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Stardust And Shadows

Page 41

by Janelle Taylor

  His concern touched her. “Yes and no. I’m relieved his visit is over and went so well, but I’m drained. Are you sure I did everything right?”

  Kagan leaned against the back of the sofa which set near the center of the room in a grouping of furniture. “Perfect, to be exact. Why don’t I get you a glass of wine to soothe your nerves.”

  “No thanks,” the pregnant Jana replied. “I think Zandian tea and a hot bath will be more relaxing. Did you tell the others it’s safe to come out?”

  “Not yet. I thought you needed a little time alone first. I know part of it was superb acting, but you’re a tender-hearted woman who feels deeply. I know that wasn’t a simple task. Strength and gentleness in the right proportions are good qualities. I’ll give you ten minutes to calm down before I send the others here. If you need anything, call me immediately.”

  “I will, and thank you again, Kagan.”

  She watched her new friend leave, then rested until the others were told they could return to the house to be enlightened.

  Twenty minutes later, Jana learned that Kagan had related the visit with Faeroe to Martella, Tristan, and Andrea to save her the energy. Still, the three asked her several questions which led to her repeating the entire meeting. “I want each of you to promise me you won’t tell Varian or Nigel about the baby when the men arrive tomorrow,” she added. “I don’t want to discuss my pregnancy with him until after we return from Androas.”

  When Tristan started to protest the secrecy, Jana said, “Wait, Tris, and listen to me before you argue with my decision. If Varian learns of this, he will worry about me and the baby during our trip to see Maal. And you know I have to make that trip with him to participate in duping Ryker’s grandfather. If Varian knows I’m carrying his child, he’ll be so concerned about our safety that he’ll either prevent me from going or he won’t be able to concentrate and could make a fatal slip. He must have his full attention on the situation or he could mention something Maal said to him while he was impersonating Ryker, or vice versa. We can’t take that risk. We’ve come too far and gotten too close to mess things up. I’ll depend on you, Tris, to give me something to take to prevent any symptoms—like morning sickness—from exposing my condition. If we’re going to stay safe and get this charade over with fast, it’s best if he doesn’t know the truth. I promise to tell him the minute we reach Darkar again.”

  It was ten o’clock that night when Kagan came to see Jana. She and Andrea were sitting on the sofa sipping herbal tea. Following their baths, they had donned nightgowns and robes. Jana assumed it was Tristan or Martella when the signal sounded.

  “Kagan, what is it? Has something happened?” she asked in surprise as she opened the door.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Jana, but Princce Taemin is on the com channel in the security control room and he insists on talking to you. He refuses to leave orbit until he does. I told him it was late, that you were upset over your husband’s death, and weren’t taking any more calls tonight. I even threatened to fire defense lasers at him if he didn’t leave our air space. He said I could shoot him out of the sky if I dared, but he wasn’t leaving until he told you what he’d come to say. He sounds serious. He said it’s private and urgent news, something you should know.”

  “Give me a minute to change clothes and I’ll go with you to see what our enemy has in mind. It could be of vital importance to us.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Seated before the communications panel in security control, Jana told Kagan, to excuse her French in advance.

  “What does that mean? It doesn’t translate to make sense to me.”

  Jana laughed and explained, “Earth slang meaning Excuse me if I talk naughty because I plan to be provoking with Taemin to extract information from him.”

  Kagan chuckled. “That’s very clever, and an amusing saying.”

  “You sit on the counter out of sight from the viewing screen; maybe that devil will be more loose-lipped if he thinks I’m alone.”

  Kagan hopped upon the desk top, wriggled his body past the front of the telecom monitor, and took an Indian-style sitting position. “Ready. He’s on stand-by. Just push that button.” He sent her a smile of encouragement and confidence, which she returned.

  Jana took several deep breaths and summoned her wits to full alert. O.K.; J. G., let’s do it, she told herself, and pressed the red square Kagan had pointed out to her. Taemin’s visage, which always reminded her of that of a viking warrior, materialized at once. She saw the prince react with pleasure and relief, and come to full attention. Before she could begin, words rushed from his sensual lips.

