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Retaliation (William of Archonia Book 2)

Page 18

by Jarod Meyer

  “You don’t have to do this. You can go,” he said.

  “But I want to,” she purred, leaning in close to his neck.

  A shiver rocked him. Her body was so warm. So soft. A welcomed relief from the hard, cold plains of Dichonia. He tried to steady his breathing, but struggled.

  Angelica, Katrina, Tamara…screw it. I might as well enjoy myself if I’m on this suicide mission.

  William hoisted her up by the thighs and positioned her so that she was straddling him. She buried her face into his neck, kissing and biting vigorously. His hands explored her nude form, but were rudely interrupted as the servant girl cried out in surprise. Tamara shoved her off William and took her place.

  “Hey! Play nicely,” he scolded,

  “Shut your mouth, Archonian. You owe me one, remember?”

  William didn’t point out that they were technically even. He just let things unfold. The slap had only deterred the servant girl for a brief moment. She decided to start in on Tamara who didn’t stop her this time.

  He watched the two women kiss one another and caress each other’s bodies. They eyed him seductively all the while. His hands danced playfully over their bodies, his mouth following shortly behind.

  The foreplay gave way to their carnal desires. He became lost in their two bodies, his mind escaping the thoughts of his mission and the cold road behind him.

  The pleasure mounted as he moved the two women around, their bodies driving and sliding together with increasing intensity. He became drunk with passion, groaning and growling with each thrust of his hips. When the fire in his loins reached their pinnacle, all thoughts of right, wrong, good, and evil flew from his mind. He cried long and loud at his release, his entire body flexing and convulsing. Then his head hit the pillows, his chest heaving as he worked to catch his breath.


  Lying still for a long enough time gives the mind rest. It at least fooled him into thinking that he was rested. Though the room was silent, the remainder of the night. But at some point, William was sure that he was being watched. He felt a presence that was not either of the two women currently entangled on either side of him. He supposed that he would have done the same thing if his role was reversed.

  Morning came. The only reason William knew was because he was counting minutes. The sky was still dark, though it looked relatively calm now.

  He untangled himself from the two women and began snooping around the room.

  William found some folded clothes in a dresser, and took out a pair of black slacks. They seemed far too large for him, but as he slipped them on they snugged to his skin all on their own. Almost like magic. He found a silk sleeveless robe in a wardrobe. Again the garment adjusted to his height, and soon broke perfectly at ankle level.

  A servant girl knocked gently on the door, before quietly entering. She collected the broken chains, before waking the sleeping servant girl on the bed. They tried to get Tamara to go with them, but William indicated that she should stay.

  The two women bowed low and left. Tamara started to speak, but he held up his finger, silencing her for a moment while he felt the area around. There strange presence that he felt last night was gone. He gave it a few more moments just to be sure, and then he spoke.

  “Sorry, had to be sure that we were alone,” He said.

  “I do not know how you did that last night, but Vanity adores you. Did you see the way those other imbeciles were looking at you? It was like you stole their souls away,” Tamara said chuckling.

  “I’m glad you are pleased. Also, sorry for the way that you are being treated,” William said peering out the window again.

  “It is necessary. I will undergo this for you to earn my place in your world,” she said looking away.

  “So do you have any idea how I should go about asking about Luxor?” William asked quickly. Tamara shook her head.

  “There will be no easy way to do it. I think that if you are forceful like you have been he may buy into it. You could say that you have a score that you want to settle with him, or you could say that you wish to ally with him. Either way Vanity will not help you freely. He is a greedy man. Despite his hospitality he thinks only of himself, or how he can gain from any situation. He will ask you for a favor or many favors depending on his mood.”

  “Well, that is great. More trouble that I don’t need to get into,” William said “Any more advice for me?” He asked. She looked at him thoughtfully, and said.

  “Show him these marks for starters she said tracing her fingers over the raised skin that was once charred black. Not having your armor on will show that you are comfortable, and not afraid of him this will intrigue him, and I think that those will entertain him.”

  Another knock at the door this one a loud rapping that startled the two. The doors swung open shortly after. Tamara bowed her head in submission, and William stood a little taller, and puffed out his chest.

  They were greeted by a man who was short, and ugly. He was balding, and his sickly white face looked odd clothed in a pink and purple outfit that was far too frilly for a man. “My lord wishes you to join him in a morning game over breakfast,” The squat little man said, through gnarled black teeth.

  “Of course,” William said curtly, and followed the man out.

  They passed through many more corridors, and into extravagant rooms, they occasionally saw people walking. They were wearing an excess of makeup and clothing. The air around the fortress was oddly stuffy and filled with peculiar odors that perhaps others thought were pleasant. They made William’s throat so dry and scratchy that he coughed every so often.

  They climbed higher and higher for many minutes, and William even greeted some of the Dichonians that he met last night at the party. Finally they came to a balcony that faced eastward and looked down over the steep cliff below.

