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Retaliation (William of Archonia Book 2)

Page 36

by Jarod Meyer

  The battalion didn’t put down their weapons, and quickly fanned out, surrounding William in a perfect circle. They gave him plenty of room, but kept blades leveled at him as their leader approached. William recognized the new commander of the sentinels. Mikael, who was thought to have been the most power angel in heaven’s armies, according to the religions of Earth.

  “What do you want here, Dichonian?” the dark skinned man asked.

  William scoffed. “Let me speak with Achilles,” he said, impatiently.

  “I will ask you again, Dichonian, and I expect an answer this time. What do you want here?” the old warrior asked.

  William heaved out a breath, and snapped, “If I was a Dichonian, I wouldn’t have been able to pass into this realm. I have sacrificed more in service to Archonia and her people than I care to discuss right now. And I demand to speak with Commander Achilles immediately!” he growled.

  Mikael twitched in annoyance, and he held up a hand. The warriors around him shifted into attack stances, their long spears coming together to form a solid ring of pain.

  Gungnir appeared instantly into his hand, as he sunk into his own defensive stance. “I don’t wish to harm you, my brothers, but if you attack, I will defend myself,” he shouted in warning.

  Many of the soldiers looked nervous. They must have known who he was. The hero of Mount Olympus, the renegade that escaped pursuit from Archonia without a scratch. He truly didn’t want to harm any of these men, but he’d come too far to be turned away, or killed, within sight of his goal.

  As if an answer to his silent prayer a group of Guardians appeared over the top of the wall. They landed hard, instantly turning their weapons outward, defending William. It was Achilles, and his myrmidon warriors. The sentinels looked as though they all wanted to retreat completely, but they held firm after stumbling away a few steps. Achilles landed outside of this circle, and quickly moved towards Mikael.

  “This is an agent of Archonia, and one of my loyal guardians, Mikael. Tell your men to stand down immediately!” he said, his voice booming with authority. His sword was already pulled free of its scabbard, William noted.

  William almost hoped that Mikael would make a move so that he could see Achilles in action again. It was like nothing he had ever seen when he fought beside him at Mt. Olympus. But the dark skinned man put a hand up, signaling for his men to stand down.

  “Perhaps in the future you could divulge the identity of your agents to me to prevent such entanglements,” Mikael stated irritably. “We will be watching him,” he added fiercely, but Achilles had already turned to William.

  “Welcome back, Captain,” the commander said, formally. William saluted in return. “I trust your mission was a success?” Achilles asked.

  William gave a curt nod. “I have refugees with me. They want to start a new life here,” he said.

  Achilles’ face turned grim.

  “I am afraid that will not be possible. Much has changed since you left. The Council saw your mission as an act of treason, and a sign that tainted souls should have never been allowed to live amongst us. Every tainted soul Gabriel has sent back to us is being imprisoned,” Achilles said, his expression hard.

  “What!?” William exclaimed.

  “As are those who have aided them,” Achilles added.

  William’s stress returned. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, he thought to himself. His friends were likely locked up.

  “These refugees…they are the reason why my mission was a success. They are coming with me,” William said, fiercely.

  Achilles looked him over. He didn’t speak, but it was clear he wasn’t happy.

  “Just tell them not to attack. Please,” William said, rushing off. The cold hit him again as he passed through the barrier. Relief swept over his new friend’s faces as he returned.

  “They aren’t being friendly to people like us in this world right now. It is important that you don’t do anything to antagonize them. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

  This would be the moment of truth. William passed through the shield produced by the twin obelisks. The group followed him. He told the warriors to take off their armor and put down their weapons. He didn’t want to give the sentinels any reason to attack. Tamara was the first to put her hand up to the barrier, her dark hand sinking into the shimmering energy like water. She cried out, and passed through, falling to her knees as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. Others walked through, and embraced one another in happiness.

  It seemed that everything was going to work out. William’s excitement grew, but quickly spotted a man standing at the back of the crowd. He was one of the rebels. William watched expectantly, waiting for him to pass through, but he didn’t move.

  He slowly put his hand up to the shield, but it didn’t go through. The others noticed and turned to watch.

  “Who is that?” William asked Haraldr, who stood nearby.

  “I don’t know. Some of the others knew him,” he admitted.

  Just then the man locked eyes with William, a sneer spreading across his face. William reacted, sprinting back through the barrier as the man fled back into the wasteland. Panic filled him, as he considered the possibilities. Most likely, he was Luxor’s agent, keeping tabs on the group. He couldn’t let him report what he saw, or all would be lost.

  The man was fast, and William pushed with all his might to catch up. But before he could, a shrill noise whistled by, as a blur flew past William, knocking the man down. It was Achilles, his blade pinning the spy to the ground. William walked up as the commander twisted the blade, taking the man’s life.

  “You have done enough killing in the name of Archonia for a while,” he said. “Let us go.” William followed in silence, desperate to leave the cold, darkness of Dichonia behind forever.

  The group followed William and Achilles towards the gate, where Mikael encouraged his force. He undoubtedly witnessed the little scuffle with the spy.

