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Stardust And Shadows

Page 48

by Janelle Taylor

  “But leaders and rulers are immuned to questioning, aren’t they?”

  “Ryker needed information, so he gave me a chemical that caused the Rendelar not to work. The planetary ruler of Zandia is my mental slave, among other ways I like to use him with the aid of secret formulas. Your late husband certainly was a genius. I’ll miss his products.”

  “You mean Avatar Kael doesn’t know he’s working for you?”

  “That’s right. In fact, Kael can’t stand me. That’s what makes his little enslavement and chores so enjoyable.” Canissia licked her lips and told Jana the crude sexual sentence that put Kael in a trance.

  “Why can’t you use those same chemicals on Varian and enslave him? Then, you and I won’t have a problem.”

  “Ryker only gave me enough to use on Kael; one infusion did it.”

  “I’ve been all through his possessions and equipment and I haven’t found any mention of such a powerful antidote to Rendelar.”

  “It exists somewhere, because I’ve used it and it works. That’s how I learned about the treaties and Taemin’s fate from Kael a few days ago.”

  “If you’re being hunted like an animal, how could you get to him?”

  “Simple. In disguise and after uttering my magic words via telecom, he gave me clearance. This ship has transport markings outside, Trilabs markings to be exact. Supposedly having valuable, secret, and dangerous products aboard explains my weapons and vessel superiority. Symbols for deadly cargo keep anyone from approaching me too closely, and the androids handle all communications for me. You see, I thought of everything. Even Kael can’t recall my visit. Too bad I was too rushed to have my last fun with him. I so enjoy humiliating him. Of course, if I have future need of him, all I have to do is whisper my little message in his ear.” Jana forced her eyes to widen and sparkle with deceptive excitement. “Do you realize what that formula would be worth? No person in an elite position would be safe from questioning. The secrets they possess would be priceless. What did Ryker call it?”

  “Anti-Ren. But it won’t profit you anything, nor me.”

  “We could be rich and powerful beyond our wildest dreams, Cass.” She attempted to ensnare the greedy and conceited creature and used an informal shortening of her name to sound friendly. “With your knowledge and skills combined with mine, we could … we could gain control of this damn galaxy. Just think, two female rulers. If we’re in control or if we wipe out their memories, you won’t be in any danger. We can be a team, Cass. We can even get Varian for you.”

  “You don’t want him back?” Cass asked with open skepticism.

  “I was in love with Ryker,” Jana stressed. “I’m still in love with Ryker. I do not want Varian Saar. I could never trust him or forgive him.”

  “Varian loves you more than his own life, even more than his rank and duty or else he would never have taken possession of you during a mission and against orders. He would give anything to get you back. He let Ryker keep you only to save your life, not because Ryker had screwed you. He knew that if he took you back, Ryker would guess he loved you and would kill you. You’re blind and naive, my alien temptress. Varian actually loves you.”

  “How can I convince you that doesn’t matter to me? Even if it did, I could never return to him and he would never want me back. I’m carrying Ryker Triloni’s child and heir, future ruler of Androas. You know Varian Saar, Cass; he would not accept Ryker’s child. He may have pretended to make peace with Ryker, but I don’t believe he meant it, and neither do you. He probably thinks he saved Maffei with his deceitful truce.”

  “What if the baby is Varian’s? You screwed him for ages.”

  “I was with Varian for only two weeks before my auction and then for just a few days after he snatched me away from Draco and you got me. Think about the timing, Cass; that’s impossible. I’m only two months. All I want is Darkar, Trilabs, my baby, and our freedom—not Varian.”

  “The answer is no and will remain no!”

  Jana tried another tactic to save their lives. “If what you say about Varian loving me is true, then killing me is a big mistake. He will never know I would never marry him, so he’ll hunt you forever, no matter where you go. You know him, Cass, he’ll never stop dogging you until he dies; he’s very persistent when he wants something. Tell me what it will take to get me and Andrea released and to protect my baby.”