  “Jana, thank you for deciding to speak with me,” a thickly accented voice said. “I know it is late and perhaps I was a little demanding, but I wanted to offer my condolences in person before I depart for home. Ryker was a good and longtime friend and ally. I shall miss him.”

  With a chilled and narrowed gaze and in an icy voice, she replied, “If you make it a common practice to capture and slay your friends and allies, I shan’t imagine you have any left.” She saw vexation tinge his dark-gray eyes, though he quickly tried to conceal it. As she spoke her next sentence, her eyes raked over his flowing blond hair and noble features as if she were appraising an animal that was under consideration for purchase and found the creature to be annoyingly flawed and worthless. “You might have considered my husband a friend and ally, but it was wishful thinking on your part.”

  Taemin leaned forward in his seat and rested his arms on the desk. “It is not my fault Ryker is dead. If you had allowed me to rescue you two from Luz or you had arrived on Cenza for your visit, we could have straightened out our misunderstanding and Ryker might still be alive.”

  Jana widened her gaze to reveal astonishment and disbelief. “Rescue? Visit? Misunderstanding?” she echoed in a sarcastic tone. “Are you insane, or do you take me for a fool? You lured us into a trap. You ordered your captain to bring us to you in chains if necessary. In chains, you bastard! You had Ryker locked in a cell like a common criminal. You were going to kill us, perhaps after torturing us for Trilabs secrets. You would have succeeded if Commander Sanger had not arrived to save us and thwart your treachery. You forced us to detonate your ship to ensure our escape. We barely survived the crash on Luz and the confrontations with keelars and savage mutants. Now you dare to come here and call Ryker your friend and ally! You dare to show your deceitful and wicked face to me! I should kill you myself!”

  Jana watched him place his fingers on his screen as if to calm her by a touch as he responded in a controlled tone meant to soften and soothe.

  “I do not blame you for being angry, Jana, but let me explain. I would not have harmed either of you once Cass’s absurd idea was proven false. I cannot believe I allowed her to convince me it was.”

  “You’re not making sense, Taemin, and I’m in no mood for a guessing game. What ‘absurd idea’ could provoke a trap of ‘friends’?”

  “That Ryker was dead and Varian was impersonating him.”

  Jana stared at him in befuddlement but was careful not to expose fear or guilt. “Did I hear you correctly? Or is my aural device malfunctioning? Did you say you thought … Varian was playing Ryker?”

  “You heard me correctly, Jana. But—”

  Jana placed her palms on the counter and leaned forward to demand, “Is this a sick joke? Why did you really come here? My husband has been dead less than a day, a man you tried to murder not long ago. If you think to cozy up to me to win my forgiveness and friendship, you are a fool. And if you’re trying to pull some kind of crazy stunt with such a preposterous allegation, I can’t imagine why or how you hope to pull it off.”

  “It was Cass’s mistake, Jana. She said she had evidence Varian was playing Ryker. She was going to prove it to me after you two arrived.”

  “That’s the secret Garus mentioned to Ryker?” Jana scoffed. Taemin nodded, but she didn’t give him time to interrupt. “He thought you were referring to h
im persuading Maal to sign a new treaty with Maffei. He thought that was why you were angry and were abducting us. He believed you were going to use me to force him to give you supplies from Darkar, maybe even try to coerce the entry codes from him so you could take what you desired from Trilabs before the treaty cut you off.” After her cunning speculations, she sneered, “I can’t believe you two would be so stupid and rash. I take that back; I can imagine her being that deluded and daring, but not you, Taemin. When we met on Lynrac, I formed a good impression of you and your father. But they have changed—for the worse.”

  “Please give me an opportunity to prove you were right then and wrong now. If Cass had not come to me with—”

  Jana cut him off again. “She can’t have proof such a ludicrous thing was true because it isn’t and it wasn’t. Do you honestly think Varian Saar could dupe Ryker’s wife and grandfather and friends into believing he was Prince Ryker Triloni? That’s the silliest excuse for treachery I’ve ever heard. And it doesn’t explain or justify your vile treatment of us before reaching Cenza for your little test. Whyever would you, a prince and future ruler, act so recklessly upon a few stupid rantings from a scorned and vindictive woman?”

