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Chronicles of Aurderia: The Balance

Page 2

by J. Steven Young

  As Moona cut the cord on the girl a zealot came to her and snatched the child away rushing to the altar.

  “Moona quickly, now while they are distracted!”

  “Sulura is there no other way, surely you can push more,” Moona pleaded.

  “No, I am spent, you must cut the boy from my belly and flee before they sense his presence.” Sulura looked upon Moona with urgency in her eyes that set Moona into motion.

  Moona quickly produced a small yet sharp knife from her pockets and set about her task.

  As Moona freed the boy child she quickly placed the gem upon him, The Isten began to turn his head toward them, but quickly turned his attention back to the altar. Moona kissed Sulura upon the forehead and fled into the dark unnoticed.

  “Do it now!” Urged the Assinnu Isten.

  Sulura whispered under her breath.


  “Bel Gibidalal awaits his tribute!” And with that, the zealot holding the snow-haired child thrust a ceremonial dagger toward the child’s heart.

  As the blade reached the skin, there was a blinding burst of pure white light and energy and the tribute disappeared. At the same time one of the new stars suddenly bursts in brilliance then dims to barely a twinkle. “What has happened Isten? Is this the way of it?” asked the zealot with the dagger.

  Isten bent down to the raven-haired girl and placed a gemstone upon her heart. “The power of light has waned!” Isten cooed then looked back startled. He then stood and began to approach Sulura’s bloodied form with a look of questioning mixed with concern. Suddenly he stopped and turned toward the altar, his expression changed to one of pure awe. The Isten closed his eyes, tilted back his head, and spread out his arms as energy began to flow from the altar into him.

  The other zealots began to feel it as well. A dark smoky energy poured off the altar from out of the dark stone and fed the power hungry followers of chaos.

  When all the power was absorbed, the Isten opened his eyes and turned to the raven-haired girl child. The child was absorbing the last of the power from the altar.

  Her eyes once a brilliant green turned to a deep black before him. Power beyond anything he had imagined emanated from her tiny form. The Gem he had placed upon her dissolved and joined her flesh leaving a rune marked upon her chest, glowing a deep red. “And now you are mine to control little one. I shall call you Salmetu, dark priestess. Yes, an ancient name of power for such a powerful tool!” Isten said with a maniacal chuckle.

  Isten turned to the bench where upon Sulura, barely conscious, lay bleeding to death. “Where has your Moon Mother gone, child?” he said with a slight curl to his lip. “Has she bled you so that you may die quickly without suffering, much? Not to worry we shall find her, but not now. Someone has to spread the word of what has transpired so that they will know the power and submit without question.”

  With this last statement Isten turned from Sulura and walked back to where Salmetu lay quietly observing her surroundings with wisdom in her eyes beyond that of a new birthed child. He picked her up and carried her to an awaiting basket. Placing her within, he turned to the zealots. “Clear the area and return to your mundane lives until called upon. As always our identities must remain hidden until the time is right.”

  “What of the mother, Isten?” A zealot inquired. As if on queue a howl echoed in the distance followed by replies.

  “Leave her to the wolves she will soon breathe her last breath.” As Isten turned he placed a chain and pendant over his head and tucked it under his robes. As his features began to change he turned and disappeared with the child into a swirl of blackness.

  Moona was already well on her way to the Stone Forest when she could feel the darkness around her. It was as if all the light was being drained from the heavens and pouring toward the place she had just fled. Off to the East she could make out the outline of Hell’s Mouth looming in the distance. Even the deep red glow from its fiery maw seemed to dim to the barest of a shimmer.

  “Oh this does not bode well little one.” She said looking down into the deep emerald eyes of the bundle she carried. Soon she found a place to sit and rest for a minute. She was certain the gemstone that Sulura had given her for the child was working, as she was able to walk right past the guards without them noticing her.

