AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War
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96 There was little public mention Richard D. Hooker, By Their Deeds Alone (New York: Ballantine, 2003).
97 Rwanda and other countries in Africa Shapi Shacinda, “Tides of Guns Leaves Africa Awash with Misery,” Reuters, November 14, 2004.
98 The AK changed cultural patterns Anthropologists and other researchers have studied the effect of AKs on pastoral people. For one case study, see Mustafa Mirzeler and Crawford Young, “Pastoral Politics in the Northeast Periphery in Uganda: AK-47 as Change Agent,” Journal of Modern African Studies 38, no. 3 (2000).
99 One report had the Mozambican government Small Arms Survey 2001 (Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, Oxford University Press, 2002); 64.
100 Even if the AK image is deleted Tom Bowman, “The Father of Terrorism: Kalashnikov Is a Trademark for Revolution,” Daily Telegraph (Sydney), March 9, 2002.
106 These civil wars, fueled by AKs The testimony of Adolfo A. Franco, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and Caribbean, U.S. Agency for International Development, Committee on House International Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, April 20, 2005, offers insights into the Latin American crime problem.
109 The Israelis had built the Galil Chuck Taylor, “Galil: The World’s Best Assault Rifle,” Guns, August 1994.
109 For Somoza, a major draw of the Galil “Israel Shows Off a New Rifle That She Says Rates with the Best,” New York Times, April 15, 1973.
111 As hostilities grew, small arms rushed Christopher Dickey, With the Contras: A Reporter in the Wilds of Nicaragua (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), 118-119.
112 In August 1985, the Contras received George Gedda, “Contras Obtain 10,000 Polish AK-47 Rifles, US Officials Say,” Associated Press, August 31, 1985.
113 When soldiers reached the wrecked plane Michael S. Serrill, “Shot out of the Sky: A Captured U.S. Soldier of Fortune Spins a Tale of CIA Intrigue,” Time, October 20, 1986.
114 Calero testified that Secord and Singlaub Elaine Sciolino, “Contra Leader Discloses Bank Records,” New York Times, March 6, 1987.
114 Further media investigations revealed Some of the best reporting at the time was by the Wall Street Journal, in particular, John Walcott and David Rogers, “Ship Used to Send Arms to Contras Said to Aid Delivery of East-Bloc Arms,” February 13, 1987.
116 During this time, the FMLN had received large shipments of AKs Roy Gutman, “Bush Assails Soviets on Salvador Aid; He Says They’re Exporting Revolution,” Newsday (New York), May 3, 1989.
116 As it turned out, the weapons came from an unexpected source “Grapevine,” Time, March 27, 1989.
117 This influx of AKs bolstered the rebels’ morale Frank Smyth, “Mysterious Influx of Soviet and Chinese Arms for Salvador Rebels,” Sacramento Bee, June 4, 1989.
120 One incident in October 1999 Report of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States on the Diversion of Nicaraguan Arms to the United Defense Forces of Colombia, January 6, 2003.
122 What makes this example El Tiempo, June 30, 2002. The first story on the arms diversion was published on April 21, 2002.
125 Montesinos went into business with the country’s drug dealers DEA unclassified document written August 27, 1996. Part of a FOIA request in the National Security Archive, George Washington University.
126 As more details emerged about Montesinos’s arming of Colombian rebels Juan O. Tamayo, “Peru’s Link to Arms Deals Worried U.S.,” Miami Herald, September 20, 2000.
127 A more intriguing possibility For pricing information, see An Vranckx, “European Arms Exports to Latin America: An Inventory,” IPIS Background Report, Antwerp, Belgium, updated January 2005.
128 The only bright spot for the Colombian government El Tiempo, June 16, 2004. See also Marcela Sanchez, “Guerrillas March to War in $100 Boots,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 25, 2004.
130 U.S. officials paid less attention “The Iron Fist of Hugo Chavez,” FoxNews.com, February 4, 2005.
131 Rumsfeld discussed the AK purchase Pablo Bachelet, “Rumsfeld ‘Concerned’ about Venezuela’s Plan to Buy AK47s,” Miami Herald, March 24, 2005.
131 Chávez did not immediately respond Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, “Inside the Ring,” Washington Times, February 18, 2005.
