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Precious Stones

Page 17

by Darrien Lee

  She swallowed the lump in her throat and said, “I’ll let you know what we decide.”

  “Okay. I’m going to hold you to that. I miss you and want to see you, especially my niece.”

  She laughed and said, “She’s grown so much. Her personality is really coming out. I can’t wait to see you guys too. I love you, Luke.”

  “I love you too,” he assured her with tenderness in his tone. “Tell Ramsey hello, and kiss Neariah for me. I’ll call you in a couple of days.”

  “Okay. Good night, Luke.”

  “Good night, Keilah.”

  She hung up the phone and pulled her comforter over her body. Establishing a normal life had become even more important to her now. Family should always come first, and having another baby on the way made her long for a carefree life more than ever. Her mind was made up as she slowly drifted off the sleep.

  It was nearly midnight when she woke up and noticed that Ramsey wasn’t in bed. She slowly climbed out of bed and made her way across the hall to Neariah’s nursery. Her crib was empty as well, so she headed downstairs to get a drink of water. Target met her at the bottom of the stairs, alerting her that he needed to go out. She went into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. She deactivated the alarm, and as soon as she opened the door, Target sprinted into the backyard. She sipped her water as she waited for him to finish his business. Minutes later he returned to the back door so she could let him in.

  Keilah reset the alarm and made her way into the family room, where she found the TV on and Ramsey asleep on the sofa, with Neariah lying across his chest, securely wrapped in his arms. It was a Kodak moment, and she couldn’t resist taking a picture with the camera they kept in the kitchen. Then she knelt down beside him and started gently caressing his arm to wake him. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

  “What time is it?” he murmured.

  She ran her hand over her sleeping daughter’s back and said, “Late.”

  “I didn’t realize how tired I was,” he said as she cuddled his daughter as he sat up.

  Keilah stood and said, “Give her to me so I can put her in bed.”

  Ramsey handed Neariah to his wife and yawned. She kissed her daughter’s cheek and said, “I might as well change her diaper before putting her down.”

  He picked up the remote and turned off the TV and then stretched. Target whined for attention, so Ramsey patted him on the head and said, “Not now, boy.”

  “I just let him out, so he’s good,” Keilah said as she walked ahead of him.

  Upstairs Keilah quietly changed the baby’s diaper. She was able to do it so gently and methodically that Neariah stayed asleep the whole time. When Keilah reentered the bedroom, she found Ramsey in the shower. She crawled back into bed and waited for her husband to join her. Minutes later he crawled under the covers and pulled her close to his body, and minutes later they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Michael was up nursing a glass of rum and Coke as he watched a late-night segment on CNN. He felt calmer after his session with the therapist. The therapist’s main concern was Michael’s enraged state of mind during his assault on Kevin and the trigger that set him off. If Kevin hadn’t complied or if he had fought back, the outcome could’ve gone from bad to worse in an instant. The therapist had advised Michael to refrain from alcohol if he could; however, most soldiers who returned from the war zone drank to try and relax. Many of them also turned to recreational drugs to try and rid their minds and dreams of the horrible things they saw overseas.

  Michael’s kidnapping was something he wasn’t ready to talk about, but in time he knew he would have to with his therapist. He wanted to wait until he settled his complaint against Lieutenant Colonel Biggs before opening his soul. He had admired Biggs for so long and hated that he hadn’t told authorities about his molestation when it happened. Now it was going to be an uphill battle to get justice. There’s only so much a man can bear mentally, emotionally, and physically, he thought. His ordeal with Lieutenant Colonel Biggs was horrific, as was his stint as a prisoner of war. He had felt like he was dying a slow death ever since he’d been molested, but it wasn’t until he was kidnapped that he felt that he would take his last breath on foreign soil. He poured himself another glass of rum and Coke just as he received a text from Madeline.

  Bored. Wish you were here.

  He picked up his cell and sent a text back.

  Would love to, but I’ve had a few. Don’t want to get a DUI.1.

  The couple sent flirty text messages back and forth for a few minutes, until Madeline sent one last text.

  Can’t take it anymore. See you in ten minutes. Save some rum for me.

  Michael smiled and turned on the porch light and waited for his lovely guest to arrive. While he waited, he decided to spruce up the living room, wash the dirty dishes in the sink, and turn on a scented warmer to send a relaxing fragrance throughout the house. The doorbell rang, announcing Madeline’s arrival, just as he finished up his chores. Michael wanted to have her drink cold and ready for her, so he held it in his hand as he headed to the front door. He opened the door and found his gorgeous date smiling back at him. She was as stunning as expected, with her beautiful hair blown straight and light makeup on her face. He took the small overnight bag out of her hand as he pulled her inside.

  “Thanks for coming over,” he greeted before giving her a sizzling kiss on the lips.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “I’m glad I’m here too. Why don’t you help me out of my coat?”

  Michael sat the drink on the table in the hallway and untied the belt of her coat. When he opened her coat, he was stunned to find her completely nude underneath.

  “Damn, girl! Where are your clothes?”

  Without answering, she allowed the coat to slide off her shoulders onto the floor. She picked up the glass and gulped down the rum and Coke.

