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Retaliation (William of Archonia Book 2)

Page 24

by Jarod Meyer

  Katrina was speechless, and stared at the women her worry festering.

  “Katrina, what is it that troubles you?” she asked, thoughtfully.

  Katrina really didn’t know how to respond, her mouth hanging open awkwardly. She shook this feeling away, and composed herself.

  “I have a dear friend that may be in pain,” she said. She didn’t know why she felt that she could trust this woman, but their training connected them in a way that she couldn’t describe.

  “And what is it that you seek here in Shambhala?”

  “I seek to find a way to sense another individual’s life force.”

  “Is there anything else that you would like to tell me, sister?” Talisha asked, calmly, and with a smile.

  “Talisha, I am a Guardian of Archonia. I am in hiding from the Adjudicators. They have been ordered to arrest me because of my affiliations with the tainted soul, William of Archonia,” Katrina said, holding her breathe and waiting for a response.

  I can’t believe I just said that.

  “Your secrets are safe with me. I can sense your pain and feel your frustration. I guessed this was perhaps one of many scenarios. I thank you for your honesty.”

  “Why are you helping me?” Katrina asked.

  “I can sense the good nature in you. You are not a threat to this world or our way of life. You see, I disagree with much that goes on in the capitol. That is why I have chosen to live a life of solitude and peace here in Shambhala.”

  “Can you teach me these powers?” Katrina asked, slowly.

  “I can teach you to sense the energy of everything around you, and perhaps with time connect with souls across time and space,” Talisha finished.

  “Thank you so much!” Katrina shouted, moving forward and wrapping her teacher in a hug. “Let’s start right away!”

  “We will start tomorrow, when you have gotten rest. You will need focus, and right now your mind is not clear.”

  Katrina sighed in defeat. “Fine, but I need to learn as quickly as possible.”

  “Do not worry, Katrina. You will learn.”

  The two parted ways, but Katrina was anxious. It was nice to talk with someone though, after so many weeks of silence. She decided that perhaps she could check in with her fellow guardians as well. She’d taken up residence in a room a few doors down, to provide her some privacy and quiet. The surprise on their face was evident when she burst into the room.

  “You boys want to go for a jog?”

  “Where to?” Samuel asked, surprised.

  “Somewhere… quieter,” she said, thoughtfully.

  “This is the quietest place in Archonia,” Parsa replied, his brow furrowed.

  “I mean, somewhere with a few less ears,” she added.

  They nodded their understanding, and both agreed. The three made their way out of the temple and onto the stone pathways. They didn’t say much on the way to the outskirts of town, and she wondered if it was because they were finally getting used to Shambhala’s solitude. Katrina led them into the hills and found a nice clearing in the trees, deciding it would be an adequate place for a talk of conspiracy.

  “What do you wish to discuss?” Samuel asked.

  “We need to talk about the other guardians being held captive,” Katrina announced.

  “Kat, there is nothing we can do for them,” Parsa scoffed.

  “I disagree. And I am sick of sitting idly by while they are locked up.”

  “Katrina, you would only get yourself, as you say, locked up,” Samuel replied.

  “I would rather be locked up than be a fugitive for a crime that we didn’t commit,” Katrina nearly shouted.

  The other two took a step back and Samuel raised his hands to try to calm her down. “Look this valley is driving me crazy too. Not being able to speak, and not having the luxuries and comforts of home, but doing something irrational is not the answer,” he said.

  “Then who is going to do something? Are we going to let Archonia be divided when the next attack happens?” Katrina asked.

  “What do you know about that?” Parsa asked, cutting in sharply.

  “Know about what?”

  “What do you know about the next attack against Archonia?” Parsa reiterated.

  “I don’t know anything,” she stated in confusion.

  “Look, I am in the dark about this whole situation. William is my friend, but I have no idea why he was charged with treason or why he fled the realm. There were whispers that Achilles sent him on some sort of special mission to Dichonia,” Parsa said.

  Katrina looked the guardian up and down, struggling with the feeling that something about his line of questioning was out of place.

  “William is innocent, and I do not know why he fled,” Katrina replied, quickly.

  Samuel’s eyes darted to her, but he said nothing.

  “Look I think you are right. We need to do something. I just do not know what we could do. There are too few of us. The news out of the south is grim,” Parsa said, but Katrina cut him short.

  “What news out of the south? Are you in touch with others? Have they been visiting? Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, bombarding him with questions.

  “Yes, we have had contact from another cell of ‘rebels’, as we are being called,” Samuel responded.

  “While you have been busy with your martial arts training, some of us have actually been doing something,” Parsa added, smirking at Katrina.

  “Where are they and how many are there?” she asked, scrunching her face in annoyance.

  “We don’t know. The correspondence was enigmatic at best,” Parsa said.

  “But one thing is clear. They want to fight back,” Samuel stated.

  This made Katrina’s heart skip. The news was great. They could band with these other rebels and perhaps stand a real chance at freeing their captured comrades. Then they would be taken seriously at the bargaining table. Perhaps if they had enough support they could get Achilles to side with them, or at least give them a fair trial.

