Fire in The Moon (The Bound Series Book 3)
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Damn, that was so not something he wanted stuck on a mental loop playing in his subconscious.
Maybe he could find something to read next door, after all Maya would be at the café with Jaden, especially if Sam and Helena weren’t. Unlocking the door, he swung it open and again froze as the first thing to greet him was Jaden’s naked arse. He had Maya pressed up against the wall with her skirt up by her breasts and her legs around his waist as he pounded into her.
“For fuck sake,” Balin spat as Jaden’s head shot around, his lip lifting off his teeth as he growled. Once again he turned on his heel and slammed back out of a house.
They were all like breeding bunnies. He was sharing his living space with a bunch of adults who were behaving like hormone riddled teenagers with their first lay. He needed some space, a way to get away from all the sex that was everywhere and sending his cat up the wall in a frenzy.
Shoving his hands in his jacket pockets Balin lumbered up the street, looking for a diversion and breathing room. Head down, he crossed the road passing the houses before hitting the main part of the little town where the businesses were located. All the town had was one main road - two-way traffic - which ran through it with buildings either side. Town houses to businesses to town houses, with side streets separating business and residential properties containing flats and cottages. If it wasn’t so early he’d head up to Evan’s quaint little pub, ‘The Cavern,’ which lay at the end of the road before you hit the greenbelt area. There was also an estate further around the back to the left-hand side where he himself owned one or two investment properties. His own home was further into the greenbelt area, a little more breathing room for his cat.
He’d give anything to be at home right about now, but too many lives were already on the line and he didn’t want to give them anything further to worry over. Now if the pub was open Evan Collier’s wife, Cathy, did that mean steak and ale pie, which he’d enjoyed the other night, his mouth watered at the thought and his stomach rumbled. He’d not eaten in his haste to escape this morning. Or maybe there’d be some of Gavin’s apple pie around, Evan’s other son and twin to Michael was a fabulous choux chef. Boy was talented, Balin’s stomach gave another loud rumble, a pity it was so early. Maybe he’d stop in at the bakery and grab something off Elizabeth Adams, Daniels wife, who owned and ran it. If he ate something it may help him think.
Stopping, he looked back towards the bakery, his eyes lighting on Douglas’s Jewellery shop. Now, if he could get Lana to talk, then maybe he’d have a reason to use the item he’d ordered from him earlier. Mumbling to himself, he shook his head and turning back around moved off again, needing to stretch his legs. He could eat shortly but first he needed to get rid of the antsy feeling he was presently flooded with. He knew he was mixed up, and that on top of his cat’s restlessness wasn’t helping him, his head was all over the place and he couldn’t concentrate.
“Hey Balin, hold up.”
He stopped mid-step and turned in surprise as that husky female voice called out to him. Especially as she was addressing him by his actual name and not the usual dick he’d become accustomed to from her.
“How have you been?”
“Fine…” he stared at her, shocked and disbelieving as she stood before him, especially after her refusal to speak to him last night.
“Do you fancy taking a walk?” she asked, but wouldn’t meet his gaze as she kept her head down and shuffled from foot to foot. There was something off about her, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it as she stood there, kind of awkward. She had her hands thrust deep into her coat pockets and when she spoke she sounded nervous. That couldn’t be right? She was normally sensual and confident as she tormented him – usually just before it turned to pissed off while she handed him his own arse. He’d also heard her turned on and upset, although only the once for turned on. This side to her was something different entirely and he was at a loss on how to proceed.
He’d come out here on his own – and against orders with the buddy system being in place for everyone safety. However, he’d needed to clear his head after what he’d walked in on twice this morning. He was also hoping that the exercise would help him formulate a plan on how to get her to talk to him. Closing his eyes, he opened them again and shook his head. Nope, she was still there - so obviously wasn’t a figment of his sluggish, sleep deprived imagination. Frowning, Balin looked towards her again, but her eyes were still downcast. He tried to link into her thoughts, but came up against static - no change there then. Maybe he should just accept this turnabout from her, his mind was too sluggish to work anything out - and after all, if he took too long she could change her mind again. This could be his one and only shot to try to win her around and start again with a clean slate.
A smile split his face, he couldn’t help it, but he rubbed a hand over his mouth to cover it. She didn’t have to know he was so damn happy to see her – pleased to actually get this chance. His luck wasn’t usually this good - not where she was concerned. Then he frowned again because usually where there was Lana there was also Lara? Looking around them he double checked, but there was no sign of her.
“Where’s your mother?”
“She’s back at the café. I snuck out so we don’t have long as she only thinks I’m in the bathroom,” she whispered sheepishly.
That would explain the nerves he thought, a huge grin splitting his face.
“Come on, lets walk before she realises you’ve gone,” he said, moving off again. He couldn’t believe his good fortune – it looked like things were finally looking up for him
“This way,” she said, her head nodding towards the little walkway that led around the back of the buildings and into the tree line.