  “I realize how foolishly I behaved, Jana. I know now it is not true; I saw Varian and Ryker together on the news broadcast after the rescue. I also know they were seen in different places at the same time. I should not have listened to Canissia, but she has never lied to me or been wrong in the past.”

  “Don’t you think it would have been smarter to check out such a ridiculous tale before you dared to betray Ryker based on her word? I thought you too intelligent to be fooled by her or anyone.”

  “You are right; she had no evidence to prove her claims to me and I should not have acted upon them before she presented it to me. It will never happen again, Jana. I have severed all ties with her. I ask your forgiveness for any offense and harm you suffered because of my foolishness.”

  “You sorry bastard! You dare to come here while I am dazed with grief to weasel your way back into business with Trilabs? Not in a thousand years, Taemin Tabriz! Ryker cut you and Pyropea off and I shall honor his decision. Trilabs is mine now and you will never see another product from here. If you don’t take your ship out of my air space, I will have it destroyed. You have thirty minutes to comply before I order Kagan to open fire on it.”

  “You cannot do this to me and my federation. Ryker asked me to meet him on Caguas to make peace. He understood and accepted my mistake.”

  “You liar. He would never have made peace with you after what you did to us. He told me what he said to you and your father.”

  “I entreat you to let me come down and talk to you in person.”

  “Fat chance of you getting close enough to harm me again! If you make any attempt to do so, your shuttle will be disintegrated by my force shield. I swear to you I will not lower it. I will sit here and watch your craft explode with you aboard; maybe that will return you to the hell from which you came, you devil. Get yourself and your bitch out of here.”

  “If that is why you are reluctant, Cass is not with me. She is in hiding on Zenufia. It seems the Alliance is eager to speak with her on a few delicate matters.” Taemin continued in a cocky tone. “If you reinstate Pyropea as one of your best clients, I will not reveal to anyone that your marriage to Ryker was illegal and you have no claim on Trilabs.”

  “What?” After the arrogant man repeated his words, Jana refuted, “My marriage is very legal. If you doubt it, check the Androas and Maffei records. Whatever new trick you’re trying to pull, it won’t work.”

  “I know the truth, Jana, so do not force me to use it against you. If we make a deal, I will keep silent and allow you to inherit Ryker’s holdings. Your marriage resulted from a crime, so it is illegal. Cass kidnapped you from Varian and gave you to Ryker as a slave, a captive, a beautiful toy.”

  “Have you gone totally mad like your fiery-haired accomplice? I was free to come and go as I pleased, and it pleased me to come to Darkar to participate in research with the greatest scientific genius of all time. Surely Canissia told you I was liberated for saving Kadim Tirol’s life during an enemy attack at his home on Eire. That incident is also a matter of public record and easily verifiable for a man like you with spies everywhere. It pleased Canissia to help get me away from the man she desired: Varian Saar. It also pleased me to marry Ryker when he proposed. Didn’t you learn anything from Canissia’s recent lies and tricks? She fooled you again, Taemin, because she did not kidnap me. If she had, I would press charges against her because I’m free to do so. And if she had, Varian would have hunted her down for punishment and he would have demanded my return from Ryker. Since you have so many sneaky ways of obtaining facts, why haven’t you discovered those truths? Why don’t you get Canissia to come forward to challenge and discredit my word and holdings?”

  “You know she would never admit to a crime. She is in enough trouble as is. All I have to do is spread the news to cast doubts on your status as Ryker’s wife and heir. What will Varian do when he learns how he lost you?”

  “No one is more acquainted with those reasons than the man responsible for them. Even if what you think is true, which it is not, who would believe you and Canissia? It’s on record at Star Base and with Maal that you two tried to lure us into a trap to kill us. Ryker told both sides the truth about how we got on Luz, but he told them he would handle revenge in his own time and way That’s the only reason he didn’t expose you two in public. If you doubt me, ask them. Besides, he told you and your father the same thing. You said you knew Ryker well. If that’s true, would he take a captive wife almost everywhere with him? Would Maal believe such a crazy lie after spending so much time with us since our marriage? He knows how happy we are. Were, that is, until today when we were parted forever.”

