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Cuffed By A Kingpin

Page 5

by Heiress

  “Come see me out, lil’ momma.” I titled my head towards the door. She excused herself from the table and walked over towards me. Her arms flung around my neck and I pulled her into me for a hug.

  “No kiss?” Aunty Vette quizzed. My family got on my damn nerves.

  Hooking, Cali’s chin with my index finger, I tilted her head back. Before I could kiss her, she spoke. “I don’t know how to do this,” she said softly against my lips. I didn’t even respond to her. Gripping her waist firmly, I pulled her in even closer and pressed my lips against hers. At first, I was giving her pecks but her lips were so soft I was intrigued to go in deeper. Parting her lips, with my tongue, I slid it inside her mouth and swirled it around. I could tell she didn’t know what she was doing but she got better as the kiss continued. Feeling myself get aroused, I let my hand travel down to her ass and gave it a strong squeeze. I was rubbing and squeezing on her cheeks so good that soft moans escaped her mouth. We were now in a full on make out session. All my family members disappeared and it was just me and her.

  “Well damn nigga, do y’all want a condom,” Missy blurted out, laughing. Just then Cali pulled away from me with red cheeks and cleared her throat. Neither of us had words. I had never experienced a kiss like that before, well outside of Monique. It was a kiss that made my entire body react. I mean she had me speechless. Not liking this feeling, I walked away from her and headed towards the door. “I’m out!” I called out, closing the door behind me.

  “You still think this shit ain’t real?” Snoop questioned, laughing. I didn’t care to respond to his ignorant ass either. We hopped in my black escalade and peeled off. We had to meet up with some new recruits. Usually my role as a Kingpin was more so doing shit behind the scene. Since my old man didn’t trust too many people, Snoop and I handled everything. We had a few niggas but not enough. We were literally in the streets but that had to change. The load of this empire was getting to be too much. The two of us couldn’t do it all.

  “So, where you find these niggas at?” I asked as soon as we pulled up to the warehouse.

  “From the streets. Some trusted niggas of mine told me that they loyalty is like no other. I met them and I ain’t get a bad vibe so I think we gone be straight.”

  Nodding my head, I took his word for it. Snoop was the most honest and loyal nigga I knew so I trusted his judgment. Getting out of the truck, we walked to the door and entered in. There were about thirty niggas in front of me. They were separated in groups. There were four men that had about six niggas behind them. All wearing black, they were ready.

  Standing in front of them, I held my hands behind my back. “No need to introduce myself because you should already know me. If you don’t then I don’t know why the fuck you even here. This won’t take long and I’m only gone say it once so listen up. I got three operations under my Empire. We got drugs, women and now weapons. One group will handle the weapons. Another will handle the coke and then another for weed. For the group that’s handling the women…congratulations.” I grinned.

  “Everyone will be given job duties and those duties need to be met every week. We meet up once a week to go over profits and other shit that is of importance. Respect and trust is earned. I don’t give a fuck about you, your family or your bitches. All I care about is my Empire. If you get greedy, you will die. If I find out you working for the Feds, you will die. If I found out you plottin’ on my downfall, you will die. If-,”

  “So when we start because all this shit you saying could have been said in a text or something,” some fuck nigga interrupted me.

  Giving Snoop the side eye, I grinned. He pulled out his gun and shot that nigga right in between his eyes without so much as a warning. His body hit the floor hard making a loud noise. “That brings me to my next point. If you talk too much or irritate me, you will die. Understood?”

  All heads nodded. I went through some more shit with them and then they were dismissed. “Now that the load is off, that mean we got more time on our hands. I’m calling all of my hoes and telling them Daddy’s back!” Snoop yelled out. This nigga was straight ignorant. I don’t know why he was playing roles. He had a girl that was the love of his life but like any other nigga, he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

  “You a damn trip, Snoop. Let’s get up out this bitch. The wifey may be at home worried about a nigga,” I joked. We locked up the warehouse and then left. I dropped Snoop off to get his whip and then I took my ass home. I was tired as hell. Feeling my phone vibrate, I glanced down to my lap and noticed it was Monique. She had been blowing me up all day but I ignored her countless of times. All she wanted to do was either ask for some dick or my time and neither was I in the mood to give her.

