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Cuffed By A Kingpin

Page 12

by Heiress

  “What the hell is wrong with you? How dare your black ass do Cali like that? Did you know that she’s pregnant with your baby dumbass? She could have lost it due to you going green Hulk on her ass!” she snapped, punching me in the chest. Her hits didn’t hurt, but the news she gave me did.

  “She got my seed?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, Compton she has your seed. And you lucky she didn’t lose it or you would have lost your life. Had that girl crying to me and your daddy. What the hell got into you?’ she quizzed.

  I slowly took my seat feeling light headed from what she just told me. So many emotions all at once. I was angry with myself for how I let the other night escalate to what it did. I was excited about Cali being pregnant. I was relieved that the baby was okay, but then I felt bad for Cali. I fucked the dog shit out of her that night. Some would call it rape if she didn’t cum, but I just think a nigga was a little rough. It was still no excuse on how I did her.

  “Man all I saw was red when I saw those pics, Mo’ had,” I answered her questions.

  “The pictures of Black and Cali?” she quizzed, and I nodded my head. “She ain’t know that was Black dumb ass. She doesn’t even know what he looks like. She didn’t even know his name,” she informed me. Her saying that did nothing on how I felt.

  “I don’t give a fuck if she knew who that nigga was or not. Nigga’s ain’t ‘spose to be able to breathe on my bitch, let alone speak to her. She shouldn’t had be entertaining his ass,” I spat back, walking away from her. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Of course my momma was on my damn heels.

  “Ohhhh, so all of a sudden you care about who Cali talks to? Just the other day it was, we just married. We just fucking. I ain’t got no feelings for that girl. I ain’t the settle down type no more. I call bullshit,” she spat, standing in the doorway.

  “I don’t give a shit what you call, ma. I ain’t got feelings for that damn girl. But I do have to protect her ass and I can’t do that if she smiling in every nigga face. With my damn seed!”

  “Boy she ain’t even know she was pregnant so shut up.” She slapped me in my shoulder once again.

  “Ma, you got one more time to put ya’-,”

  “Your ass ain’t gone do nothing so hush. I’m only gone tell you this once and I promise I’m done with this situation. I got my grand baby so I could care less what you do now. Cali and my grand baby are my concern,” she started, pointing her finger in my face.

  “If you don’t heal that big ass hole in your heart, you gone end up alone. Ain’t nobody about to keep babying your grown ass about this little trust issue you got. Monique cheated with your best friend a year ago. Get over it and move the hell on. You got a good young woman wanting to love you and you too stuck in the past to notice it. You need to grow up and accept the part you played in all of this.”

  “The fuck? How in the hell did I have shit to do with Mo’ stepping out?” I quizzed, and my momma shot me a look as if what I had just said was stupid. “What?”

  “Boy-I just can’t with you. Maybe I dropped you on your head as a child, I don’t know. Just take your black ass over to Missy’s house and make up with that girl. Gravel and plead that you’re sorry and then get ready because you’re about to be a father. That means, Cali will forever be in your life whether you like it or not,” she said, closing the gap between us. She placed her hands on each sides of my face and kissed my forehead.

  “I love you son, but you need to get your shit together.” She flashed me a smile before playfully slapping me on the face. She walked away and I finished my morning hygiene. I didn’t have time to ponder on what she said. I need to get my ass dressed and head over to Missy’s crib. After I got out the shower, I threw on a grey Gucci sweat suit and dipped out. I tried calling Cali, but she sent a nigga straight to voicemail about five times. It was cool because I was about to pop up on that ass.


  Pulling up to Missy’s crib, I got out and went up to the door. After a few knocks, the door finally opened. A pissed off Missy answer the door with her hand resting on her hips.

  “Well look who it is. The big baby. Are you here to throw another temper tantrum?” she quizzed, sarcastically.

  “Nah, but I’m about the throw ya’ little ass if you don’t get out of my way.” I lightly shoved her so she could get out my way. “Where my lil’ momma at?” I quizzed, looking around her place.