“We’re meant to stay out of the woods for the time being.”
“I know, but we can walk beside it. I enjoy the scenery and the quiet and freedom the woods represent,” she shrugged.
Balin loved the woods and the open fields, he especially enjoyed being able to climb through the branch highway and run at full speed through the grass in his cat form. He’d missed that this last week or so. He couldn’t wait for this to all be over so he could properly enjoy the freedom once again. His cat had been acting up for some time, and when it was edgy he didn’t always make the best decisions.
He looked towards Lana but her hair had fallen over her face so he couldn’t see her, although he felt her tension in the stiff way she held herself. It was as if she was holding her breath. Maybe she needed this time out also, and it may help her see him in a different light? I mean, he was ancient by anyone’s standards, by his age he should be completely at ease and in charge of his life, but with Lana, he was off kilter, adrift with no lifeboat.
“Okay, if that’s what you want, but we can’t go far,” he warned her, her safety important.
“Great,” she said sounding relieved as she fell in beside him.
They walked in silence until they reached the backs of the houses then he turned to speak to her and sucked in a shocked breath as her head finally lifted.
“Your eyes… you’re not Lana… she has green eyes, who the hell are you?” Balin spat, noticing that her blue eyes were glowing as she stared up at him - a smirk on her face. Her features began altering, hair turning from corn blonde to red as she became taller, curvier.
“Come now, surely you remember my name?” she simpered, tracing a red nail up his chest, making him stiffen – and not in a good way.
The nymph, how the hell had she managed to change her appearance?
“I see you do recognise me,” she purred with a smile, which turned to a sneer. “Still can’t remember me by name though, can you? Never mind, you’re going to remember it soon enough. Soon, my name will be the only thing you will remember,” she laughed gleefully.
“What the hell…” Balin trailed off mid-sentence as he was hit from behind - the force knocking him to his knees. He heard her scream at his side, but with h
is ears ringing from the blow and vision beginning to waver, he couldn’t make anything out apart from shadowy figures. Blinking, he tried to clear his vision but it didn’t help, then his nostrils were assaulted with the rich, metallic scent of fresh spilled blood. Before he could figure out what was going on he was hit again and the world went black.
Chapter Thirteen
M an, his head was killing him. What the fuck had happened? His hearing was off, ears still ringing… shit, he’d been hit hadn’t he… the nymph? Yeah. the nymph had tricked him. How the hell had she managed to make herself look and smell like Lana? His shoulders ached, so he tried to move to ease but when he tried lowering them he came up short. Wincing, he slowly lifted his chin from his chest where it had been resting… his naked chest he realised, shivering with the feel of the cold damp air in the dank room.
Blinking, he tried to clear his double vision so he could get a look at his surroundings. All he could make out was damp, dark walls that were glistening as if wet. Looking further up he realised the ceiling wasn’t too high, but again it was made of the same dark… was that soil? Blinking again, he hissed at the pain in his head as he carefully shook it - not wanting to make the pounding worse - but he needed to clear whatever was dripping into his right eye. Nostrils flaring, he realised it was blood - his own blood. Great, he probably had a concussion. Now, if he could shift it would speed up his healing - but there was a slight problem to that - he still couldn’t move his arms. Squeezing his eyes tightly closed he took a breath to ward off the nausea as he tilted his head further back. Wincing again as the back of his aching head scraped along the rough surface at his back. His hands were stretched up above his head, manacles around his wrists and held there with chains. He gave an experimental tug but the manacles around his wrists tightened painfully, cutting into his skin.
What the hell, how was it possible for metal to do that?
Trying to focus, he tried to get a closer look at them and noticed some sort of script etched into them. The swirling letters were similar to the tattoo’s he’d seen on both Maya and Lana’s sides. Possibly Latin, but he didn’t understand what any of it meant. He again gave an experimental tug and sucked in a sharp breath as they tightened further - drawing blood.
Fuck, that stung, and he again caught the scent of his own freshly spilled blood.
Okay. So, getting his arms down and out of the manacles was going to be a problem, but maybe he could move his feet?
Closing his eyes, he tried to slow his breathing and take his weight - balancing on one leg so his arms didn’t move.
Fuck. Again, the manacles tightened, but this time around his ankles, making the sensitive skin feel sliced.
He was well and truly trapped he realised. No matter which way he tried to move they tightened painfully - which meant he’d be unable to shift to help himself escape or heal. Shifting was more than a slight movement, it was a complete alteration of his whole body - shape and bone structure.
Closing his eyes again he tried to think, but recoiled as more blood assaulted his nostrils, this time not his own. The smell was so overpowering he could taste it, the metallic tang coating the back of his throat.
The nymph’s, he realised, and tried to shut out every other noise to see if he could make anything out. Swallowing the panic that threatened to engulf him he once again took a shallow breath and slowed his breathing.
There was the sound of movement and whispering just behind the wall he was presently hung from - but he couldn’t detect a heartbeat - nothing.