  Once a guard turned toward her as she stumbled and made some noise, but he simply dismissed the noise and turned away. “Let’s have a look shall we young one,” she said handling the gem and turning it over. “Ah this would be it, ancient runes are here.”

  “I’m not sure exactly what they are but they work. I know someone who could tell us,” she said with first a fond look then a scowl. “Someday maybe if we must, but for now we need to get moving. This trusted friend of your mother’s will not likely wait forever and we need to get far away from here.”

  Then Moona heard the wolves and a shiver ran through her body as she realized what their presence meant for Sulura. “Oh DAMKIANNA, save us all!” She whispered to the sky as she picked herself and her burden up, making her way toward the Stone Forest.

  Back at the altar Sulura was alone barely holding on as she turned to see them. Approaching slowing from the darkness surrounding her, came massive forms. Red glowing eyes piercing the shadows to look upon her. As they drew closer, their gleaming white fangs stood in contrast to the black fur of their bodies. One by one they arrived and surrounded her weakening form lying prone upon the obsidian bench.

  Try as she might, she was unable to muster energy enough to move or resist the inevitable. As the last of the beasts came to sit next to her, she noticed with silent fear that they appeared to wait for something. And then she saw it, another wolf coming from the misty shadows.

  This wolf was different, smaller than the rest by at least half yet more powerful in its presence. The white wolf, female it appeared, approached Sulura and without pausing dragged its tongue across the wound in her belly. Raising its head to the sky it let out a bellowing howl that shook the night.

  Fear and exhaustion overtook Sulura and her world went dark.


  Far away to the cold north sits Britengate, site of the altar of Creation. Around the altar Priestesses and followers of the light gather to bear witness to the cataclysm. A short time earlier they all felt a weakening as the light drained from the altar and a new star burst out and dimmed on the horizon.

  “It is the prophecy!” proclaimed the high priestess. “Darkness will fall upon the people and evil will spread among the land. The Lalli Mah has been broken.” She stated without expression.

  Across all of Aurderia and beyond people and creatures alike looked to the heavens to see the new stars one bright and burning steady, while the other burst forth and dimmed to near nothingness. A great feeling of sadness filled many while others seemed to brighten with malicious glee.

  Back in New Draven, some of the great council meets in closed session. “It has happened as prophesied, I can feel the shift already” said a female member at the table.

  “Yes, it has. The Lalli Mah is at end. We must act now to take control before things get out of hand” replied the chancellor entering the room from behind the table. “We must institute the old ways and control power. Consolidate our gifts and prepare to defend our ways.”


  A Dark robed man made his way down an unlit corridor toward a dead end. He reached out and with a wave of his hand the wall slid inwards and to the side, stridulously scrapping upon stone floor. As the man moved into the opening the wall slowly slid back into place.

  Inside the hidden chamber a luminous orb in the center of the ceiling came to life illuminating every corner of the space. The large room was walled with shelf upon shelf of ancient looking tomes. At its center was a large stone table covered with various implements and tools used for magical workings and spell craft.

  The man’s destination was a cluttered desk at the far corner of the room where
sat a large basin emitting a light glow of reddish light. The man walked around to better view the dragon glass basin filled with a viscous red liquid. Upon the surface of the blood filled vessel was scrawled a message.

  Quarry location unknown.

  Ancient spell weaving felt.

  Tracking to Middleton.

  Advise sending out the Inquisitors.

  The man scrawled a message down on a piece of vellum and then lit it on fire with a snap of his fingers. Within moments a small creature appeared in a puff of smoke.

  “What is thy orders master?” Asked the small imp.

  "You will watch for now and report back to me."

  Chapter Two

  Hours seem to have passed as Moona finally entered the Stone Forest. This place was once a beautiful forest that stretched from the base of what is now Hell’s Mouth.

  Within this forest lived the tree folk who worshipped and tended the forest. Millennia ago before the Lalli Mah; the mountain, its name long forgotten to time, burst forth-liquid rock and fiery ash upon the surrounding lands. That was the birth of Hell’s Mouth and death to the forest.

