Grandfather must have told him to prevent an attack on us or to boast about me taking Varian’s place and his ship. I’ll see what he wants from me.”

  The blond was gone before she could ask why he couldn’t take the message in front of her or why he wanted to be alone when he heard it.

  When Varian finished talking, with Taemin, he summoned Martella to his quarters and explained the astonishing situation.

  “You can’t do this, Varian! It’s too dangerous. Ryker didn’t make any plans like these with Taemin; you came up with the idea of taking your place on this mission. How did he get such information?”

  “Maal has to be behind it.”

  “Are you certain you have Ryker’s grandfather fooled?”

  “Positive. And Cass’s ship is under surveillance at Zenufia. It has been since shortly after she gave our shadows the slip.”

  “Canissia is cunning and daring. Don’t underestimate her evil.”

  “With Moonwind’s type of system, any message from Cass to Taemin would have been detected by our sensors. At first, I suspected Taemin was removing us from danger before attacking the group, but I doubt that’s his motive with those chemical lasers mounted on our ships. Taemin said he had something vital concerning both of us to discuss with me. He refused to give any clues over the air. It could be a revelation of an imminent or future attack on Maffei. He did say he had a foolproof way to get rid of my ‘worst rival and his only kin.’ How can I protect Grandfather and myself if I don’t learn where those threats will rear their ugly heads? Imagine what I can accomplish, Martella. I have to go and discover what he’s up to. I’ll get him in a talkative mood that will supply information about his past or future plots. It’ll give us leverage against him and the Pyropeans when treaty time comes. We need that truce badly or Taemin will keep things stirred up. If he isn’t stopped or weakened, he’ll find a way to use Ryker’s death to his advantage. I would be stupid to pass up this chance to get evidence on them and to coax them toward a truce. You report to Grandfather and Brec, and tell them not to worry about us.”

  “Us? You really are taking Jana with you?” As he nodded, she reasoned, “That isn’t wise or safe. For many reasons, Varian. Including the fact that this will stall your confession to her. You were going to tell her everything after a final visit to Maal to show him you returned safely and to impress our strength on him. You know that must be done; Maal is sure to have the same suspicions Jana had. Another delay has me worried. This ruse is taking too long.”

  “I’m worried, too. Talk about sorry timing, I was about to begin my confession when this cursed call came in, but I only got one word out of my mouth. As soon as we leave the Tabrizes, I’ll tell her everything. If she doesn’t understand and won’t aid my final ruse with Maal, I’ll go there alone while Nigel keeps Jana on Darkar. I can’t confess the truth tonight, not with her heading into Taemin’s perceptive presence. She believes I’m Ryker and she’s half in love with him. Her behavior will help dupe Taemin. Between our new marriage and her beauty, that devious prince should be distracted enough not to guess it’s me. If I told Jana the truth, her reaction would surely expose us because she wouldn’t have time to adjust to my confession. And I certainly can’t tell her then leave her captive on this ship. Kahala help us for the unmerciful demands this is making on me and Jana for intergalactic peace!”

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Varian? Please refuse. She could make a slip and endanger both of you.”

  “Damn the stars, I have her completely fooled, and that scares me, Martella. Right now, I have her closer to him and more in love with him than with me. But how could I logically explain coming to Cenza alone and not bringing her when she’s aboard? Ryker promised Jurad a visit weeks ago. If I don’t accept, I might not get another chance with them as Ryker. I must halt Taemin’s threat and power. If his ship wasn’t nearby, I would have said we’d visit later. As much as I hate to take her there, it would seem too strange to leave her on the Wanderlust with a Maffei crew and heading for Star Base where Varian is supposed to be. If that lookalike cyborg was used a few times at a safe distance as we decided, everyone should believe I never left Rigel and Altair. As soon as we’re gone, inform Nigel about this predicament and tell him to place the other ships on alert status. Tell him to keep an eye and ear open enroute and at Taemin’s, in case anything goes wrong and we need help.”

  “How could you get a message to him if problems or dangers arise?”

  “I’ll find a way; I always manage to get myself out of trouble.”

