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Precious Stones

Page 26

by Darrien Lee

  “I feel you,” he replied as he walked her to the elevator and pushed the button.

  They stepped onto the elevator, and two floors down the unthinkable happened. The doors opened, and Andria, her father, and a man that appeared to be their attorney stepped onto the elevator, completely ignoring their presence. It took every fiber in Keilah’s body for her not to lash out at Andria, and she was cool until she overheard something T.K. Rockwell said to his daughter.

  “Andria, what I don’t understand is how your credit card ended up in that cottage with a garbage can full of dirty diapers.”

  “I told you, Daddy. I didn’t even know it was missing.”

  He shook his head and said, “You had better be telling the truth. I don’t need this kind of stress right now.”

  Neil glanced over at Keilah and could see that her breathing had changed and that sweat had broken out on her brow. Andria glanced over her shoulder at the pair, and before she could react, Keilah punched her in the side of the head, knocking her onto the floor. She immediately jumped on Andria and started choking her as she screamed obscenities at her husband’s ex-lover. It was chaos in the small quarters of the elevator.

  “Keilah, no!” Neil yelled when he was finally able to pull her off Andria. “What is wrong with you?” he asked before checking to see if Andria was injured.

  “How dare you attack my daughter?” T.K. Rockwell yelled as the elevator doors opened.

  “Your daughter took my baby!” Keilah screamed at her former client.

  They stepped off the elevator and into the lobby, causing a huge scene. Other officers started over in their direction, but Neil held his hand up to alert them that he had everything under control.

  T.K. looked Keilah in the eyes and said, “That hasn’t been proven. I’m sorry you and your family had to go through that unspeakable situation, but you can’t go around attacking people, especially my daughter.”

  Keilah pointed her finger in his face and said, “Your daughter is psychotic, and I already know she’s guilty, and as soon as the police get the rest of their evidence, everyone else will know too. When that happens, I’ll be back and I won’t be so nice.”

  Neil turned to Andria and asked her if she wanted to press charges against Keilah.

  With her hand on her swollen jaw, Andria shook her head and whispered, “No.”

  Neil pushed Keilah toward the lobby doors and out into the parking lot. “What the hell were you thinking? I could be locking you up right now! Damn, Keilah! You can’t do shit like that! If Andria is guilty, she’ll pay, but if you don’t watch yourself, you’re going to be locked up before the case is solved!”

  Keilah shook her head and said, “I should’ve snapped her damn neck.”

  He grabbed her arm and asked, “Are you listening to me?”

  He opened the car door for her, and once she was behind the wheel, he said, “Go home to your daughter, and let these detectives do their job.”

  She looked Neil in the eyes and said, “I’m going home but—”

  “No buts, Keilah. Stay out of this before you screw up the case. Understood?”

  Keilah leaned out the window and kissed Neil on the cheek and then started her car. “Thanks for letting me come down here.”

  “Hell, after what you did, I regret it now,” he answered. “Drive safely and go straight home, please?”

  She smiled and said, “I will.”

  Back inside the precinct, Andria’s attorney and her father were adamantly trying to get her to reconsider filing charges against Keilah for assaulting her, but due to circumstances unknown to them, she continued to refuse.

  She made her way into the restroom, where she inspected her swollen face in the mirror. She pulled a paper towel from the dispenser and wiped the blood off the corner of her lip and whispered, “Touché, Keilah. Touché.”

  Instead of going home like she promised, Keilah detoured to the hospital to see Tori, who was doing much better and was scheduled to be discharged tomorrow. Convincing Kyle to go home to shower and rest was difficult, but he finally gave in and went home for some much-needed rest. Keilah updated her best friend on everything, including the loss of her child.

  “I lost the baby, Tori,” she announced.

  “Oh no! When?” Tori asked as she hugged her best friend.

  “The other day,” Keilah revealed. “I really wanted this baby, Tori.”

