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Precious Stones

Page 4

by Darrien Lee

  “Cool,” Malachi answered as he picked up the remote and started scanning the channels for other games.

  Ramsey exited the room with Target following close behind. Upstairs he instructed his canine to lie down in the hallway outside their bedroom. He entered the room and found Keilah in bed, reading softly to their daughter. Her eyes were barely opened—that was, until she saw her father. Her eyes immediately lit up, and she started wiggling in her mother’s arms to get over to him. It warmed Ramsey’s heart to see his daughter’s strong reaction to his presence. He climbed onto the bed and kissed both of them on the cheek.

  “Thanks a lot, Ramsey Stone,” Keilah said softly as Neariah crawled over her to get to her father. “She was almost asleep.”

  He placed his daughter on his chest and said, “I’m sorry. I thought she was asleep.”

  “It’s okay,” Keilah replied as she gathered up Neariah’s lotion and brush. “Where’s Malachi?”

  “Downstairs, watching the game,” he whispered as he cuddled his daughter in his arms. “I’m going back down there, but I wanted to talk to you first.”

  “About what?” she asked as Neariah cuddled with her father.

  “Let me get her to sleep first,” he said before taking his daughter across the hallway to her room.

  When he returned thirty minutes later, he found Keilah sitting on the small sofa at the foot of their bed, putting lotion on her arms and legs. She looked heavenly in her gold satin nightgown, and the sight of her caused his body to stir. He pulled her up into his arms and hugged her tightly to his body. He leaned down and gave her a seductive kiss on the lips.

  “Mmmm, that was nice.”

  He kissed her again and whispered, “I love you.”

  She noticed the seriousness in his eyes and said, “I love you too. What’s wrong? What do you want to talk to me about?”

  He sat down on the sofa and pulled her into his lap. As he held on to her, he searched for an easy way to tell her about her ex-boyfriend, and then he realized the only way to tell her was straight-out.

  “Bradford came by tonight while you were giving Neariah a bath.”

  “What did he want?” she asked as she massaged the back of his neck.

  “He wanted to let us know that Michael Monroe was found alive in Iraq a few days ago and now he’s back in D.C.”

  “I knew he wasn’t dead, and I knew he would come back,” she revealed. “Do you think he’s going to try and come after Neariah?”

  “Babe, he has no reason to come after her, and if he does, he’ll have me to deal with, and you and I both know he don’t want that,” Ramsey said to reassure her.

  “What if he’s delusional and thinks Neariah is his daughter—”

  “She’s not,” he said, interrupting her. “Those were bad dreams, babe. You have nothing to worry about, and Kyle’s going to keep us informed on his whereabouts. He wanted us to know about it before the news media broke the story.”

  Keilah buried her face in her husband’s warm neck and said, “Thanks for the heads-up.”

  He lovingly patted her backside and said, “You’re welcome. Can I get you anything before you turn in?”

  She climbed out of his lap and said, “No, I’m okay. You’re not going to be up too late, are you?”

  He leaned down and gave her another kiss. “No, I’m tired too. It’s been a long day. I’ll be back up as soon as the game is over.”

  “Okay,” she said as she got in bed and pulled the comforter over her body.

  Ramsey dimmed the lights and walked toward the door.

  “Ramsey, does Malachi know Michael’s back?”

  He turned back to her and admitted that he had filled Malachi in on Michael Monroe’s surprising return.

  “I’m sure he wasn’t happy to hear it, was he?”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against the door frame. “You know your brother.”

  “I know, and that’s the problem. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Tell him I said good night and that I’ll talk to him in the morning.”

  “I will,” he answered as he started to pull the door closed. “Sweet dreams, babe.”

  Ramsey knew in his heart that the only way he could give his wife peace was to get Michael Monroe out of their lives once and for all. An hour or so later Ramsey returned to his bedroom and climbed into bed and cuddled with his sleeping wife.

  At the medical facility, Michael lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. It had been a grueling day, and he was glad it was over. It was after midnight, and he had a hard time closing his eyes because of the images he would see. Images of blood, death, poverty, sorrow. It was a lot to take in, especially when you were in distress and didn’t know if you were going to live or die. As he lay there, he thought of Kevin, his lover, and what he’d probably gone through over the past year, not knowing if he was dead or alive. He turned over in bed, and images of Keilah flashed in his head. Tears started running out of his eyes as his emotions overtook him. He’d hurt her unimaginably, and he wanted—no, needed—to see her as soon as possible. He needed to make amends with her for all the pain and suffering he’d caused her so he could finally get on with his life.

  A few days later, after more debriefings and a psych exam, Major Michael Monroe was finally allowed to leave the base. His uncle, Malcolm Randolph, a Supreme Court justice, picked up his nephew in a waiting limo.

  The judge hugged him and said, “Welcome home, son.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Malcolm. Where are Aunt Teresa and Arhmelia?”

  The limo driver put Michael’s bag in the trunk and then opened one of the back doors for the pair to climb in.

  Once inside the limo, Malcolm said, “They’re making sure your homecoming dinner is perfect. You know my daughter has been tweeting about your homecoming ever since we got the great news that you were rescued.”