  “So, what is our next move?” Katrina asked her two friends.

  “For now we wait. I suggest you continue practicing your hand to hand combat,” Parsa said, “I think we have earned a little bit of rest and relaxation. What would you all say to a nice dinner by moonlight? My treat,” Parsa flashed brilliant white teeth as he smiled.

  Katrina’s stomach actually growled at the thought of food. She hadn’t eaten since the day before they left the capitol. The two laughed at her.

  “I will take that as a yes,” Parsa said, waving a hand around the small clearing. As he did small orbs of light left his fingertips and floated into the trees, where they hung and swayed with the leaves in a gentle breeze.

  “Samuel, if you would be so kind as to set the table,” Parsa said.

  Samuel went to work, projecting towards a tree, which had roots growing above the ground. Slowly, they grew larger and burrowed through the ground, until springing up from the center of the clearing and wound into a circular platform. Smaller, curly roots spun into seats, soft mossy padding spreading across the tops for their comfort.

  Something was already beginning to smell wonderful as Parsa’s elaborate illusion filled her nostrils. Large, silver serving platters appeared on Samuel’s table, glowing slightly. Small orbs of energy appeared, fed from her companion’s fingertips, warming the platters quickly. The light fell upon all manner of exotic looking foods. In a matter of minutes they were sitting around the table and Katrina was pouring wine for her friends into chalices made of blue glass.

  The day grew darker and Parsa’s orbs began to light up the clearing. They talked and laughed for hours about their adventures in the afterlife. It felt as though they had no troubles in the world that evening, a much needed reprieve from the anxiety and chaos of the recent civil unrest.

  Katrina decided a little music would keep the mood light, so she started to sing. Parsa’s small lights attracted fireflies, which danced along with Katrina’s
song. It was a slow song, almost peaceful as it spoke of longing and sorrow. It ended as it began, with silence settling upon the field.

  Samuel quietly slipped into a meditative state. Parsa looked at Katrina.

  “Why do you care for William so?” he asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

  Katrina stared into the sky. She didn’t really feel comfortable answering this. “He is a friend. We have fought side by side not only in training, but in war,” she replied.

  “Do you love him?” Parsa asked.

  Katrina got up without answering the question, and walked off into the night. She didn’t care if it was rude. He was rude for asking such a thing. And the truth was, she didn’t have an answer. She was scared to admit it could be true.

  Katrina made her way through the valley, until she found a comfortable spot to meditate. Almost as soon as she closed her eyes she opened them and the light filled the sky. She nearly jumped as a breath of air settled over her and looked up to find the window gazer, standing there. The strange girl smiled brightly and held something out to her.

  It was a sealed letter with her name written on it in a heavy hand. Katrina wasn’t sure if she’d ever received mail in Archonia. What shocked her more was that the Adjudicators were not watching the mail. Such correspondence in Archonia was a sacred thing and not normally trifled with, however, these were troubled times. She hesitantly accepted the sealed parchment.

  The seal was bright green with the stamp of the Guardian on it. She pushed a finger into it and the waxy substance dissolved away. She began to open the letter, but looked up to find the strange woman still staring at her.

  “Thank you,” Katrina said, smiling awkwardly. And with that the silent messenger left as quickly and quietly as she came.

  Katrina looked at the bottom of the letter to see who it was from, her eyes lighting up and heart pounding frantically. It was from her big brother. It was from Brock.

  Dear little sister,

  I regret that I have not been able to send word sooner. As you know all too well, the realm is in chaos. Shortly after your departure from Helios, the Synod decreed that any tainted soul sent by the Archon Gabriel is to be detained indefinitely, until a solution can be identified. As of right now they cannot stop more from coming into our world, and nobody can contact Gabriel. He continues to send fresh souls, all slightly impure.

  In addition to this decree the Synod has charged the Justicars with bringing anyone who seeks to aid these souls into detention as well. I do not doubt that you are aware of this and have probably run into the blasted purple caped peacocks along the road. If you have been lucky enough to avoid a fight just keep in mind that they can read you like a book. Always tell them the truth, just don’t tell them all of it, and you will get along alright.

  The main reason for my message is simple. We are preparing for a fight. We will not let any government body arrest without cause and hold without trial. Even in times of war any citizen of Archonia has these basic rights. I have seen good men stripped of rank and taken off to gods only know where. But I digress. Continue to hope and pray little sister, and we will soon find you. Should you be faced with a tough choice, follow your heart. It will not lead you astray. You are one of the good ones.

  Guard the light,

  Big Brother

  Katrina felt the corners of her mouth curl up into a smile. She sprung to her feet with new determination. She had time and she didn’t want to waste it. She would double her efforts at developing her new skills. Practically flying to meet her new trainer she found Talisha waiting for her with the others in the group. They did their daily practice, but when they were finished Talisha remained.

  “Good day to you, Kat. Are you ready to begin our meditation?” she asked softly.