  “Oh, honey, I know you did. I’m so sorry, but you’ll have more children.”

  “I guess,” Keilah answered solemnly. “Ramsey has been so sweet. He’s trying to make me feel better, but there’s nothing anyone can do to make me feel better about it.”

  Tori hugged Keilah tightly and said, “I know, sis. If there’s anything I can do for you, just say the word.”

  Keilah wiped away her tears and said, “I should be telling you that. You’re the one laid up with a broken leg.”

  “That’s so sweet, but you need just as much care. You’ve been through two traumatic experiences. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself right now.”

  “I appreciate that, Tori. I guess I’d better get back home to Neariah. After this, I don’t like being away from her.”

  “It’s understandable. Call me when you get home so I’ll know you made it okay.”

  Keilah smiled and said, “I will. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Tori.”

  “Good night.”

  Keilah got home moments after Neariah woke up from her nap. She found her sitting in her grandmother’s lap in the family room, but as soon as Neariah spotted her mother, she climbed out of Valeria’s lap and made her way over to her.

  “How long has she been up?”

  Valeria stood and said, “Just a few minutes. How are you feeling? You look a little flushed. What happened down at the police station?”

  Keilah picked up her daughter. Neariah laid her head against her mother’s chest and started playing with her earring. “It was interesting.”

  “Interesting how?”

  Keilah caressed her daughter’s back lovingly and said, “They think Andria Rockwell might be involved.”

  Valeria picked up Neariah’s toys and tossed them into her playpen. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Nope, I’m not kidding, and when I saw her, I tried to rip her head off.”

  Valeria stopped picking up the toys and asked, “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Keilah replied with a smirk on her face.

  “Did the police arrest her?”

  “Not yet,” she answered. “They’re waiting on some kind of test results to come in before they move forward.”

  At that moment she got a text message from Michael, who was checking on her well-being. She texted him back that she would call him in a second.

  “Valeria, I’m going upstairs for a second to make a call. I’ll be down shortly.”

  “Dinner’s ready when you want to eat,” Valeria answered as she made her way into the kitchen.

  Upstairs, Keilah sat Neariah on the bed and dialed Michael’s number.


  “Michael, it’s Keilah.”

  It’s so nice to hear from you. I was going to call you after everything settled down.”

  Keilah ran her hands through her hair and said, “Ramsey told me what you did to try and get Neariah back. I really appreciate your efforts.”

  “I wouldn’t have done it any other way,” he answered. “I saw the news report saying she had been found and was in good condition. Is she really okay?”

  Keilah smiled and looked at her daughter, who was lying on the bed, playing with her feet. “Yeah, she’s fine. We’re so blessed. How are you? Ramsey told me you got stabbed.”

  “Cut was more like it. I’m healing nicely, though.”

  “That’s great, Michael.”

  “Listen, Keilah, please tell Ramsey again how appreciative I am of the fact that he got his friend Kyle to help me with that situation. I killed a man, and whil
e it was self-defense, I still could’ve been arrested for it.”

  “Ramsey wasn’t going to let you go through that alone. Kyle is a good man, and he knows when the right thing needs to be done.”

  “Did Ramsey tell you about the other child?”

  “Yes, he told me. Have they found out who she belongs to ?”

  He hesitated and said, “Yes. They found out that Kevin bought her from a prostitute who’s now deceased.”

  “Wow, that’s sad.”

  “It is, but unfortunately, it happens a lot. I asked the authorities to give me the first chance to adopt her. I could do it by myself, but I’m hoping my girlfriend accepts my marriage proposal. That would be the icing on the cake for me.”

  Keilah smiled and asked, “Girlfriend, huh?”

  “Yes, girlfriend. Her name is Madeline, and she’s wonderful, Keilah. I don’t know what was wrong with me to be in that situation with Kevin.”

  “It’s behind you now, right?” she asked.