  “This time, you’ll have Jana as an additional complication. If she’s in peril, it could cost you your lives. I’ll make sure Nigel doesn’t lose contact with you two. I just have a terrible feeling about this situation.”

  “You can distract yourself from worry by handling that other matter. You and Tris take care of the return home of the Earthlings on Anais. While I’m gone, send everybody back except Andrea McKay. Take her to Darkar with you. Before Jana and I arrive there, she’ll be told the truth, all of it. Maybe knowing her best friend is safe and awaiting her will soften her heart toward me. Use those mind implants and none of the Earthlings will remember their misadventure. And don’t forget to embed those medical cures in Dr. Martin’s mind. We can share that much with them.”

  “What did Prince Taemin want?” Jana asked. “Your talk took so long.”

  “To extend an invitation for us to make an official visit to Cenza. Our ship was picked up on their tracking system and he knew we were aboard. It seems Grandfather boasted of my action to him and warned off any attack on the fleet by letting Taemin know we’re aboard. He has a ship waiting nearby for us. After our visit, he’ll have an escort take us home; the Wanderlust and others will continue on to Star Base.”

  “You accepted? We’re leaving with his men?”

  He forced a smile and caressed her cheek. “That’s right, my love. Taemin says he has important matters to discuss with me, business and personal. I couldn’t refuse. Do you mind? He insisted on seeing you again.”

  “I really don’t care to see Taemin or Jurad again,” Jana admitted. “I didn’t like them. But I suppose since it’s an official visit, you can’t reject his invitation.”

  “No, I can’t, and I’m intrigued by what he wants. Grandfather must have told him I’m against an alliance with them for any future attack on Maffei. He probably wants to convince me otherwise.”

  “The Tabrizes plan to attack Maffei and want Androas’s help?”

  Varian tried to sound casual and unconcerned to calm her fears. “The Tabrizes are always talking about a vengeful conquest of Maffei; they have done so since Jurad lost Mother to Galen. If they were serious, they wouldn’t have waited this long. Don’t worry, it’s big talk, nothing more, especially without the help of Grandfather and me. And I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “If you’re blocking his path, will it be safe for us to go there?”

  Varian chuckled as if amused. “Taemin is bold and arrogant, but he isn’t a fool. He can’t afford to provoke Grandfather against him by harming us. And he certainly doesn’t want to anger me.” He watched her fret over the unforeseen and unpleasant situation, as he was doing inside. Yet, he couldn’t pass up this golden opportunity to dupe Taemin and Jurad as Ryker. Nor could he deny himself the chance to obtain details from Taemin about the clues he’d been given today. “It will be over soon, my love, and we’ll be home together. I promise. Pack light because we’re not staying long. I have important work to do.”

  Jana realized the matter was out of her control, so she acquiesced by dropping the subject. “What did you start to tell me before Taemin called you? Something important, you said.”

  Varian pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Then
he grinned and said, “I was going to tell you how much I love you.”

  Jana couldn’t venture a guess as to why her husband wasn’t being honest. Perhaps something that had taken place with Taemin prevented him from saying what had been on his mind. “I love you, too. Let’s get moving; you said our escort is waiting.”

  Varian took a precaution to prevent problems with the new crew. In the docking bay where a shuttle would deliver them to Taemin’s ship, he spoke with the First Officer who was taking command of the Wanderlust. “Taemin and I are allies of a sort, Lieutenant Zade, but initiating an alert would be wise. Since he knew we were aboard, he knows too much about this affair. Taemin is unpredictable at times, so be on guard for trouble. If you don’t mind, have the rest of our things put on the next Trilabs ship that makes deliveries at Star Base.”

  The moment the Pyropean ship crossed the galaxy boundary, Varian found himself and Jana taken captive by Taemin’s men. He cursed himself for allowing his love to fall into this cunning trap with him. He admitted that Martella was right about her fears of duplicity. He berated himself for being too overconfident in his Ryker ruse and too desperate for peace. He tried to bluff his way out. “This is an outrage!” he exploded. “Release us this instant! My grandfather, Effecta Maal, will have your heads for this. Does Pyropea challenge Androas to war? Are you fools?”