  There were sofas set up with people on them wrapped in thick furs, and blankets. They smoked pipes, and cigarettes. William wondered if they grew some kind of tobacco in this wasteland or if it was the product of a projection. When he was offered a pipe by one of the patrons he put a hand up declining. He imagined that they had some unusual effect on the mind like the drink last night. He wanted to have his wits about him at this moment. His mind was already flooded with ideas as to what a morning game could be.

  William spotted the master of the house carousing with some of the people around. He was no longer in white, but wore more recreational clothing that was brown, and black, with tall boots with tight slacks. He held in his hand a bow, and William saw another bow sitting on a table. It wasn’t hard to guess anymore that the game involved shooting of some kind which William was disheartened by. He was a terrible shot with a bow.

  The balcony had large braziers placed strategically around warming the immediate area, yet William still felt the deep chill. He spotted a servant dressed in a dainty looking tuxedo. He was holding large fur cloaks. William grabbed one from him and wrapped it around his shoulders.

  Vanity got sight of William as he donned the cloak.

  “My new friend I am so glad that you could join us this morning. Are you up for some sport?” He asked indicating the bow on the table.

  William smirked at him, and picked up the bow. “You have me at a disadvantage. In the time period I come from they use firearms. But I will give it my best. What is the game?” William asked.

  “It is simple. My servants release some Tera-spawn, and we see how many we can hit.” Then he stepped up, and shouted. “Loose!” William heard some clamoring below the balcony, and waited. Soon the sound of flapping wings, and screeches from the beasts could be heard.

  William saw them flying in a flock there were maybe ten or so. Vanity had already drawn his bow, and where the arrow should have been a bolt of black light appeared. It flew like lightning, and found a target. William clumsily drew his bow, and he saw his familiar grey energy fill in the notch where the arrow would have fit. By the time he took aim Vanity already shot down three of the
flying bat-like creatures. William tried to lead the bats but they were sporadic, and his shot arched low and to the left of the pack.

  Vanity managed to shoot down two more before they were out of range. He turned to William smiling. “Poor luck my friend, but not to fear there are plenty more.” He said cackling. William felt sick. These were once human souls that he was destroying, and he was doing so without the slightest pity or remorse, just as William did so many times before. Why did it make him angry now? He decided that he couldn’t worry about it right now. He had to put on a show for this monster. There was an old saying he heard. Sometimes you must do a little evil for the greater good. But was this for a greater good?

  He quickly pushed it from his mind as Vanity shouted “Loose!” again. William drew, and was ready. His first arrow flew high, and his second drifted to the left as the pack shifted right. Vanity shot two down, and William in frustration threw his bow to the ground, and lifted his hands to the horizon. Taking aim he loosed a series of precise energy balls which found there targets. By the time they were out of range Vanity shot only three putting him at eight, and William six.

  Vanity looked at William after the round was over, and the spectators who were applauding were deadly silent. A vein throbbed in the host’s temple, and his face was a bit flushed. “Sorry. I told you I hated bows. I just snapped. I guess that means I have forfeited the game?” William said smiling innocently. This made Vanity’s face become normal again, and William was glad he was able to successfully diffuse the situation.

  “It is quite alright young William it wouldn’t have been sporting of me to play against an amateur. Let us have another round, and see if your hands can compare to my bow. “Five spread! Loose.” The ancient demon shouted. Vanity drew his bow, and even before William caught sight of the first ones he released an arrow. It shot out with great speed, and nailed a Tera-spawn that was just passing the line of vision.

  He had definitely done this before, but William could be faster with his hands. He saw that there were only five in the first group, and he guessed that five more would be coming. He quickly dropped three of them with lightning speed, and accuracy, his grey light disintegrating their vein covered flesh. Vanity managed to hit the remaining one. Then he shot another arrow into the air, and before William even saw them it hit another one. He had the timing down perfectly, but William was accurate now with his projections, and three more fell. At the end of the round the score was tied twelve to twelve.

  William looked over at his adversary smiling, but the site wasn’t welcoming. The man looked truly angry. His eyes burned with rage, and his beautiful face became distorted by it. The people around began to back away, but William stood his ground remaining completely relaxed. He became well versed in playing people. Back on Earth if he wanted some extra cash he would hustle people in pool at his old bar. He was good at the act. He could tell however that it wasn’t going to benefit him to beat this man. He needed to stay within his good graces. “That wasn’t fair. I have two hands and you only one bow. How about this. One more round reset the score to zero, and I will only use one hand.” William said smiling.

  Vanity looked him over, and the tension slowly subsided from his posture, and he straightened his black jacket. “You know I was thinking the very same thing. I am glad that you pointed it out,” he said in a nasty tone. Then he shouted. “Double five. Loose!” he said. William thought it humorous that this man even called this sport. He was the only one that knew what was coming he had things perfectly timed, and when something didn’t go his way he got angry like a child.

  William simply waited until Vanity’s arrow hit the first one before it even crossed their plane of vision over the end of the balcony. He shot right, and William was to his right. William felled three, and he got the remaining one. They released another group to the left of both men, and they were already at distance. Vanity felled one, and William sent energy balls flying at the group with his one hand. He intentionally missed with the last two, and Vanity was able to hit three of them. This made the final count Vanity with five kills, and William with four, with one remaining demon flying off into the distance.