  He laughed and said, “Definitely! I settled my complaint against the lieutenant colonel at my academy that molested me. Life is so much better now, and I feel like for once I have a clear head and I’m truly in love.”

  “I’m happy for you, and I hope Madeline says yes to your proposal.”

  He chuckled and said, “Me too. I don’t want to keep you, but I’m glad you called and that you’re doing well and you have your daughter back home safe.”

  “I appreciate that. Let me know how everything turns out and if you get the baby.”

  “Will do,” he answered before hanging up.

  Keilah hung up the phone, sat on the bed, and then tickled her daughter. They were having so much fun together until Ramsey came in. She could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to yell at her, but seeing how happy Neariah was, he quickly changed his expression.

  She glanced over at him and said, “I already know that Neil has filled you in on everything. You wouldn’t have reacted any differently, so don’t even go there with me.”

  He walked over to the bed and said, “All I was going to ask was if you’re okay.”

  “I am now that I dented your girl’s face,” she replied.

  Ramsey shook his head in disbelief and said, “I wish you had waited for me.”

  She threw a pillow at him and said, “And you should’ve told me about what happened in Richmond.”

  He caught the pillow and said, “You’re right. I should have, but I didn’t want to stress you out over her.”

  Keilah stared at her husband without responding.

  He lay across the bed and said, “I’m sorry, babe.”

  Neariah yelled, “Daddy!” Then she crawled onto his back and bounce up and down like she was riding a horse.

  “I’ll admit Andria is overly dramatic, but we know it was a man who took Neariah.”

  Keilah said, “That don’t mean she couldn’t have had someone do it for her.”

  “True,” he answered, seeing that Keilah was getting agitated. “Neil told me you swung pretty hard at her. You’re lucky she didn’t press charges.”

  “I don’t want to talk about her anymore. If she had anything to do with Neariah’s kidnapping, I’m going to do more than knock her on her ass.”

  “Not if I get to her first,” he declared.

  The couple smiled at each other for a second. Ramsey cupped her lovely face and kissed her. For some reason she had thought she had lost her edge. Today proved that her fierce nature was still very much intact, and even more so, since her emotions were fueled by the kidnapping of their daughter.

  “How was the game?” she asked as she caressed his arm.

  “It was great. The guys really enjoyed themselves.”

  She slid off the bed and asked, “Where are they now?”

  “Everyone’s downstairs, waiting on us to join them for dinner.”

  “Oh! Well, let’s go. I’m starving.”

  He picked up Neariah, and they made their way downstairs to join the rest of the family for dinner.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Three weeks had passed, and the life Keilah and Ramsey knew before had changed for the better. After much thought, they decided that they would feel much better if some of the family was involved with their trusted management team in the running of their company, so they put the offer on the table for all their close family members to see who would be interested. As expected, Malachi jumped at the chance and so did Genesis. There was going to be a lot of preparation to take them through the transition from running a casino to running a personal security business, a totally different entity. The brothers didn’t have to worry about a place to stay since the Stones’ home would be available since they would be vacationing in Florida.

  The couple held several video-conferences leading up to their departure. They said good-bye to their staff, friends, and extended families, and then packed for their open-ended trip to their Florida vacation home. As they put the last items in their suitcases, Neariah sat in her playpen, playing with a toy, while Target lay close by.

  “Are you ready?” Ramsey asked as he zipped up the last of his suitcases to take downstairs.

  Keilah walked out of closet, still dressed in her undergarments. “Yes, I’m ready,” she joked.

  He laughed and said, “You are pitiful and slow.”

  “I want to make sure I have everything. That’s all.”

  Ramsey walked over to his wife and slowly traced the outline of her bra with his finger. She looked up into his eyes and said, “Careful, Stone. You know it’s been a while for us.

  If we’re planning on hitting the road as scheduled, you had better back up.”

  “Seeing you half naked right now is torture.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss and whispered, “Do you think you can wait until we get to the other house?”