  “Thirsty?” he asked, with an admiring grin on his face, as he scanned her body.

  She burped and then took him by the hand and said, “I want you upstairs now.”

  Michael turned out the lights and then followed her up the stairs to his bedroom with two glasses and a bottle of rum. He sat the glasses and bottles on the table and turned. Madeline immediately started undressing him, but he stopped her after she unbuttoned his shirt.

  “Is everything okay, Michael?”

  He caressed her cheek and said, “Everything is fine, but we do need to talk.”

  Michael was really starting to like Madeline, and even though they hadn’t known each other for very long, he could see himself having a future with her. He felt that now was a better time than any for him to be honest with her about his past. If she never called or wanted to see him again, he would understand, but if she stayed, he would know she cared about him as much as he cared about her. Needing her undivided attention, he picked up his robe and helped Madeline into it so he wouldn’t be distracted by her sexy body. Then he walked her over to a small love seat, where they sat down in the moonlight.

  He kissed her hands and said, “Madeline, I really, really like you, and I’ve found myself falling hard for you, but before we take this relationship any further, I think there’s some things I need to be honest with you about.”

  She cupped his face and said, “Michael, I’m into you as well. I’m an astrology fanatic, and all the stars point to you being a wonderful man.”

  “We’ll see how you feel after I tell you about my life.”

  Madeline crossed her legs and said, “I’m a big girl. Give it to me, and I mean everything.”

  Michael had planned on being honest, but he wasn’t ready to tell her his life story. Still, he felt compelled to share all and just started talking. He took a deep breath and started by telling her about his molestation at the military academy and the charges he had filed against Lieutenant Colonel Biggs. From there he revealed the details of his relationship with Kevin and how Kevin hadn’t been able to accept that th
eir affair was a mistake, and the results of the abuse he had suffered at the hands of the lieutenant colonel. He mentioned his short relationship with Keilah and how he had planned to get her pregnant and fight her for custody of their child.

  Once he was finished, Madeline stared at him and said, “Wow! You’ve been a busy boy, huh?”

  “I’m sorry to drop all that in your lap, but I didn’t want you to get to know the man I am without knowing the man I was. I also want you to know that I’m not that person anymore, and to be honest, that wasn’t me in the first place. Being held in captivity in Iraq for all those months was an awakening for me. I truly am a changed man, and I’m tired of being hurt and hurting others.”

  She snapped her finger and said, “That’s where I know you from. I knew I’d seen you somewhere before. One of the magazines I freelance for did a short story on your rescue. You look different than you do in uniform, but handsome nonetheless. I’m so proud of you, Michael, and I admire you. You’re a brave man. Not just for what you did in Iraq, but also for being honest with me. I’m sure that wasn’t easy to do.”

  He swirled the ice around in his glass and said, “I didn’t want any fanfare with my homecoming, and what I told you about my past is only right for me to do, and I did the magazine interview at the urging of my superiors. They want the public to know what our guys are going through over there.”

  She put her hand on his leg and said, “Babe, there are a lot of people who don’t have a clue about what the soldiers experience over there. I’m glad you did the article. It was well written. I wish I had done the interview.”

  Without making eye contact with her, he said, “Thanks for the reassurance.”

  “Can I ask you something, Michael?”

  “Sure,” he answered as he finished off his drink.

  “Did you love that girl?” she asked.

  “I did, but I wasn’t in love with her. She’s a very nice woman, and I hurt her very bad. She was so pissed, she shot me in the foot when she caught me in bed with Kevin. She’s married now, and it gives me peace that she’s forgiven me for what I did to her.”

  Madeline sat there, her eyes wide with amazement, holding on to every word. She felt his sadness and his feeling of repentance. She kissed his hands, then held them over her heart.

  “I’m sure she was in shock and hurt. She could’ve killed you, huh?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “Michael, who among us hasn’t had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex? I tried it in college, and while it was cool, it wasn’t me, and to be honest, I can’t picture you being with another man.”

  He got up and poured himself another drink and said, “Me either. Do you want a drink?”

  “No, but I do have one more important question.”

  “Yes?” he asked softly as he rejoined her on the love seat.

  “Did you practice safety in your relationships?”

  He took a sip of his drink and looked her in the eyes and answered, “Always. I would never jeopardize my health or another person’s health, either.”

  She studied his expression and saw the sincerity in his eyes. “I appreciate your honesty, but I want us to do something together that I do every year, anyway.”

  “What’s that?” he asked as he hung his head with shame.

  She tilted his chin upward so she could look into his handsome brown eyes. “I want us to take the HIV test together. I took one three months ago, but I’ll do it again for you. It will be nice to do it together.”

  Michael pulled Madeline into his lap and caressed her shapely bronze thighs. “Of course I’ll take the test with you. If you’re willing to hang with me after I told you about all my drama, I’ll do anything for you, Madeline.”

  She looked up at the full moon and tenderly said, “Michael, I have a feeling that you’ve been carrying that burden for a long time. I want you to know that I’m here for you. I don’t judge, and what that colonel did to you was evil. I hope you get your day in court and they put his ass under the jail.”