  She glared at Taemin. “I suggest you leave before I contact Avatar Faeroe and the Alliance Force stationed on Caguas nearby. I’m sure they will be interested in coming here to talk with a man who made a recent attempt on Ryker’s life. Did you make another one and succeed? Is that why you were on Caguas when he was killed?”

  “Of course not! I did not harm Ryker today or any day.”

  “You might have to prove your innocence very soon,” Jana warned. “When Avatar Faeroe brought my husband’s body home this evening, he told me Commander Saar is on his way to the area to investigate this possibly suspicious accident. If you are involved, your father and people cannot protect you from the combined wraths of Maffei and Androas.”

  “I had nothing to do with the mine explosion. Nothing.”

  Jana pretended to catch a slip he had made. “How did you know he was killed and that it was in an explosion?”

  “I have ways of learning such things.”

  “From your hirelings who did the dirty work for you?”

  “From friends on Caguas.”

  Jana made herself seem suspicious of him. “How, when the news has not been released yet except to family and the authorities?”

  “I cannot name my sources unless necessary. They are friends.”

  “You have some left that you haven’t betrayed and killed?”

  “I have never slain a friend, Jana, and I would not.”

  She realized she was increasing his anger and frustration. “You tried to murder Ryker five weeks ago and you called him a friend.”

  “I explained that error.”

  “Well, if you claim you never kill friends, then I should worry about future threats from you because we’ll never be friends or allies.”

  “I will not allow you to destroy or humiliate me and the Pyropean Federation, my daring and exquisite Earthling.”

  “Threats already? Getting scared and desperate, Taemin? Is your father threatening to disown his bad boy for losing the Trilabs connection?”

  “Do not taunt or mock me, Jana Greyson; it is foolish and dangerous.”

  “I am beyond your power and skill to reach and h
arm. I have no fear of you, Taemin. Ryker taught me strength and courage and wisdom.”

  “After Varian Saar took them away after he captured you as a slave.”

  Jana sent him a look that said he had gone too far. “I will not discuss either Commander Saar or my past. But if you recall, Ryker reconciled with his half brother after our rescue from your treachery. In fact, my foolish prince, it was your reckless stunt that precipitated their reunion. It proved to Ryker that it was wiser and safer for him to trust and ally himself with Maffei than with Pyropea. He and Commander Saar settled their problems and became friends. I assure you I’ll honor that pact. Commander Saar is welcome on Darkar any time it is necessary for him to visit.”

  “Ryker Triloni would never make peace with Galen Saar’s son—never—and you are foolish to do so. It was a trick.”

  “You saw the meeting yourself; you told me so. Do you doubt your own eyes? Was anyone’s arm twisted into compliance? Are either of them susceptible to coercion by drugs? It wasn’t a trick, Taemin. They made genuine peace. Ask Maal if you doubt my word.”

  “I saw Ryker pretend to reconcile with Varian. He must have had a clever motive for doing so. He hated Varian and wanted to destroy him. If he had lived, he would have. Ryker has always hated the Saars and Maffei and plotted their total destruction.”

  “That’s a lie. He moved to Maffei and became a citizen here. He was their ally and friend. He sold his powerful products and weapons to them. That isn’t something a sane man does with his alleged enemies. Surely you aren’t implying Ryker was crazy?”

  “Of course not. But the reconciliation was a trick, Jana; you are being duped. I know how much he hated Varian and wanted him dead.”

  “Perhaps years ago, but not recently. Their bond as brothers became too strong to resist. Both men were ready and eager to finally make peace and to halt their foolish rivalry. Ryker was no longer controlled by the past and he wanted both galaxies to feel the same. That’s why he talked Maal into signing a truce with Maffei. If you had talked to Ryker since we met months ago, you would know how much he changed before his death. It’s clear to me that you’re as deluded as Canissia is. How dare you speak about my husband like this, especially on the day of his tragic death? Be gone, twisted-tongued devil, before I lose my temper and patience and annihilate you for your wickedness against us and smear on his memory.”


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