Stardust And Shadows

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Stardust And Shadows Page 42

by Janelle Taylor

  As she glared at him, she slammed her hand on the control button to sever the communication link. She fell back against the chair and let out a loud exhalation of air to release her tension. She looked at a grinning Kagan who had admiration, amazement, and affection sparkling in his seawater eyes. “Well, how was that performance, my friend?” she asked.

  “Excellent. No one could have done better. You must be exhausted after all you’ve had to do today. Come, I’ll walk you to the house.”

  As they left the control room, Jana glanced skyward. “Do you think he’ll hang around or make an attempt to land? Pretending to be fearless and actually behaving that way aren’t the same. I admit that I’m scared of him. Men like Taemin can be unpredictable and dangerous. Especially when they have someone like Canissia egging them on to bolder plots.”

  Kagan grasped her hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry, my friend. Taemin won’t try anything with the force shield activated and the automatic destruct system in operation, not to mention your warnings. His sensors know he can’t get through our protection barriers. Nobody was smarter about defense than Ryker Triloni and no place has a better system than Darkar. It’s totally impenetrable to all attacks. You’re safe, Jana. I wouldn’t let anyone or anything harm you. Varian is going to be very proud of how you handled yourself with Faeroe and Taemin. I am. So will Kadim Tirol, Supreme Commander Breccia Sard, and Councilman Draco Procyon when I report it to them tomorrow morning.”

  “I’m glad I have you here to help me and protect me, Kagan.”

  “I’m glad I was the one chosen for this special and secret assignment.”

  “So am I. Good night and thanks,” she said at the door.

  Kagan looked at it a moment after it was closed. Yes, he concluded again, Varian Saar was one lucky man—if he didn’t mess things up with her.

  It was hours after dinner the following day when Varian and Nigel arrived on Darkar in a Wanderlust shuttle. To allow the two couples privacy, Tristan and Martella had retired to the complex suite. Andrea awaited Nigel in the living area, while Jana had chosen the secluded bedroom for her first meeting with Varian as himself after over four months as Ryker.

  She reminded Andrea to withhold the truth from the men, then hurried to the bedroom. She was glad her love hadn’t been present when she received the news of her pregnancy. That had given her time to adjust and plan after her talk with Andrea had clarified many things. She thought of the tiny life growing within her and of becoming a mother. She imagined holding their baby and wondered which parent it would favor.

  Perhaps the baby was fate’s way of removing a difficult decision from her hands. Love, marriage, a child, a golden future—were they possible after all that had happened? First, she had to be sure this wasn’t another trick to obtain control of her again. She also had to be convinced of her own feelings, that she was doing the best thing for everyone involved. Prepare yourself, Rogue Saar, for the most important test of your life. If you fail, we all lose.

  In the living area, Nigel greeted an overjoyed Andrea. When their lips and arms parted, the curly-haired man introduced his two loved ones. “Andrea, I want you to meet my best friend and commanding officer; Varian, this is the woman I’m going to marry very soon.”

  The ebony-haired man clasped wrists with her and smiled. “It’s a great pleasure to finally meet you, Andrea McKay. Nigel has told me all about you. Congratulations on snaring my best friend. You couldn’t have chosen a better man to share your new life with in our world. Rest assured I shall make certain he has plenty of time to enjoy it. I must add, it looks as if he couldn’t have made a better choice for a wife.”

  Andrea eyed the handsome alien and was charmed by him. “It’s nice to see you, Commander Saar. Nigel has told me many things about you, too; so has Jana. I’ve looked forward to our meeting.”

  “I wish it could have been under different circumstances. I hope Jana is doing all right in this grim situation. And please call me Varian.”

  You are a superb actor—and a hunk! “She’s holding up fine, Varian. She’s waiting for you in her suite so you two can speak in private.”

  “Thank you, Andrea. I’ll go see her now. I look forward to us getting better acquainted after things settle down.”

  “So do I, sir.”