  “She ain’t gone be your little momma in about seven months. She gone be your big momma corn bread,” she teased, chuckling.

  “Is she showing?” I quizzed. That was a dumb question.

  “Nope. She still flat. Give it a little while. She’ll get bigger. But she in the room playing with Angel. Send my baby out so y’all can talk.”

  Nodding my head to her request, I walked to the back room where it read Angel on the door. When I opened it, I spotted Cali on the floor playing with Angel. They were playing with Barbie. I admit it was kind of cute seeing her interact with Angel. I could tell she was gone make a good mother. “Ahem,” I cleared my throat getting their attention. Cali glanced up at me and she immediately rolled her eyes.

  “Uncle Compton!” Angel sang, running into my arms. I picked her little chocolate butt up and she hugged me tight. “I missed you!”

  “I missed you too my lil’ Angel. Where you been at?”

  “I been here silly,” she replied, giggling. “Do you want to play Barbie with me and Cali?” she asked.

  “Hell nah I don’t want to play with y’all. That shit gay,” I replied and she shot me the sad face. “How about I just take you to the park and to get some ice cream later. That’s cool?” I quizzed to make her feel better.

  “Yaaaay!” she excitedly yelled.

  “Good. Now let me holla at Cali. Gone in there with ya’ momma.” I told her and she said okay. She gave me another big hug and then she left out. I loved Angel like she was my own. Snoop and I smothered the shit out of her when she was first born. She was our piece of peace.

  “Compton, I don’t want to talk to you right now so you can just-,”

  “Good because ya’ ass only needs to listen,” I interrupted her, walking closer to her. “Come here.” I watched her stand up reluctantly and she stood in front of me. I held onto her thin waist and stared up at her. For some reason, she had this glow. It could have been because she was pregnant, but in my eyes, she was flawless in this moment. She was only dressed in a t shirt and some baggy pants but she still was a sight for a sore nigga’s eyes.

  “First off, I apologize for that shit the other night. I was angry when I saw the pictures and I took that shit out on you. I was fucked up for that, but you got to understand the history. It just took a nigga back to a place that was too familiar. From my heart, I’m sorry for that shit. Believe it or not, you special to a nigga and I don’t ever want to hurt you. Especially since you carrying my first born.” I pulled up her shirt and caressed her flat tummy.

  “These hoes really gone hate ya’ ass now,” I joked. Cali lowly chuckled.

  “I know right. You better make sure they don’t be trying to fight me. I may be young, but this Jamaican girl got hands.” She smiled. “So, what’s second?”


  “You said first off as if there was a second point you wanted to make. So what is it?’ she quizzed.

  I was too busy enjoying, rubbing on her stomach that I forgot about what I was trying to say. “Oh, yeah. My bad. The second thing I wanted to talk about was us. I think it’s best if we go back to just us being cool. Ya’ feelings getting involved and I ain’t tryna’ hurt you,” I told her.

  Removing my hands from her tummy, she backed away from me. I could see the hurt in her eyes and this is what I didn’t want to witness. “Compton, you can’t be serious. No matter what you think, I did not fuck Black. I didn’t even know who he was him until a few days ago,” she explained.

  “And no matter what you say, I can’t believe that shit. My trust issues go de
ep lil’ momma, and I can’t just let that shit ride. I know you good peoples and-,”

  “Well if you know that then why don’t you believe me?” she quizzed, cutting me off. “You’re my first in everything, Compton. First kiss. First time having sex. First time leaving the states. First marriage and now first baby. I’m falling in love with you, Compton,” she confessed. “I think you should give us a chance.”

  “Cali, you a damn teenager. You don’t even know what love means yet. You ain’t experience no shit so you can’t say you love a nigga. You still childish and you got some maturing to do. Hell, I got some maturing to do. “I ain’t ready for no commitment yet.”

  “Well get ready because I want you. I don’t want to raise a baby with a baby daddy,” she spat.

  “Fuck you talking about? We married.”