  The tree folk, Dryads they were called, were unwilling or unable to leave their forest home and perished with the onslaught of ash and fire that leveled the forest and petrified this outer area. The trees that remained turned to stone and many still bare the outlines of horror on the faces of the dryads living within them.

  The once beautiful forest now echoes horror and fear and the creatures now living within, are not the passive folk who once greeted travelers openly.

  “Well, we are here, but how far must we go before this mysterious guide meets us?” Moona asked the baby. “Now what do we call you eh little one? A strong name I should think, something that rolls off the tongue but represents the strength you are going to need.” As Moona pondered a voice called out from the shadows.

  “Shuran,” Andra said walking out from beyond a grouping of felled stone trees. Moona gasped and began to open her mouth before thinking better of it. “It is ok, I am Andra and have been awaiting your arrival.”

  Moona made no reply nor did she move as Andra approached and sat directly in front of her and the baby.

  “Odd that Sulura never mentioned you were mute,” Andra stated with a chuckle. “The boy child was named Shuran by Sulura when last we met. The name means strength of the people,” Andra continued.

  “I have a tongue stranger I simply chose not to use it until I assessed you!” Moona hissed. “You wear a cloak of the guardians I see,” she continued, more question than statement.

  “Yes, you are familiar with our like?” Andra answered.

  “Only enough to recognize the cloak and that members do not reveal their faces. Am I to assume you still follow that second custom?” She inquired with irritation.

  “You are correct. But know also that we pledge our lives to those we have been tasked with guarding,” Andra stated.

  “Ok then, that be good enough for me. Hey! Wait a second, how in the name of DAMKIANNA can you see me? No one else has,” Moona barked.

  “The gem you carry will fully conceal you from vision while obscuring sound and scent but not completely, and not at all from the one who created it.”

  “That is some powerful spell you did then and I thank you for its use in getting us away.”

  “It is nothing really and not quite a spell. We should be leaving,” Andra said while standing up abruptly. “Drakkfoth guards approach we need to go.” Andra took Moona’s hand and in an instant they all disappeared.

  “Captain, have you located the old woman?” a voice sounded from behind him.

  “No, the trail has grown cold just inside the Stone Forest. It is as if she sprouted wings and took flight,” the Captain of the Drakkoth guard replied.

  “Return to the city and take your post with the rest of your men. You were not here,” the man commanded.

  “As you wish my lord Telalsu.” And the Captain and his men headed back to Drakkfoth leaving the cloaked man behind.

  The man entered the clearing where Andra, Moona and Shuran had only just left. Telalsu stopped and placed his hands on the ground as he knelt. He looked up to the sky then stood and removed a piece of parchment from a pouch at his belt.

  After scrolling a message he then blew upon the parchment and the words flew to the wind and took flight in a puff of ash. His eyes were ruby red and glowed like fire as he whispered a curse beneath his breath and headed east on the barren roads toward Middleton and on to New Draven.

  Andra, Moona and Shuran materialized near a barn on the outskirts of Middleton; a simple settlement of farmers and crafters. Andra dropped to the ground breathing deeply.

  “What was that?” Moona cried with surprise.

  “It was a far traveling spell but poorly done, we’ve only made it to Middleton,” Andra responded breathily.

  “Only to Middleton you say? That is at least a few days hard travel by steed, never mind by foot!” she exclaimed.

  “Yes, but I had planned on taking us straight to Draventon where we were to plan out our course. I have little provision with us and am now too tired to attempt another working.”

  “Andra, that spell was no little thing. We can trade here for more provisions and a carry satchel for Shuran. I’d like to free up the use of my hands,” Moona said pulling her pipe and lighting it with a grin.

  “Provisions we can get, but it would be weeks before I could work a traveling spell again. Shuran will be hungry, I’ve goats milk in this satchel,” Andra said as he handed a large pack over to Moona.