  “Didn’t the doctor say we had to wait?” he asked.

  She hugged him tightly and said, “It’s been three weeks. We’re good now.”

  “In that case, no, I can’t,” he replied as he kissed her warm neck.

  “Too bad, because you’re going to have to,” she said as she released him and disappeared into the bathroom.

  He looked over at his daughter and said, “Neariah, your mother is a comedian, but that’s okay. She’ll make it up to me when we get to Florida.”

  Neariah stood up and said, “Momma!”

  He picked up her suitcases, headed for the door, and mumbled, “Yeah, Momma.”

  As Ramsey loaded the back of their truck, he was interrupted by a telephone call from one of the detectives in charge of the kidnapping case.

  “Mr. Stone, I was calling to let you know that we’re taking out an arrest warrant for Andria Rockwell. We got the DNA test results back, which verified that the diapers in the cottage where a credit card belonging to Miss Rockwell was found belonged to your daughter.”

  “So you’re pretty sure she was involved?”

  “It’s circumstantial, but that’s where the evidence is pointing.”

  “That may be the case, but it’s obvious she wasn’t the person on the video who attacked my wife and took my daughter. What about him?”

  “We’re hoping to try and use Miss Rockwell’s arrest as leverage to get her to talk. It’s our mission to find out who the man on the video is so we can make that arrest as well.”

  Ramsey gripped the phone and said, “Please keep us posted. I’m taking my family to Florida for a while.”

  “Enjoy your trip, and I’ll contact you as soon as I have more information.”

  “Who was that?” Keilah asked as she appeared in the garage with the last of their luggage.

  He tucked his cell phone in his pocket and said, “That was one of the detectives. They’re getting ready to arrest Andria for being involved in the kidnapping.”

  “I knew it!” Keilah yelled. “That bitch is going to pay for putting her hands on my child!”

amsey pulled his wife into his arms and said, “We’re not going to let this consume us, sweetheart. If Andria’s guilty of this, she’ll get what’s coming to her one way or the other. We have our daughter back, and you’re okay. That’s all I care about. If you get locked up for doing something to Andria, I’ll have to raise Neariah by myself, and that isn’t the plan.”

  She stepped out of his embrace and said, “Then you’d better get me out of town with the quickness, because if I stay here much longer, I will go after her.”

  Andria sobbed as the detectives handcuffed her and read her, her rights.

  “Daddy! Do something!” she screamed as they led her out to the police car. “I can’t go to jail!”

  With tears in his eyes, her father said, “I know, Andria. I’ll call the lawyer. We’ll get you out as soon as we can.”

  “Daddy, I need to talk to Ramsey so I can tell him I didn’t do this. Call him for me, please!”

  “I’ll try, sweetheart, but I don’t know what good it’ll do. I’m sure he’s just as angry as his wife over this.”

  “Just try, Daddy, please!” she begged right before the police car pulled out of the driveway.

  T.K. felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. His only daughter was in trouble, and he wasn’t sure if he could help her this time. A time like this was when he needed his wife around, God rest her soul. Raising his daughter alone hadn’t been easy. Andria was merely sixteen when her mother passed away, and he had coddled her from that moment on, which had turned her into a spoiled brat. She was right in the middle of her turbulent teenage years when her mother died, and the loss amplified Andria’s delinquent behavior. She was extremely promiscuous and was constantly running up her credit cards. She had lived a privileged life and had taken advantage of it, almost feeling invincible. T.K. had bailed his daughter out of numerous situations, whether it was in school or on a job, and he knew she expected him to bail her out of this situation as well.

  Maybe it was time for him to show his daughter some tough love, even though it was killing him to consider it. Something told him to try to help his daughter at least one more time. First, he needed to contact his lawyer and inform him of Keilah’s arrest, and then he would reach out to Ramsey in hopes that he would have mercy on her. Lastly, he would try to get her into therapy so she could have a chance at a normal life.


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