134 Fearful that government agents See Kalashnikov, From a Stranger’s Doorstep, 335.
134 Over the following years, Ezell mailed Kalashnikov Ezell, Kalashnikov: The Arms and the Man, 231-239.
135 On May 15, 1990, Kalashnikov arrived Author interviews with William Addison Hurst, September 2004.
137 Over the following days Sergeant Chris Lawson, “Top Weapons Designers Meet Here,” Quantico Sentry, May 22, 1990.
137 They also shared a sense of humor Interviews with William Addison Hurst, September 2004.
138 Kalashnikov received unexpected praise Author e-mail and phone interview with Major General Matthew P. Caulfield (ret.), May 2005.
142 Still friends, the two did not have much time Stephen Johnson, “The Rifle Men; Meeting of the Minds Behind AK-47, M-16,” Houston Chronicle, January 18, 1993.
143 This small, modest man J. Kampfner, “Kalashnikov,” Courier (Queensland, Australia) Mail, March 5, 1994.
144 Observers also took note of Kalashnikov Celestine Bohlen, “Arms Factory Can Make Bricks, But, Russia Asks, Is That Smart?” New York Times, February 24, 1992.
147 “It did not look like he was really angry” “Five Children Killed as Gunman Attacks a California School,” Associated Press, January 18, 1989.
150 Even former president Ronald Reagan Laurie Becklund, “Saddled Up, Reagan Vows to Speak on Issues,” Los Angeles Times, February 7, 1989.
150 President George H. W. Bush Douglas Jehl, “Bennett Pressured by NRA on Gun Views, Officials Say,” Los Angeles Times, March 18, 1989.
151 He reassured gun owners “Bennett Feels the Heat over Stand on Guns,” Chicago Tribune, March 18, 1989.
157 Within a few months of the ban Interview with Ron Whittaker, 60 Minutes, February 8, 1995.
158 Gun magazines, which had opposed the ban Gun World, August 2001.
158 “If I could have gotten fifty-one votes in the Senate” Interview with Dianne Feinstein, 60 Minutes, February 8, 1995.
159 On February 28, 1997 There are many accounts of the North Hollywood shootout. See Nancy J. Rigg, “Shootout in North Hollywood,” 9-1-1 Magazine, Sept/Oct. 1997, for a discussion from the dispatcher’s point of view; “Botched L.A. Bank Heist Turns into Bloody Shootout,” CNN.com, February 28, 1997; Beth Shuster and James Rainey, “The North Hollywood Shootout,” Los Angeles Times, March 1, 1997; “Stunned Police, Residents Cope with Aftermath of L.A. Shootout,” CNN.com, March 1, 1997; and 1997 LAPD Annual Report. A recording of the police radio transmissions during the forty-four-minute incident is also available to the public from several sources on the Internet.
163 Police were routinely issued shotguns Mark Schlueb, “As Danger Grows, Orlando Cops Get Rifles with Punch,” Orlando Sentinel, June 4, 2002.
165 Some state assault rifle bans Author interview with John Rosenthal, June 2005.
171 As he hailed a cab outside the UN building Mei-Ling Hopgood, “Gun Lobby Keeps Heat on U.S. at Conference,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, July 11, 2001.
172 Individual countries and regional groups Mike Crawley, “Kenya Trade-In; Guns for Schools,” Christian Science Monitor, January 2, 2001.
172 In a presentation a year earlier Kofi Annan, We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century, October 2000 Millennium Report, April 3, 2000.
173 Even before the conference began Setting the Record Straight, UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, New York, July 9-20, 2001. Published by the Unite
d Nations Department of Public Information in cooperation with the Department for Disarmament Affairs, July 2001.
173 Despite these clarifications Global Structures Convocation (3rd: 1994), February 2-6, 1994, Washington, D.C.
183 The implications of such bullet-tracing systems Joint Report of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations Operation in Burundi and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights into the Gatumba Massacre, October 5, 2004.
186 Even if marking and tracing Johan Peleman, “Tracing Arms Flows,” presentation given at the international experts meeting on tracing illicit small arms and light weapons, organized by the GRIP and the European Cost programme, Brussels, October 22, 2004.
189 One of the groups assigned to the area Gordon Dillow, “Battle Transforms Fresh Faced Troops,” Orange County Register, March 23, 2003, in conjunction with Department of Defense Press Releases.
193 As we’ve seen in many other countries Anna Badkhen, “Gun Market Thrives on Dread,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 26, 2003. See also Small Arms Survey 2004 (Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, Oxford University Press, 2004), 48.
196 Early reports from the front Andrew England, “US Troops Using Confiscated Iraqi AK-47s,” Associated Press, August 25, 2003.
199 Members of Congress wrote letters Ted Strideland, letter to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, October 1, 2003.