  “Check them for weapons and communicators,” the leader ordered as he ignored Varian’s threats and questions.

  “We don’t have any and didn’t think we needed any,” a furious Varian scoffed. “We never expected trouble or threats from friends and allies.”

  As they were hand-searched by two men, the leader said, “There won’t be any trouble if you two behave.”

  “There will be as soon as Grandfather, Effecta Maal,” he stressed the ruler’s name and rank to strike fear into them, “hears of this.”

  “That’s a problem for Prince Taemin, not me. My orders are to bring you to him, uninjured if possible, in chains if necessary.”

  Jana gasped in fear and gaped at the three towering blonds with ice-blue eyes who reminded her of ancient Viking Norsemen. How could they dare do this? “In chains? Why? Has he forgotten who we are?”

  “Orders are orders, Princess Jana. You won’t be harmed by us, unless you do something stupid. You can say anything you want to the prince when we dock. It won’t do any good with me. To disobey him is certain death.”

  Jana observed in panic as the men refused to answer any questions.

  “Take the woman to my quarters and lock her in. Take him to the cell we made and confine him there. Remember, no tricks and you’re safe.”

  “You’ll regret this offense and will pay with your lives,” the blond alien said. “If you harm a single hair on my wife’s head, I’ll slay you with my bare hands. Perhaps you should warn Prince Taemin that I contacted Effecta Maal before we left the Maffei ship. I told him to be on alert for trouble. If he does not hear from me each day by sundown, he will move against Pyropea. Is that clear?”

  “Clear, but we have our orders. Don’t expect company where we’re headed, Prince Ryker. A decoy drone was launched at the same time our detection deflectors went up. If anybody is in pursuit of us, they’ll follow the drone’s signal; we’re shielded from their scanners and sensors. Don’t cause trouble because I also have orders to escort you two home as soon as Prince Taemin finishes his meeting with you.”

  Varian didn’t believe the man’s claims. They were not only in jeopardy but were also out of contact with Nigel and the Kiunterri. If he didn’t have Jana along, he would wait until he reached Taemin and risk bluffing his way out of this predicament. A gut instinct warned him not to let them get near the devious prince. If he couldn’t come up with a successful escape plan, this unforeseen incident and his recklessness might unmask him and destroy all of the work he had paid so dearly to accomplish. Worse, it could get them killed.

  A terrified Jana was taken to the captain’s quarters and locked inside. She didn’t trust the Tabrizes and sensed that something awful was afoot, something Ryker had never expected. She had seen her struggling and angry husband hauled off in the other direction while shouting over his shoulder to her to do as they said and to stay calm.

  Stay calm? Like you’re staying calm? You know we’re in terrible danger. No doubt Prince Taemin thinks you’ve joined the Maffeians and betrayed him. And he probably thinks it’s my fault for changing and influencing you. What evil is awaiting us ahead?

  Chapter Twelve

  Garus, leader of the captors, shoved “Ryker” toward a compartment opening after letting the prisoner out to go to the lavatory before he turned in for the night, as there were no facilities in the rigged cell. Though he appeared distracted, Varian was alert for an opportunity to overpower the Pyropean, who was armed and seemed to be taking no risks. As far as Varian knew, there were only three enemies to best, and he had defeated greater odds in the past, and with less at stake than the lives of him and Jana.

  “Prince Taemin ordered me to keep you two separated after we reached a safe distance from the others and you were taken captive,” Garus said. “He said you weren’t to be harmed unless you were disobedient. If you do, I’m to use any force necessary to deliver you to him. I doubt you would be stupid with your wife in my care.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll do my talking with Taemin.”

  “Prince Taemin also said to tell you, and only you, that he and Cass are eager to see you and Jana. He said to tell you they’ve learned your secret game and the four of you will be playing it. You’re heading to his private dwelling and not the palace, so you won’t be disturbed. We’re the only ones who know about your secret visit, and it will remain that way. Now get inside.”