  “Good night. We leave early tomorrow so enjoy yourselves.” Varian smiled then headed for the bedroom where Jana awaited him.

  From her position at a window, Jana heard the door open then close. She couldn’t imagine how she was going to feel when they looked at each other with so much torment between them. She saw his reflection in the glasslike material. His image grew larger and clearer as he approached. Her heart fluttered while her stomach played host to countless active butterflies. She trembled but didn’t turn. Her gaze took in his sable hair and handsome face. Somehow, she hadn’t expected to react in this instantly weakened way. In light of the predicament he had put her in, she had assumed anger would be her predominant emotion. It wasn’t.

  “Hello, Moonbeam, I’m back. I spoke with Grandfather earlier. He, Brec, and Draco can’t stop singing praises for your work with Faeroe and Taemin. Neither can Kagan. It seems you’ve made a conquest there. He told me I would be a fool if I didn’t do whatever it took to keep you.”

  A romantic and stirring attack on my warring senses right off the bat. Don’t let him disarm and enchant you before he’s proven himself. “How did things go on Caguas?” she asked. She kept her back to him as she tried to master her wayward feelings and cool the desire that flamed within her.

  “No problem. Taemin stayed around to answer a few questions, so we wouldn’t track him down. Of course he loudly proclaimed his innocence. I told him he was free to leave but that Star Fleet might want to speak with him again considering that recent trouble on his ship and Luz. The fire at the mine was minor and repairs are under way. It went off without suspicion pointing at us. We’re one step closer to completing our task.”

  Afterward? she wanted to ask but didn’t. “What about those threats Taemin made against you and Tirol to Ryker? Did you question him about that part and about his plot against Maffei? Since you and Ryker made peace, it wouldn’t appear odd for him to have warned you of treachery.”

  “I didn’t mention any of that to Taemin. Telling me about a threat to me and Grandfather was only a trick to make sure I was lured into his trap. He wouldn’t have added that enticement if he hadn’t believed I was Varian.”

  “Are you sure it was a trick and he won’t attack you two?”

  Varian warmed as he assumed she was worried about them. “Yes, and he couldn’t succeed if he tried. Maal told me as Ryker that he hadn’t been the one to tell Taemin we were on the Wanderlust. That proved to me and him it was Cass’s traitorous doing. The way it stands, neither Maal nor Taemin will trust her or help her again. With Ryker gone, too, that leaves Cass without allies and sanctuary. She’ll be caught soon.”

  “She could have allies elsewhere. She’s clever and surely desperate by now. All she has to do is move to another galaxy and hide out until it’s safe to sneak back for more malicious mischief. Or she can do as you did: alter her appearance and stroll around as free as she pleases.”

  Varian placed his hands on her arms to stroke them but felt her stiffen. He dropped them to his sides and said, “I won’t let her get away with all her vicious crimes.”

  Jana wished she could fall into his arms and forget the dark past, but it wasn’t that simple. She felt a desperation of her own to stop him from assailing her senses before they settled matters between them. To do so, she said, “You may have no choice. You do recall that frequently used statement and condition, don’t you?” When he didn’t defend himself or respond, she asked, “Do we leave in the morning for Maal’s as planned?”

  Varian had expected her reserve and coolness. He was disappointed to learn he had been right. “Yes, if that suits you.”

  “The sooner we get this over with, the better.”
r />   A short and heavy silence ensued. Varian worried over her frigid mood. Before leaving to dispose of Ryker’s body, he had believed he was making progress with her. Their last night together had been glorious, and their farewell had been genial. It was apparent he either had been wrong, misled, or something had changed her mind during his absence. What? Or was it whom? Had the lies Jana was forced to tell Andrea become too real? Had Andrea told Jana that Varian couldn’t possibly love her and do the things he had done? Had Jana broken her vow of silence and turned Andrea against him as Ryker and Varian? The redhead had been charming, but she had looked at him oddly when they spoke, he recalled. Had it been a grave mistake to allow their reunion at this delicate time?