  “I am more than ready,” she responded.

  “Then let us simply begin with me. You will find that sensing another person’s aura is quite simple. Though it is immensely easier if you know the person,” she said, sitting down cross-legged in the grass.

  Katrina followed suit and was soon looking into her teacher’s soft, brown eyes. “Relax your body; it plays no part in this. Instead, reach out with your mind. You will find that it is stronger than your body could ever be. Focus on your own inner energy. Feel your own strength,” she murmured softly.

  Silence fell over them while Katrina tried to complete her task. She could always feel her own inner energy, a small tingle inside that she could move around, and in times of need push outward in a destructive force. But she wasn’t gifted with projection however. Her bow allowed her to channel that energy into a destructive force far easier and faster than she could without it.

  “Now move your inner energy around, but do not move your body,” Talisha said next.

  Again Katrina did as she was told. She thought of a metronome sitting on her piano, and let her inner energy sway back and forth slightly as if she was keeping time.

  “You play the piano,” Talisha said out of nowhere.

  Katrina’s eyes fluttered open.

  “How do you know?” she asked, trying to hide her shock.

  Her trainer smiled coyly, “Your fingers are strong. I can sense their obedience, and just now you were moving your energy back and forth much like a metronome, if I am not mistaken.” “That is incredible,” is all Katrina could say. Her eyes flickered with excitement.

  “This will seem all too easy to you very soon,” Talisha replied, and they went back to it.

  * * *

  The next few weeks passed with alarming speed. This time she stayed in better contact with the other two, although she avoided private conversations with Parsa. Her martial arts schedule intensified as did her private training. She received no new word from Brock or any other Guardians. Samuel had contact from the people now calling themselves “The liberals”. He mentioned that they were recruiting more and more people, even people outside the military who believed that what was going on in the capitol was atrocious.

  It was clear to Katrina that Archonia was heading towards civil war. She had seen these talks before back in the colonies on Earth before that war broke out. The fear fostered from the battle at mount Olympus had crippled morale here, and caused an irrational fear to spread across the land like a plague.

  There was little that she could do to change the events that had already been set in motion. What she could do was continue training, and expand on her capabilities to better serve the people of Archonia.

  A few days after their dinner in the clearing, Katrina walked quietly along a carved stone pathway near the library when she was gripped by a sensation of pure joy, and unfathomable energy. It was like walking into a room filled with a potent smell she knew that something had changed, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what.

  She looked around and then it dawned on her. She was sensing another person. She’d been making breakthroughs in her private training with Talisha, and could sense her teacher’s aura, but that was at close range and with much focus. This energy level was like a beacon. And it was unlike anything that she had ever felt. What astounded her was the energy was emanating from a child!

  She veered off her path and tried as best she could to follow the child. It was a young boy, and he was swift. He looked to be of oriental descent. He wore a white Gi, and zipped along the pathway, chasing after a butterfly. Just as fast as he’d appeared, he was gone.

  She retired that night to her quarters in the Shaolin temple, and it was as if her eyes had been opened. She could sense others as well. Though not nearly as easily as she did the child. She couldn’t believe the power that the small boy possessed.

  She sat, sensing two other powerful energy levels down the hall. They could only belong to her fellow guardians. As her mind wandered their signatures faded in and out. She didn’t even meditate much that night. She simply sat and focused on her two friends, teaching her mind to keep this sense switched on and becoming more accustomed to it.

  The next day she co
uld hardly contain herself. As soon as the final pose in their practice was complete she rushed over to Talisha, a wide smile across her face.

  “I can sense them!” she announced, triumphantly. So loud that the others in the group slowly walking away from the field turned and looked in disbelief.

  “Excellent! When did this development occur?” she asked, thoughtfully.

  “Yesterday evening. It was incredible. There was a small boy. Talisha, his power was astounding. He will be a great warrior one day,” Katrina stated excitedly.

  Talisha smiled. “That is unlikely. The child has simply never experienced the mortal world, so it appears that his mind is free of constraints like gravity and weight, and he can draw more freely upon the energy of the world. His soul has probably been here since before he was born,” she said.

  “So…why is it unlikely that he will become a warrior?” Kat inquired.

  “This child has known nothing of hunger, fear, sorrow, or anguish. There has never been any need to fight, or cause to destroy. You will find that there are very few exceptions to this rule, but Archonian raised children simply do not become soldiers,” she explained.

  This made Katrina sad. These pure, young souls would be experiencing war all too soon.

  “I stayed up most of the night, focusing on my two...” she cut herself short. She’d already told Talisha about herself, but she had no right to expose her friends when they were in hiding.

  “Katrina, I can sense you and your great power. Did you not think that I was able to sense your friends as well? Although, I do admit I didn’t think there were two at first. One of your companions can mask his energy level well.”

  “I see, and can you teach me to learn this skill?” Kat asked.

  “I admit that it is not one of my strong suits. I have never had much need to mask my energy level. That may be something that you learn on your own, Guardian.”


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