  Varian pretended to obey but whirled at the last minute and sent a chopping blow across Garus’s wrist. The weapon went skidding across the floor. Varian attacked the Pyropean with all his energy. A fist into the Adam’s apple then one to the groin sent Garus to his knees, struggling to breathe and defend himself. Varian seized a metal object and clobbered Garus on the head, rendering him unconscious. He shoved his foe into the compartment and switched on the electrical beams that guarded the door in case the villain awoke before they escaped. Varian realized his opportunity hadn’t come a moment too soon. He could imagine what plans Taemin and Cass had in mind for them! He would kill Jana before allowing her to fall into their wicked hands. He sneaked from the area, slipped up on the man at the control panel, and clubbed him on the head. With stealth, he went from room to room to disable any crewman he found, but there were only the three aboard. He checked the emergency escape pod for supplies, weapons, and a communicator whose signal he hopefully could alter to summon Nigel. He studied the self-destruct mechanism to make certain he knew how to give the correct code in a hurry. He went to the captain’s quarters to fetch Jana. He had left her until last to save time and arguments after she discovered his plans. Until he had her safe, he wouldn’t start any delaying trouble by telling her who he really was.

  Jana was in a light doze when she heard the door open and saw a tall shadow framed there for a moment before it swished closed. She readied herself to use the self-defense skills Martella had taught her. Her heart pounded and she wondered if her impending attacker heard the change in her breathing.

  “It’s me, Jana. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Ryker? My God, how did you get away?”

  “I overpowered my guard and another man, but I don’t know how many others might be elsewhere on the ship, so there is no time to talk now. We have to sneak to the emergency escape pod and get off this ship.”

  “Escape pod?”

  He grasped her arm and pulled her toward the door, then released it. “There is no time to explain. I’ll show you. Be quiet and stay behind me.”

  Jana obeyed, but a hand kept contact with his body for courage and reassurance. At the bridge, she nudged him and motioned to the man who appeared to be resting hi
s head or sleeping at the control panel.

  “It’s all right,” he whispered. “I got him earlier. The ship’s on auto-pilot.” He led her to a hatch that he opened. “Get in the pod. Put on that helmet and strap yourself in tight. It’s going to be a wild and bumpy ride. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She panicked and grabbed his hand. “Where are you going?”

  “To lower the force shield so the ship will appear on their radar. I also have to set the self-destruct code. I want Taemin or his men to see the explosion so they’ll—”

  “Explosion? You’re going to blow up the ship?” He nodded. “What about the men aboard? They’ll be killed.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. “It’s them or us, Jana. If I don’t blow up the ship, they’ll come after us as soon as they regain consciousness. We can’t get far in an escape pod and we’re in Pyropean territory. We need time to get clear and hide. We have no choice.”

  “Can’t you bind them to give us time to get away?”

  “It wouldn’t be long before they’re found, freed, and came after us. The ones I knocked out will wake up soon and know we can’t be far away. A pod’s range and power are limited. They’ll begin a search. Or Taemin might come to meet us and discover his captive crew and our escape.”

  “Why don’t we take over the ship, hold them prisoner, and use it for ourselves?”

  “We’d never get across the Pyropean boundary without being discovered and then recaptured. We can’t use them as hostages; to get us back, Taemin would sacrifice those men’s lives. I must blow up the ship and get rid of this threat. It has to be scheduled to perfection. We take off almost at detonation time; that way, the pod might be mistaken for debris being shot off by it. There’s a large planetoid nearby; we can make it there.”

  “Then what? We’ll still be stranded in their territory.”

  “Only until we can be rescued by our forces. I sent a message to them from the Wanderlust telling them to watch out for us. If this ship is sighted when I lower its cloaking shield, they’ll know where we are, for a while. The pod has a rescue beacon, but we can’t use it. I’ve taken one of their communicators to see if I can rig it to signal our side. Right now, our only hope of survival is to get away in the pod and cover our escape with the explosion. With luck, Taemin will think either the ship blew by accident or I destroyed it rather than allow us to be captured.”


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