  “Commander Achilles. The realm recognizes your agent here as a friendly party, but I will not allow these tainted souls to pass into our realm,” Mikael said.

  “They have passed into our realm whether we like it or not,” Achilles responded, indicating the group behind him.

  “You are out of line, Commander. Your force does not intimidate me or my men. I will do my duty in the defense of the people,” Mikael said, forcefully.

  Achilles Myrmidons closed in once again, their expressions grim. William had no doubt they were ready for battle. Even against their friends and allies.

  William had seen enough. “I have arranged an attack on Archonia, at a predetermined place and time to which only I, and the true enemy, Luxor, now know of,” he said, pausing to let this information sink in. “If you don’t allow these people their chance at redemption, then I won’t disclose this information. Therefore you won’t be able to stop Luxor, and in the end, you won’t be defending our people. The choice is yours, Commander,” William said, commanding the group with authority that surprised even him.

  William couldn’t help but notice a small smirk form on Achilles’ face as the sentinel commander squirmed in his armor.

  “We shall see who will be there in the end to defend Archonia,” Mikael said, and he and his men dispersed.



  The refugees followed William, while Achilles went ahead to Helios to report directly to the Council. For all William knew he still had a warrant out for his arrest. The Guardian commander assured him he wouldn’t be accosted, but William didn’t let his guard down. Together including Achilles’ three contacts there were twenty-six refugees, and they all looked to William. He felt that he needed to protect them from the persecution they would no doubt see.

  The capitol city of Helios stood out like a beacon on the horizon, and many of his companions began to mutter, asking questions about it. William’s fear got the better of him. Without saying anything he descended from the sky and
stopped near a small river. The land here was lush and beautiful. He decided that this was as good a place as any.

  “Why are we stopping?” Georgia asked as she floated from the sky.

  “They’re locking up anybody with a tainted soul right now,” William said sadly.

  “What is a tainted soul?” she asked, obviously confused. But William didn’t have to spell it out for her, as it dawned on her shortly after.

  “I was the first tainted soul they allowed to live here in many millennia. When it appeared that I betrayed them, they took the new souls that were being sent here, and imprisoned them somewhere. I need you all to stay here. I will return. I promised you I wouldn’t abandon any of you, and that didn’t stop when we crossed the border. You are my people now,” he said quickly.

  “We will wait for you here. How long until you return?” she asked.

  “I do not know. Tell the others that they may do as they choose, but I can’t be responsible if they leave this place. Achilles told me he will keep an eye on you all as well. He is the most powerful warrior in Archonia. No one will stand against his word,” William said.

  Then he said his goodbyes to his new friends, before ascending into the crystal-clear blue sky.

  Achilles requested that after he got his people settled he meet him in his private quarters for debrief, but William had no time for formalities. He blasted his way into the city with no regard for any others floating peacefully through the sky. His eye was fixed on the capitol. No doubt the Synod was in session. With these new developments, how could they not be?

  William entered through one of the many skylights in the capitol building, perfectly aware of the route to the Synod chambers. The massive doors groaned as he pushed them open with ease. Hundreds of heads turned as William marched into the room.

  His armor, which had significantly changed, made people gasp. This was a non-military meeting. That much was clear, as no one else wore armor, save for a handful of sentinels and a few adjudicators.

  William looked upon them grinding his teeth, trying not to let his rage overtake him His gaze froze on a familiar face. Angelica. Her long black hair was as perfect as he remembered it, her beautiful tanned skin still as impeccable as ever. His heart crumbled to pieces again. All the pain and suffering in Dichonia didn’t compare to this, but he wouldn’t let anyone know. He couldn’t allow anybody in all the worlds think he was weak.

  He marched to the center of the room.

  “Where are they?!” he asked, raising his voice. The short-tempered Ibrahim stood, a scowl on his face.

  “You dare enter this sacred chamber unannounced, and demand things of this great council?!” he spat.

  The guards surrounding the room closed in so quick that William barely had time to react. His sword pulled free, and he disarmed three sentinels in a blur of movement. He sent blasts at another three that sent them flying into the walls and crowd. The rest of the guards slinked away in fear.

  “Where are they!?” William bellowed again.

  Athena stood. “If you are referring to the tainted souls that were sent here by the Archon Gabriel, they are being held in a secure location,” she said.

  “Tell me where they are, right now,” William demanded.

  “You have no right to demand anything, traitor. You who would flee from arrest and not be held accountable for your actions,” Ibrahim said, speaking up.

  “Oh, I am accountable!” William yelled. “You, Socrates! You can see what I have done for this world. I have endured unbelievable atrocities for the people of Archonia. Show them!” William shouted, pointing at Socrates.

  Socrates hung his head. He looked back up at William, and spoke softly. “Are you sure you wish the people of Archonia to see what you have done?”

  “Yes, I’ve dirtied my hands so that others wouldn’t have to. I’ve set in motion a plot to secure the borders of our world. I’ve done my duty as a soldier to Archonia, and I’m not ashamed. May it be a warning to those who seek to do wrong,” William said, loudly.