  “Technology at its best and worst,” Michael softly replied.

  The judge laughed and said, “Everybody’s tweeting now. You know, she’ll be graduating from high school next year.”

  “I can’t believe she’s grown up so fast.”

  “Indeed,” Malcolm replied.

  “Listen, Uncle Malcolm, I told Aunt Teresa not to make a big deal out of me coming home. I’m just glad to finally be back on American soil,” Michael revealed. “I know she means well, but I still have a lot on my mind. I’m just looking for some peace and quiet for a while. I’m not ready for a lot of people to be in my face, asking me a lot of questions about what went on over there. Everything is still too fresh, you know?”

  “Of course I understand,” Malcolm replied as he patted Michael on the knee. “If it’s going to be too much for you, we can cancel and do this another time, when you’re feeling up to it.”

  Michael sighed and said, “I’m sorry, Unc.”

  Malcolm pulled out his cell phone and said, “Don’t you worry about a thing, because the last thing we want to do is to make your homecoming unbearable.”

  Michael sat back and listened as his uncle called his wife to talk to her about their dinner plans.

  “Teresa, I have Michael, but he’s not ready to face a room full of people right now, so you have two choices, sweetheart. Clear everyone out so Michael can come home and relax, or you can go ahead with the party, and Michael and I can check into the Ritz-Carlton for the night and see you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? Let me speak to him,” Teresa demanded.

  Malcolm covered the telephone with his hand and whispered, “Don’t let her bully you.”

  Michael smiled and said, “Hello, Aunt Teresa.”

  “Michael, we’re so glad you’re home safe. Malcolm tells me you’re a little apprehensive about coming to the house. Sweetheart, if you need time to yourself, I will tell everyone to leave. You’ve been through so much. You need to be around your family right now.”

  “It’s okay. Go ahead with your dinner party. I’ll be fine at the hotel, and I’ll send Uncle Malcolm home to you
so he can help you entertain. Okay?”

  “Darling, I don’t think you need to be alone right now,” Teresa replied.

  “To be honest, Auntie, that’s exactly what I need,” he answered. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I just need some time to readjust. I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay?”

  “Only if you assure me that you’ll call us to come get you if you have a change of heart. I love you, Michael, and my heart is heavy that you had to go through that horrible ordeal.”

  “So do I, Auntie. I love you.”

  Tears welled up in his aunt’s eyes. Michael was her deceased sister’s only child, and she loved him like he was her own son.

  “If you need anything, and I mean anything, you give me or your uncle a call. Do you hear me?”

  Michael ran his hand across the medals on his military jacket and said, “Yes, ma’am.”

  He handed the cell phone back to his uncle, who tucked it back into his pocket.

  “The Ritz-Carlton it is,” Michael announced with a smile.

  The limo pulled up to entrance of the Ritz-Carlton, and Malcolm and Michael exited the vehicle and entered the lobby.

  At the counter, Malcolm asked, “Do you want a suite?”

  Michael looked at the beautiful young woman behind the counter and said, “No, sir. I just want a room, nothing fancy.”

  The desk clerk said, “All of our rooms are upscale, sir, but if you like, I can assign you to our least expensive room.”

  “Are you sure?” the judge asked. “I want you to be comfortable.”

  Michael wrapped his arm around his uncle’s shoulders and said, “I know, but I don’t need a suite, just a hot bath and a soft bed.”

  Malcolm handed the desk clerk his credit card and told her that his nephew was welcome to charge whatever he needed to the room.

  The clerk handed Michael the key to his room and said, “Enjoy your stay, sir.”

  Michael and his uncle headed toward the elevator.

  “Unc, you don’t have to come upstairs with me. I’m sure Aunt Teresa is anxious for you to join her and your guests.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you?” Malcolm asked one more time, just to be sure he wasn’t abandoning his nephew in a time of need.

  “I’m sure,” Michael reassured his uncle as he pushed the button for the elevator and stepped inside it.

  The judge was still a little apprehensive about leaving Michael alone, so he said a short prayer of peace for him, returned to the limo, and left it in God’s hands.

  Chapter Four

  Keilah and Ramsey had gotten comfortable with Malachi at the house. To keep him occupied, they made sure they gave him more tasks to do for them. His task for this day was to supervise the carpet cleaners and go purchase everything on Sabrinia’s shopping list for Thanksgiving dinner.

  Keilah walked into Ramsey’s office with a handful of files and said, “If Malachi calls me one more time, I’m going to lose it.”

  Ramsey leaned back in his chair and laughed. “He just wants to make sure he doesn’t screw up anything.”

  She set the files on the edge of his desk and leaned against it. Ramsey’s eyes immediately fixated on her legs as the short skirt she wore rose slightly, exposing her thighs.

  “How hard is it to watch over some people cleaning the carpet? I didn’t ask him to do the job, just oversee it.”

  He picked up one of the files and opened it. “Don’t you think you’re being a little hard on him?”

  She crossed her legs and said, “I’m not being any harder on him than he’s been on me. I told him I was going to work him while he was here. That’s what he gets for coming out here so early—” Keilah stopped talking mid-sentence and looked over at him.