  “A baby, how sweet. Poor Ryker won’t get to see his little seed sprout and grow. How sad. Soon you’ll be fat and clumsy and have a whining child clutching at you. Then, my extemptress, you won’t be appealing to a man like Varian at all. How sad. You’re right, Varian would never want you all plump with Ryker’s baby, if this story of yours is the truth. Come with me to the medical bay for a test of your claim.”

  “You want me to take a pregnancy test?”

  “Do you object? You are telling me the truth, aren’t you?”

  “Lead on, Cass.” She glanced at her friend. “I’ll return soon, Andrea.”

  Jana was escorted back to the holding room by a silent and heartless android with expressionless yellow eyes. She was frustrated and angered at not having a single chance to overpower Canissia. She hadn’t seen a single human crewman during her outing, and she knew androids had no feelings to which she could appeal for help. The mechanical creations were controlled by computer chips that were programmed in Canissia’s favor, so no assistance or mercy would ever be forthcoming.

  Jana walked to the bed and sat down facing a blank wall. “Andrea, I have something in my eye, perhaps a lash. Can you help me get it out?”

  Andrea surmised something was afoot and obeyed. She sat in front of Jana and pretended to do as her friend requested. It was a trick to avoid the hidden camera’s eye while Jana used a game they had practiced in class many times in the past: mouthing messages. Jana winked at her friend and gave unwitnessed instructions. “I passed the test,” she finally said aloud.

  “I got it, Jana. How does that feel?”

  They kept their places on the bed. “Fine. Thanks.”

  “So what happens now, Jana?”

  “If Cass is smart, she’ll accept my deal and offer of help. Despite the bad blood between us, she and I could make a good team. She’s in a lot of trouble, but maybe we can work out something to benefit both of us. If Cass is as smart as I think she is, she didn’t leave any evidence behind to incriminate her. All they can have on her are suspicions and maybe light charges. I can’t believe she won’t call their bluff.”

  “Do you think she’s going to kill us for spite against you?”

  “I hope not. If she thinks about it, she really has no motive and it only adds another crime to her list. I told her the truth: I don’t want or need Varian Saar. If she wants to save herself, she had better let someone help her, even if it’s me. Maybe she’ll wise up and realize I’m not her rival or enemy. The best chance to get out of this alive and safe is to be honest with her. To deceive her or attempt to manipulate her would be dangerous. She’s far too smart for me to insult her intelligence with lies and tricks.”

  Jana got off the bed and strolled about as she spoke. “The problem is, Cass believes I’m the root of her problems and unhappiness when the truth is it’s her obsession for Varian and his constant rejections. She should realize that was a painful fact long before I came on the scene, so I can’t understand why she blames me for it. Ryker and I thought they were getting married; that’s what was reported. I’m afraid to ask her what happened to stop the wedding. If Varian called it off, and I presume he did, she must think it’s because of me. I haven’t gone after him, Andrea, and I won’t go after him; I’m glad he’s out of my life and I want it to remain that way. But if he dumped her to romance me to get his hands on Trilabs for Maffei, he’s an arrogant and deluded fool.”

  Andrea continued to allow Jana to do most of the talking in an attempt to dupe the listening Canissia into releasing them. “Maybe she’ll let you give her refuge on Darkar. Nobody would think to look
for her there with you. If we help her, she’ll release us, won’t she?”

  Jana gave a loud sigh. “Who are we kidding, Andrea? She’ll never believe me or my promises in a thousand years.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I don’t know. That’s up to Cass.”

  “What if she really dumps us on that horrible prison planet? We’ll never survive, Jana. We’ll be attacked day and night by awful men. It’s bad enough for us to be treated that way, but your baby … How can any woman be so cruel as to harm an innocent child?”

  “The baby probably doesn’t seem real to her because I’m not showing yet, even though she saw the test results. If she loved or wanted children, she would have some by now, with or without a husband. I think we’re doomed. I’m sorry, Andrea, for getting you into this bind with me.”

  “It isn’t your fault, Jana. Maybe she’ll change her mind.”

  “No, she won’t” came Canissia’s response.

  Jana and Andrea whirled toward the sound, but no one was there.

  “What was that?”