  When I pulled into my driveway, I got out my truck and went inside the crib. All the lights were on yet again. I laughed to myself because Cali was really that scared to be in the house by herself that she kept the lights on. She said all the glass windows freaked her out. Entering my bedroom, I found her curled up in my bed on my side. Her hair was all over her head and she was snoring lightly. Walking up to her, I pushed her hair out of her face and just stared at her. It’s only been two days and she was already growing on me.

  I then stripped out of my clothes, took a shower and then got into bed. I enjoyed playing in her pussy the other night, so I decided to do it again. This time she was going to know it wasn’t a dream.



  Sitting in the back of Mrs. Banks’ Maybach, I listened to her talk about the wedding. For the past week+, it’s been about picking flowers, cake flavors, choosing the right colors and music. I was fed up with weddings that after this, I will never watch the show Say Yes to the Dress again. I had never been so overwhelmed in my life. On top of that, every night Compton made it his mission to play with me. I mean I had hickeys everywhere. I wasn’t complaining because I actually enjoyed it, but he never made his move. He didn’t try and have sex with me which was odd.

  “Did you hear me, Cali?” Mrs. Banks interrupted my thoughts. Quickly turning to face her, I gave her my attention.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Banks but I drifted off to someplace else. What did you say?”

  Crossing her legs and folding her arms around her chest, she sat back and gave me the side eye. “You must be thinking about my son,” she assumed.

  “Ewww,” I said, putting my finger in my mouth and pretended to throw up. “Compton is the last person on my mind. You may think otherwise, but I can’t stand your son.” I wasn’t lying either. He was an inconsiderate playboy that did nothing but smoke weed, have sex with random women and take hour long showers. We literally did nothing but throw smart remarks at each other to piss each other off. Then after we did all that, we laid in the bed together and fooled around. Our relationship was already dysfunctional and we haven’t even said I do yet.

  “You damn right about that. I do think otherwise. I see the way the both of you look at each other. Y’all ain’t fooling nobody. It may not be all the way there, but there’s definitely something there. I can see it.”

  “Well I’m telling you there’s nothing there but hatred,” I replied, turning my head and looking out the window.

  “There’s a thin line between love and hate sweetie. Trust me I know. I couldn’t stand Banks’ ass when we first met. I actually tried to kill his ass when we first met,” she revealed, chuckling.

  “You tried to kill him?” I asked in disbelief. “What did he do?”

  Taking off her mink coat, she got a little more comfortable. “Him and his brothers tried to break into my house and steal some money from my father. He was this big-time drug dealer and we were loaded with money. He woke me up by coming into my room. I kept a baby pistol under my pillow and when he cut on the light, I tried to shoot him. Mind you I was only thirteen so my aim was all bad,” she paused, laughing.

  “So, what happened after that?”

  “Girl I chased him and
his brothers out my house shooting everything but them. When I told my father what happened, he revealed to me that it was a test. Banks was trying to work for him and he wanted to see if he would do whatever to be employed. He proved himself and we were at each other’s throats for ten years until we just gave in. He took my virginity when I was eighteen and I found out I was pregnant weeks later. We got married before Compton was born and here we are. Happy as hell and still in love.” She smiled.

  I could see the love she had for him all over her face. I was young and I didn’t know what love was or what being in love felt like. I could just look in her eyes and notice how bright they got when she talked about him. I knew me and Compton would never love each other but I hoped to fall in love one day.

  “Child we’re here,” she said, looking out the window. “I been talking and didn’t even notice. Let’s go pick you out a dress and a ring. You’re going to need those for a wedding.” She waited for the driver to open her door and then she exited the car. I was right behind her. The sign on the building read Glamour Closet LA. I walked behind her and we took out seat in our own little section in the corner.