  Socrates nodded in approval, and William stepped out of the middle of the room as a blue orb appeared. The room darkened, and an eerie light fell over everyone.

  The orb began to play his memories as if they were a movie. There were gasps of shock as people set eyes on the bleakness of Dichonia. Shrieks of horror rang throughout the room as they witnessed William cutting down demons in Tamara’s village. Fast forward and they saw Vanity’s beet-red face. The scenes played out, or at least small sections of them, until at long last it froze on an image of Luxor, the enemy of the entire realm - the person responsible for the deaths of so many Archonian soldiers.

  The light came pouring back into the room as if a cloud just passed over the sun, and the people of Archonian looked upon William, their expressions now softened by pity and sadness.

  “I have done these things for all of you, for your safety and your peace. All I ask in return is for you to let the tainted souls be free. I will start a new home for them… us, separate from the people of Archonia, until you can all stop being so selfish, and allow others to have a second chance at a peaceful life,” he said, failing to keep the spite from his voice.

  Just then there was a flurry of bodies descended from above. No less than one hundred sentinels, adjudicators, and guardians converged on William, pinning him to the ground. An adjudicator spoke.

  “William of Archonia, you are guilty of treason, and are hereby stricken of your title as Guardian. For your crimes you will be branded a liar, a traitor, and thief…” but before the man could finish William’s armor disappeared to reveal his bare chest along with the six seals. His face twisted in horror and confusion.

  “Way ahead of you,” William said.

  William was taken away. He had disrupted the Synod meeting once again, and even though he was technically defending himself he had injured fellow brothers in arms. This wasn’t his most graceful move ever. But passion was flowing through him. He was tired of these pretentious people looking down upon people like him. He had seen that those with cloudy souls could pass into this world without permission from the council. As far as he was concerned, they had every right to be as free.

  They locked William up in a holding cell. Chains were strapped around his neck, ankles, and wrists. Guards held them even as he sat completely still.

  He had been in this same cell once before. The night before he was first branded. Before this nightmare began. He sat patiently, waiting for them to move him. He imagined that they needed to receive their orders, and gather enough forces to safely carry them out. William heard a racket outside the door, and voices.

  “I’m sorry, my lady, no one is permitted to see the prisoner,” a man said.

  “Please, I may never get to see him again. I just need a minute,” a female voice said.

  William recognized the voice immediately. Angelica. William’s heart stopped, and he didn’t know what to do. He was still heartbroken over what had happened between them. He’d sworn to himself that he would never speak to her again, but his thoughts constantly swarmed with her face, and all the unanswered questions. He had to know.

  He stood up, and as he did the guards shouted and pulled on the chains, trying to force him back down. He reached up and snapped off the collar that held all of the chains. The men straining against him fell backwards to the ground. The small door that exited the cell flew against the opposite wall as William pushed it off its hinges. The man who was standing guard outside was now unconscious between what remained of the door and the stone wall. William’s eyes locked on Angelica with a calm fury, and he snapped the wrist manacles constraining his arms in half.

  “What do you want?” he asked calmly, yet coldly.

  Angelica appeared stricken with fear. It wasn’t just his armor that had changed, but his face. He wondered how he looked to her. Did he look alien?

  “I just had to tell you something, and then I will leave,” she said meekly.

  William waited,
his expression like stone.

  “I wanted to apologize for what I said in the Garden before you left,” she said, looking up to see if his face had changed. It hadn’t. “I just wanted you to know that Achilles asked me to do it. He said it would make your journey easier if I hurt you.” She finished speaking and turned promptly to leave.

  A lie? A lie to make him a rage driven killing machine? He began to shake, as tears welled up uncontrollably in his eyes. His chest tightened, but he refused to call out to her. It was never her. It was always Achilles, pulling the strings like he was a puppet.

  He walked back into the cell and sat down on the stone seat. The guards watched him in fear, while the light of the bright Archonian sun shone upon his back.

  * * *

  When more guards arrived they projected new and stronger chains to bind him. The sheer size and weight made it difficult for William to walk. Hundreds of guards heaved them through the sky as they traveled across the great plains of Archonia. William relaxed, and let them do all the work.

  It was close to parasailing, he thought. He let the warm wind whip his face.

  Getting arrested had been his backup plan. If the Synod hadn’t handed over his friends, he would let the guards lead him to them.

  His plan worked. They flew deep into the northeastern part of Archonia, where deep woodlands covered the rough terrain. The trees towered larger than the redwoods of Earth. They flew high above the trees, where William could see the wildlife running everywhere. Large beasts as big as elephants, but bovine in nature. Thick coats of fur and large tusks made them look like wooly mammoths.

  After a few moments the tree line ended, revealing a valley in which all rivers flowed to in Archonia. Waterfalls fed into a large central lake, and in the middle of this lake was a shining tower that glimmered as if it was made from diamonds. William had never read of this place. If this place was supposed to be secret it is completely conspicuous.


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