Fuck, the nymph was most definitely dead. No more pain for her, but he had a feeling he himself was in for a whole world of hurt. If his hunch was correct he was now at the mercy of the psycho bitch and her own psychotic, rapist, murdering pet. His own fault. He should have made sure the fucker was dead when he’d had his chance in the field the night of Jaden and Maya binding.
He didn’t think he was going to get out of this alive, and swallowed at the thought of never seeing Lana again. Then sweat beaded on his brow at the thought of more lives being lost as they were picked off one by one while out searching for him. He knew they’d come looking as these probably did too, maybe that was the reason for the nymph’s transformation. Jaden had better take good care of Lana in his stead, sorrow swamping him as he realised that he would not be the one to do it himself. Balin’s chest ached at the thought of never having a chance to be with her again, hold her as she slept or hear her laughter. Closing his eyes, he concentrated, trying to reach for her past the pounding in his skull. He knew Lana could easily keep him out, but she was the only person in the world who he had a chance of reaching now. The only person in the world he wanted to speak to, even if it was for the last time. He had a few things he wanted to say to her - but didn’t have a clue if he had enough time left to say them.
Lana just needed a few minutes to herself. Balin hadn’t come into the café today and she was confused to find that she’d missed him. She knew Sam had told him to give her some space as she was pissed at him and her mother was rather antagonistic where he was concerned. She knew where she was coming from, she did. She’d also been at the receiving end of her father’s abuse - but Balin and the others didn’t seem to be cut from the same cloth as her father and uncles. Which she also found confusing. She’d felt Balin’s frustration as he’d tried to talk to her last night - but he’d never lost his temper - never raised his voice or threatened her – no matter what she’d thrown at him.
What was it about them that was so different, and why did she feel that she could trust him?
I mean, that should be the last thing on her mind, especially as that bloody nymph had turned up at the club yesterday. Although saying that, Balin hadn’t seemed to want anything to do with her, but then again he’d been the one to encourage her in the first place. It was his fault she was now fixated on him and making a nuisance of herself. Jealousy was not an emotion she was familiar with, but yesterday as she’s stood there and taunted her over Balin, she’d wanted to punch her.
Getting up from the kitchen table she left Sam, Helena, Maya and Jaden talking as they tried to come up with a plan on how to track down her father and the witch.
Her mother had gone upstairs for a shower so she’d escape into the other room for a while. Jaden had had a smaller table and chairs put in here for when they didn’t want to eat at the big kitchen table. She just needed some time alone as she’d had enough of people telling her what she could and couldn’t do for now. Plus, where the hell was Balin? No one had seen him since this morning and it was now close to teatime. Jaden was talking about going out to look for him – something to do with a run in he had with him his morning.
Where the hell was he?
She’d just stepped into the living room when she felt that buzzing sensation in her head, relief flooding her at the familiar feel of him. It seemed Balin wanted to talk, so tamping down on her relief she opened their connection - just a little - allowing his voice to come through. Maybe this time she’d hear him out and then find out where he’d been today, and god help him if he’d been near that slutty bitch.
“Lana, Lana, god damn it answer me. I know you can hear me, please, I’m in trouble.”
“What do you mean you’re in trouble. What kind of trouble?”
“I got captured when I was with the nymph.”
“What do you mean?” She heard him sigh.
“Maisie, the black witch and your father have me Lana.”
“Okay, stay calm. Maya and Jaden are here. I’ll just go get them as they are in the kitchen. Now tell me where you are and we’ll come and rescue you.”
“No, it’s too dangerous… I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I am Lana, I would have liked to have had a chance to get to know you better. I would have liked to see if we could have made it work between us.”
“Hang on, what are you doing?”
“I’m saying goodbye Lana.”
“No you’re not, you’re
being a dick and I’m not listening. We’ll come and get you.”
“No. I don’t know where I am and to be honest I don’t think you’ll have time.”
“What do you mean?” She could feel panic flooding her, her hands going clammy and tingling as she listened to him.
“I can’t get down.”
“Down from where?”
“I’m chained to a wall, and I can’t break the bonds to get free.”
“I’ll get the others. They’ll know what to do. We’ll come get you.”
“Damn it all to hell, how did they get you?” she was feeling frustrated and helpless, hearing the fatigue and anxiety in his voice and being unable to do nothing about it.
“I told you, I was with the nymph.”
“We’ll discuss that later, but first I’ll get the others and we’ll come and get you.”
“No.” Lana could hear the resignation in his voice, as if he’d already given up. As if he was okay with the possibility of dying. What the hell? She was not having that. If anyone was going to kill him, it would be her.
“Balin, I’m not leaving you in the clutches of those psycho’s. I warned you to keep your pants on, but did you listen, no.”
“Seriously, I’m hanging on a wall and you want to argue, now!”
“Well, if you’d listened to me you wouldn’t be in this position, now would you?”
No, I wouldn’t, but damn it Lana, I thought she was you,” he sounded pained.