  “Yea, only on paper. You want us to go back to being roommates and I can’t do that. I’m attached to you now. Yea, I hated you at first but not anymore. I got to know you and I get that your hurt and you got trust issues. Let me help you get rid of them. I can prove to you that I’m trustworthy. Just tell me what I have to do,” she practically begged.

  This shit was fucked up. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten myself into this with her. I should have just gotten her pregnant and left out all the other shit. She was young and since I was her first, she was gone be all clingy and shit. That how Mo’ was when we first started dating. I hate that. “Cali, you ain’t got to do shit. We can keep doing us. We can be cool go out and you can keep bustin’ that shit wide for me but-,”

  “Excuse me? You don’t want to be with me, but you expect me to keep fucking you?” she quizzed, shifting all of her weight on one side with her hand placed on her hip.

  “Hell yeah I do. You ain’t giving my pussy to no other nigga. Especially that nigga, Black. And if you think-,”

  “I’M NOT FUCKING HIM!” she shouted, interrupting him. “And if I did, I would be well within my rights because we are not together. You don’t own me Compton and I can fuck whoever I want when I want-,” she was saying. Her words trailed off when I yanked her up and pressed her back against the wall. I made sure not to hurt her, but she had just struck a nerve.

  “Cali don’t think just because we not committed that you can run the streets like some hoe. Legally we are married and you are my wife. Every part of you belongs to me, including that pussy. Give it away if you want to and see what I do to you and that nigga. Fucking try me,” I barked at her with my nose flaring. The mere thought of another man tasting and enjoying Cali’s pussy enraged me. Call it jealousy, but I was her first and I was gone be her damn last, whether we together or not.

  “Ugh! I hate you! Get away from me,” she shouted, pushing me away from her.

  “Hate me all you want, but just know this right here,” I paused, reaching my hand into her pants and ran my digits across her moist clit. Instantly she became wet. “This pussy is mine, every fucking inch of it. I own this shit and you bet not let no nigga trespass. Understand?” I quizzed, inserting my fingers inside of her. Her tightness sucked my fingers deeper. Grabbing my wrist, she tried to push me out but that only made me go further.

  “I asked ya’ ass a question,” I whispered, with my lips pressed against her ear.

  “Mmmhm. Yes, Compton. Yasss. I understand,” she moaned now grinding against my fingers. Once I got my answer, I continued to please her until she came all over my hand. Once she came down from her high, she glared at me.

  “Let that be the last time you touch me,” she spat.

  “If that’s the case then you gone be an untouchable bitch, because if I can’t touch you, no nigga can. Now I got to go, but I want you back at the spot. You not staying here so by the time I get home you better be there,” I told her, turning my back to walk away. The fire was burning within me to dick her down, but I had other plans. It was time for me to end that nigga Black’s life.



  I was woken up by a stirring in my tummy. My mouth began to water and I could feel the liquid rising. Shooting up out of the bed like a crazy person, I ran to the bathroom like a flash. Dropping to my knees, I emptied out my entire stomach from last night and the night before. This was how my mornings were going. I woke up to me throwing up all over the place. Sometimes I didn’t even make it to the toilet. Missy hated cleaning up after me.

  “Dammit, Cali. Are you okay boo?” I heard Missy asked as her footsteps got closer to me.

  “No, I’m not okay. I’m fucking pregnant and I hate it,” I cried. Wiping my mouth, I leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily.

  “I’m sorry you’re going through this. I wish I knew how you felt but I didn’t have morning sickness with, Angel. Hell, I didn’t even know I was pregnant until I was five months,” she revealed to me. I could believe it because Missy was very petite so I’m sure she carried small.

  “Yo’, Missy, I needed to talk-,” I heard a voice scream out before entering the bathroom. “Damn, Cali you good?” Sean asked, peaking his head in the door.

  “For the second time, no! I’m not okay. This shit sucks. I wish y’all would stop-,” I was saying until I felt the urge to throw up again. Lifting up, I threw my head back into the toilet bowl and emptied out more liquid. I heard steps coming close to me and then strong hands wrapped around my hair.

  “I got you, Cali,” Sean assured me, holding my hair out the way for me. That was so sweet of him. “Missy go get me some bread and a warm towel,” he instructed her and she did what she was told.