  “A hidden communicator, Andrea. She’s been watching us and listening to us all along, toying with us. We’ve been tricked again.”

  The door opened and Canissia lazed against the side, grinning and armed against a bold attack. “I should warn you, Jana, not to try anything foolish, like taking me for a hostage. My crew are androids: they feel nothing; they only respond to their programming, which is to jettison you into space if I’m harmed. I’ve ordered them not to bargain with you for any reason, even for my safety or survival. I don’t have to remind you being jettisoned is a bloody, slow, and excruciatingly painful death, so none of this threatening to kill me if you aren’t released. I assure you, they will call your bluff, then torture you and kill you. If you want that little baby to live a while longer, behave yourself. Understand?”

  “I understand perfectly. I misjudged you, Cass; I thought you smarter than this. I can’t help it if Varian lusts for me, or Trilabs through me. If he does love me, killing me won’t make him desire you or turn to you. Does taking other people’s lives mean nothing to you?”

  “It actually gives me great pleasure, especially if they suffer a great deal beforehand. You have no idea what delightful cruelties and games Taemin and I had planned for you and Varian; I’m sorry he wasn’t playing Ryker and we didn’t get our eager hands on you two. Making people bleed and cry and beg and do whatever I command is a delicious and intoxicating sensation. If I had my old crew with me, I’d let them have fun with you two before I discard you. I’d really enjoy watching you take on two and three men at a time, and taping it to send to Varian as his last memory of his lost love. And don’t say you wouldn’t, that you’d die first; I have chemicals that will make you do anything and everything I desire. I’m only sorry androids don’t have the right equipment to provide that little diversion for me.”

  Jana knew it was unwise to say anything provoking at that delicate point in the woman’s mental balance. She was relieved Canissia hadn’t followed up on her earlier threats of torture. She didn’t know why the sadistic creature hadn’t kept her word, and she certainly wasn’t going to remind her into doing so by hurling curses and insults at her.

  “I thought I had gotten rid of you when I gave you to Ryker. I underestimated your powers. You had the same affect on both brothers; even Taemin craved you. Because of you, I lost all three prospects, you alien witch. I was forced to kill Baruch and Moloch and that sister of his because of you. I tried to entrap Ryker because of you. Now, I’m on the run because of you. It’s your fault Ryker tried to murder me.”

  “You’re wrong about that, Cass,” Jana pointed out. “Ryker said it was an accident that killed Zan. He told me you were too valuable to him as a spy to kill you. And it wasn’t my fault I came here and intruded on your life and plans; I was captured and enslaved. Every place I went, every person I met, and every thing I did was under orders because I had no choice; I was a prisoner in your world. If anyone is to blame for your misery, it’s Varian and it’s you.”

  Canissia glared at Jana. “Me!” she screamed. “How dare you!”

  Jana assumed a gentle tone to cover her slip. “As long as you love him and chase him, he’ll abuse you and hurt you. Get over him, Cass, and push him out of your life as I did. He isn’t wort h it.”

  “That public proposal and marriage offer were tricks to lure me out of hiding so he could destroy me and protect you. He never intended to marry me; it was a trap to locate you and get you back. You, you, you, everything for you! But not much longer. I have time and the means to exact my revenge: I didn’t rush it. I planned this very carefully. I don’t care who gets hurt as long as I destroy you. That’s how I will punish Varian. Killing him isn’t the way; ruining the only thing he loves and wants will be his living hell. In a few months, I’ll tell him where you are. What he finds left of you when he comes, if anything, he’ll reject.”

  “If he loves me that much, he’s probably looking for me this minute. Kagan had orders to check on me within two hours if I wasn’t back home. You can’t have much of a lead on a search party. Give it up before it’s too late. Do so and I’ll convince them to be lenient with you. If they value their connection to Trilabs, they’ll grant my request. I’ll give them no choice.”

  “Let you help me?”

  Jana watched the fiery redhead burst into soul-chilling laughter. Her aqua eyes glittered with hatred and coldness. Evil and something akin to intimidating madness seemed to shadow her.