  “What about Shara’s body?” she inquired to break the tension.

  “It’s been buried here. If we have need of it later, we can exhume it. If not, Darkar will be her final and secret resting place for all eternity. I have agents checking on what Taemin said about Cass being on Zenufia. If she is, we’ll try for extradition. I’m sure they will hand her over to us. I did give Taemin a strong warning about his threats to you; he’s been ordered to stay out of this area and away from Darkar. For now, he’ll obey.”

  “How did you manage your change back to yourself without Tris? What about the crew on the ship that picked you and Nigel up? Did they see you as Ryker? Do they now know the truth?”

  “Brec came for me with an android crew. No one else is the wiser and it will remain that way, Moonbeam. I was disguised when I left the mine and when I entered Star Base. A specialist in the med complex there reversed Tris’s work on me, then had his task blocked from his memory.”

  “That’s a relief. Thank you for taking those precautions. The fewer who know about your ruse with me the better.”

  Jana turned to look at him, assured she was strong and calm enough to do so by then. Her heart rate speeded up again. She warmed from head to toe. Her body, heart, and mind responded to him. There was a roguish gleam in his molten gaze and a broad smile on his sensuous lips. His wide shoulders and stalwart chest were concealed in a wine dress uniform with gold markings. Stripes banded each wrist with a star on either side of them. A gold sunburst was placed over his left chest muscle. He exuded an undeniable and irresistible aura of strength, power, and passion. He was totally magnetic and she was drawn to him.

  Jana’s wits reeled as she viewed the perfect male who was enslaving her will and leaving her without the power to resist him. The storm raging within her body threatened to wash her away in its flood of potent desire. A warming glow pulsed through her womanhood and she scolded herself for feeling in this wanton way. He was a tower of masculinity, and she had to break his hypnotic hold over her. She told herself it was sexual attraction, but she knew it was more, much more. “He did an excellent job. You’re perfect.”

  He assumed bringing others in on the ruse had been her concern and what had changed her mood, as she appeared to relax a little after his response. “Thank you,” he murmured, aware of how they were affecting each other. He yearned to yank her into his arms and cover her with kisses. He wanted her to forgive him, to let him make things right.

  As he smiled, she remarked, “You even got the creases back near your eyes and mouth. And that sexy cleft in your chin seems unchanged.”

  “I’m glad you’re pleased. The hardest part was extracting that green dye. For a while, I feared I was going to be stuck for life with blue lenses.”

  Jana studied his sapphire eyes. “I think not. The shade is perfect. They look the same color they used to be.”

  “How are you doing after your difficult tasks here?”

  “They were scary, but they worked with Kagan’s help and advice.”

  “He gives you the credit, Moonbeam.”

  “That was nice of him. He’s a good agent for the Alliance.”

  “Andrea and Nigel were so glad to see each other,” Varian observed. “You’d think they’d been apart for months instead of two days.”

  “Lovestruck couples behave that way.”

  He hoped that wasn’t a clue to her feelings. “I like her, Jana. She’s quite a woman, as you are.”

  “It’s been wonderful having her here. Thank you.”

  “Any problems with her or the cover story?” he asked, and was pleased at her negative response. He changed his line of questioning abruptly. “I suppose she dislikes me after what you told her. She gave me a strange look when I saw her earlier.”

  “That’s only natural; she was seeing and meeting Varian Saar for the first time. She’s only met Ryker until tonight. Remember?”

  “In a way, I’d forgotten. Nigel introduced us and we chatted for a short time. Perdition, Varian Saar shouldn’t be in here with you!”

  “Don’t tell me you made a slip for once?”

  “Absolutely. That shows how easy mistakes are made.”

  “Don’t worry; I told her I wanted to see you in private.”

  “In your bedroom?”

  “Why not, brother-in-law?” she replied, stressing their relationship.

  “But I just smiled, spoke a few words, and strolled past her.”