  “Noooo, Sean. Get out. You shouldn’t see me like this,” I whined, trying to push him away while still puking. I had just woke up so my hair was all over the place. All I had on was some boy shirts and a tank top and I knew I looked a mess. Not to mention, the smell of morning breath and throw up was not an attractive fragrance.

  “Cali chill out. I got like three sisters who each got kids. I know how this shit go. Plus, my ex was pregnant before,” he mumbled that last part I think unknowingly. Missy came rushing into the bathroom with what he asked for. “Here eat this. From the smell of it, you starting to throw up that acid shit. You need something on your stomach or its gone start hurting. Go ahead and get in the shower. We gone get you right baby girl.”

  Sean helped me up to my feet and started my shower. Once he left, I stripped out my clothes and got in. The warm water felt so good on my sore body. The throwing up and the growing of my tummy. It had been a month and I was already showing a little. It was just a pudge though. Nothing extreme. I was hoping I could see the sex of the baby at my last appointment but the baby was curled up in a ball. He or she was being stubborn.

  I stayed in the shower for about forty minutes before I dried off and wrapped the towel around me. After placing my hair in a high pony tail, I swooped my edges and walked out. When I opened the door, Sean was sitting on my bed.

  “Oh, shit. My bad, Cali,” Sean apologized, standing up and turning around. He was so sweet and modest. I couldn’t believe he was related to Compton’s rude self. I giggled a little bit and walked off into the closet. I slipped on a pair blue leggings and a tank top. I put on some warm fuzzy socks and walked out the closet.

  “What is all of this?” I asked noticing the bed filled with all kinds of stuff.

  “This is what I call, the pregnant girl’s get well kit,” Sean said, cheesing. I laughed at his kind gesture. “I got heating pads, soup, and medicine for that nausea shit and all the junk food you could eat. I used to do this for my girl.” I notice a certain look of sorrow in his eyes when he mentioned his ex-girlfriend.

  “Earlier you said she was pregnant. Why haven’t I met your baby?’ I asked curious.

  With his head hung low, he took a long breath before answering me. “He died,” he finally revealed. “My ex girl had a miscarriage.”

  “Oh, my, God, Sean I’m sorry to hear that,” I gasped.

  “Na, you good Cali. It happened years ago. I just got to the p
oint where I can talk about it and not fall apart. Real niggas cry too,” he joked to lighten the mood and laughed. I could see that it still pained him but I didn’t want to keep talking about it. This topic was depressing.

  “Well, feel free to spoil my little one with all the gifts,” I cheesed. “This was really nice what you did for me, Sean. Like seriously. You’re like the best cousin ever for this.”

  “Man- this ain’t nothing, Cali. You family now and I want to make sure you good. I don’t just care about Compton. I care about you too,” he let me know. It made me feel good to have people who genuinely care about me. I was beginning to think all Compton cared about was my pussy.

  “I just want to lay in bed all day and cry. This pregnancy is starting off like the journey from hell,” I complained, crawling back into bed.

  “Well, let me get up out of here. I need to-,”

  “You can stay if you want,” I interrupted him. Not wanting him to leave. I had been cooped up in this damn house by myself, losing my damn mind. Sean and I had built up a pretty good relationship since the engagement party. He had been surprisingly sweet to me and I rather have his company than be alone another day. A bitch was bored.

  “Uhh, yea. I guess I can kick it with you for a little bit,” he agreed, kicking off his shoes and laying across the end of the bed. “You know, C flipping out about you not moving back into the crib,” Sean stated, cutting his eyes at me.

  It’s been some weeks and I was still at Missy’s house. After that argument with Compton, I figured it was best that I not live with him. For one, I would be tempted to have sex with him and that’s how he could control me. That’s how I was fulfilling my desires because his dick was that magical. I mean I was literally going through withdrawals, but I couldn’t take it there with him. Not until he admitted that he had feelings for me and he wanted to legit be with together. Because that’s what I wanted. I wanted him.


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