  “I don’t need or want your help or your friendship,” Canissia scoffed. “I’ve never needed anyone’s. I can take care of myself; I always have. When you’re gone, I’ll be happy again and Varian will be punished for all he’s done to me. He’ll live and die knowing he’s responsible for your destruction.”

  “You’re talking and acting like a woman scorned, Cass. Get hold of yourself and think clearly or you’ll be in the worst trouble of your life. Maal will come after you, too; I’m carrying his great-grandchild, remember? Between him and Varian and their forces, you won’t have a minute’s peace to enjoy your revenge. They’ll hunt you down like a wild animal and kill you. There’s still time to end this recklessness. I beg you, don’t do this.”

  “As soon as I’ve dealt with you and informed Varian of your fate, I’m leaving Maffei. They’ll never locate me to hurt me again.”

  The woman acted as if she hadn’t heard a word Jana had said and wasn’t tempted to stop her evil scheme. Jana grasped it was futile to argue and reason further. “I’ll fight you on this, Cass; I have to.”

  “You’ll lose, that’s a promise. Where you’re going, you’ll beg and pray for death a thousand times over before it finally releases you from your suffering. I hate you, Jana Greyson. I hate Varian. We’ll be there soon.”

  Jana watched Canissia leave and the door close.

  “She’s crazy, Jana; she’s going to do it,” Andrea shrieked in panic.

  “We aren’t dead yet, my friend. Don’t lose hope and faith. Varian and Nigel will locate us and rescue us; you’ll see.” Please, God, let that be true.

  The following afternoon, Canissia came to fetch the Earthlings, and brought two android guards with her. “We’re here. Ready to go?”

  Jana’s heart began to pound hard and fast. Terror ruled her senses. She paled and trembled. Where are you, my love? We need you. “Don’t do this wicked and cruel thing, Cass. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything to save my baby’s life. I’ll get on my knees. I’ll give you Trilabs for protection.”

  “Shut up, it’s too late for bargains.”

  “It’s not too late to change your mind, Cass. I’m begging you.”

  “No, please!” Andrea shrieked. “We’ll do anything you ask.”

  “Take them to the shuttle,” Canissia ordered the androids.

  The strength of the mechanical beings couldn’t be resisted or overcome. Jana and Andrea were escorted to the shuttle bay and place
d aboard a craft. Andrea was crying and shaking. Jana was filled with anger and hatred for their grinning captor.

  “You’ll be sorry for this, Cass; he will hunt you down and kill you. No matter how far or how fast you run, Varian Saar will find you and kill you.”

  “No way, no way. Goodbye, Jana, forever this time. Oh, you will have about an hour’s rest before the men can reach the place the shuttle will drop you. Make all the defense plans you like, but they won’t help you escape their savage lust.”

  Jana and Andrea huddled together and held hands as the craft traveled to the surface of the male penal colony. Jana whispered a message to her.

  Andrea nodded and murmured, “Oh, Nigel, my love, where are you?”

  “I’m sure our men are searching for us. We have to stay safe and alive until they come. They will, Andrea; I know they will.”

  They landed and the two women were taken outside. “Remove your clothes,” one android said in a monotone voice. “Give them to me.”

  As planned, Jana and Andrea raced for cover as quickly as possible. The androids were not as swift or agile as the two humans. Soon, the women were able to hide. As instructed, Andrea did not move or speak to avoid being detected by their trackers’ sensors. For twenty minutes, the androids searched in vain while the two women observed and trembled. They heard one android report the situation and heard Canissia order them back to the ship.

  The shuttle zoomed into the sky and Jana and Andrea were alone in what resembled a lush jungle. They heard birds with strange calls. They smelled an abundance of flowers. They felt the high humidity and heat.

  “What now, Jana? She said those prisoners would reach us in…”

  Thirty minutes. “A plan, we need a plan of defense. Damn, damn, damn! I can’t think; I’m too scared. We have no weapons or food or supplies. And we’ll be outnumbered. The best we can hope for is male dominance, a leader who might claim us and keep us from the others.”

  “Canissia said only the worst criminals were sent here. They’ll be battling over us like wild animals over raw meat.”


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