  “So do I, Madeline. So do I,” he repeated. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.”

  The couple climbed into bed and held each other in silence for a moment.

  Madeline caressed Michael face lovingly and said, “Babe?”

  He opened his eyes and stared into her angelic face. “Yes, dear?”

  She kissed him and said, “Let me write your story. It might be liberating for you. I’ve always wanted to write a book, but I never found a story that I had enough passion for until now.”

  Michael closed his eyes and pulled her closer to his body. “Maybe later. I don’t think that would be a good idea right now, especially since my business with the lieutenant colonel is not settled. I don’t want to draw any unfavorable attention to my family and the people I care about until it’s behind me. Okay?”

  She nuzzled her face against his warm neck and said, “You’re right. The only thing that’s important right now is me helping you get past all the hurt and pain that you’ve suffered so we can get on with our lives.”

  He kissed her lips and neck and jokingly said, “You’re hired.”

  Madeline giggled and gave him a fiery kiss. “Seriously Michael, if you don’t already have one, you need to get an attorney to help you with your complaint against that colonel. I’ve been around enough brass to know that they fight hard and dirty, especially if it looks like they could lose everything they’ve worked for.”

  Michael listened to Madeline and realized that he hadn’t even thought about hiring an attorney. He’d been so caught up with readjusting to civilian life, dealing with Kevin’s antics, and confronting Biggs, he hadn’t thought about an attorney.

  “You’re right, Madeline. I hadn’t thought about it,” he answered as he ran his hand through her hair. “I’m sure he has one representing him.”

  “Can’t you get one from the judge advocate general’s office?”

  He stared into her eyes and said, “You are one sharp lady, and a beautiful one too.”

  Madeline blushed and said, “You have too much to deal with alone right now. You need me, Michael, so tomorrow we’re going to sit down, strategize, and get you an attorney so we can get this settled and that demon off his post and out of our lives forever. Okay?”

  He kissed her lovingly on the lips and, with a smile on his face, said, “You go, girl. I’m scared of you.”

  She cupped his face and nibbled on his ear and said, “Don’t be scurred.”

  Michael felt that Madeline was the answer to all his prayers. She was sweet, smart, nurturing, and extremely passionate. From this moment on, he couldn’t see his life without her in it, and if he had it his way, he would try to make his dreams come true.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “You want to go home Super Bowl weekend?” Ramsey asked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “That’s in two weeks. I don’t think we can get away, babe. It’s going to be a busy weekend for us.”

  “I don’t care,” Keilah snapped at him. “I want to go home. I’m tired of not being able to come and go as we please!”

  Ramsey looked over at his wife and studied her as he sat the coffeepot down. Neariah squealed to get Keilah’s attention so that she would feed her more scrambled eggs. Keilah fed her daughter in silence. Ramsey realized that Keilah was clearly upset, but she knew the nature of their business, and that particular weekend was going to be extremely hectic for their agency. He didn’t want to upset her any more than she already was, so he proceeded delicately.

  As he poured a little cream and sugar into his coffee and stirred it, he asked, “Are you feeling okay?”

  She glanced up at him and said, “I feel just fine.”

  Ramsey took a sip of coffee and shook his head. “I disagree. You seem a little pissed off.”

  “That’s an understatement,” she angrily replied as she stood and scraped the remainder of her daughter’s eggs into the trash.

  Ramsey watched her movement
s as she handed Neariah a cup of apple juice and then put the dirty plate into the dishwasher. He knew he was on dangerous ground, but he needed to get to the bottom of his wife’s sour mood. While scanning the newspaper, he watched her make her plate with eggs, a croissant, and sausage links. He poured her a cup of coffee, and before he allowed her to touch it, he pulled her into his arms.

  “Why are you so angry this morning?” he asked. “Is it just about Super Bowl weekend, or is it something else?”

  She lowered her head and said, “It’s everything, Ramsey. We don’t spent enough time together. We don’t get to see my or your family as much as we should. How many times have Xenia and Keith invited us to Tampa? We work too damn hard not to relax and enjoy life and see the people we love when we want to.”

  “Wow! You do have a lot on your mind. No wonder you’re fired up.”

  “There’s something else you should know, Ramsey.”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask, but go ahead,” he said as he caressed her back.

  “I’m having second thoughts about opening the office in Atlanta. I think it’s taking on too much when we don’t have to. I want to spend time at our new home in Florida that I haven’t even seen yet... .”

  Ramsey couldn’t believe his ears. Keilah was in rare form, and since she was pregnant, he needed to calm her down as quickly as possible, before her blood pressure skyrocketed. He put his finger over her lips to silence her. As he held on to her, he could feel her body trembling as tears began to fall out of her eyes. Ramsey didn’t know it if was her hormones or something else, but whatever it was, it had her extremely infuriated.

  “Sweetheart, you’re trembling. Calm down and take a breath. You’re going to make yourself hyperventilate.”

  She looked up into his concerned eyes and said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lash out. It’s not you. It’s the situation,” she explained as she grabbed a napkin out of the holder and wiped her tears.


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