  “Good heavens I ain’ thought, some Moona I’m gonna be forgettin’ you need food!” she said to Shuran who just looked up at her quietly. “So brave you are little sprat, not a whimper this whole time.” She gently took a bottle of goat’s milk and began feeding Shuran.

  He ate greedily.

  “Oh my how much milk you got in this sack Guardian, cause this sprat is gonna drink all of ‘em soon at this rate. My teats is too old and dried up to try wet nursin’!” Moona chortled.

  “We can trade in a few hours. After dawn has come the markets will be opening in Middleton. Until then we can rest here inside this old barn.”

  The trio made their way into the old barn, which was empty beside some old hay and a few rusty old farm tools. They sat down in the hay pile and sat back to rest while Shuran continued to eat and stare at them in turn.

  Just before dawn the three left the barn heading into Middleton. As they walked Shuran slept and Moona followed closely behind Andra.

  “So this traveling spell, the crusty old leader of that witless cult did something like that when he arrived. He did it again soon after when he left. Why was he able to do so again so quickly?” Moona questioned.

  “Either he was not traveling farther than a few hundred paces or he had a source stone to draw power from. My stone cracked from the effort of arriving in Drakkfoth directly from the Foresworn territories. This is why I have not the power to do it again so soon or for very far,” he replied.

  “Biddley Diddles, All the way from the Foresworn territories!” she said.

  “You have no idea where that is do you?” Andra asked.

  “Well, no, but I guess it is far since I never heard of the place.”

  Andra continued without stopping pace toward Middleton “It is far beyond the Great Sea. The lands where many of the persecuted fled during the Sikil Mah.”

  “You said many but not all fled did they?” Moona asked.

  Andra just nodded knowingly.

  “Thought so! I always wondered why my kin always lived longer than we ought. Most Aurderian humans don’ live beyond seventy or eighty harvests. And I been around three times that. Suppose that’s why we always moved around; keep folks from getting nosey,” Moona rambled.

  “Good thing they did move about so, otherwise you would likely have been tried and sentenced to death,” Andra said.

  “ANZILLU, The trials of abominat
ion!” Moona spat. “They ain’ had one o’ them since I was a sprat. There’s them that throw the words around oft’ enough but only out of ignorance and superstition.” Moona shivered at the thought and they continued on to town in quiet.

  The Market in Middleton was already bustling with marketers and traders alike by the time they arrived into town. Stalls were setup along both sides of the streets and around the entire town square. There were farmers selling their foodstuffs and grains, town bakers, crafters, smithies, and weavers all.

  “Well, if we can’t find what we need then we ain’ got our eyes open.” Moona quipped.

  “Hopefully we can get what we need, I have not much to trade that would be legal in these lands and not much coin,” Andra started.

  “Don’ you be worrin’ ‘bout that, Moona has more in the folds of her coverings than lard,” she grinned and pulled out a good-sized pouch. “You see as many harvests in Aurderia as me without learnin’ to save for a poor crop.”

  Andra just nodded and they went about gathering supplies and goods. They gathered foods and water, garments and swaddling for Shuran.

  “We can get horses and a goat for fresh milk down at the stables according to the baker,” said Moona. “I will be needing to freshen my supply of herbs as well if I can find a proper apothecary this far south.”

  Andra took Shuran from Moona and said, “You get what you need and I’ll get us a goat, horse, and tack. I hope you are accustomed to sleeping in the saddle because we are likely being followed from the Stone Forest.”

  Moona nodded and headed off to look for an herb seller. Both Andra and Moona agreed to attract as little attention as possible and avoid the city guard.

  It did not take Moona long before she found a woman selling herbs and concoctions from a covered wagon in the square. “Good morning young woman what wares have you for health, hygiene, and relaxation?” Moona asked winking with the last inquiry.

  “I have plenty of all you seek ma’am,” the Herbalist replied. “Are you of the trade?” she continued.


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