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Stardust And Shadows

Page 51

by Janelle Taylor

  “Remember the first time we stood at this window together? You were proving my new fate to me. You said, and I quote: ‘I had counted on your superior intelligence and keen perception to convince you that I spoke the truth,’ and I responded: ‘You win, Commander.’ You said: ‘I never doubted for that victory for a single minute, Jana.’ Well, you space rogue, you have won—my heart and my commitment—and you always knew you would. I’m glad you never gave up on me, on us.”

  “We’ll be happy, Jana, I promise.”

  “I know we will, all three of us.” Jana glanced at Nigel and Andrea and amended, “All five of us.”

  “Nothing but debris, sir,” Vaiden reported. “No survivor or pod.”

  “Take us to Darkar, Jarre.”

  “Yes, sir. What speed, sir?”

  “Starlight. This beautiful and special lady is eager to get home and get her new life in order. Right, Jana?”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Are you sure? Avatar Kael?” Varian asked Jana once they were settled in his quarters.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t his fault and he doesn’t even know what he’s been doing.” Jana explained what Canissia had told her about the planetary ruler of Zandia. “Now you’ll be able to end her spell over him. I don’t know how the formula of AntiRen has remained hidden from me and Tris. We’ll search the records again after I reach Trilabs. We certainly don’t want that powerful secret to fall into the wrong hands.”

  “You’ve been a superb partner in all of this, Moonbeam. I knew you were special the first moment I saw you. The more I was with you, the more I realized that truth. I chose well, the best, Jana Greyson. I’m only sorry it took so long for us to find peace and happiness.”

  “We have endured a lot of trials and tribulations, my love, but they’re over now. Besides, some of them were very stimulating and educational and strengthening. How many people can live on the edge and taste danger without actually getting hurt? All we’ve been through has brought us closer together. We do make an excellent team, Rogue Saar.”

  “I wouldn’t want to repeat any of those episodes. I almost lost you.”

  “I almost lost you, too, during that Galactic Gem task.”

  Varian related the stirring and perilous tale. “It was my father’s old ship, Jana, the place where he and Shara met, where she began her evil plot and selfish siege on him, and where she birthed a series of tragedies for many people. As soon as I read the ship’s markings, I had a bad feeling. She was showing signs of age, but she was still a sturdy transport vessel. She was hauling highly volatile Barine for chemical lasers, Ryker’s invention and products. The longer we took and the closer we camé to mutual destruction, the more I could hear Shara and Ryker laughing and taunting me about missing my deadline with you. It was almost as if their evil spirits were determined to wreak revenge on me from the grave.”

  “She’s gone and can never harm us again. So is her misguided son.”

  “It doesn’t look as if I’ll have to expose Shara’s survival and the extent of Ryker’s treachery to Maal and Jurad. In a way, I’m relieved. I think the past can finally die.”

  “I’m glad, too. Maybe everyone involved can find peace now, even Maal. And Tirol, too; at last he knows your father was innocent of Shara’s deceits and wasn’t to blame in any way for the murder of his daughter. I realize now what drove you to such a desperate ruse to obtain peace. Losing your parents to Shara’s wickedness and Ryker’s constant provocation gave you good reasons to hate and battle for years.”

  “That’s over now. For the first time, I’m free of bitter conflicts, sacrifices, and ghosts.”

  She knew from the serene look in his sapphire eyes that his statement was true. The wild and reckless roller coaster ride they had been on since meeting each other had ended tonight with Canissia’s defeat. Yet, life with this irresistible alien would always be stimulating and exciting, never dull. And she wouldn’t want it any other way.

  “I’m happy you decided to give me a reprieve on my deadline and gave me this chance to prove myself to you. I won’t disappoint you.”