  The petite man jumped up and down rather comically as though he were a child that had just gotten what he wanted.

  “Yes! I win.” Vanity squeaked.

  William maintained his composure.

  “You got me. Fair and square you old dog,” William smirked. Everyone around the balcony applauded him.

  “Come now William you almost had me beat. More than I can say for most,” he said with a sneer looking around the balcony. He was clearly bored with all of his usual cronies, and William being the shiny new toy, apparently gave him the edge he needed. The master of the house walked over to a pair of women which he stood in front of. As he did they took his jacket off, and in its place put on a white one. Then he walked back over to William who curiously watched the exchange.

  “Will you join me in the morning executions?” He asked William? This was an odd question, but he wasn’t about to refuse.

  “Of course. Who will we be executing today?” William inquired.

  “Oh, just some nobodies, who probably didn’t do anything. Have to keep the rabble in line somehow,” Vanity said grabbing a cane from another servant, and striding daintily back into his fortress. William followed, and the questions began. “So my young friend. With your whole immortal life ahead of you. What do you plan on doing here in this land?” Vanity asked him.

  This was just what William was waiting for, a nonchalant way to bring up Luxor. “Well. To be honest with you I really like your set up here. I was thinking I could perhaps, with your blessing of course, maybe take out one of your competitors, and begin some regional commerce,” William said charmingly. The screech from the man was as hilarious as his face. It was as if William had just tickled him to near death.

  “I had a good feeling about you young Dichonian. I fear that we will be all too good of friends soon. However I must warn you that my enemies are powerful. It will not be as easy as you have made it sound,” He said with his devilish grin.

  “Well I wouldn’t want it to be too easy. That wouldn’t be fun,” William responded.

  The two walked for a while longer until they came outside again. This time into an open courtyard, it was made all from stone, and there was actually green growing. Rows of perfectly trimmed bushes, and even some flowers dotted the yard. But the green didn’t last. As they walked he spotted more rows of bushes which were withering and dying.

  “Blasted groundskeepers. They are supposed to replant these bushes before the morning executions! I hate looking at dead bushes.”

  William took a big step back as fire issued forth from Vanity’s hand, scouring the dead bushes. Then with a snap of his fingers two guards rushed over and grabbed a poor soul who was busy planting fresh green bushes in the courtyard.

  They took him to the center of the courtyard where a scaffold made from wood looked like it was ready to fall over. On this scaffold sat a stone block with a half circle cut out of it, and a deep crimson color spattered all over its surface. It was at the edge of the stage, and below a large vessel sat to catch the heads of whoever was unlucky enough to be up there.

  A few yards in front of the scaffold a small awning was constructed with some seating under for the spectators to watch. The covering was a joke, because there was little to no sunlight, and the covering didn’t look like it could stand up to the acid rain.

  As the pair sat Vanity motioned to his minions that they should get on with their task, and William watched as they walked the ground keeper up to the block put him on his knees, and relieved him of his head. Of course this was completely barbaric, and against everything that William should stand for, but he tried to remain impassive.

  “So, William. Which of my competitors are you thinking of challenging?” Vanity asked coming back to the topic. William wanted to make it seem very casual, and he waited for one of the demons to get
decapitated and gave an “Ooh that had to hurt,” type of face.

  “I don’t really know who owns lands in Dichonia, but I faced a fallen Archonian who called himself The Basileus back in Archonia. He gave me quite a beating, and I would like to return the favor,” he stated still watching the stage. This was actually not far from the truth, and William was pleased with his performance.

  However, William caught a glimpse of Vanity’s face, which was purple with rage.

  “Seize this little whelp! I want to see his head on a plate!?



  William had no time to react as two demons wrapped their arms around him. They had large horns protruding from their oblong skulls, and drool dripping down from their nasty, pointed teeth.

  “Seize him! Seize him!” Vanity continued to shout, madly.

  William remained calm, waiting for an explanation.

  “Do you think I am a fool? The Basileus cannot be beaten. He is second only to Hades himself. Someone has sent you to destroy me!” Vanity screamed madly, his hair becoming ruffled and his face red.

  William calmly flexed his body, and his armor appeared, bucking the two guards off with a blast of light. He slid Gungnir free, and with two swift strokes, ended their lives. Turning back to Vanity, he spoke.

  “I don’t know anything about this world. I only arrived here a few days ago. I have been living in that unicorn infested, sing along land for the past year, and the only decent challenge I got was when I faced off against that son of a bitch Luxor. Tamara told me that you would know where he is. So you have two choices. We can be friends, and you can help me, or I will find him on my own. It is your choice,” William growled, his face tightening into a scowl. He saw fear in the little man’s eyes as his energy pulsed around him.

  The wide-eyed Dichonian calmed a little. In the short amount of time that William spoke a battalion of guards moved into the courtyard, and were now surrounding them. Vanity, his pointed nose scrunched up, slunk back towards some of his larger minions.


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