  “After she told you I was waiting for you in here, right?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t even ask for directions.”

  “In your brother’s home, it shouldn’t be necessary.”

  “It’ll be suspicious, Moonbeam.”

  “No, it won’t. Besides, I’m sure she’s too captivated by Nigel to notice anything unusual—even your good looks and charms, Rogue Saar. Relax, it’s natural for my best friend to be curious about my captor and ex-lover. I did tell her I had exaggerated my feelings for Ryker so she’d understand why I’m not consumed by grief overmy husband’s loss. I’m afraid I couldn’t fool her that far. Others, yes; Andrea, no. She’s been very understanding.”

  Another short period of silence took place as if each was waiting for the other to select their next topic.

  Finally, Varian said, “I’ve run out of small talk and reports, woman.”

  “So have I. If that’s all, I’ll take a bath. We leave early tomorrow.”

  Varian perceived that something else was bothering her. Perhaps seeing him as his old self reminded her of the charges of deceit against him. She was clearly as moved by their close proximity as he was, but still she was distant and cautious. He decided it might be best not to pressure her tonight about her feelings for him. “I’ve already checked things with Kagan to make sure we’ll be ready to leave on time. We should get a good night’s sleep. We’ll travel at starlight speed and be there fast. During the voyage, you can ask any questions you may have and we can practice our next ruse.”

  “Fine.” She headed toward the bathroom.

  “I suppose a welcome-home kiss is out of the question, so I’ll be a gentleman and let you escape my snare for a while.”

  She halted and gave a mocking bow. “How gallant of you.”

  “I see you’re still testy and moody.”

  “With just cause, you space pirate.” I’m pregnant with your child.

  Varian was surprised when she grinned and used a mellow tone. He did the same. “At least I have some kind of affect on you, Moonbeam.”

  In an exaggerated southern drawl and with lashes fluttering to ease the tension, she purred a seductive, “See you later.”

  “I’ll see you in the morning, love. Good night.”

  Jana looked at him as she headed for the door. She read reluctance to leave her in his voice and movements. “Where are you going? It’s late. We have an early departure time and busy schedule ahead. We need our rest. I’m sure the others have turned in and aren’t expecting a visit and chat with you tonight.”

  “I can’t stay here, Moonbeam.”

  “It may be your last chance to dazzle me for a long time. And how can you pass my test if you don’t take it?”

  Varian was tempted to stay but thought it too risky. “I’m not Ryker anymore. I’m Varian now.” “So?”r />
  “What will the others think? You’re Ryker’s widow.”

  “Everyone here knows the truth, except Andrea,” she fibbed. “By now she’s totally consumed with Nigel and will be none the wiser.”

  “My ship is orbiting Darkar, Moonbeam. What about my crew?”

  “Tell them you’re staying in the shuttle complex because it’s late for a return flight and you’d have to make another trip down early tomorrow. You have Nigel, Tris, Martella, and Kagan present to ward off gossip.”

  “My crew doesn’t know anyone’s here except Nigel. Tris and Martella are supposedly on leave somewhere. They don’t know Agent Kagan. We did tell them about Andrea and Nigel, so it’s fine for him to stay.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself, Rogue Saar; you always do. As for me, my bath is waiting.”

  Varian couldn’t help but say he would make his report and return soon.

  Jana grinned and jested, “A wise decision, Commander.”

  Jana watched Varian leave the bathroom after a quick shower and shave to join her in the large bed that seemed deceptively small. He radiated heat and enticement as he drew her to him. If the bold idea she was planning to use failed … Don’t think about that now, J.G., just test his feelings and yours.

  Jana gravitated toward him until her yearning body made contact with his. A full moon was in a direct angle overhead to cast light through the clear dome roof; it illuminated them in a romantic glow. Their gazes met. She saw him smile, an almost shy and nervous one. Jana let her eyes roam his face. Her hand seemed to lift of its own volition to allow her fingers to trace the cleft in his chin and trail over his lips.


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