  Jana rolled him to his back and mounted his body with agility. “I’m a smart woman, remember? You know what the real problem was?” That question got his full attention. “You were trying to convince me of the truth while wearing Ryker’s face and using his identity. It was him I was resisting and doubting. I was drawn to you as Ryker because of your resemblance in looks, and your brilliant personality kept shining through, but I couldn’t trust you or respond fully to you while you were him. But when you became yourself again,” she murmured as she caressed his face, “I was lost. All the love and passion you created in me, then suppressed, surfaced again to assail me. So, you see, your battle to win me was easy as soon as Rogue Saar returned to life. It’s you and only you I love and want.”

  Varian gazed at the woman straddling his hips on the bed. His fingers slipped under the filmy material of her gown to stroke the outer sides of her sleek thighs. “It wasn’t easy at any point. I was worried and scared, and I didn’t know how to deal with those emotions.”

  Jana peeled off her transparent robe and flung it to the floor. She leaned forward to trail her fingertips over his broad shoulders and masculine chest. “Well, you don’t have to do it anymore. You have me enthralled for life, my handsome and virile captor.”

  “As if that would be long enough with a woman like you.”

  With seductive leisure, she placed her hands on either side of his neck. With a slow but stimulating pace, she drifted them down his chest and teased over the ridges of his rib cage. Her gaze admired what she viewed and her hands adored what they touched. “You are the most splendid male specimen in existence in any galaxy, my dashing space pirate. How could I possibly let you escape? I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Moonbeam, more than you know or can imagine.” He eased his thumbs beneath the thin straps of her nightgown and pulled them off her golden shoulders. With her assistance, he slid them over her hands. He watched the silky garment snake down her torso to pool like green water around her naked hips. With the bottom of her gown hiked up, only her feminine region was concealed from his smoldering gaze. Hair a blend of sunshine and moonlight tumbled down her back and spilled over her shoulders. The colors of her eyes seemed to swirl into a fusion of blue sky, verdant grass, and violet flower. She reminded him of a goddess come to life. His hands moved ever so slowly and provocatively up her arms and over her collarbone; they stroked her neck and roamed to her breasts. He cupped them, quivering in anticipation and pleasure. “You are exquisite, my priceless treasure.”

  Jana flattened her palms against the backs of his muscled arms and locked gazes with him. “Just make certain you do no more plundering abroad after you’ve laid claim to me.”

  “How could I when you own my wits and heart and all my strength? It is you who are the captor and master and I, your obedient slave.”

  Jana massaged his arms with her palms. She used an exaggerated southern accent and sultry mood as she murmured, “I will be your fountain of love; I will quench your great thirst. Drink from me as you will and become intoxicated.”

  He chuckled. “You’re teasing me, but it’s with the truth, woman.”

  Jana pulled the bunched gown over her head and cast it aside. “You have created a bold and wanton hussy in me, Varian Saar. With you, I want to explore everything, to taste every pleasure.” For a moment, she remembered that their best friends were in a room not far away, also sneaking a night of passionate lovemaking. “I hope no one comes checking on any of us tonight or we’ll have some tough explaining to do.”

  “Soon, Moonbeam, that won’t be necessary.”

  “I can hardly wait. But we have a few tiny matters to complete first.”

  “Not tonight. This time belongs only to us.” He clasped her neck and drew her head down so their mouths could fuse.

  Their unclad bodies pressed together as they kissed and caressed, enflaming their desires to
a higher and brighter pitch. His teeth nibbled at her neck, shoulder, and ear. His hot breath caused her to tingle with suspense of what lay ahead. She sighed in contentment and her heart pounded in fiery arousal, eager to meld their bodies into one.

  Jana arched as she eased his manhood within her pleading core. She rocked back and forth and rotated side to side as she gave them blissful sensations. If any doubts about him had truly ever existed, they were gone, conquered by their mutual powerful love and entwined destinies.

  Tonight was a fusion of hearts, a forging of their entire beings, a total commitment to each other.

  Jana’s fiery responses increased Varian’s hunger. He grasped her body and rolled her to her back, placing himself atop her. Her ardor and need, and his own, inspired him to hold nothing back. Ecstasy’s flames engulfed him in a blazing glow that only fulfillment could extinguish and then, only for a short time because his need for her was perpetual. His deft hands roved her luscious body and his lips savored her delectable mouth, bringing them both to uncontrolled tremors of delight. She uttered moans of feverish excitement as she became breathless and rigid with urgency for him, a need he was only too happy to appease.