202 Coalition Provisional Authority officials William Matthews, “U.S. Officials Rap Rifle Buy for Iraqi Corp,” Defense News, December 22, 2003.
202 Even the Russians were angry C. J. Chivers, “Who’s A Pirate? Russia Points Back at the U.S.,” New York Times, July 24, 2004.
203 The story took an even stranger turn Northern District of California indictment, U.S. District Attorney, May 23, 1996. See also Jonathan S. Landay, “Chinese Firm Linked to Smuggled AK-47s Picked to Supply Iraqi Army,” Knight Ridder Newspapers, April 27, 2005.
205 With the continuing violence in Iraq Oliver Poole, “The Iraqi GP: Stethoscope and AK-47,” The Age, May 19, 2005.
212 Years earlier, Kalashnikov had felt Kalashnikov, From a Stranger’s Doorstep, 444.
213 Viktor was more outspoken and bitter “Kalashnikov Inventor Wants Peace; Recalls Soviets Nostalgically,” Agence France-Presse, May 7, 2000.
215 Even commercial high-end artists and designers joined the AK design movement E-mail to author from Starck representative.
215 The founders of the online photography magazine AK47 E-mail to author from Joerg Diekmann.
216 The fact that AKs enjoyed Dave Graham, “Kalashnikov Sets Sights on Superbrand,” Reuters, February 17, 2003.
217 Still, the AK mystique grew stronger Playboy, January 2004.
220 The Kalashnikov 41-proof vodka “Russian Routlette,” Growing Business, June 2004.
222 In interviews after the reception Vicky Allan, “Kalashnikov Calls New Kinds of Shots,” Sunday Herald (Scotland), September 26, 2004. See also “Kalashnikov Launches Liquid Weapon,” CNN.com, September 20, 2004. (Notes 129-132 include material from an author phone interview with Florey.)
223 Florey argued that the Kalashnikov brand was based John Ness, “Swords into Vodka,” Newsweek International, November 22, 2004.
224 Florey put Kalashnikov out front to help “Britain’s Kalashnikov Vodka to Change Name after Anti-Violence Campaign,” Reuters, January 15, 2005. See also Adam Jones, “Lobby Sets Sights on Kalashnikov Vodka,” Financial Times, October 26, 2004.
224 The group’s assessment was both good and bad news Report of Panel Meeting, January, 21, 2005.
226 That same year Billy Hidge, “Killing Machine,” Stuff, April, 2005
230 Kalashnikov lobbied heavily See Shilin and Cutshaw, Legends and Realities of the AK, 144.
234 In 2002 Kate Connolly, “Kalashnikov: ‘I wish I’d made a Lawn-mower,’ ” Guardian (UK), July 30, 2002.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abidjan Accord
Abizaid, John
bin Laden, Osama
Soviet Union invades
United States invades
Africa. See also specific African countries
cold war
Sierra Leone
United Nations arms control
Ahmed, Abdullahi Yusuf
Aidid, Mohammed Farrah
AK-47. See also ammunition and cartridges; ballistics
Afghanistan war (Soviet Union)
Afghanistan war (United States)
arms trade
cold war
criminal violence
design of
effectiveness of
Iraq war
Latin America
law enforcement equipped with
M-14 rifle compared
modifications to
M-16 rifle compared
proliferation of
prototypes of
replacement of
Soviet Union
U.S. arms trade
Vietnam War
AK-47 (film)
AK-47 (magazine)
AK-47 Story, The (Ezell)
AKM (AK Modernized)
AK-MP3 Jukebox
Amin, Hafizullah
ammunition and cartridges. See also AK-47; ballistics
Kalashnikov, Mikhail T.
nomenclature of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
physics of
Soviet Union
submachine guns
United Kingdom
United States
weapons marking
Andropov, Yuri
Annan, Kofi
AN-94 (Russian assault rifle)
Apache attack helicopter
Ap Bac, Battle of (Vietnam)
Arbulú, Guillermo
AR-15 rifle
Arisaka round
arms trade. See also diamond trade; drug trade; gun control
Afghanistan war (Soviet Union)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Iran-Contra scandal
Latin America
art, AK-47. See also culture
AR-10 rifle
Arusha Accords
ATACMS rockets
atomic bomb
Automatic Kalashnikov (film)
automatic rifles, Soviet Union
submachine guns
Bank of America siege
Bao Ping Ma
Barr, Bob
Batista, Fulgencio
BBC network
World War II
Bennett, William
bin Laden, Osama