  “Finally, somebody done trapped that handsome son of yours,” an older black lady said, walking up to us. She gave Mrs. Banks a hug and then me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cali. Are you ready to try on some wedding dresses?”

  “Yeah, sure. I’m ecstatic,” I answered, sarcastically. Mrs. Banks elbowed me in the arm throwing me a mean look. “I mean…of course! It’s not every day you marry your soul mate,” I corrected myself.

  “That’s better,” she mouthed to me before turning her attention back to the lady. “You can bring the dresses out here. We rented the place out for two hours so she can try them on out here.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” She smiled, turning on her heels. We had a quick conversation before the lady returned. She had about ten dresses in her hand in which all of them were white.

  “We can eliminate all the fitting dresses now. I don’t like tight dresses so…yeah,” I told them. They both looked at me as if I had just said something out of line.

  “Just for that, Brenda take back all the non-form fitting dresses. She must think this is her wedding or something,” she responded, giggling.

  “But I don’t have all them thighs, hips and butt you got. Them dresses are not going to look good on me.”

  “Girl bye. You may not have hips or thighs but you got enough ass to fill these dresses. Now come on and try these dresses on so we can go. We have to be at the jewelers by five,” she informed me.

  Not wanting to argue with her, I got up and began to get undressed. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my body, I just felt like I could have had some more meat on my bones. Pushing my self-conscious thoughts to the side, I tried on the first dress. It was so tight that it barely went up my thighs. The next wasn’t tight enough according to Mrs. Banks. By the third and fourth dress, I was ready to give up. That was until I looked in the mirror at the sixth dress. I couldn’t even believe my eyes.

  It was the prettiest dress I had ever seen. It was a strapless A- line Berta gown that was sprinkled in sparkles. It was fitted down to my ass until it flared out in a train covered with feathers. My entire back was out and the dress was kind of see through. It was a very elegant but sexy dress. There was no need to try on any more. I had found the perfect dress.

  “Oh my God,” Mrs., Banks gasped, walking up behind me. She placed her on my shoulders and smiled. “You look absolutely gorgeous,” she gushed at my appearance.

  At that moment, I began to get emotional. Just seeing Mrs. Banks behind me, smiling in appreciation at my wedding gown made me want to cry. I used to dream about this moment with my real mother. It was hard growing up without her. There was so much my father couldn’t teach me. I didn’t know the excuse she had for leaving but whatever it was, I hope it was worth it.

  “Ahhh, Cali sweetie what’s wrong? The damn dress ain’t that bad.” She said, sounding concerned. She turned my body so that I was now fully facing her.

  “No. I love the dress. It’s just…she was supposed to be here,” I sobbed. “This may be fake, but I dreamed of her standing behind me putting on my vail. She should be telling me how beautiful she thought I was. Just looking at you and me in this moment made me realize that’s never going to happen. She’s never going to get to have this moment with me because for one, this is all fake and two, because she’s not here. Was I not enough for her to stay?” I asked, fighting back tears.

  Mrs. Banks tilted my head up so that I could look at her. She then grabbed both of my hands in hers. “Let me tell you something, you are enough. I don’t know why your mother left, but it wasn’t because of you. I have never met such a strong beautiful mature young lady. She may have walked out, but she left behind something so special. You turned out to be perfect without her. Now I know this is all for show but my husband and I’s love and loyalty isn’t. You will always and forever be a part of this family. No matter what happens between you and my son. It’s not just a smart business deal with us. We made a promise to your father and we will keep it. I see you as a daughter now and I hope in the future you can see me as a mother figure. I always wanted a daughter anyway,” she spoke in a soft loving tone.

  I couldn’t even say a word. I just placed my head on her shoulder and cried. She may have been a little rough around the edges but I could see her heart. She was genuine with her words. Here I was crying about a mother that didn’t even care enough to watch me grow up. When yet I had a perfectly great example of what a mother should be in front of me. I had nothing to be sad about.