  They rode the waves of rapture until sweet and potent release swept over them both. They spoke of love, shared love, and became love itself. The strong currents carried them away, washed them clean of all troubles, and put them ashore among the stars. As they relaxed and calmed in the languid afterglow of their powerful experience, they nestled together and kissed.

  “I told you I would fight for you, woman,” Varian reminded her with a grin, “and my victory is beyond words to describe.”

  “If this is how to celebrate, I shall challenge you to a battle every day and night, especially if this is the weapon you use to fight with,” she teased, brushing her hand over his softening manhood.

  “You’re right, Jana Greyson, I have created a brazen vixen in you.”

  “You can’t blame me for that, Sir Pirate. You captured me and molded me into the woman I should be, a woman who could win the greatest prize in the Universe. You blazed into my life like a fiery comet, seared me with your touch, and carried me away in your wake.”

  “And I shall never release you from it, Moonbeam, never.”

  They talked for a while about many things, then slept cuddled together.

  When they reached Darkar, Tristan and Martella joined them to report that their work in Trilabs was finished and Tristan had located the formula for Anti-Ren. Jana and Varian were surprised to learn it came from the wormlike creature inside the orchid-type flower Varian had used during his attempts to dupe her. A relieved and shame-faced Kagan greeted them with open exuberance and sincere contrition.

  “You don’t have to apologize, my friend,” Jana told him. “It wasn’t your fault. You should remember she got to me once before with her cunning and skills even though I was under the protection of the kadim himself. We also fell prey to Taemin’s cunning trap. It’s over and we’re safe. Please don’t chastise yourself again.”

  “You are a kind and intelligent woman, Jana Triloni. Thank you.”

  “Soon, that will become Jana Saar,” Varian said with a smile.

  “Maal wishes to speak with you the moment you return,” Kagan revealed almost reluctantly. “He’s worried about you, too.”

  “I’ll talk to him now if you’ll get him on the telecom for me.”

  “How did the conversation with Maal go?” Varian asked when she returned to the house and met him in the bedroom.

  “He was overjoyed to see me back safe and alive. He had nothing but praise for you for rescuing his late grandson’s wife. I related news of the fate of Taemin and Canissia; he’s relieved they won’t be threats to me anymore. I told him you used Ryker’s new systems to find me and save me, and that made him proud and happy. I realized afterward perhaps I shouldn’t have mentioned them to him or anyone.”

  He embraced her. “It’s all right, Moonbeam; he’ll learn about our new technology soon enough from other sources. So will Pyropea. It will make them respect our powers and strengths even more, so they won’t be tempted to break their treaties. You and I worked too hard to get them to see them destroyed.” He looked down at her. “We have to decide how to reveal our revived romance to everyone. I want us to marry next week.”

  As they talked and planned, they didn’t suspect that Maal Triloni would die peacefully in his sleep that same night and remove any potential problem when her pregnancy was revealed in a few months.

  Varian and Jana’s marriage was delayed by a quick trip to Androas to pay their final respects to ex-Kadim Maal. After they viewed the three Triloni bodies in glassed cases in a stately mausoleum built for that purpose, Varian announced to the new ruler of the Androasian Empire, Effecta Dakin Agular, his plans to marry Jana the following week.

  The ruler congratulated them and seemed genuinely pleased with the news. He credited Jana and Varian with the changes in Ryker which had inspired the Trilabs owner to evoke peace from his grandfather. He also thanked Jana for making the last days of the two Trilonis happy ones.

  It was no secret to Agular that Jana and Varian had been lovers long before she met and married the Androasian prince. He assumed a terrible misunderstanding had parted them and a heroic rescue and reunion had reunited them. Being a man who believed each day should be lived and enjoyed to the fullest, he was pleased to see Jana so radiant and happy.