  Ramsey’s eyes were on her legs again. This time he couldn’t resist running his hand up her thigh and under her skirt.

  “What are you doing?” she finally said.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t help myself,” he answered in a low, seductive tone of voice as his hand moved even higher.

  She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip. Breathlessly she whispered, “If you don’t stop right now, we’re going to miss our conference call.”

  He stood over her and kissed the curve of her neck.

  Lock the door, baby,” he whispered as he pulled her into his arms, kissing her.

  A wave of heat consumed her body as he eased his hand inside the waistband of her undergarment and began to slowly stroke her.

  “We can’t,” she replied with bated breath as her body quickly heated up. “We have a conference call in twenty minutes.”

  “All I need is ten,” he answered while deeply caressing her feminine core and showering her with sizzling kisses.

  If he couldn’t have her the way he wanted to, he was going to make sure he gave her a moment of sheer pleasure. Ramsey was in control now, and she knew there was no way she could resist him now. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his sensual massage and hot, wet kisses. Seconds later she felt her skin become enflamed. Ramsey smiled, realizing she was close to her release. He leaned down to her ear, nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Ramsey!” she called out in an elevated tone as her body shuddered hard and then went limp against him. Her eyes were filled with tears when she finally looked up at him.

  He gave her a tender kiss on the forehead and asked, “Are you okay?”

  Silent, she shook her head and then laid it against his chest.

  He hugged her tightly and said, “You make me lose control of all my senses.”

  “I ditto that,” she answered with her voice barely above a whisper. “Now, let me go so I can get my notes for the conference call.”

  After freshening up in their private restroom, the couple made it to their conference call with their Atlanta real estate agent on time; however, Keilah was clearly distracted during the call. Her body was still full of electricity from the tender contact with her husband.

  “Keilah, what do you think?” Ramsey asked.

  Caught off guard, she sat up in her chair and said, “I’m sorry. Can you repeat the question.”

  Ramsey smiled and asked, “Barry, do you mind repeating what you just said?”

  “Not at all,” he answered. “The owner of the building you’re interested in is willing to accept our offer if we sign a five-year contract.”

  Keilah shook her head and said, “No, I disagree with that. Five years is too long. I say no more than two years for starters, and if the location works out and the business does well, then we can look at a longer lease or possibly a purchase.”

  Ramsey looked over at his two office managers, who nodded in agreement, and then he said, “We’re all in agreement with Keilah. Run that by the owner and let us know what he says. If he can’t meet those terms, we need to keep searching. Okay?”

  “Whatever you say,” Barry replied.

  “We want to try and have this settled by the first of the year, so do whatever you have to do to make it happen, but make sure he understands that we have no problem walking away from this deal.”

  “You got it. Consider it done.”

  Keilah stood, picked up her leather planner, and said, “Thank you, Barry. Keep us posted.”

  “Will do.”

  Ramsey disconnected the call and turned to his office managers, who were taking notes from the meeting. “We’re really going to need you guys to help us as we go through this transition. Things are going to start moving fast around here, and there’s going to be some days that you have to fly to Atlanta to assist with the staffing. Are you up for the challenge?”

  Both of them happily accepted their bosses’ offer.

  “Great!” he replied as they all stood and exited the conference room.

  As they walked down the hallway together, Ramsey took Keilah by the arm and guided her toward his office. “I need to see you for a second.”

  She entered his office and waited for him to close the door behind them.
She sat her planner on his desk and turned to him. “What’s up?”

  He walked over to her, then stared into her beautiful brown eyes. “Answer me truthfully. Are you okay?”

  She covered her face with her hands and said, “Not really. I was so distracted in the meeting. I’m sorry.”

  He hugged her and asked, “It’s my fault, isn’t it?”

  “It’s just that you drive me crazy when you touch me like you did earlier.”

  He smiled and said, “You’re so damn irresistible, you make it hard for me to keep my hands to myself no matter where we are.”

  Keilah looked up into his eyes and said, “The feeling’s mutual.”

  He released her and walked around his desk and sat down. “Why don’t you cut out early? It’ll give you the chance to spend some one-on-one time with your brother.”

  She picked up her planner and said, “I think I will. Maybe I was a little hard on him for showing up without calling. I just feel like all my brothers have moments where they treat me like I’m still sixteen.”

  Ramsey picked up the telephone and dialed a number and said, “If that’s how you feel, then fix it. You’re their only sister, and they love you. Go ahead. Get out of here. I’ll see you when I get home.”

  She blew him a kiss and said, “Thank you, baby.”

  “You’re welcome. Just give me a courtesy call when you get home so I’ll know you made it home safely.”

  “I will,” she said before exiting his office.

  Keilah felt a little guilty about leaving the office early. Then again, she was the boss and had that luxury, especially when husband practically ordered her to leave. After all, it was his fault she was in this emotional state, anyway, so she made her way to her office, gave her assistant a few instructions, and then grabbed her purse and left. Once she got in her car, she picked up the phone and dialed her brother’s number.


  “Malachi, I’m headed home. What kind of progress have you made today with your assignments?”

  “I see you have jokes.”

  Keilah giggled.


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