  Pulling away from her, I allowed her to wipe away my tears. “Thank you so much, Mrs. Banks.” I smiled.

  “Oh, you’re so welcome sweetie. Now chill out with all the tears. You don’t cry wearing Berta. It’s just down right disrespectful,” she joked trying to make me laugh. It actually worked. After we celebrated about me finding a dress, we got my measurements and left. We then went out to eat and then to her personal jeweler. She tried to get me to agree to a ring that looked like I was carrying a mountain on my finger. I disagreed and just got a plain wedding band. She fought with me but she eventually gave in.

  “I have to stop at the club to drop off something. Do you want to come in and see it?” she asked but I shook my head no. I was so sleepy that I just wanted to go to bed. She got out the car and I watched her go in the club. Not even five minutes later, I saw Compton’s green Ferrari pull up in the front of the club. I was about to get out and speak until I was halted by a woman getting out of his front seat. She was a light brown goddess in my opinion. I made the assumption that she was Monique.

  Rolling my window down, I decided to be nosey. “Baby I have apologized repeatedly. It was a mistake and I promise I won’t ever hurt you again. I’m still in love with you and I know you still love me. I should be the one walking down the aisle with you not that skinny bitch,” the girl rudely remarked.

  “Mo’ gone wit’ that shit. I done already told you what it is with that. If you loved me so much you shouldn’t had fucked my nigga behind my back. Now I’m off the market, so find you another nigga to be disloyal to,” he told her coldly.

  “Listen, I know I fucked up Compton, but I can’t reverse time. I was supposed to be your wife. Not her. It was supposed to be the two of us.” She tried to reach out for his hand but he pulled away.

  “Man-the two of us ended when it became three. Miss me wit’ the bullshit Mo’. It ain’t gone ever be a us. Period. Point. Blank,” he ended, walking away from her. She was left looking stupid. I felt bad when I saw her begin to cry.

  Seeing them together actually made me see why he was so cold hearted and rude. He had his heart broken by a girl he loved. That was the thing that I wasn’t looking forward to in life. Heartbreak by a lover. I’ve seen it ruin too many lives. Compton’s was one of them.



; Today was the day before my so-called wedding. Snoop had the whole bachelor party shit all set up for tonight. Usually my ass would be up for it, but today I was no good to nobody. I was out until seven this morning handling business and arguing with Monique’s ass. All I wanted to do was lay my ass in this bed and rest. Unfortunately, that was impossible due to Cali’s ass blasting some reggae music. I was two seconds from kicking her ass out.

  “AYE! TURN THAT SHIT DOWN! A NIGGA TRYIN’ TO SLEEP!” I yelled over the loud music coming from my living room. When I didn’t get a response and the music didn’t change, I through the covers off me in frustration. Jumping out of bed, I barged out of my room.

  This young bitch annoying as fuck.

  “Aye! I know damn well you heard me-,” I was saying as I walked down the hallway until I paused at the current scene. Cali was in the kitchen cooking in nothing but a tank top and some boy shorts. She had a spatula in one hand pretending to sing while dancing. The corners of my mouth curled up as I watched her do her thing. She was actually a really good dancer. Like really good. She shook her ass to the beat of the music while shaking her wild hair. Tucking my foot behind my ankle, I leaned on the wall with my arms folded enjoying the show.

  “Yuh kno yuh wa mi baby and…AHHHHH!” she screamed when she turned around to see me standing behind her. “Dammit, Compton! You almost gave me a heart attack over there looking like a creeper.” She rolled her eyes and then turned to finish cooking.

  “You would have heard me if you ain’t have this damn music up so loud. Fuck is this shit anyway?” I asked, grabbing my stereo remote and turning down the music.

  “Even if I told you, you wouldn’t know who it was so there’s no point,” she sassed, flipping all her hair to one side.

  “I like the way you was shakin’ that ass. You got some nice moves on you, Lil’ Momma,” I complimented, walking up behind her. Pressing up against her body, I made sure she felt my erection.


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