  Jana and Varian celebrated and danced at the party following their marriage. All their friends and close crewmen were present to share in the glorious event. Even a smiling and genial Dr. Mirren was there with his family.

  Jana whirled about the floor in an ivory gown designed and made by a beaming Andrea McKay. It was of beaded lace and delicate embroidery with a fitted bodice and Victorian-style neckline of soft and sheer mesh. It featured a keyhole back, full skirt, and semicathedral train that was draped over one arm for easy movement. Seeded pearls and small silk flowers were secured to her tawny hair, piled for the occasion in curls atop her head. Jana wished there was more to an alien wedding ceremony than agreeing to unite, signing a legal document, and having a bracelet snapped on her wrist. But she was in Maffei and must follow their customs and traditions. At least the reception helped make the event romantic and special.

  Flowers gave off heady fragrances; music was dreamy; champagne flowed, and food was abundant. All the guests enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

  As she danced with Kadim Tirol Trygue, the galactic ruler said, “You have made my beloved grandson the happiest and proudest man alive. Thank you, Jana, for coming into his life. I am glad you have forgiven us for the way in which you entered our world. I know times have been hard for you, but you have my sincere gratitude forever. I do not believe any woman anywhere could have accomplished what you and Varian did. I am pleased and honored to have you as part of my family. I look forward,” he leaned closer and whispered, “to having another little loved one soon.”

  Jana beamed with joy. “So do we, sir. I want to thank you for how generously you have accepted me and for having our wedding in your home today.”

  “There are two more marriages coming soon: Tristan’s to Martella and Nigel’s to your best friend. It seems love and romance are in the air. Perhaps it is a contagious infection even I can catch again one day. Perhaps I should search your world for the perfect woman as Varian and Nigel did.”

  They danced another time before an eager Varian claimed his radiant bride. “Every moment you are away from me is sheer torment, woman.”

  “We certainly can’t have my groom suffering. What can I do to help?”

  “You’ve already done it, Jana, you love me and married me and you’re carrying my child. You’ve helped me obtain peace in the Tri-Galaxy. No man could be more blessed or fortunate than I am.”

  Jana gazed at the two items that exposed their bond to the world: a ring of gold on her left hand with caritrary stones that matched her eyes—as was Earth�
�s custom—and a gold bracelet encrusted with matching gems to symbolize that of Maffei’s. They were from two different and distant worlds but bound together by great love and respect. They had overcome every obstacle stubborn fate had placed in their path to obtain this blissful goal. True, they were perfect for each other. She sent him a mischievous smile and asked, “How about twice blessed, my love?”

  He looked at the ivory-clad beauty in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  Jana pretended to toy with the golden sunburst on his rich wine dress uniform. “When Tris did my examination yesterday to make certain all was well with me so my future husband wouldn’t worry about all the celebrating, he made a surprising discovery.” She locked her merry gaze with his inquisitive one. “Being an extremely fertile space pirate, you have deposited more than one seed in your adoring mate. We’re expecting twins, a boy and a girl. What do you think about naming them Galen and Amaya?”

  “Twins … A boy and a girl … That’s wonderful news, Moonbeam,” he responded in astonishment.

  “I thought you’d feel that way, and carrying twins will give me a plausible excuse for getting so plump and so fast. We’ll still have to confine me to Altair at the end of my pregnancy so we can conceal the babies’ birth dates. It will be more work and time involved but twice the fun. Right, my love?”

  “It was certainly fun planting their seeds in you that night on Luz.”

  Jana stroked his strong jawline and savored his expression of pride. “You lusty rake, whatever shall I do with you and two children at once?”

  “Love us, Moonbeam, just love us.”

  “I do.”

  Nigel and Andrea danced by and sent the glowing couple smiles.

  “I suggested a plan they can use so Andrea can see her parents and they can meet Nigel,” Jana told her husband. “Once a year, they can visit the McKays under the cover story of being secret agents for our government, a perfect excuse for why Andrea can’t reveal where they live and why she can’t be reached by them. At least they can see she’s alive and well and happy. Nigel thinks it will work and, of course, Andrea is delighted.”


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